Solar Academy ✹ Basketball ~Story Start~

I discontinued some (15ish) of my stories, have decided to focus on my applies, it's almost winter break, and I finished my college applications so I will be able to write more often! Yaaayyy!!!!! Stay tuned also check out my new story based of the television show  The Blacklist. It's a cop/government/criminal story and you don't need any knowledge about the show to apply or understand anything! 

ps: I'm so so sorry for the delay and I have no intention of abandoning this fic!

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Chapter 26: no , it's been such a long time since i saw this updated i got a heart attack. (and yes i only opened my account today) i hope you will update this!~ <3
Chapter 26: woah you're back after, one year? haha jk. so, i will wait for your update then, fighting!
Chapter 24: Oh gosh.
Minseok + Kangdae...
ANYWAYS, loved the chapter.
Suggestion: a darker color for text? @~@
Love you. ;P
Chapter 24: WDOIHWFIOWEFHSKOCNE OMG. NSONDAIOFJSVIOCNEIOPRHWEO Kangdae. O.O wae you a sportsholic? you even got yourself injured. D:

and Minseok. like, you being out late that night wasn't just coincidence, man. LOL

i am sooo freaking happy you updated. <3 <3 <3 O/
Chapter 24: Must update pandada

Okey cause you ♥ ur marshmallow and she's sick </3 ily muah
gb too~ me gusta muchooo

*knocks out cause strong meds*
Chapter 13: Wow o u o the chapter is good<3 cant wait for the next chapter x) fighting! and btw, this is ChrisEvans14 before :)
Chapter 24: YES YES YES I LOVE IT!!!!!!
IT'S GREAT!!! Great job, author-nim!!
morninginmarch #8
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG /SOBS you chose me?! thank youuuuuu~ OMG I still can't believe it. i'm turning creyji. OTL YOU OWE ME THAT WUFAN/JINUN MAKE OUT SESSION. \o/ thanks sooo much! i'm damn excited for the story now~ <3 <3
Thanks for choose my character XD