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Chapter one


"the greeting"


*slap* don´t you dare saying that again! Understood!” Mr. Kim said and looked at Heechul

-“yes father” Heechul said looking at the floor

-“yes what!?” she screamed making Heechul and Taeyeon shivered

-“I won´t say Taeyeon likes a girl again” he said scared

-“you better not, now go Taeyeon will be late because of you, and fix your uniform” Mr. Kim said and left the twins alone

-“are you ok? You lip is bleeding” Taeyeon said worried and clean the blood of her brothers lip

-“yeah let’s go, the council needs to be early” he said fixing hid tie and Taeyeon just followed him out side

-“just remind me not to tease you in the house ever again” he smiled and winked at Taeyeon, in sign that everything was fine, 

When they got out of their house a car was already waiting for them

-“we are gonna be late, hurry up!” a blond scream from inside the car and with that they got in

-“morning sica” Heechul said and tried to kiss her, but she like always found an excuse not to do it

-“what happen on you lip” she asked to avoid the kiss

-“the usual don´t wanna talk about it” he said and turn his face to the window

After a while they arrived to the school

-“get the luggage to our rooms and then you can go” Jessica said to the driver, and he just nodded in agreement

The Kims and the Jungs started to walk to the main entrance of school when Taeyeon stopped

-“why do they have to be always like that?” she asked only to Heechul to hear and then pointed at tiffany and Siwon, besides the main entrance, Siwon was cited on a bench and tiffany on his lap and he was caressing her hair

-“well they are engaged Taengoo” Heechul said putting his arm over her shoulder

-“plus you and her can´t happen uncle hwang is worse than dad” he said and they finally got to the main door

-“well now that we are all here lets go and greet the new studdents” sunny said and got in the salon

-“hello to you too sunny” Jessica said

-“well let’s get this over with” she said and Taeyeon, tiffany and Yuri followed her inside as well

-“I missed you” Yuri whisper in Jessica’s ear and made her shiver

-“can´t you wait till we get alone, someone could hear you” Jessica said and bit her lip a little

-“I can´t I didn´t see you for a all mount” Yuri said and winked at her

-“wait till after the greeting” Jessica said and Yuri smirked

-“let’s skip the greeting I have a better welcoming for you” Yuri said and winks and takes her to one of the studding rooms on the way to the auditorium

Tiffany looked back and saw yulsic was gone the call Taeyeon

-“tae tae lets skip this one too, please~” tiffany said showing her eyesmile to Taeyeon

-“Fany if we go sunny will kill us” Taeyeon said and turn her back on tiffany

-“no she won´t come on” tiffany said grabbing Taeyeon’s hand and dragging her outside the auditorium

Inside sunny was waiting for the 4 girls to show up but give up the hope after 10 minutes of waiting

-“welcome to SM High, Lee Sunny member of the student council, i’m gonna tell you some things you need to know to spend your time here without any troubles, so pay attention” she said looking at the door still hoping they´ll show up  

-“first of all violence will not be tolerated, under any circumstance, if you have a problem with another student, you come to the council and talk about it, second you must join an extracurricular, is mandatory” she said

-“and also is important for you to know that, we are not like the other schools we don´t have a principal that does whatever we want, here the students council decides everything so you need to follow the rules and accomplished the goals of the school or else you will be spelled, your last name means nothing here, have that really clear” she said and look at the door for the last time

-“our school has rules and goals, the book of rules is on the lobby of each dorm, i´ll be handle to by the respective dorm keeper, and the motto of our school is ‘good is never enough you have to be perfect’ and is something you will all follow every day for the next years and finally the dorms, they are separated for a reason, and if a boy or a girl in found In the opposite dorm the council will take care of that depending the situation it can be a simple punishment or even spelled, that is up to the council to decide”  she said and signed to the dorm keepers to help her take everybody out of the auditorium

-“but before you go, you will be able to recognized the members of the council for our uniform our name tag is different” and with that she walk out of the auditorium and was yulsic getting out of the room

-“YAH! You couldn´t wait 20 minutes?!” sunny shouted at them

-“sunny-ah, don´t scream, someone might hear you!” Jessica said looking around

-“there is no one here!!” sunny screamed again

-“where is Fany and taeng” Yuri asked looking for them

-“that I would like to know too” sunny said and started walking

-“well I have to go and greed the teams” Yuri said an smiled at Jessica

-“yeah go see you later” Jessica said looking around and then smiled

-“see ya later princess” Yuri said picking Jessica’s lips thinking they were alone but they were wrong

-“ I guess this jail won´t be that bad at all” someone said and look at the video of Jessica and Yuri kissing


just to clear if you had this doubt too,,  the heirs are the council member n_n

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heden_chloe02 #1
Chapter 4: the story has its charms... i hope u planned this well. :-) fighting.
Chapter 4: hope they will find the person before he/she make another move ^^
Chapter 3: i wonder who's the person that take a pic of yulsic? >.<
TYK309 #4
Chapter 2: So Taeny and yulsic plus sunny are the heirs to the throne?
TYK309 #5
Chapter 2: Wow already complicated. Can you state who are the heirs? Apparently not all are the heirs.