Chapter 27

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

The next few days went by in a blink of eyes. The couple once again succeeded to stir a commotion regarding the basket ball incident. But this time, both of them didn’t really care. It was their trademark since the beginning though. The difference was, this time, Baekhyun was the one who took the bold action. Maybe not as bold as Chanyeol had done, like kissing in the corridor or ‘proposing’ in front of the whole school, but it was quite bold considering this was Baekhyun, the student president.

Their relationship got back to normal. As normal as it could be. And Chanyeol’s best friends could finally sigh in relief because now the giant’s smile, his usual self, was back.

The three of them, Jongin, Kyungsoo, and Kris noticed it with their own eyes how a Baekhyun could change a Chanyeol drastically. Because they were sure that in the last gloomy days, Chanyeol was like surrounded by a grey shadow and black aura around him. But now, after the basket ball incident happened, and the couple ran to the changing room, and god knows what happened there, Chanyeol’s shadow was completely gone, and replaced by somewhat a bright pinkish and yellowish aura.

His glow—their glow was back.

Baekhyun himself was really grateful that Chanyeol had returned to normal state. They went through their usual routine, and Chanyeol became the clingy himself again. But Baekhyun never protested. If anything, Baekhyun treated Chanyeol more gently because the latter was still in his fragile state.

When Baekhyun said that he wanted to always be there for the younger, he meant it. After made sure that Chanyeol was ready, he helped Chanyeol as much as he could to search for other colleges. Baekhyun collected much information, either from internet or brochure. He even accompanied Chanyeol to go to the counseling teacher so they wouldn’t take a wrong step.

To say that Chanyeol had moved on from his wish to enter Chung-Ang was wrong, at least not completely. But his boyfriend had helped him a lot that Chanyeol gradually accepted the bitter truth. Baekhyun didn’t force him anything. He always repeatedly asked Chanyeol if he was okay, and Chanyeol was very thankful for that. He really wouldn’t trade Baekhyun for the world.

After the day of the basket ball miracle, yes Chanyeol called it miracle not incident; Chanyeol had apologized to his boyfriend for being such a coward for avoiding him. And just like Chanyeol said before, Baekhyun had a golden heart, so the latter only replied it with “just don’t repeat that again,” which of course Chanyeol gladly agreed by kissing Baekhyun’s cheek.

“You know that you’re the best boyfriend ever, right?”

“What?” Baekhyun looked up from a bunch of college brochures he had been reading for the whole lunch break they spent on the school’s rooftop.

Chanyeol was looking at him with his palm supporting his chin, smiling at him fondly, “I said you’re the best boyfriend ever.”

Baekhyun chuckled, “you told me that for a thousand times.”

“Because you are.”

“I know,” Baekhyun said mischievously. “Now stop with the adoring thingy, let’s focus on this.”

Chanyeol sighed because now Baekhyun was handing him a one of the brochure, signaling him to read it, “what about this?” Chanyeol asked.

“Mr.Heechul recommended me that. He said Dongguk University also has a really good music major. And after I read it, yeah, I think it’s pretty good.”

Chanyeol hummed as he skimmed through the words in the paper. He knew this university because of the reputation it had. If Chanyeol wasn’t mistaken, the rate was almost as good as Chung-Ang. “What about my grades? Are they enough?”

Baekhyun smiled, “Yes, they fit.”

“Really?” Chanyeol widened his eyes, and Baekhyun nodded excitedly. The taller male put his concentration back to the brochure, “this looks good.”

“Are you interested in that?”

Chanyeol looked up to see Baekhyun was eyeing him with his worried eyes. Chanyeol smiled. Baekhyun had been really understanding by always asking what Chanyeol was thinking about.

“I’ll consider it,” he said as he folded the paper. “I’ll look it up at the internet at home later.”

Chanyeol saw Baekhyun’s face beamed in relief as he said he will consider it. The older had been countless of time offering him some possible universities, and this was the first time the younger had agreed on this matter.

Baekhyun put his reassuring smile before he wrapped his boyfriend’s palm in his, “hey, Yeol?”

Chanyeol replied Baekhyun’s call with a stare, signalling him that he was listening.

“I’m here, okay?”

Chanyeol felt like the tug in his heart had dissapeared completely. He had moved on from Chung-Ang. All thanks to Baekhyun. As long as Baekhyun was there by his side, Chanyeol was okay. He knew that everything will be okay because he had Baekhyun.

Suddenly, he wanted to cry. He had become a crybaby during this tough periode of time. But he held back his tear, not wanting to make Baekhyun worried. Because if anything, he didn’t want to make this harder for Baekhyun.

So, Chanyeol nodded and let his lips curled into a smile before he slowly stood on his feet and pulled the smaller male along with him. He saw Baekhyun’s expression turned into a confuse one as they stood face to face.

“Byun Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun crooked one of his eyebrow. Chanyeol was almost never calling him with his full name. If yes, it was only for rare occasion. “What?”

