Chapter 12

The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband

Chanyeol’s neck was tired from the stretching he had done for almost half an hour in order to looking for a familiar small figure. The festival already took place for almost four hours but Chanyeol never did once see his boyfriend. And honest to say, it frustrated him.

Chanyeol needed to know if Baekhyun already ate lunch or not, or even took some rest. The smaller boy was still not in good condition, but of course he insisted to still work his off. Meanwhile, Chanyeol had only become the butler of his class’ cafe and his shift was over so he could find Baekhyun.

Despite of his boyfriend’s short height, Chanyeol pretty sure that it should be easy to find him because of his magenta hair. But it turned out really hard since the school festival was really packed with people.


Chanyeol turned his head around upon hearing a loud women’s voice calling for his name. He found his own sister, Yura, waved at him frantically as she ran toward him.


Yura wrapped her hand around his brother and hugged him tight, “Chanyeol-ah, I miss you.”

“What the— Noona, stop it, you’re embarrassing me,” he said as he pushed Yura slowly. “We saw each other this morning. And why are you here?”

Now some people were watching both of them. No wonder, his sister was national TV news anchor, so she must be quite popular.

“Why? Can’t I visit my brother’s school big event? I want to support you, and Baekkie.”

“Don’t call him that,” Chanyeol was the only one who could call him that. He won’t et anyone, even his own sister, to call Baekhyun by that. “And please be honest here, you don’t come here for supporting us, that’s for sure.”

Yura rolled her eyes and sighed, “fine, you’re right. I come here to see Baekkie—I mean Baekhyun. Where is he?”

“Why do you want to meet him? Besides, Baekhyun is busy—“


Chanyeol turned around and saw Baekhyun behind him, carrying some posters in his hands, “Baek, God finally, I find you.”

“What’s wrong? I heard someone said my name and when I turned around it was you,” Baekhyun stepped closer to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol creased his eyebrows when he got the clear view of Baekhyun’s face. He was rather pale and his hair was sticking on his forehead because of the sweat. “I’ve been looking for you. Have you eat your lunch?”

“I have,” Baekhyun answered with a smile, despite of the fact he was tired, “uhm Yeol, who is she?” Baekhyun pointed at Yura who jumped excitedly behind Chanyeol.

Yura approached Baekhyun without Chanyeol permission and she was literally jumping now, “You’re Baekhyun, right?” Baekhyun nodded, a little bit terrified. “Oh my God, finally I meet you. I’m Park Yura, Chanyeol’s sister.”

Chanyeol sighed and did face palm.

“Yah Chanyeol, hurry up, introduce me to him,” Yura yelled but her face turned bright again when she faced Baekhyun.

“Noona, this is Baekhyun. Baekhyun, this is my noona, Park Yura,” Chanyeol finally did it.

Baekhyun smiled again, “oh, so that’s why you both are look alike. Hello, noona. I’m Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun,” he bowed a little. “Sorry my hands are full.”

“No, no, it’s okay. You’re busy, I can see,” Yura patted Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“You want me to help you carry that?” Chanyeol asked, worried of Baekhyun’s condition.

“Yes, please. My hands hurt,” Baekhyun gave the posters to him.

“Aaaww, you both are so cute,” Yura clasped her hand together and brought it to her cheeks.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes as he took the posters from Baekhyun, “noona, please stop.”

“Fine, I know you both are busy. I’ll just look around by myself, then.”

“Is it okay, noona?” Baekhyun looked guilty. “I’m sorry I steal Chanyeol away from you.”

“Nah, I don’t care about him. I came here for you, Baekhyun,” she giggled, leaving Baekhyun confused. “You can steal him for the rest of your life. He’s your future husband anyway.”

“Aaaaand that’s it. Let’s go, Baek,” Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun’s back and left Yura behind them.

“Can’t wait to see you again Baekhyun. Bye!” Yura yelled.

Baekhyun turned around and waved to Yura a little before he finally faced Chanyeol, “you told your sister?” Baekhyun asked as they walked.

