Inward Anxiety

Ever Enough
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Huisoo was the first to woke up early in the following morning although her eyes were too heavy and swollen from the crying scene last night. She blinked twice, trying to cope with the new surrounding that she came to get used to as she succeeded in gaining herself. She drew an amount of air to her lungs.

            “Hhh...” She sighed.

The house felt strangely cold, and the feeling of emptiness was hard to deny.

Still, she rolled off out of the bed to wash up. She changed into the same outfit that she wore the day before. She brushed her locks tenderly before pulling it up to a messy bun. She was not in her own room, so no beauty equipments and she did not want unwanted strands to stick out, so yeah. Only after she felt contented with her display look, she proceeded outside.

            “Inhwa, come here.”

She heard someone was calling from upstairs and actually saw Jongin ordered his sister from upstairs when the youngest was busy gathering her books that were neatly organized on the tv room’s table.

Well, looks like she was wrong about the first one to wake up.

           “Can you just come down here? I am almost late.” Inhwa said as a matter of fact while stuffing those books into her purple backpack.

Huisoo looked around only to find her fiancé walking his way downstairs. She raised a brow.

           “Morning, Han.” He said when he passed by her. She responded with a nod.

Only then Inhwa was aware of her presence. “Hi, Unnie, did you sleep well?”

With that question, Huisoo and Jongin shared an awkward look.

           “Uh, of course.” She smiled as she watched him already standing in front of the school girl, waiting for her to finish her doing.

            “What are you doing?” Huisoo finally asked him, could not stand her confusion.

Suddenly, the walking travesty walked into the room with a glass of milk for the youngest and turned every heads in the room by his statement. “Jongin Hyung can’t tie.”

            “Really?” Huisoo chuckled.

Jongin tossed his head, slightly irritated by her, “What? So, can you?”

She rolled her eyes before nodding twice and motioned him to come closer.

            “You can go now, Unnie will do the tie.” She told Inhwa right away since their driver was already waiting outside. Deep inside, she regretted oversleeping and not able to wake Inhwa and Sejong up for school. Thank’s to the charity show last night.

Jongin sway a piece of thin clothing before her eyes. She directly took it and tiptoed to his height, wrapping the soft satin around his neck. She patiently bound the tie here and there without word being uttered to each other, while he stuck his eyes onto the tv screen.

           “Where are you staying tonight?” She asked as she stepped backward to see her masterpiece before she pulled a contented smile, satisfied with her work.

He turned to face her again. “Which one is better? I need to think alone.”

He was going to say the answer straightly, but since she had asked, he decided to be less of a jackass  by asking her opinion although it won’t change anything.

She shrugged. “Office it is.”

           “...Why?” He asked as he climbed upstairs again, leaving her standing in the middle of the room.

           “My schedule is a little bit... you know, stuffy today. I was thinking to leave the kids to you.” She replied.

           “You know that’s impossible, right?” He stopped. “That’s fine, at least you come over at night.”

           “I- I can’t.” She replied. “It’s my night shift.”

He heaved a sigh before started walking again. “Your choice.”

           “Jongin,” She called out as she watched his back, “YaH, Kim Jongin.”

There he went again. It had been a while since the last time he was at his original sense; a fool of worrying; ignorant as in her words.

Nevertheless, she laughed at it and claimed it was not bad enough for someone like him. She knew well how moody he can get more than that, and how harder he could be to handle more than this. And what? She had to deal with it.

Life is impossible. She chuckled.


Jongin was assisted by his personal secretary (also his father’s secretary in early years), Kim Hyoyeon. She was typing while he was flipping through pages. Only now (one day before the actual meeting) he could let someone to get his/her hand on his stuff. If it was not because the due day was a day ahead, he probably had done it by himself like he usually would.

Really, he just found it hard to trust other people to do important things for him. He had this belief to do things by himself to control the quality of the results. Therefore, when things turned out good or bad, he would only have himself to be praised or to be blamed.

