I Hate Planes and Arrivals

From China Love E.L.F

No one's s P.O.V

At the corner of the last row were two individuals. The first was busy sleeping, while the other watched over protectively like an alert mother.

They were Melissa Bueller and Leah Chase.

To understand why these two young women were practically in a world of their own, you'd have to see what happened the night before thier final History Exam.


''Where is it?'' Mel screeched at the top of her lungs, running to her desk, ransacking it completely in order to search for her missing History textbook.

''Are you sure you left it here?'' Leah stood to the side, watching her best friend practically tear apart their dorm room as her search turned frantic.

''I really think you're making a big deal out of nothing, you could just use mine.'' she added.

Mel spun around, ''It's not just a book, it has sentimental value...and a crisp hundred bill....I will not lose it.''

''Why would you keep a hundred dollar bill in that book?'' Leah yelled throwing her hands in the air, before joining Mel in the search.

''Try to recall the last place where you have seen it.'' She stated.

Mel recounted, ''I was with Kim at the copy machine in the Dean's office, she had a relative living in Beijing who knew the good places, err.......'' Her forehead creased. ''...I was in the cafeteria with Eric from my photography class comparing our eco-pictures , then I went to the library got a few books, studied for a while then afterwards went back to the caferteria to met you here.''

Her eyes widened.

''THE LIBRARY!'' they yelled before racing out of the room.

''How could you have left it there?'' Leah's hand rested on her hips in aggravation.

''I don't know...I was studying...I was in the 'zone'...you know how I get .'' Mel said matter-of-factly.

Leah face-palmed. ''How are we supposed to get it, the library is closed until tomorrow!''

Mel  brought a finger to her lips as she got an idea.

''What...about sneaking in?'' she suggested grinning wickedly.

''No.'' Leah said bluntly.



''You're not''-


''Giving me a chance-''


''TO FINISH'' they shouted.

Mel pursed her lips, ''We just have to get the door unlocked and get the book, easy and simple...''she trailed off as she saw Leah's glare.

Leah rolled her eyes. ''What if we get caught?''

''We say we were locked in!'' Mel shrugged innocently.

Her best friend let out a heavy sigh. ''Fine.''

Mel smiled before she held out a hand. ''I need your emergency credit card.''

''How do you know I even have it on me.'' Leal raised an eyebrow.

Mel gave her a look before she complied and took out her emergency platinum visa card.

She reluctantly handed it over to Mel, who snatched it and took out one of her hair pins unlocking the pad lock before using the credit card to release the inner lock of the second door. The library was highly guarded on campus, as it had lots of grants for students, so it was preserved like Forte Knox and rather hard to get into. However they managed to do so without triggering the alarms.

''I can't believe...I'm doing this.'' Leah mumbled as they switched on their phones to get proper light as it was close to pitch black in the library.

''I need to get the main switch.'' Mel whispered before she headed off to the breaker box hidden in the library, she worked her first year in the library as an assistant, not much had really changed.

Except for the books and added security locks.

Leah blinked rapidy as she tried to adjust her eyes to the light, just as Mel switched it on.

''Let there be light.'' Mel spoke up next to her.

She whipped her head before scowling, ''Let's just get the book.''

''Hopefully Ms. Bara hasn't shelved it yet.'' Mel replied walked up the flight of stairs to the first floor of the library, which in total had five floors: Young Adults, Adults, Student Archives (barcodes), Ole Books and a mini storage.

Mel walked to the back of the first floor, passing section upon section of books, until she got to her spot where four bean bags lay on the floor with a small round table at the center of it.

She spotted her History book lying untouched as she quickly grabbed it.

Then he came.

''I thought we had a couple of more minutes, before the security guards patrolled this area.'' Leah cried out.

''Scramble!'' Mel hissed nudging her friend to move. She dove towards the lights and shut it off in time just as the security peered in the library and relocked the gate.

Trapping the girls inside.

''It's not opening...why isn't it opening!'' Leah pulled and winced as her hands felt grazed.

''He relocked it from the other side...so we'll have to stay here.''Mel replied slumping miserably. Her friend groaned flopped down beside her. They stayed by the main desk in the library, before they heard the jiggle of keys again and crawled past the librarian before heading back to their room to get proper sleep.

Having the alarm blaring on their phones.

They were awoken by Mel's alarm, ''Ring...Ding Dong...Ring...Ding Dong...-'' Mel furiously tapped her phone until it was silent.

She groaned as she realized she had to get up.

They had their final exam.

End Flashback.

This is how they did their final exam, while in the library they used their phones light to go through the notes till around 3 a.m. and they reached back to their dorm at 8.

The exam began at 10, which meant that they had a total of 2 hours sleep. Leah went on a caffeine binge, drinking 4 double shot cappucionos, 1 vanilla latte and a chai tea, while Mel just drank the remaining six packs of Red Bull in their mini fridge.

They took the exam without any faults, but with the amount of caffeine and sugar in their body respectably, there were side effects, after Melissa finished her exam and passed it to the invigilator who was keeping watch over the class, closely followed by Leah, she passed out completely and Leah if you looked at her closely enough, you could see her eye twitching.

''Pens down, pass your papers to the left and proceed to leave.'' replied the inviligator.