“You also told your mother,” Chanyeol stated, smirking.


Seriously though. Why everyone loved to call out his name today.

Chanyeol, as well as Baekhyun, turned around and saw Jongin was running toward them.

“What’s up, kiddo?” Chanyeol lazily asked. He didn’t like it when people interupted his time when Baekhyun. He needed to treasure this since Baekhyun was busy, and he was sure Baekhyun would leave him again for work.

“You won’t believe this hyung,” Jongin said in between his breath. “Baekhyun hyung, hi!”

Baekhyun returned the waved with a smile. His body slightly leaned toward Chanyeol because he felt tired.

The taller boy realized it so he put his free hand around his boyfriend shoulder, “believe what? Jongin, this is not really the right time—“

“The fortune-teller is here!” Jongin yelled. “She’s here, for ’s sake hyung.”

Chanyeol’s jaws dropped, “what? Th—that fortune-teller?”

“Yes! That fortune-teller. How many fortune-teller we know.” Jongin looked not patient on his feet.

“What are you guys talking about?”

For a moment, Chanyeol completely forgot that Baekhyun was there. Heck, the fortune-teller was at the festival, too. What was this? Some kind of deja vu?

“Do you mean the fortune-teller who tell you about me being your future husband?” Baekhyun asked to Jongin and Chanyeol.

Jongin nodded frantically, “yes, that one hyung.”

“I wanna see her,” Baekhyun exclaimed as he let go of Chanyeol’s grip on his shoulder.

Slightly taken aback, Chanyeol stuttered, “wh—what? You want to meet her? No, Baek, don’t.”

Baekhyung raised his eyebrows, “why? I want to meet our cupid, Yeol. Come on, Jongin.”

Jongin reached Baekhyun’s shoulder and both of them walked away from Chanyeol who was dumbfounded. The latter quickly followed the duo in front of him.

Chanyeol caught Jongin said something like ‘the 2-4 class hired the fortune teller’. Chanyeol was thinking so he didn’t clearly hear what Jongin said. To be honest, he was afraid. He scared to meet that old woman again because he knew how divination can change through time. What if this time that old woman said that her crystal ball had changed and said Baekhyun wasn’t his future husband anymore. He wouldn’t really care about it though, since he liked Baekhyun not because of the prophecy, but because he actually liked Baekhyun from the first time he lied his eyes on him. But, still, he felt uneasy.


Chanyeol was too preoccupied by his thoughts that he didn’t realize they had arrived in front of the 2-4 class, in front of the fortune-teller to be exact. It was really the same fortune-teller. Jonging wasn’t lying.

The three of them stood in front of the old woman and Jongin was the one who bowed first, “good afternoon, Ma’am. Good to see you again. Do you remember me? I’m Jongin.”

The fortune-teller stayed still, even her expression didn’t change. Jongin started to feel uneasy when her lips slowly curved into a smile. “Of course I remember. You, Jongin, and Chanyeol...” she looked at Chanyeol, “met me three weeks ago,” she stated.

Jongin was hyper when Chanyeol was frozen. The younger one fidgeted in his seat and pointed at Chanyeol, “you remember tell him about his future husband? You know what Ma’am? He’s—“

“Yah, Kim Jongin!” Chanyeol yelled at him.

“I remember it clearly, my dear,” she answered and turned his stare to Baekhyun who was standing beside Jongin, “and I could see that they’re already dating.”

The said couple’s eyes were widened in surprised, especially Baekhyun, who had his first encounter with the fortune-teller. So it was true, he thought.

“Wow, as expected, you already know,” Jongin awed. He stood up and pulled Baekhyun to sit instead, “hyung, you need to try,” he said to Baekhyun.

“Wait, wait,” Chanyeol approached them. “Baek, let’s leave.”

“It’s okay, I wanna try,” Baekhyun bowed in his sit, “greetings Ma’am, I’m Byun Baekhyun.”

“Try what, Baek? Come on, let’s go,” Chanyeol nagged as he tugged on Baekhyun’s jacket.

