Chapter 13

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

 “Are you going to burn a hole on Baekhyun or what?”

Chanyeol snapped his head to Kyungsoo who sat beside him, “what?”

“You’ve been staring at him for the whole five minutes, dude,” Kris spilled the truth as he put one piece of kimbab to his mouth.

“Just go to him, Chanyeol. He’s only 1 table away from us,” Kyungsoo said.

“It’s not that—“

“Chanyeol hyung is just sad because Baekhyun hyung chose to sit with his friends rather than with us,” now Jongin joined.

Chanyeol shook his head, “no, I’m not. Baekhyun’s allowed to hang out with his friends, not always with me.”

“But you’re sad,” Kris said plainly.

“Am not, Wufan.”

“What’s with your sullen face, then?” Kyungsoo put down his chopstick.

Chanyeol looked at his trio best friends who stared at him intently. Then his eyes moved to Baekhyun who sat with his classmates, including Jongdae, not too far from him. After the battle in his mind, Chanyeol sighed and decided to tell his friends.

“Today’s my first month anniversary with Baek,” Chanyeol said, more like a whisper since he spoke in a very low voice.

“Sorry, what?”

“What did you say, hyung?”

“Dude, I can’t hear you.”

Chanyeol closed his eyes in embarrassment and exhaled a heavy breath, “I said I’ve been dating Baekhyun for a month now. Today is the exact day I asked him to date me one month ago.”

Chanyeol was waiting for any of them to laughing at him, but he heard nothing. So he opened his eyes slowly and found his friends were just looking at him normally. They even looked like they were thinking.

“Hmm, guys?” Chanyeol called them.

“So what have you prepared for him?”

Chanyeol blinked rapidly, looking slightly confused by Kyungsoo’s question, “Should I really prepare something?”

“Well, I thought you’re confused because you don’t know what to get him,” Kyungsoo shrugged. “What are you gonna do?”

“I don’t know if it’s necessary to celebrate it, since... you know, both of us are dudes. This is the first time for me having a boyfriend, so I’m pretty confuse.”

“So what?” Jongin put his arm around his boyfriend, “Kyungsoo and I celebrate every ing months. And my brother, Jonghyun, and his boyfriend, Key, do too.”

“I’m scared Baekhyun would think it’s ridiculous,” Chanyeol stated.

Kris snorted, “Dude, he’s dating you. What things more ridiculous than that?” Kyungsoo gave him a glare. “He likes you. Besides, he stays with you for a month already, that’s something.”

“Ah hyung!” Jongin clapped his hands, as if he just found a great idea. “You could kiss you know. I think it would be sweet if you guys’ first kiss is in your first month anniversary.”

“Right! That’s a good idea!” Kyungsoo nodded.

Chanyeol gulped and stayed quiet.


Chanyeol stayed quiet and looked anywhere but his friends. But Jongin was sharp. He knew Chanyeol too well even from just his expression.

“No way! You already kissed! Holy ! HALLELUJAH!” Jongin stood up and pulled Chanyeol up and hugged him tight while jumping up and down.

Chanyeol was almost choked but then he saw Baekhyun was looking at him, wearing his what-the-hell expression. Seriously, can Jongin stop embarrassing him in front of his boyfriend.

The taller boy tried to shoved his friend but hyper Jongin was never easy to deal with, “Yah Jongin, you’re killing me.” Looking at Jongin who didn’t even loosen the grip on Chanyeol, the latter hopelessly looked at Kyungsoo, searching for help, “Kyungsoo...”

“Okay Jongin, that’s enough,” Kyungsoo pulled Jongin’s uniform and finally Chanyeol was free from the hug.

“You’re making Chanyeol embarrassed in front of his boyfriend in their first month anniversary. Good job, Kim Jongin,” Kris grinned as he drank his milk.

Chanyeol massaged his own neck, “ you all. Except you Kyungsoo. I owe you.”

“You owe me many things, Chanyeol. And now I’m telling you, Baekhyun’s walking here,” Kyungsoo pointed at Baekhyun who was walking toward Chanyeol.

Chanyeol turned around and saw Baekhyun was approaching him with a somehow dark expression on his face. Or maybe Chanyeol was just imagining things.

“Go kiss him, hyung,” Jongin blurted.

“I’m gonna kill you later,” Chanyeol told Jongin and the latter ended up laughing his off.

Chanyeol bit his lips and let out a nervous grin as he also walked toward Baekhyun and both of them met at the center.

“Baek, hi—“

“What’s with you and Jongin always hugging in cafeteria?” Baekhyun snapped.

Chanyeol stopped and blinked once, “what?”

“Or do you guys always hug anywhere?”

“Baekhyun, Jongin is my brother.”

“No, he’s not.”

“Are you jealous?”

“Answer my question Chanyeol.”

“Baek, Jongin is Kyungsoo’s.”

Baekhyun turned silent and Chanyeol was still in his confuse state. Baekhyun and him were rarely got into an argument. To say Baekhyun was pissed over something simple, or maybe not so simple since Baekhyun was angry, was weird in Chanyeol’s opinion.