He had completed all the presentation slides and general reports. And he also had prepared a secret weapon in advance

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My biggest regards to Ever Enough loyal readers and subbies!!! I swear to God I am not leaving this story nor am I gonna stop writing. Please anticipate :D


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Chapter 29: Wow thankyou....
Didn't expect to see your updates again really soon.
This is the very first time to see the vulnerable Jong In. Under his hard and tough shell, he's really a soft guy, he has emotions.
Seems like his relationship with Huisoo is getting stronger....
Keycolight #2
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: I love you so much for updating again. I can't wait for the next chapter to come 🥲

This is the kind of relationship that everyone want. A healthy communication and huisoo and jongin have it. They both are so gentel to each other, very comforting and understanding. I got a bit sad when jongin started sobbing but also happy to see that he's very open in front of huisoo. I remember when their relationship was push and pull it was so frustrating and now here they are communicatiing everythinf 🥲🥲🥲 i feel like a proud mother ☺️

Their small gestures bring smiles to my face. Like him going on a shopping with her while holding hands or when he touches huisoo's face in the car. They're sooo sweet.
I'm a bit surprised they still don't share a room *wink* *wink* haha don't mind my ert mind 🙃

Anyways, thank you for updating. I hope next chapter won't be too far away 😁
Chapter 28: Omg can't believe my eyes with the notification from you...
Thank you for comig back again after such a long long time.....
Such a great story as always, really....
Huisoo, she's the real angel coming down to the earth, having the hardest (joined) responsibility to take care of this special family with all of their dramas....
Having to deal with Jongin himself is sometimes quite draining emotionally, but here she has to take care of the whole family, with sincerity. She treats them like they are her own family.
She really has a big heart....
I hope things will get better for the siblings...

I hope to see your next updates soon....
NandaWibowo #4
Keycolight #5
Chapter 28: OMG YESSSS YOU UPDATED! i saw it last night but it was too late and i needed to sleep and now i just finished reading the last 3 chapters to remind me what happened.

I'm glad jongin was on huisoo's side tho it was his brother insulting his fiance. It's nice to see those two got each other's back considering their relationship didn't start smooth. And huisoo is soooo gentle towards his siblings. I love how she handles each of their problems. She's not a mother yet but this will be like a practice for motherhood 😂
I just love these two. They have like the healthiest relationship ever after he proposed her for the 2nd time.
I just couldn't wait to see more of them and all i can say is i have to be patient. Thanks a lot for updating i love this chapter so much. I hope you'll still continue the story till the end 😊
Keycolight #6
Chapter 27: Hello author i'm your 'old' reader from 9 years a ago. I saw this story was being updated so i opened and decided to reread every chapter to find out there was no update 😭😭😭😭😭

But honestly i just realized that my opinion for this story has never changed since 9 years ago. I still love it so much. It took me less than 48 hours to wrapped it up and it still gives me the same feelings. The characters are just too realistic. There is not even 1 annoying character. Not even jongin's ex. The conflicts are just exactly like what people experince in real life. I'm sad and happy and frustrated just like how they feel in the story. I'm glad you revealed how she ended up becoming jongin's fiance. But s till would like to read some more of their intimate moments as they only decided to start over again for the last couple of chapters, dont you think we need more of jongin-huisoo's moments? 😁

9 years ago i was just a young girl who was obsessed with exo and i still am an exol in 2024. A lot of things have happened in life and i hope youre life treats you well too. I wish to see the ending of this fanfic as i've been waiting for so long for the update haha 😅
And im sure there are some other readers that agree with me. Please please please it's gonna bother me for life to not know the ending of Never Enough 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
again?! with the update notification yet no real updateee i am starved ;_;
Chapter 27: huh? is there something wrong with the notification because there’s no new chapter?
BlackIris #9
Chapter 27: Wow🤧 reading this story once again and seeing an update takes me back to my high school days when I had so little care in the world! Thank you so much for updating!! Looking forward to see the story get completed!!