Leah flicked Mel on her forehead, Mel groaned as she sat up sluggishly.

''Is it over?''

Leah nodded as they stood up and slowly walked back to their dorm and collapsed on their beds simultaneously, sleeping off their exhaustion.

Two days later they were waiting to board their plane to China.

''Mom can you stop crying...I'll start crying again...''Mel bit her lip  as she dabbed her mother's eyes with her handkerchief.

Sloane, Mel's mom, nodded and pulled her daughter in tight hug.

''Mom...my lungs.'' Mel wheezed out as her mother gave her another watery smile.

She turned to her brother giving him a hug as well, he ruffled her hair as she gave him a brave smile.

'Don't cry....don't cry.' she withheld the sobs that wanted to break free, she glanced at her best friend who wasn't keeping in her emotions, Leah was wailing like a baby as she gripped her parents like a life line.

''I want you to call me everynight just to check in okay.'' Her father, Ferris said sternly.

''Your godfather wanted to say his goodbyes too, but work got in the way.'' He added handing her a neatly wrapped blue box, she tucked it into her mini carrion.

''Tell Uncle Cameron, I'll skype him.'' She smiled glancing up at him.

His eyes were red rimmed and puffy as he tried to keep his emotions at bay.

''I'll miss you too daddy.'' She whispered in his ear pulling him into a hug.

''Be safe pumpkin...''Leah's dad kissed her on her forehead.

With their final goodbyes they heard the flight announcements and prepared to board.

''Flight 340 to Beijing is now boarding...Flight 340 to Beijing is now boarding...all passengers please proceed to the gate 17...Thank you.''

'This is it.'' Mel whispered as she waved to her family.

''Yeah it's going to be tough...but we'll get through it.'' Leah replied waving to her famly as well.

''You're cutting off my circulation.''Leah grunted flexing her fingers.

''Mianhe.'' Mel swallowed loudly as she tried not to think about anything.

'I hate planes.' she thought unconsciously as her grip loosened on Leah's wrist.

Leah rotated her wrist and sighed with relief a half hour later as they were told that they could remove their seatbelts.

''What a relief. Mel unbuckled her belt and pulled out her I-phone.

''Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae ,Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo ,Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae ,My lady.
Ring ding dong ,Ring ding dong ,Ring diggi ding diggi, Ding ding ding .'' She sang along to Shinee for the duration of the hour and eventually was nudged awake by Leah as they landed.

They walked around aimlessly for five minutes before they spotted their luggage on a conveyor belt and quickly grabbed it.

''Where are we supposed to go next?'' Mel turned to Leah who shrugged.

She then pulled out her translator book and walked up to a random stranger.

Tapping him on his shoulder, she asked him. ''Nǐ zhī bù zhī dào zài nǎlǐ kě yǐ zhǎo dào yī zhǐ shān yáng.''  *Do you know where I can find a goat?*

He chuckled before replying, ''Nóng chǎng.''

She titled her head to the side confusedly ,'' A farm...I don't want a farm....I want directions.''

Her friend shook her head before whispering in her ears, ''You asked him where to find a goat...not where to find directions.''

Mel blushed and laughed sheepishly.

Leah who had been observing them approached before correctly asking the stranger, ''Nǐ zhīdào Tuìchū?'' *Do you know where I can find the exit?*

''Zǒu zhí xiàn xià jiàng, tōng guò lóu tī,'' He pointed. She nodded as grabbed Mel's wrist. *Walk straight down, pass the stairs.*

They found thier host father holding up a sigh with their names on.

''You ...be...Leah Cha...se.....Melissa...Bue....ller...'' He replied slowly, his accented english.

They smiled, nodded and bowed introducing themselves.

''wǒ jiào Méi lì shā.''

''wǒ jiào Lì yǎ.''

''hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ.'' they said in unison and his eyes brightened at the attempt of his language.

''Did I say that right?'' Mel whispered to Leah as soon as Mr.Li turned away and began heading to the exit.

They followed behind him.

''I think we did alright for first timers.'' Leah replied as they exited.

He helped load their luggage in back of his Ford Mini van. Leah entered the backseat with Mel sliding in next to her as they enjoyed the scenery from the windows. Mel's phone chimmed, pulling it from her jacket pocket and she showed it to Leah. A smile slowly spread on her lips.

The update read, ''Han Geng to perform in Xicheng.''

''Are we going to see him?'' Leah asked glancing at her friend.

Mel grinned. ''I did come to China for Beijing rice...and Momma's gonna get her some.''

She winked.

''Oh boy!' Leah thought worriedly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Always Keep the Faith




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2034 streak #2
Chapter 5: Wow! I was surprised to get a subscription update notice for a story I kinda had no idea of. I looked into the comments and noticed it's been over five years. I read the new update but sadly, I didn't remember the previous happenings of the story. So maybe I'll come back later to read the entire story again. Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter ^^
Casually upcoming and commenting all of your stories. Don't mind me ^^

Happy birthday
2034 streak #4
Chapter 4: Wow! I like this story already... When are you going to update the next chapter?
I can't wait to read more :) So please update soon...
Guitarlovechild #5
Chapter 3: Now we are getting to the good part. I can hardly wait.
ikonSJ #6
Chapter 3: Update soon!!^-^