When he was little, Chanyeol never thought that falling in love with someone would be like this. He loved his family, he loved his friends, he loved his toys, and he even loved his pets. It never occurred to him, even until he became a teenager, that there was other kind of love he never experienced before. He thought that it would be the same; same like every love he felt for his beloved ones.

Now he clearly understood why it was called ‘the one’. Because only this ‘the one’ who will receive the one and only kind of love which different from any other form of love.

And Chanyeol was glad that he had found his ‘the one’.

Because in this exact moment, Chanyeol promised himself that he would never let him go. Never let him slip out of his hand. Never let him out of his sight. Never let him sad. Never let him down. And most of all, Chanyeol would never let him hurt by anything or anyone.  Even by his own parents.

“I want you to meet my parents.”




It seemed like a really good decision at that time. But now, on a second thought, Chanyeol felt like he just took a terribly wrong step in his life.

He stared blankly at the ocean of people in front of him, not even trying to look for the familiar figure of his parents. Whatever, Chanyeol thought. He was pretty sure that his parents would be the one who found him first though. Besides, he already brought a sign written with a big words on it; “The Parks”. It should be enough. His parents would be able to see it, he thought.

His parents finally went home after almost 6 months doing some big business at the states. His parents had been going back and forth to the states for 5 years now. Once in a while, they will go back to South Korea just when they had the time. Not exactly his parents, only his father who ran the business, debuting and promoting a Korean girl or boy groups there. It wasn’t an easy job, so his mother followed her husband. As far as Chanyeol knew, the promotion in the US wasn’t too successful although they had spent a lot of time and money to make the group’s debut

Yes. Chanyeol’s father was a CEO for a really large entertainment company. Having his father in the music industry was one of the reasons Chanyeol wanted to be a musician. Chanyeol sighed, remembering that he wasn’t able to enter Chung-Ang. He hadn’t told his parents, and he could only hope that they won’t be too freaked out, especially his dad.

Chanyeol continued to drown in his thought. His focus wasn’t in the fact that he should tell his parents about his fail on entering the best music university in Seoul. He had a different motive today. He came alone to pick his parents up for a reason. He needed to sort things out.

Chanyeol insisted his sister to stay at the apartment, asking her to prepare for lunch. He also asked his sister to do something critically important, which was staying with his boyfriend.

Chanyeol was serious when he said he wanted Baekhyun to meet his parents. He wanted a serious relationship with him, not just a merely short high school relationship. Chanyeol was sure that he wanted a future with Baekhyun.

So, he thought that why didn’t he introduce him to his parents. It was bound to happen anyway if Chanyeol did want to marry him. He seriously didn’t know how his parents will react. This was the first time Chanyeol was having a boyfriend after all. But, if he looked into his track record in the past, his parents, or should he say his dad, was never too keen on the fact his son dating anybody. His dad had a very high standard.

Looking at the past when his father always interrogated his girlfriends at the first meeting, Chanyeol assigned his boyfriend to stay at the apartment, and he asked his sister to put some information about his parents into his boyfriend.

Not that Chanyeol had any doubt that Baekhyun would fail. Baekhyun was basically a social butterfly by nature, and he could steal anyone’s heart. Chanyeol was sure that Baekhyun will do so much better than his previous girlfriends. The thing that Chanyeol was worried was just his father. He was just too...uptight.

Chanyeol was pulled out from his train of thought when he heard a commotion in front of him. A lot of journalists had come to see his father, Park Jinyoung, wanting to know the progress of his project.

Chanyeol sighed as he put the sign down, knowing that his parents now would be preoccupied with the press first. He took a look at his watch carefully before he decided to text Baekhyun.

To: Byun Baekkie

Hey Baek, how’s there?

It didn’t even take one minute for Baekhyun to reply his message.

From: Byun Baekkie

Fine J we haven’t burned down your apartment yet

Chanyeol chuckled softly, oblivious to his surrounding, especially the fact that his parents was already walked out.

To: Byun Baekkie

Great, I’m relieved. And how are you? Has noona told you everything?

Just as he clicked the send button, Chanyeol heard the shutters sound of the camera. He looked up from his phone and realized that there they were, his parents, surrounded by the media and the blinding flash.

His phone vibrated again.

From: Byun Baekkie

I’m okay, Yeol. Yura noona told me enough. And I’m kinda nervous right now. Have they arrived yet?

Baekhyun must be pretty nervous, Chanyeol thought. He knew the feeling from when he first met Baekhyun’s mother.

To: Byun Baekkie

No need to be nervous. They’ll love you. Yes, they’ve arrived, but still dealing with the media.

Chanyeol stole a glance to the direction where his parents stood. He could see his father was currently talking, answering the press question one by one.

From: Byun Baekkie

Can I just go home? I feel like I’m going to puke.

Chanyeol smiled softly. He could imagine Baekhyun was pouting and puffing his cheeks right now, his habit when he was nervous.

To: Byun Baekkie

No, you can’t. They’re done, we’ll be home in half an hour. See you soon, okay?