“What do you want to know, my dear?” the fortune-teller finally asked.

“I want to know who’s my future husband,”

Chanyeol’s mouth gaped in disbelief, “what? Baekhyun, you’re my future husband.”

“Just because I’m your future husband, doesn’t mean you’re my future husband, Yeollie.”

“What the hell, Baek,” now Chanyeol was panic.

Baekhyun laughed gleefully at his boyfriend reaction, “I’m kidding, Yeol. Geez,” he rubbed Chanyeol’s hand before he turned back at the the fortune-teller, “I’m willing to know anything you have. About our relationship is also fine.”

“You sure, dear?” the old woman made sure. Baekhyun nodded convincingly, so she put her hands above her crystal ball.

And once again, Chanyeol and Jongin witnessed the magical thing happened. The crystal ball was filled with the fog while the fortune-teller took a close look on it. Meanwhile, Baekhyun looked surprised and mesmerized by it.

Chanyeol could see that the old woman was raising her eyebrows before finally the fog vanished. She raised her head and looked at Baekhyun with serious eyes, “There will be something rather bad, or might be good, happen in the future, but don’t worry. There aren’t any problem that people couldn’t handle.”

Baekhyun blinked, “what do you mean something bad? Could you narrow it down?”

The fortune-teller shook her head, “it might be turned bad or good, depends on how you handle it.”

“Stop it,” Chanyeol stepped forward, “you’re making him afraid. Baekkie, let’s go.”

“Chanyeol,” she stopped him, “I also see you—“

“I don’t care about myself,” Chanyeol snapped but then he regreted it right after. “I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude. Now, if you could excuse us,” Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and dragged him out of that class, with Jongin followed them behind.

When they reached the corridor, Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun, “are you okay?”

“Hyung, I’m sorry for pushing you back there,” Jongin said also.

“Hey, I’m okay. It’s nothing, really,” Baekhyun shrugged and gave both the taller boys smile.

Chanyeol sighed and eyed Jongin, hoping that he got the sign that he wanted him to leave them. Which he did. Jongin waved to the couple before he took his leave. Chanyeol focused at his boyfried again, “Baek, you don’t have to trust her.”

“If I didn’t trust her words just now, it means that I also don’t trust you as my future husband, right?” Baekhyun stated. When he saw Chanyeol’s eyes softened, he continued, “besides, she didn’t actually say it would be bad, it could turn out good. I believe that.”

“I won’t let something bad happen to you. If it did happen, I’ll protect you, Baek.”

Baekhyun felt his heart become warm because Chanyeol’s reassuring words. “I know, Chanyeol. You don’t have to tell me that.”

Chanyeol was glad that Baekhyun wasn’t too effected by the divination. He did have a bad feelings about it when Jongin mentioned about it since the beginning. Turned out, it wasn’t about the future husband thingies. But, this probably worse. He didn’t want Baekhyun to feel bad in any way. Never.

“Good thing you still hold onto my posters,” Baekhyun chuckled.

Chanyeol looked down, and yes, he still had the posters, thankfully. “Yeah, your future husband is not that dumb, Baek,” he laughed. “so, where I should bring this?”

Baekhyun smiled as he tugged Chanyeol’s shirt, “follow me.”

Chanyeol did exactly what Baekhyun said. They walked side by side, and suddenly Chanyeol remembered what Baekhyun had said earlier, “hey, what’s with you saying that I might be not your future husband?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “I said I’m kidding, Yeol.”

Chanyeol pouted cutely, “I don’t like it when you joke around about that.”

Once again, Baekhyun rolled his eyes but he smiled in the end because Chanyeol was still pouting, “I won’t do that again. I promise.”

Then Chanyeol smiled, too.



Chanyeol could clearly hear the loud voice of the MC through the speaker right from the backstage. He also could hear the cheer from the audiences which already filled up the auditorium and turned it into a some kind of concert venue.

