Red Light

I Despise You...

A/N: Hey guys, so basically I decided to come back to this account because Iove it and all my friends are on this account. I know it has been AGES since I have written anything and I will like to continue writing in the future. I have been so excited about 'Red Light' by f(x) and FINALLY it's here!! check the mv out guys. 

Red's a warning, something will go wrong. Around Krystal the red light is always there, she has always been known as having an agressive personality and Kai knows that. For Kai, Krystal was interesting, a piece of art, even though they hate each other not, they used to text each other all day and all night, some of their conversations even lasted until 12:00 at night. Krystal knew she had feelings for Kai, but being the stubborn girl she usually was, she tried to mute those feeling and convert them to anger.

Anger was her outlet, when things weren't going to plan everything would eventually resort to anger. Pushing people away was a common mistake of hers, she wants everyone to know that she isn't afraid of them, but she does it in a way that makes everyone around her dislike her, everyone but her best friends Luna, Sulli, Victoria and Amber. These people truly understood her, they knew that behind that cold and calculating facade was an adorable girl that is just as playful as the people around her.

Kai on the other hand could be read like an open book. He was handsome, sporty, funny and everything you saw was what you got. Girls would flock from all the different year levels to see him dance and he enjoyed it. His friends were the kingkas of the school, the ones that called the shots and the ones you didn't want to get into trouble with. 


Krystal POV

The clock goes tick-tock as each slow second goes by, it's nearly lunch. *grumble, grumble* My stomach is aching for some food, what should I buy today.

"Luna, will you come to the cafeteria with me?" We whisper as our teacher Mr.Shindong is like a hawk.

"Yeah sure." and that was the end of that conversation as the entire class groaned from the 3 page essay Mr Shindong just set us.

It's a shame that my best friends and i aren't in the same class. Our year level is split into 2 classes, A and B. In A is Victoria, Sulli and Amber, while in B it's just me and Luna, oh and of course the evil Kim Jongin.

The loud sound of the bell cuts my thoughts off straight away as my classmates rush out of the classroom, escaping from the lecture of Mr Shindong. As we approach the cafeteria, the line is already growing. Our school is huge, but a big school also comes with a lot of students and therefore a long waiting time for food. once i had to wait all lunch to buy something.

Luna and I talk about a new song we want to make, Luna, Victoria, Amber, Sulli and I formed a group called f(x) in 2009. We don't make songs that often, but when we do, they are amazing. 

"Hey krystal," I can already hear the smirk forming on his face.

"Go away Kai, oh hi Sehun," I give my best death glare to Kai and a friendly smile to Sehun.

Sehun and I were friends ever since preschool and remain really close, it's just a shame that he has to associate with that dimwit Kim jongin.

"Oh, I can't go away, I need food too. Or do you want me to starve to death?" Now his smile is evil, he knows he is bugging me and he likes it. 


"Fine, I think I see Victoria up in the queue, let's see if she can buy it for me. Come on Luna, bye sehun" I grab Luna's arm and storm off to find Victoria further up in the line.

"You know he wants you to be mad." I look at Luna with a 'nah-duh' look.

"I know." Sighing, I tell Victoria what I would like as we go and sit down at a table. "I just hate him so much!"

"Are you sure you dont just like him?" Luna's face has turned into an identical replica of Kai's.

"Dont you start Luna! You know I hate him!" I yell as Victoria approaches with Sulli and Amber aswell.

I don't like him, I don't like him...or do I?



A/N: Thanks for reading guys!! please subscribe for more soon :DD I would really appreciate it. Also, It would mean the world (if you have tumblr) to follow my new kpop tumblr :)) THANK YOUU

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Does anyone do graphics?? lol i need a graphic :P


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