Chanyeol saw his parents started to walk away from the group of press. He sighed restlessly as he put up his sign again, so his parents could see it. A second after that, he felt his phone vibrated again. He pulled out his phone again, opened the text, and snickered right after he saw the short message from his boyfriend.

From: Byun Baekkie

Oh God


The said boy shot his head as he heard his name was called by the familiar woman voice. He beamed at the sight of her mother walked fast toward him.

Chanyeol put his sign down as he approached the two of his parents. “Mom,” he said when his mother was already standing in front of him. He pulled his mother into a tight hug, “I miss you.”

“Aw my baby boy is missing me,” Chanyeol’s mother rubbed his back slowly before she broke the hug. “I miss you too, baby.”

Chanyeol pouted, “Mom, when will you stop calling me baby? I’m 18.”

“Oh come on. You’re still gonna be my baby even until you get your own baby.”

Chanyeol was silent for a mere second before he nervously laughed. “Yeah.”

Chanyeol’s mother seemed genuinely happy to see her son until she remembered her husband wasn’t beside her. She turned around to see the sight of Chanyeol’s father only stood a couple meter from them

For a moment, Chanyeol forgot that his father was also there. He was relaxed for a minute there because his mother’s hug, but seeing his father again, his nervousness started to creep back.

“What are you doing there, honey? Come here,” Chanyeol’s mother pulled his husband to join them.

Chanyeol awkwardly smiled as he approached his dad to give him a simple hug, “welcome back, dad.”

His father hummed, “thank you. How is your study?”

Chanyeol felt a kind of sting in his heart when he heard the question threw for him. Of course his father would ask about his study first rather than asking him about his well-being. “It’s...fine.”

His father nodded when Chanyeol’s mother excitedly linked her arms around her son’s, “let’s just talk at home, okay?”

“Actually, mom, dad, I’m gonna take you to my apartment first. Yura noona and I prepare lunch,” Chanyeol said as he began to walk with his mother, leaving his father walked behind them.

Chanyeol was always closer to his mother. His relationship with his mom was truly like mother and son while his relationship with his father was like a client and advisor.

“Really? Oh, it’s gonna be great. Honey, Channie and Yura prepare a lunch for us,” her mother told his husband as she pulled his husband to walk beside her.

The three of them walk together, linking arms. People would think that they were some kind of a happy family. They were actually, except for the fact that he had an impossibly assertive dad.

“So, where’s Yura? Why isn’t she come with you to pick us up?” Chanyeol’s mother asked.

Chanyeol tensed, not answering immediately, because he didn’t know how to answer it. Really, his plan was just bringing his parents home, and they will meet Baekhyun there. He hadn’t have the plan to tell about him right here.

“Uhm, she’s at the apartment, preparing lunch,” Chanyeol answered as they exited the airport, heading to the parking lot where Chanyeol parked his car.

“I don’t know that she can cook,” this time, his father was the one who spoke.

Chanyeol pushed the urge to roll his eyes. Because of course his father didn’t know. He never really paid attention to his kids. Yura might be not the best on cooking, but she had been doing that for Chanyeol for 5 years already.

“She cooks by herself? She should just order or we can eat at a restaurant,” his mother responded.

“She’s not alone,” Chanyeol said without thinking twice. He gaped for a while because of how stupid he was. How could he just slip like that?

“What do you mean?” his father asked.

Chanyeol remained silent, and busied himself by searching for his car key. They already arrived in front of his car, and Chanyeol silently hoped the subject would be dropped as they tried to put their entire luggage in the trunk.

But Chanyeol was wrong if he thought his parents, especially his dad, would slip something like that easily. At the car, the topic wasn’t brought up anymore, and Chanyeol thought that he was safe. But when they arrived at Chanyeol’s apartment building, and they started to walk to the elevator, his dad threw him a question.

“So, would it be only the four of us, or we’re having a guest?”

Chanyeol gulped as the door of the elevator opened. They got inside before Chanyeol finally answered, “someone is helping noona to prepare the lunch.”

“Who? Jongin?” his mother asked him.

Chanyeol closed his eyes, “no. Baekhyun.”

“Who’s Baekhyun?” although his mother always went abroad with his father, the lady knew all of his son’s and daughter’s friends. “I think I never heard about him.”

“You haven’t,” Chanyeol noted. “I only met him 5 months ago.”

“Is he your friend?” his mother threw another question.

“No,” Chanyeol said as he looked up at the monitor above the door which showed the numbers of floor they were in now. 5 more floors before his floor.

“Oh, so he’s Yura’s friend?”

Chanyeol took a deep breath before he finally took the courage to look at both of his parents, “No. Baekhyun is my boyfriend.”

The elevator dinged. They had arrived.








Yes, Chanyeol's dad is JYP (lol what am i doing)

and I started a new baekyeol fic. it's fireman!au. I really appreciate it if you guys take a look on it :3 and probably subscribe? kkkkk

911, Love Emergency

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!