For the Thrill of the Fall

I pull up to my house for the first time since I was kicked out, but I guess it’s not that bad because my sister’s with me. Even though Jongin gave me the key yesterday, I just didn’t have it in me to go back home just yet. But I had to get it over with eventually.

It’s not like I could just stay at Hyosung’s until the wedding.  

“You seriously haven’t been home yet? Are you using me to alleviate tension between you and your fiancé?” Jinah asks as we walk to the door.

“Not even twenty minutes ago you told me that these are the kinds of things sisters are for,” I retort, sticking the newly returned key into the doorknob. For some reason I was expecting the key not to work. I thought that maybe Jongin changed all the locks on the house, but the key turned just fine. I think part of me wanted him to have changed the locks, or slash my tires, or reveal what I had done to his entire family. I wanted him to be angry with me.

Whenever I thought about Jongin finding out, I always imagined it being such a huge obstacle to climb over, but it seems like we simply stepped over  a mound on the ground without much trouble at all. Things like this usually break relationships or make them stronger, but it kind of just seems like we swept dust off our shoulders and are just moving on.

When I open the door, Jongin emerges from the hallway like he was waiting to hear my key in the door. When he sees me, he smiles gently and then notices my sister behind me.

“Oh, hey Jinah,” he greets with a wave.

“Hey Jonginnie,” she replies casually. His older sister and my older sister are the only ones who call him that. My sister heard his sister calling him that and she thought it would be fitting if she used it too. He practically kills anyone else that tries to use the name on him. Even me.

“How are y- What happened to your jaw?” he suddenly asks mid question, glancing at the side of my face. I subconsciously bring my hand to the sore spot on my face. I thought Baekhyun said Chanyeol couldn’t hit well…

I don’t know whether or not I should tell him what really happened. But I can’t just keep hiding things from him. I had to stop the habit before lying to Jongin became a normal thing. Especially if we were going to be married...

“Oh, well when we went out to eat earlier...” I start, but my sister finishes the sentence for me.

“-I accidentally elbowed her in the face,” she quickly, but seamlessly adds. I try not to look at her with such an obvious look, but she just dug me deeper into the stupid hole I’d been stuck in.

“Already fighting each other and it hasn’t even been a day since you’ve been together,” Jongin laughs, shaking his head. He didn’t even notice any apprehension that I knew was apparent on my face. But it wasn’t like my sister’s excuse was out of the ordinary. We used to be very rough with each other when we were younger and sometimes we get random bursts of violence even in our twenties…

“Do you two mind going to the grocery store for me? You guys already have your shoes on and I’m the one cooking dinner anyway.”

“Was that an invitation for me to stay for dinner?” Jinah asks.

“Aren’t you staying in our guest room for the week?” Jongin replies, eyebrows creasing together.

Her face blanks out for a moment, before a sheepish smile appears on her face. “Oh, right,” she says with a chuckle. “I must be a little jet lagged…” she calmly adds, linking her arm in mine as she drags me back towards the door. “Just text us what you need!” she says before we walk back out the door.

I hadn’t even spoken one full sentence to Jongin and I was already out the door again. But we were in quite a sticky situation. My sister was talking about booking a hotel on the drive to my house because she didn’t want to be staying in a house with the two of us in the situation that we were in, but looks like she just screwed herself over for that one. Not to mention the fact that I was about to tell Jongin that I was punched in the face by Baekhyun's best... er... ex best friend because he called me a .

“Great!” Jinah exhales sarcastically as she slams the car door. This time I’m behind the steering wheel, but only because she stormed to the passenger seat. “Now I’m stuck in a house with you two in your awkward stage of making up with each other.” She crosses her arms over one another after buckling her seatbelt.

“You act like you’re going to be inside this whole week. You practically have every minute of the next seven days scheduled out, so why are you complaining?”

“Because I know how this goes,” she says with a sigh. “I went through it, remember?” I look over at her at a stop light and ask for her to elaborate. “The after he realizes you’ve been sleeping with someone else this whole time is… uncomfortable to say the least. And your walls are thin. I don’t wanna hear any of that. It’s not even hot to listen to, it’s just… uncomfortable.”

I hadn’t even thought about that before. Plus, he’s been out of town this whole time, so he hasn’t even been laid and he’s probably going through weird guy withdrawals and now it’s even worse because he’ll probably be thinking of Baekhyun the next time we do it. We haven’t even kissed yet, how were we even supposed to get through one night of even sleeping next to each other?

The little mound I thought we surpassed earlier was starting to look a lot more like a mountain…

* * *

We come home with the groceries Jongin had asked for and he’s already in the kitchen prepping ingredients we already had. I drop the bags on the counter as Jinah (unwillingly) drags her suitcase to the guest bedroom. After taking the things out of the bags, I stand directly next to him as he carefully chops onions. I stare at the knife in his hand, then I look up to his face and I wonder for a second if Jongin has ever contemplated killing me yet, but then he notices my stare and turns his head to face me.

His eyes are open wide as if they’re asking me why I’m staring at him like that, but then he says, “Thanks,” and this is where I realize that this is usually a time when we would kiss and I suddenly feel nervous. I don’t even really remember what Jongin’s lips even feel like anymore.

But he never leans down and he just smiles and turns his head back down to the cutting board. I feel semi relieved, but at the same time I feel semi rejected. Maybe Jongin was angry and this was his way of getting back at me.

“No problem…” I reply in as casual of a tone as I can as I walk to the guest room where my sister retreated to. When I walk in, she already has her laptop open on the bed, and she’s looking at her schedule for the week.