“Baek, what’s wrong?”

“You haven’t answer my question,” Baekhyun folded his arm on his chest.

Chanyeol sighed, “I’m sorry,” Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s shoulder and hauled him to the nearest empty table, “Jongin was the one who hugging me. I won’t let him hug me again in the future if you don’t like it.”

“Of course I don’t like it when my boyfriend was hugged by someone else other than me, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said as he slumped onto his seat.

Chanyeol eyed his boyfriend for a while before he finally proceed what was wrong with Baekhyun, “what happened?”

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, surprised by the question which came out of nowhere. But Chanyeol always had that special ability to detect what was wrong with Baekhyun. After deeply sighed and calmed himself down, Baekhyun spoke, “I had a bad day.”

As expected, Baekhyun was having mood swing or else he won’t be butthurt over something simple like that, although Chanyeol was quite happy that Baekhyun was jealous, but now it wasn’t the time. “Tell me, what happened Baek?”

And just like that, Baekhyun told him all his problem, “there’s this new kid, a girl. And the principle asked me to show her the school around. She’s really annoying to the bones. She kept clinging and jumping at me and saying that I look like a girl. She even asked me if I were a girl. Can you imagine how disrespectful that is? And mind you, she’s just a freshman. What the hell, she just came one month after the new semester started. She’s lucky I didn’t flushed her down a toilet.”

In the meantime, Chanyeol could only listen to him, just like the old times when Baekhyun was taking over the school festival business.

“You should keep your distance with her, Yeol,” Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol nodded calmly, “of course. What does she look like?”

“She’s short. And pretty cute. I don’t know, I don’t care about her. Speaking of,” Baekhyun shifted his seat and faced Chanyeol. His expression quickly changed, “today’s our first monthversary, isn’t it?”

Chanyeol would never understand Baekhyun’s extreme mood swing.

Baekhyun was grinning ear to ear as he put his hand into his pocket to take something out, “here’s for you,” he said after he put something on Chanyeol’s hand.

Chanyeol, still taken aback by Baekhyun’s sudden change of mood, was looking at the tiny object on his hand, “what’s this?”

“It’s phone strap, dumbyeol,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Chanyeol looked up, “I know this is phone strap. I mean, why are you giving me this?”

“My gift for you,” Baekhyun shoved out his own phone from his pocket, “I realize we haven’t had any matching thing, so yeah.”

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun’s phone and it did have the same phone strap that Chanyeol was holding right now. It was some kind of metal phone straps, designed like a bird was clutching onto sun symbol. Chanyeol was speechless because earlier he was all confused about this anniversary thingies but his boyfriend seemed fast in taking action and not thinking too much like Chanyeol did.

“You don’t like it,” Baekhyun sighed. He was about to take the phone strap on Chanyeol’s hand but Chanyeol quickly snapped his hand away.

“No, I like it Baek,” Chanyeol bit his lips, “but I don’t have anything for you.”

Baekhyun slowly smiled, “I know. You’re too dumb to even remember today is our first month anniversary.”

“I remember,” Chanyeol pouted, “it’s just that I thought you wouldn’t like to celebrate it.”

“I don’t celebrate it. I wanted to give you something and today seemed a good chance. Besides, it’s so gay if we celebrate it.”

“Baek, we are gay,”

“Right,” Baekhyun laughed, “anyway, next time, you shouldn’t think too much. Just do what you want to do.”

Chanyeol smiled widely. He was so lucky to have an understanding boyfriend like Baekhyun. “I will give you my present later, okay?” Baekhyun looked surprised and confused so Chanyeol immediately continued, “I’ll make it. I’ll give you after school.”

Baekhyun nodded while trying to suppress his laugh because the thought of Chanyeol made him a present was ridiculous and impossible. “I can’t wait.”

Chanyeol was about to hold Baekhyun’s hand when he heard a rather familiar annoying voice called out his name from afar.


Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun, and practically the whole cafetaria, turned their heads to the source of voice.

Chanyeol widened his eyes in disbelief as he finally had the clear look on who called him was. It was... “Namjoo?”

The so called Namjoo girl ran on her feet toward Chanyeol and the latter abruptly stood up, wanting to run away but he was too slow, and at the time like this Chanyeol hated himself for being slow at moving.

Before Chanyeol knew, he could feel tiny arms were wrapping around his neck and that Namjoo girl was kissing his cheeck. “Oppa, I miss you,” she squealed.

Chanyeol’s jaws dropped and his eyes looked like wanted to pop out.

“What the .”

It wasn’t Chanyeol who said that. It was Baekhyun who had witnessed all of that with his own eyes. And seriously, Chanyeol thought he saw black shadow around his boyfriend.






I'm always bad at shifting the topic and make it smooth so this chapter was pretty hard for me since I'm moving to a new conflict on their relationship *sigh*

but NAMJOO'S HERE! the slight drama is coming to town baby

(because love triangle is the basic for every story kkkk) (it won't be long though)

and hey I'm having a oneshot christmas chanbaek lol hope you guys check it out

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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!