
The Light's Shadow
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"you're doing well!" Ryeowook smiled brightly as he walked up beside his newest student.

"Thank you"Yesung beamed as he mixed the dough"this is the first time I'm making my own bread"

"Really? You're doing really well"Ryeowook praised, he patted the older on the back and continued walking to check on the other students, he may be young but he had a cooking class held on the weekend at a local restaurant that was closed on then. Since the owner was Ryeowook's uncle, he was allowed to used the building for his classes. It was a dream of his, to teach people how to cook for themselves, since high school.

Twenty minutes later as Yesung was bringing out his finished rolls and was completely satisfied with how they came out, he was going to call Eunhyuk who knew where he was to join him for lunch. But his phone rang first with an incoming call, he set his things down and excused himself from the room.

"Jongjin?"Yesung asked, he was surprised his brother would call at this time"is so etching wrong?"

"If you don't tell us where you are we’ll beat it out of your brother"a deep voice growled.

"Kangin stop messing around"Yesung said rolling his eyes after realizing the joke, for a split second his heart dropped in fear thinking something was wrong. But fortunately it was just Kangin being curious, and irritated about where he was.

"Yesung really. Where are you? Jongjin won't even make a peep about it"Kangin complained, almost whined"not to be rude but its boring here, we don't want to watch movies because they aren't really fun to watch right now..."

Yesung laughed at Kangin whispering the end"you can come join me, meet me at you know where. You can bring Jay and Min too"

"Arraso, be there in ten"Kangin said and hung up.

Yesung sighed, he was thankful be made a large trayful of rolls instead of the idea he had earlier. He originally was going to make enough only for three which was him, Ryeowook and Eunhyuk but he decided not to, besides Eunhyuk ate too much compared to him so prepared more with Ryeowook's help due to his last minute decision.

"Yesung class is dismissed, you not going?"Ryeowook asked as he peeked out of the room. Yesung turned around and went back into the classroom. Ryeowook didn't say anything more as he removed his apron and began to gather the materials from his class to put them away. The class did well cleaning up before leaving so all he had to do was return the dishes to the shelves.

"Uh I'm not leaving yet...let me help you"Yesung smiled and started gathering the dishes too.

"No it's okay, you can go ahead and leave"Ryeowook stopped, he nodded to the door but Yesung pretended he didn't hear"...are you ignoring me right now?"

"Yes" Yesung laughed and Ryeowook blinked in surprise"when we're done want to join me for lunch?"

"Sure”Ryeowook smiled and they quickly put away the dishes. Wrapping up the food they made they headed over to the place Yesung told his friend’s to meet him.

“If they ask why you’re with me, just say that I called you for lunch and walked with you here okay?”Yesung said as he came to a stop in front of the small restaurant. He could see the other friends sitting inside, looking like they were being refereed by Jongjin.

“You want me to lie to them?”Ryeowook asked in disbelief”Why?”

“Trust me, it’s for the best. And this is the first and last time I’ll ask you to lie for me...please Wookie?”Yesung asked softly placing his hand on the younger's forearm.

Ryeowook stared at him, not knowing what to do then he sighed and nodded. He gave a look to Yesung as warning and the older nodded in understanding. They walked into the building and saw the guys arguing on who gets to sit where. Kangin wanted to sit at the end and the two younger guys were fighting over the other end. Ryeowook silently took the seat between Kangin and Sungmin while the Kim brothers sat together.

“Hyung! Thank god you’re here”Jongjin said with wide eyes and hugged his brother looking scared”I don’t know what’s wrong but these two keep fighting”

Yesung glanced at Kangin and Sungmin but they weren’t looking at him, but sneaking glares at each other when they thought no one was looking. He didn’t know why they were acting that way either. So he switched

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I finally have time with my tests over and work done. I have a latop to work on now but please continue to be patient with me thnx guys


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401 streak #1
It's yemin! So I know that I'm going to enjoy reading it 🥰
teddiebears #2
going through some older fics and showing love <3
Eggums #3
Chapter 28: waahhh i hope he confesses ; 3 ;
Chapter 26: Omg Sungmin is so cute toward Yesung! I can't wait to see how everything turns out.
And please put Yesung together with Ming already haha xD
bonchan #5
Chapter 26: Kyaaaa yemin looks so adorable here. Yemin couple, please going out already >_<
Eggums #6
Chapter 26: Unnhh!! o 3 o i really like the direction this is headed!! > 3 < I hope min and sung get together!! *flop around*
Eggums #7
Chapter 25: Awww :3 stay the night min!!!
Melodyewonkyu #8
Chapter 25: Yesung really kind and care for everyone.
So Sungmin please don't lose hope & be patient.
Don't be jealous Wookie alright??
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 23: Yes, definitely looking forward to how everyone ends up together :)