“Awkward, huh?” she says, not looking up from the screen.

“I find it awfully ironic that you’re saying that as you stare at the plans for our wedding,” I say, closing the door behind me, even though I’m sure Jongin wouldn’t be able to hear us over the sizzling pans on the stove even if it was open.

“Did you kiss him? Was it weird? Did he look at you weird? Did he-”

“He didn’t,” I reply a little dejectedly.

“He didn’t look at you weird?”

“No, we didn’t kiss.”

“Oh,” Jinah says looking up from her screen. She quickly removes the surprised look on her face, probably realizing it's not making her sister feel any better. “Well, maybe that’s good. At least he’s not trying to force you guys to make up or anything.”

“Yeah…” I say, feeling weird about the whole situation. I had just said earlier that I wished Jongin was mad at me, but not like this. I wanted him to yell at me or even make snide passive aggressive comments, but he’s just kind of avoiding everything.

It’s not like he’s acting like it never happened because if that was the case, he would have just kissed me. But instead, he’s kind of just staying in the middle ground, in between being mad at me and pretending like it didn’t happen.

I’ll be honest, we’re not gonna make it if this is how Jongin’s choosing to deal with the situation. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions too early though. It’s only been a couple days since he’s found out. He’s still coming to terms with everything is all…

* * *

Dinner wasn’t as awkward as I had imagined it’d be. Thank god my sister didn’t stay in a hotel because I know it was her that definitely alleviated the tension. We mostly just caught up with her and what she’s been up to since we last saw her.

But as the night rolled in, I had to finally deal with everything myself. It’s not like my sister was going to sleep between us—no matter how much I begged and pleaded her to.

After a pointless battle of me asking if I could just sleep in her room and her threatening to tell Jongin what really happened today, I walk across the hall to my own room, hearing a "Go get him tiger" as I leave, and when I open the door Jongin’s in the midst of taking his shirt off to change into pajamas.

I almost pause and turn out of the room, but I stop myself and walk in anyway. I don’t know why I suddenly feel like a preteen that can’t see another guy with his shirt off all of a sudden. Jongin notices me when his head's out of the shirt and he just smiles the same smile he’s been using this entire day. I tenatively crawl onto my side of the bed and watch him carefully. As he throws his shirt in the hamper and walks to the dresser to pull out a sweater, I stare at his lean torso and I can’t deny the fact that I did indeed miss looking at it.

Jongin pulls the sweater over his head and he turns just in time to catch me staring at his abdomen. I don’t blush, like I expect the newly arrived preteen in my body to, but instead I just trail my eyes nonchalantly back up to his and he smirks at me.






I don't use them anyway, so I figure I might as well give it away to people who will actually use them. And I only get karma because of you guys anyway ^o^ 

I'll be choosing a bunch of winners because what's the fun of only having one, right? 

1st prize is 3000 karma - 2nd is 2000 - 3rd is 1000 - and I'll give five runners up 250 karma each woooo lots of chances here 

So since this fic is on it's way to it's end... (I only expect about five chapters more or less left) I just want you guys to comment who you want the OC to end up with and why. Baekhyun? Jongin? Neither? KRIS? (lmao jk ignore me I'm going through a really strange kris phase right now regardless of his galaxy stupidity...)
but anyways, that's all really. I know a lot of you already comment who you want, but I'm just curious as to why, so I might as well give you some incentive so I can know how you guys feel lol (and don't think you can suade me I've already decided my ending >:D I'm just genuinely curious lol)

Okay that's really it. That's how you enter lmao obviously you have to be subscribed and stuff because how else would you know who to choose! and also I know it's weird to have 1st 2nd and 3rd ranks for people's own opinions, but I'm not ranking on you on who you choose, but rather how you came to your decision c: (also being funny counts in my book so there's that [you could probably say potato and end up winning idk how i'll feel when I look through these lmao]) 

Okay good luck! You have until my next update! Which could be tomorrow, or next week, or next month (hopefully not...) so get those comments in :D Ok have fun, see y'all then! 

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its been a while so im going to reread and edit the whole thing and then hopefully update oK


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Chapter 27: I was going through my upvotes for a good reread and came back across this. It’s so good! I know it’s been some years since you updated it, but I hope you’re still writing !
JeMerald #2
Chapter 27: wow, I accept this as an ending. I think this is enough TT I don't need to know what happens next, I'll just think they'll be ok. ^^ again, I wish I found this when I was more active on aff. I really like this story -it brought me a lot of embarrassment because I read the while I was out, but I loved it. It's been a while since I read something that literally made me gasp in surprise. Many thanks ^^
im still hoping for this to be updated. i hope youre doing well, author-nim.
Chapter 27: I don’t know why I thought this said completed lol, but wow! It was good while it lasted! Hope you finish one day ?
1883 streak #5
Chapter 2: Jongin truly loves her damn ㅠㅠㅠ
shahirasyafiqah #6
Chapter 27: I really love your story. You have a talent to become a movie director ? I just come to my conclusion that the story end at chapter 27. Great ending and I want someone like Jongin in my real life ?
Chapter 27: I enjoyed this story even if it’s uncompleted, in a way, the ending of chapter 27 is kind of a nice ending for the story. :) thank you for the story.
Chapter 27: gosh I didnt even realise this was incomplete...and now I'm stuck here.... not knowing whether itll be baekhyun or jongin...
Chapter 27: Damn it. I'm rooting for 7 years relationship. I ship Kai!
arrrennoona #10
I always think about this fic even after a mere 6 years have passed, just hoping that you'll update this. I was 16 when I read this, and I just finished college last year. ?