The other performers had performed before and it was finally his, their turn, to come up on stage. Chanyeol silently tapped his fingers on his guitar nervously. He only got 4 minutes left before the MC called them. But Baekhyun was still at the restroom, changing his clothes into a proper ones for performing. Chanyeol himself already changed into dark blue plaid and light brown coat, with a red scarf wrapping his neck.

Just as Chanyeol almost  got up to get his boyfriend, the latter came out from behind the backstage door and Chanyeol let out a sigh of relief. Baekhyun walked toward him as he was fixing his black blazer on top of his red sweater. And Chanyeol thought Baekhyun looked really awesome. Both cute and cool.

“Sorry I took so long,” Baekhyun said when he finally took a seat beside the taller boy.

Chanyeol scanned Baekhyun’s face, “did you put eyeliner?”

Baekhyun seemed a bit startled by Chanyeol’s noticing. He shrugged before he answered, “a little. My eyes are swollen from the lack of sleep, so I thought eyeliner could help.”

“You look great with that, Baek.”

Baekhyun smiled and just then he realized how much he missed being around Chanyeol. He did meet him before this but it was brief and he was in a hurry that he didn’t even have the time to take a closer look on Chanyeol.

“What?” Chanyeol asked, a little nervous by Baekhyun’s studying his face. “Is there something on my face?” he rubbed his hand on his face.

Baekhyun laughed, “no, it’s just—“

Baekhyun’s words were cut off by the loud cheers of the audience, then Baekhyun just remembered that he was going to perform. Weird. Because he was completely forgot about the performance for a minute there when he was talking to Chanyeol.

“Are you nervous?”

Baekhyun snapped his head to Chanyeol when he heard his deep voice. He could see that Chanyeol was worried and he eyed Baekhyun with deep intense stare. “Strangely, no. No at all,” Baekhyun answered with a smile. He tore his gaze from Chanyeol and looked upfront, “I’m both glad and sad this festival finally come to an end.”

Chanyeol put his his hand around Baekhyun’s shoulder and rubbed it slowly, “you’ve done great, Baekkie. I’m sure everyone agreed with me.”

“Did I?” he turned his head to Chanyeol again, “I still feel like I should have done better than this,Yeol.”

Chanyeol shook his head, “stop degrading yourself, Baek. I bet if anyone was given this job, they wouldn’t be able to make this happened.”

Baekhyun bit his lower lips. It always left him wondered how Chanyeol always had the ability to calm him down and made his heart flutter in the same time.

“Don’t think about any of those problem, and just enjoy our performance, okay?” Chanyeol ruffled Baekhyun’s magenta locks. And the latter replied it with a simple nod and a dazzling smile.

“and the last performance for the night, which all of you have waited,...Chanyeol and Baekhyun!” the MC called out for Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

Botf of them immediately stood up from their seats. Chanyeol took his guitar with his left hand and took Baekhyun’s hand with his right hand. Then he led Baekhyun to the entrance of the stage.

When they arrived at the entrance, they stopped and Baekhyun exhaled the sudden nervous breath before Chanyeol finally held his shoulder gently, “wait here, Baek,” he said.

Baekhyun widened his eyes, “what? What do you mean?”

Chanyeol just smiled, “wait here for a moment, I’ll call you out later.”

“Wait, what? Chanyeol, wait!” Baekhyun tried to stop Chanyeol but his boyfriend already walked to the stage.

Chanyeol stepped onto the stage and immediately the bright light was showering him. He could hear the loud cheers from his friends and juniors as he approached the stools prepared for him and Baekhyun at the center of the stage. He released his wide grin when he finally stood in front of the standing mic and he sat at one of the stools.

He scanned the audiences and he immediately spotted his best friends and his older sister stood excitedly at the front line. He smiled to the crowd and cleared his throat.

“Good evening everyone,” he greeted and the crowd turned silent. “First of all, don’t worry, Baekhyun is waiting in the backstage. I’m just gonna say some words before I call him in, is it okay?”

The crowd said yes in unison, and Chanyeol smiled. Meanwhile, Baekhyun at the backstage could only frown by his boyfriend sudden speech. Why he didn’t discuss this with him first?

