01. ) The Morning Of

Solar Academy ✹ Basketball ~Story Start~



  ch.01) The Morning Of     

It was dark and empty, the only light was that provided by the few street lamps littered around. The boy sighed heavily, wiping his sweaty forehead in exhaustion, the basketball tucked under his other arm. It was still hot despite the fact that it was past midnight, and the humidity was really taking its toll on the young basketball player.
It's not enough...
Coughing slightly, the male returned to a standing position, only to keel over shortly after. The boy's knees hit the pavement, scraping against the floor before his whole body collapsed. He gasped for air. Every intake, however, caused the boy to break into another coughing fit.
Slowly, he felt his consciousness slipping from him. 
He tried to fight to keep his eyes open, but he couldn't stop it. The last thing he saw was someone hovering over him before he totally blanked out.
Minseok paced across his bathroom slowly, unsure of how to deal with the boy currently passed out on his bed. Running his hands through his dyed orange-brown hair, the boy groaned.
"What do I do?" he whined to himself.
He mentally cursed himself for even being out that late at night, especially considering he would be heading to school in a few hours. Leaving the bathroom with a first aid kit in his arms, Minseok stood in the doorway to his room and looked down at the boy on the bed. It was a good thing he wasn't very big or Minseok would have had to call an ambulance. Honestly, he had no idea how to feel at the moment. He wasn't upset that this senior was laying in his room, on his bed, rather, he was unsure about how to deal with the situation. Nervously watching the elder, Minseok opened up the small first aid kit and pulled out the bottle of hydrogen peroxide, roll of paper towels, and a few rolls of gauze. He silently hoped the senior wouldn't wake up while cleaning the wounds on his knees. It didn't take too long for Minseok to finish applying the cleaner to remove the dried blood; it would be wrapping the wounds that could be slightly troublesome. Grabbing both rolls of gauze, the younger boy sat at the foot of his currently occupied bed, contemplating how he would wrap the bandage. Seeing that there was no other option, Minseok spread the boy's legs slightly and sat himself in between his knees. He couldn't help but blush when his fingers brushed the other's legs. Hastily yet accurately, the younger wrapped the gauze around the damage, fingers grazing the elder's soft, pale skin occasionally. After dressing the wounds, Minseok cleaned up the other boy's face a little with a wet rag out of courtesy. Finishing up with the senior, the younger decided to pack up his bags for the upcoming day. He prepared his sports bag as well as his backpack before finally deciding it was time to sleep. Sluggishly, he dragged his feet over to the nightstand and set the alarm in order to make sure the elder would wake up in time to go home before having to go to school. A smile graced his lips as he drifted off to sleep.

An foreign alarm woke the sleeping senior. Eyebrows wrinkled in confusion, the boy sat up slowly as he examined his surroundings. His eyes were fuzzy from sleep and exhaustion but he forced himself awake. Hastily, he tried to find the source of the annoyingly persistant ringing noise. After finding the alarm and pushing all the buttons - his eyes still too tired to tell which button did what on the unfamiliar advice - a comfortable silence followed. Upon scanning the room, he noticed a piece of paper by the end of the bed he was lying on top of. The boy gasped out in pain and surprise when he threw his legs over the side of the bed in an attempt to get up. By looking down at his legs he realized why such a normal action caused him so much pain. From mid thigh to lower knee was covered in an off white cloth-like material. No blood seemed to seep through, which the boy saw as a good sign that his injuries weren't a big deal, as he hadn't seen his own injuries yet. Slowly and carefully, the senior stood to his feet and walked to pick up the paper, cursing silently within his head. The note was read as follows:

Dear To Mr. Senior
I apologize for this inconvenience, I had to run to school early. Otherwise I would have stayed to help with your, what I can only imagine as, utter confusion at the situation. You passed out at the basketball courts late last night and hurt your legs and scuffed your hands. I didn't have my phone on me so I just took you to my house, where you are right now. I cleaned and dressed your wounds but you may want to rewrap them when you have the chance. Anyway, I had the alarm set so you can run walk carefully home first in order to get to school on time; today is an important day. Feel better.
P.S: Your things are in the bathroom.

The senior walked over to and entered the bathroom, only to see his basketball bag sitting against the porcelain bathtub. He walked over to his bag and pulled out his phone, groaning when he noticed the notifications flashing on the screen: 14 missed calls and 33 texts. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, the boy exited the bathroom. No one seemed to be home so  he just exited the house, locking the door behind him.  While flipping through the calls and messages - which were mainly from his older sister - he realized that he only had about an hour in total to reach home, get ready, and arrive at school on time. Shoving his phone back into  his bag, he began to jog - and eventually run - towards his own home. About five minutes after running, he finally reached his house. Jogging up the stairs to his room, he quickly greeted his dog. After all the running, he felt a tingling sensation in his legs. He bit his lip as he looked down at the bandages to see that blood had soaked through their multiple layers. Before he could do anything else, he could hear someone running up the stairs. Eyes widening in fear,  the senior tried quickly to hide his wounds, but with no success. It only took ten seconds for the person running up the stairs to throw the boy's bedroom door open and yell at the top of her lungs: "WHAT THE , PARK KANGDAE!?"

This was going to be a long morning.

Author's Note || So I finally updated TT^TT and it's kinda short, sob. I apologize... I hope you guys like it at least... I'm on break so hopefully I'll get to write more even though I have a sh*t load of hw to do. Remember, comments are loved.


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Chapter 26: no , it's been such a long time since i saw this updated i got a heart attack. (and yes i only opened my account today) i hope you will update this!~ <3
Chapter 26: woah you're back after, one year? haha jk. so, i will wait for your update then, fighting!
Chapter 24: Oh gosh.
Minseok + Kangdae...
ANYWAYS, loved the chapter.
Suggestion: a darker color for text? @~@
Love you. ;P
Chapter 24: WDOIHWFIOWEFHSKOCNE OMG. NSONDAIOFJSVIOCNEIOPRHWEO Kangdae. O.O wae you a sportsholic? you even got yourself injured. D:

and Minseok. like, you being out late that night wasn't just coincidence, man. LOL

i am sooo freaking happy you updated. <3 <3 <3 O/
Chapter 24: Must update pandada

Okey cause you ♥ ur marshmallow and she's sick </3 ily muah
gb too~ me gusta muchooo

*knocks out cause strong meds*
Chapter 13: Wow o u o the chapter is good<3 cant wait for the next chapter x) fighting! and btw, this is ChrisEvans14 before :)
Chapter 24: YES YES YES I LOVE IT!!!!!!
IT'S GREAT!!! Great job, author-nim!!
morninginmarch #8
Hey, this is formerly ShawolCassieElf, just informing you that I have had a username change :)
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG /SOBS you chose me?! thank youuuuuu~ OMG I still can't believe it. i'm turning creyji. OTL YOU OWE ME THAT WUFAN/JINUN MAKE OUT SESSION. \o/ thanks sooo much! i'm damn excited for the story now~ <3 <3
Thanks for choose my character XD