
From China Love E.L.F


''What are you doing?'' Leah hissed as Melissa went to walk inside with her shoes.

Melissa nearly  jumped but turned around annoyed. ''What?''

Leah rolled her eyes and pointed to the house slippers that Mr. Li had worn before entering through the sliding doors, while pulling their suitcases.

She shrugged. ''I forgot!''

The taller of the two, grumbled before grabbing one of her converses in her hands and roughly pulling it off her foot, but managed to lose her balance and crash into her best friend who had been calmly taking hers off.  She landed with an, 'Oompf.'

 ''Get off me!'' Her friend said monotonely. She grabbed the offered hand Melissa had extended.

Leah scanned the house that they would be staying in for two weeks, she eyed the large trees that gave shade to the house from the piercing rays of the sun. She scrunched up her jacket to her elbows before grabbing a hairband and putting up her hair as she began to feel  a little warm.

''Kaja!'' Melissa nodded and followed her friend.

''I feel really weird wearing these slippers in here...'' Mel said as they followed Mr. Li into an adjoining bedroom room that held two futons as well as a bedside table, work desk and a wardrobe.

''I can definitely get used to this though.'' She smiled at the cute room, dropping her carrion on the nearest futon.

''It's comfortable.'' Leah mused as she dropped her bag next to Mel's.

''I can feel the jetlag already settling in.'' Mel yawned.

Leah sighed before turning to her friend who seemed to be dozing off and gently nudged her.

''I'm awake.'' Melissa yawned.

''We still have to properly greet our hosts.'' She grabbed her arm and they walked out of the room, looking for the owners.

They spotted the elderly couple in the kitchen.


''Hello girls...'' said the kind woman, who had pale skin and black hair that framed her plump face with strands of grey at the roots.

Her cellphone rang three times before she answered.



''Hi mom.'' Melissa answered groggily. 

She sat up wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

Sloane Bueller nee Peterson, sighed. ''Your father was worried.''

Sloane had married Ferris Bueller straight out of high school. The high school sweethearts waited after college before having their daughter. Sloane worked as a family lawyer while Ferris took over for his father's company and expanded it into a joint venture with his best friend Cameron Chase.

''You can tell Dad, I'm fine and Leah said to tell Uncle Cameron that having two doses of NyQuil isn't healthy.''

Sloane let out a soft chuckle. 

''I'll be sure to remind him. Your father is working on a big eco-project right now. He says when you get back, he'll need some input.''

Melissa let out a low sigh, ''Alright. We're going to start getting ready.''

''Alright you.''

''Bye you too.''

''Aunty Sloane'' Leah yawned sitting up.


'' Did you tell her about the NyQuil?''

Melissa nodded. 

''Let's get ready.'''

The girls finished their make up and walked into a feast.

They had porridge with congee and steamed buns. The other dishes included scallion pancakes, doujiang and fantuan. 

Melissa patted her stomache, thanking her hosts. 

Leah bowed in thanks before the girls began their journey around ShenZhen.

They visited the Lianhuanshan Park,  The Window of the World and finally ended up in a studio ground.

They walked around before they spotted it. 

''I can't believe you talked to me into this,'' Leah grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and nudged her playfull, ''Come on chica,you've gotta admit, if we don't get caught... this will be one of our memorable memories, we'll look back and laugh at.''

 She glared, ''I prefer not to be thrown in jail in a foreign country, if I wanted to go to jail so badly I'd stay in the states....where I know I could understand what they're saying to me.''

''Where's your sense of adventure?'' I smiled convincingly giving her my mega watt smile.

She sighed before looking at me straight in the eye, ''Alright.... but if we get caught, I call the top bunk and if anyone asks, you're my .''

I grinned cheekily, ''That's the spirit.'' I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as we turned.


We turned the corner, our heads on top of each others, trying to see if anyone was coming, seeing no one we swiftly walked to the the room that had a familiar name embleshined in gold.

I gave her a curt nod as I turned the doornob, ignoring sweaty palms, I opened the door.

We looked around it, before we spotted a familiar picture.

The door closed on our way in, the word, ''Hangeng'' in chinese characters also in bold black english letters.

 Tonight were going to meet the dancing king of superjunior, Hankyung.

Shisus help us.

A/N Just did a little edit to this chapter. 


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2034 streak #2
Chapter 5: Wow! I was surprised to get a subscription update notice for a story I kinda had no idea of. I looked into the comments and noticed it's been over five years. I read the new update but sadly, I didn't remember the previous happenings of the story. So maybe I'll come back later to read the entire story again. Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter ^^
Casually upcoming and commenting all of your stories. Don't mind me ^^

Happy birthday
2034 streak #4
Chapter 4: Wow! I like this story already... When are you going to update the next chapter?
I can't wait to read more :) So please update soon...
Guitarlovechild #5
Chapter 3: Now we are getting to the good part. I can hardly wait.
ikonSJ #6
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^-^