The Push and the Pull

Ever Enough
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She woke up at two and braced herself. Her flawless face glistened with beads of sweat as she was gasping for breath. There it went again, the weird dream she had been dreaming for two nights of her stay in Jeju. She could not really call it a nightmare, but it was more like, weirdmare.

From her hotel room, the sky was still very dark. Stars shone above like they usually would in an autumn night sky like nothing was wrong. She scoffed.

Everything should be alright. She tried making up her mind as she clicked the lights at the nightstands on.

Consequently, a name popped out of her mind. It had been two days and they never got themselves in contact. She was not expecting too much from him, though, as if she did not know him already, but she felt like talking to him, she guessed?

She stared at the screen blankly and opted to a call. She did not know if that was okay calling at such hours. She wished they were closer enough to know about each other’s particular habit. What she meant was, at least she would not be so sinful if he happened to be asleep already.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a mumble across the line. Hesitantly, she spoke.

             “You- sleep?”

Well, excused her for being so awkward, though. It was damn two in the morning and she had just called her not-so-kindhearted fiancé for nothing definite as the reason, but simply an immature volition.

He groaned. “Nope. A set amount of papers to read,” She heard a yawn, “Why are you calling? Why, why are you awake at two in the morning?”

             “Asked by someone who's also awake at two in the morning.” She snorted.

It would be better if he was up to a fine greeting since they had not talked for two days already. However, since it was him, she would toss the thought away. If by listening to his voice was enough, she would not be greedy to ask for more.

             “Something's wrong. I can’t sleep.” She simply said. He laughed.

            “You can’t sleep when something is wrong? What a huge burden being you.” She smiled hearing that. Even if it was an insulting comment, she partially felt fine.

            “In fact no. I still don’t know what it is, but when I can’t fall asleep, it must be something is defintely off. Something must be wrong somewhere. I don’t know, that’s my charm.” She let out an audible sigh innocently.

Jongin didn’t reply (not that she minded, though).

            “Jongin,” She called out a name she had not pronounced in a while, “Did I interrupt your work?”

The honest answer was Yes, but he was having a second thought about saying No. He was halfway to answer her question when she cut him middle way.

            “Ah, come on, not a yes. No human should be awake at this hours but we are. Don't you think talking to that human who's in the same situation with you will be nice?” She grumbled because she could not accept a rejection. She was positive that she could not fall back to sleep and staying awake doing nothing did not really catch her liking.

He chuckled, “I’ll just say no, then. Since you insist.”


            “I see you were planning to dump my call. Good thing I'm always one step ahead.” She alleged, electing a soft chuckle from him before he went silent again, completely affected by his own thought.

If Huisoo believed the 'A set amount of papers to read' thing, then there was a lot of thing she did not know about him. In fact, something was bothering him; something he never thought of feeling, something that kept him up tonight. He did not really appreciate her calling him in the middle of his reading, but he would still give her what she wanted, anyway. But first, she should return the favour.


He was sure that she, giving a call at this hour when his mind was at a loud corridor, could not be an ac

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My biggest regards to Ever Enough loyal readers and subbies!!! I swear to God I am not leaving this story nor am I gonna stop writing. Please anticipate :D


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Chapter 29: Wow thankyou....
Didn't expect to see your updates again really soon.
This is the very first time to see the vulnerable Jong In. Under his hard and tough shell, he's really a soft guy, he has emotions.
Seems like his relationship with Huisoo is getting stronger....
Keycolight #2
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: I love you so much for updating again. I can't wait for the next chapter to come 🥲

This is the kind of relationship that everyone want. A healthy communication and huisoo and jongin have it. They both are so gentel to each other, very comforting and understanding. I got a bit sad when jongin started sobbing but also happy to see that he's very open in front of huisoo. I remember when their relationship was push and pull it was so frustrating and now here they are communicatiing everythinf 🥲🥲🥲 i feel like a proud mother ☺️

Their small gestures bring smiles to my face. Like him going on a shopping with her while holding hands or when he touches huisoo's face in the car. They're sooo sweet.
I'm a bit surprised they still don't share a room *wink* *wink* haha don't mind my ert mind 🙃

Anyways, thank you for updating. I hope next chapter won't be too far away 😁
Chapter 28: Omg can't believe my eyes with the notification from you...
Thank you for comig back again after such a long long time.....
Such a great story as always, really....
Huisoo, she's the real angel coming down to the earth, having the hardest (joined) responsibility to take care of this special family with all of their dramas....
Having to deal with Jongin himself is sometimes quite draining emotionally, but here she has to take care of the whole family, with sincerity. She treats them like they are her own family.
She really has a big heart....
I hope things will get better for the siblings...

I hope to see your next updates soon....
NandaWibowo #4
Keycolight #5
Chapter 28: OMG YESSSS YOU UPDATED! i saw it last night but it was too late and i needed to sleep and now i just finished reading the last 3 chapters to remind me what happened.

I'm glad jongin was on huisoo's side tho it was his brother insulting his fiance. It's nice to see those two got each other's back considering their relationship didn't start smooth. And huisoo is soooo gentle towards his siblings. I love how she handles each of their problems. She's not a mother yet but this will be like a practice for motherhood 😂
I just love these two. They have like the healthiest relationship ever after he proposed her for the 2nd time.
I just couldn't wait to see more of them and all i can say is i have to be patient. Thanks a lot for updating i love this chapter so much. I hope you'll still continue the story till the end 😊
Keycolight #6
Chapter 27: Hello author i'm your 'old' reader from 9 years a ago. I saw this story was being updated so i opened and decided to reread every chapter to find out there was no update 😭😭😭😭😭

But honestly i just realized that my opinion for this story has never changed since 9 years ago. I still love it so much. It took me less than 48 hours to wrapped it up and it still gives me the same feelings. The characters are just too realistic. There is not even 1 annoying character. Not even jongin's ex. The conflicts are just exactly like what people experince in real life. I'm sad and happy and frustrated just like how they feel in the story. I'm glad you revealed how she ended up becoming jongin's fiance. But s till would like to read some more of their intimate moments as they only decided to start over again for the last couple of chapters, dont you think we need more of jongin-huisoo's moments? 😁

9 years ago i was just a young girl who was obsessed with exo and i still am an exol in 2024. A lot of things have happened in life and i hope youre life treats you well too. I wish to see the ending of this fanfic as i've been waiting for so long for the update haha 😅
And im sure there are some other readers that agree with me. Please please please it's gonna bother me for life to not know the ending of Never Enough 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
again?! with the update notification yet no real updateee i am starved ;_;
Chapter 27: huh? is there something wrong with the notification because there’s no new chapter?
BlackIris #9
Chapter 27: Wow🤧 reading this story once again and seeing an update takes me back to my high school days when I had so little care in the world! Thank you so much for updating!! Looking forward to see the story get completed!!