“I want to congratulate all of us to the success of this festival,” Chanyeol continued. “Who knows that we could do it just in two weeks? Because of that, I want to thank the very person who had encouraged all of us to take the risk. Without him and his great effort, we wouldn’t stand here right now.”

Chanyeol turned his head to the entrance of the stage and found Baekhyun stood there with his eyes glittering with tears.

He turned his head to the audience again and continued, “and I’m honored to have the chance to do a duet with him tonight. Also, I’m proud to say that this person is my boyfriend, so,”

Chanyeol stopped and smiled when he heard the laughs and whistles from the crowd. He turned his head to Baekhyun who had the am-gonna-kill-you-Chanyeol expression, and Chanyeol could only laugh.

“The said person seemed already pissed off because of my blabbering, so let’s call him out. And please cheer loud for him, okay guys? Baekhyun, come on out!”

Baekhyun bit his lips to avoid the big grin he was going to have because of the loud cheers he received from his fellow school mates. Chanyeol was waving at him with his free hand and asking him to hurry up to go on stage. So Baekhyun did. He stepped out from the backstage and held his breath as now he could see the big crowd in front of him.

The president absent-mindedly walked toward Chanyeol in the centre of the stage. When he reached his stools beside Chanyeol, the latter grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and leaned toward him, “don’t cry,” he whispered.

Baekhyun returned it with a weak punch on Chanyeol’s chest, “I’m not crying.”

Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol was just teasing him so he wouldn’t be nervous. Though he did feel a little bit overwhelmed by the sudden emotional feeling but he could maintain it.

Chanyeol chuckled at him before he turned to his mic again, “ladies and gentlemen, Byun Baekhyun, our president,” he introduced him.

The said boy was adjusting his seats as he also moved closer to the mic, “ladies and gentlemen, Park Chanyeol, uhm, my dumb boyfriend.”

Baekhyun’s statement received a big laugh from Chanyeol as well as the crowd in front of him. He waited until the hall went silent before he continued, “so, uhm, Chanyeol and I only prepared this performance for a week. And since I’m currently in bad condition, also my voice is kinda hoarse—“

“His voice is still incredible, guys,” Chanyeol cut him off, and received a death glare from his boyfriend.

“I really hope that this will turn out well. Please enjoy the performance,” Baekhyun stopped for awhile and gulped before he spoke again, “and I love you all, thank you for these two weeks.”

The crowd gave Baekhyun applause, and suddenly the adrenaline rushed into him. He smiled dazzlingly to Chanyeol beside him, and the latter was taking it as the cue for him to start playing the guitar.

Chanyeol strummed the first note of the song before the crowd finally cheered and screamed for them. Then, Chanyeol closed his eyes as he knew Baekhyun’s voice was going to came.

If tommorow’s judgement day

And I’m standing on the front line

And the lord ask me what I did with my life

I will say I spent it with you

Chanyeol smiled and opened his eyes. He turned his head to face Baekhyun, and seriously, he thought Baekhyun was glowing.

If I wake up in world war III

I see destruction and poverty

And I feel like I want to go home

It’s okay, if you’re coming with me

Chanyeol had witnessed Baekhyun sang this song countless time when they were practicing. But he thought this was the best of Baekhyun albeit his voice was a little hoarse.

If I lose my fame and fortune

And I’m homeless on the street

And I’m sleeping in the grand central station

It’s okay, if you’re sleeping with me

Chanyeol looked at the crowd in front of him. The only voice went through across the auditorium was only Chanyeol’s guitar and Baekhyun’s voice now. And the crowd was swinging according to the melody.

As the years they pass us by

We stay young through each other’s eyes

And no matter how old we get

It’s okay, as long as I got you babe

Chanyeol honestly didn’t know how he could still play the guitar all along because clearly he was strucked by Baekhyun’s voice. And it was also not helping when he turned his head to face Baekhyun again, Baekhyun was...

If I should die this very day

Don’t cry, cause on earth we wasn’t meant to stay

And no matter what people say

I’ll be waiting for you after the judgment day

...Baekhyun was also looking at him with the gentle eyes of his, singing the song deeply like he meant all the words in it. And sang it to Chanyeol and only Chanyeol. And all people there in front of them weren’t exist.

Cause your love is my love

And my love is your love

It would take an eternity to break us

And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

Cause your love is my love

And my love is your love

Baekhyun finished the last note, and Chanyeol strummed the last melody. Both of them stopped and froze, looking at each other for a brief second before the claps and shouts all around the hall snapped them out from their world.

Baekhyun was the the first to broke the stare and he looked at the crowd as he smiled awkwardly, still mesmerized by the little moment he had there with Chanyeol. While the latter was clearing his throat and also grinned awkwardly.

Chanyeol abruptly stood up from his stools and grabbed Baekhyun’s hand, signaling him to also stand up. Baekhyun did so and both of them did a little bow as Chanyeol lacing their fingers together.

“Thank you once again, guys,” Chanyeol yelled through the mic and people still clapped for them.

Meanwhile Baekhyun beside him was looking confuse why Chanyeol immediately said the thank you like that without any closing speech.

The thing was, Chanyeol really wanted to get them out of there, wanting to be alone with Baekhyun, as fast as he could.

“Uhm, yeah, thank you so much, hope you guys like it,” Baekhyun continued him, “and don’t forget the fireworks festival out there just in ten minutes, okay?”

After that, Chanyeol quickly fastened his hold on his boyfriend’s hand and dragged him off the stage.

“Yeollie, where are we going?” Baekhyun said, slightly raising his voice in case Chanyeol didn’t hear him because now the taller boy seemed busy dragging him through the school’s messy and empty corridor. Through the window, he could see that some of the students already gathered in the school’s field to watch the fireworks. The final event of the day. “Chanyeollie, I—“

“Just follow me, okay?” Chanyeol said, cutting him off and  making him stayed silent all the way to where his boyfriend dragged him to.

Chanyeol’s body was on autopilot mode ever since he heard Baekhyun’s voice back there. He didn’t know where they were going. He just let his legs bring him to somewhere.

And that somewhere turned out to be the school’s rooftop, Baekhyun’s rooftop. Their rooftop.

Chanyeol stopped at his track, and they remained silent for awhile, hands still interlacing together. And with the cold breeze of the wind, Chanyeol was snapped back into his sense and turned around to face Baekhyun.


“God, it’s freezing,” Baekhyun let go of Chanyeol’s hand and wrapped his body with his own hands.

Remembering that his boyfriend wasn’t fond of cold weather, Chanyeol quickly unwrapped his own scarf and gently covered Baekhyun’s neck and half of his face with his big scarf. Baekhyun actually looked really cute and fluffy that Chanyeol really wanted to hug him.

So he did.

Baekhyun gasped when he felt Chanyeol big hands wrapped him around. And it strangely turned warm. “Yeol, what’s wrong? Why are you bringing me here?”

Chanyeol burried his head on Baekhyun’s shoulder, and muffled on it, “I don’t know. I don’t really realize that I dragged you here.”

The wind at the rooftop was so strong that Baekhyun hoped he had his beanie right now because he bet his hair now was messy. “You dumb,” Baekhyun chuckled, “what’s up? Tell me, Yeol.”

Chanyeol mutter incoherent words under his breath that Baekhyun couldn’t catch it at all, but then he slowly raised his voice and broke the hug. “There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don’t know how,” Chanyeol said as he dragged Baekhyun again to the edge of the rooftop. And now both of them were able to see people down there, waiting for the fireworks which would be launched in a minute or so.

“I have the whole time in the world now to listen to you, the school festival is ended anyway,” Baekhyun rested his hands on the railing.

Chanyeol looked out into the horizon and finally decided to blurts out all the words which had been stayed in his chest, “First, our performance is a great success. Don’t you think?”

Baekhyun nodded in agreement, “of course.”

“And I still wonder here how the hell you could afford to have that beautiful voice, Baek”

“Shut up, Yeol. We were both great.”

“Second,” Chanyeol continued, “I’m so proud of you to be able to make this festival a huge success.”

Baekhyun was holding his smile, didn’t want to show it because he silently also proud of himself. And having Chanyeol, his boyfriend, was proud him, too, made him feel really special.

“Third, you finally met my noona. Looks like she likes you a lot and I’m relieved. Not that I doubted she won’t, since everybody likes you anyway.”

“I like your noona, too.” Baekhyun grinned, “she’s like the female version of you. Now I know how you would like if you’re cross-dressing.”

“Yah,” Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun a little, then cleared his throat, “fourth, I was really surprised that I, and you, met that fortune-teller today. I really don’t like it when she told you about all of that bad thing. We shouldn’t follow Jongin next time, he’s such—“

“Yeol, you’re rambling.”

“Right,” Chanyeol cleared his throat again, “fifth,”

“Wow, you do have a lot of things to say to me,” Baekhyun shook his head in disbelief.

“Yes, I meant it. And fifth,” Chanyeol eyed Baekhyun intensely, “I like you so much it’s killing me.”

Baekhyun’s mouth agaped before it finally turned into a wide smile, the type of smile that Chanyeol would never bored of. “I like you too, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s shoulder and slowly made him turned to face him. He lowered his head a bit so he could meet Baekhyun’s eyes, “so much? Because I said I like you so much.”

Baekhyun laughed and he could hear the people on the field were counting down for the fireworks.


 “Yes, I like you so much too, Park Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol exhaled the breath he didn’t know he was holding, and his lips parted and formed a very big grin that his right eye twitched.


And in return, Baekhyun laughed at his boyfriend dumb expression, but it was something that he grew to fond of.






“Sixth, can I kiss you?”


Baekhyun’s breath hitched and he almost chocked with his own saliva. He looked at Chanyeol who was also staring at him with a pink blush on his cheeks.

Baekhyun nodded.


Chanyeol’s eyes widened in surprised that Baekhyun actually granted his wish. But then he quickly controlled his excitement. Chanyeol raised his hand and placed it on Baekhyun’s nape.


Chanyeol slowly pulled Baekhyun closer. He bent over his body slightly and tilted his head.


Chanyeol gulped and finally closed his eyes when his and Baekhyun’s faces were just an inch apart.


Chanyeol’s lips touched Baekhyun’s and he felt the electricity ran through to every part of his body. Baekhyun’s lips were softer than it looked. It was really warm and he could smell Baekhyun’s sweet strawberry smell that it made him feel a little lightheaded. Chanyeol could literally feel his stomach scrunched because of the overwhelming feeling that he actually thought his heart was going to burst.

And both of them totally didn’t hear and see the beautiful fireworks blossomed above their heads.  







-4900 words. am sorry


-and I totally forgot, is it left or right eye of Chanyeol's that twitch?

-the song is whitney houston's my love is your love. my all time favorite song!

-my 7th semester is officially ended today, so, YEAH! HOLIDAY!


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13/08/14 how on earth this story got featured omg thank you so much guys ;;~;;


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: First 5 chapters were great - the banter between friends was fun to read and Chan's confession was epic!
174 streak #2
Chapter 3: Baek on this part was very polite
Hello, my name is Beatriz and I'm from Brazil! I would like to know if you can authorize me and my team Ponto Cardeal (tt: @ppontocardeal) to make a shipment of a physical book here in Brazil with your fanfic "The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband" . Our project is non-profit, it is from fan to fan. Would you authorize our team? I hope to return. CONTACTS:


Email: [email protected]
161 streak #4
Chapter 32: Oh my god I love this so much, thank you >33333333
Roseebloom #5
Chapter 32: Thank you author!!! It was so cute, lovely and funny. I really enjoyed. Fluff Chanbaek is always a delight. I love happy endings so much, hehe. I will definitely re read it in the future uwu. Your writing is really good, fighting!!!