For the Thrill of the Fall

“How was lunch?” Hyosung asks with a heavily condescending tone and a crooked smirk as she looks up from her computer.

“It was good. We went to that new sushi place in Little Tokyo,” I say as I take a seat at my desk.

Her eyebrows scrunch together. “What? You guys didn’t in his back seat?”

“Uh, no, we still did that, but we got hungry,” I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes and continues on with her work. I think she’s more upset by the fact that I didn’t invite her to go eat with us, so I take note to take her out to eat tomorrow.

I know my actions seem to be a little more than scandalous, but things weren’t always like this. This “affair”, as Hyosung likes to call it, hasn’t been going on for all that long. Well, if two months isn’t considered long.

Taeyeon, who works as a finance manager like Baekhyun, invited pretty much the whole floor to her wedding. Jongin was away on a business trip to the Bay area so I had to go stag. At the wedding, I was with Hyosung for the most part, but a couple hours into the reception, things got a little dangerous. But how could they not have? There was an open bar.

All I remember was being on the dance floor and all of a sudden I ended up with Baekhyun grinding behind me and it just so happened that he attended the wedding alone as well. I had never really had a conversation with Baekhyun before the wedding. I only saw him when he’d walk out of his office to run an errand or something, so of course this came by surprise.

Somehow things got way too heated on the dance floor and we ended up stumbling into the woman’s bathroom and into the handicap stall. I was completely wasted, but I still knew that what I was doing was wrong, but the fact that Baekhyun was also engaged seemed to coax me into thinking that it was okay. Maybe two wrongs made a right sometimes, I thought. Or maybe it’s because there’s just something about men in a suit and tie that drives me insane. My very first time was with Jongin after prom. You can probably guess what he was wearing.

The Monday after that wedding was probably one of the more uncomfortable days I had ever felt in the office. Baekhyun didn’t come out of the office as much as he usually did, but when he did, I’d glue my eyes directly on my monitor while his eyes were locked straight ahead of him. Although it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that we were both staring at each other through our peripherals.

Hyosung thought my strange demeanor was because she thought I was embarrassed about having to be literally dragged out to a taxi that night. She tried telling me that this wasn’t my worse drunk experience and that everyone else from work was wasted anyway so I shouldn’t worry so much, but none of that was a problem to me. I could care less about what my coworkers thought about me. I had much bigger problems. I had cheated on my fiancé.

I cooked Jongin’s favorite dishes that whole week and tried to make sure I didn’t do things that ticked him off. I even let him watch his stupid soccer games that happened to clash with Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Luckily Jongin didn’t suspect anything and just appreciated my sudden kindness.  

The very next Monday I had to make a run to the supply room for printer paper and Baekhyun just happened to be in there making copies. I wish I could have just ran away and forgotten about the stupid paper, but we had a rule in the office: If you use the last piece of paper in the printer, you have to refill the paper tray.

Of course the paper was on the top shelf in the cupboard and was barely out of my reach. I regretted wearing loafers to work that day because I wouldn’t have to look like such an idiot in front of Baekhyun (not like I cared about what he thought about me or anything). Of course he had to step in and help me and he easily grabbed the ream of paper and handed it to me with a closed smile. I thanked him and we were left in a terrible silence as I realized that he was only inches away from me.

That stupid invisible magnetic force brought us closer and closer together until our lips were latched on to one another as we struggled to lock the door without letting go of one another. We ended up doing it on the copy machine, and no, no copies of my were made on accident.

Somehow the encounter led to another and whenever one of us walked into the supply room, the other would follow suit. It didn't help that Baekhyun's door was always open so he could see my whereabouts during the day. It was so terribly wrong, but something about the fact that we were both committed to staying in our current relationships was such a turn on. It was basically a “no strings attached” relationship since we already had our strings attached to someone else.

Anyways, back in the present, Jongin is more than ready to start planning for the wedding. I do want to be married to him eventually, but I don’t exactly feel ready for it. I don’t know if it has to do with Baekhyun or if it’s just the fact that I’m not ready in general.

I was able to use the money excuse for a while because I would tell Jongin that I wanted the wedding to be extravagant and perfect and of course he agreed with me. You can’t just tell a girl that she can’t have the wedding of her dreams.

The money excuse doesn’t really work anymore because there’s more than enough in our savings; more than a hundred thousand dollars enough. My job pay was decent enough to live well and afford nice things from time to time. But Jongin on the other hand had an extremely well paid job. He was an IT manager for Twitter. He made an incredible amount of money; especially for being only 25 years old. So of course it took no time for our wedding savings to stack up rather quickly.

Before we went to sleep, Jongin brought up the topic with full force. I had known him for almost ten years. I knew when he was determined to do something. And that time was now.

“Babe,” he soothes into my ear as he leans on his side and wraps his arm around my waist. “I think it’s time we start planning our wedding.” The excitement isn’t hidden at all in his voice and I wish I could be as excited as he was.

I flip over on my side and face him. “You think so?” I reply, trying not to sound too apprehensive about the whole situation.

He smiles a bright smile and says, “I know you want to wait a bit longer for the wedding, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t start planning already. You said you wanted a wedding in the fall so we have more than enough time to plan everything out now so that things aren’t as stressful later in the year.” He’s been thinking about this a lot, I think. When I mentioned fall to him, I meant fall of next year. But I couldn’t tell him that now. He was so ready for the wedding and I’ve pushed him down so much. I may be chea- having stuff on the side, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love him.

“Okay,” I practically breathe out the word. “Let’s start planning the wedding.”

“Really?” He is more than shocked that I agreed because I’m usually so persistent with pushing the wedding back. I nod in response and he plants a big kiss on my lips. I smile at his enthusiasm and hope that my little affair never reaches Jongin’s ears. It would break his heart in an instant.

“I love you, Jongin,” I say, bringing my hand up to cup his cheek.

His cheek pushes into my hand as he grins even wider. “I love you, too,” he says as he reaches past my head to turn the light off on the end table.


It’s my turn to take the car to work. Hyosung and I take turns driving Monday through Thursday and we play rock, paper, scissors, to determine who drives on Friday because the worst traffic is always on Fridays.

When Hyosung gets into the car she immediately notices the uneasy look on my face, and she immediately brings it up.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, buckling her seatbelt.

“We’re planning the wedding.” I try not to sound so dejected. It’s every girl’s dream to plan their big day. I knew it was a dream that Hyosung was particularly excited about.

“Oh my god, you shouldn’t be so upset about this. It’s your wedding! You get to be y and people can’t yell back at you because no one gets in the way of the bride.”

“I guess you have a point there,” I say. “But…”

“Yes, darling, you have to stop having with Baekhyun.” 

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its been a while so im going to reread and edit the whole thing and then hopefully update oK


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Chapter 27: I was going through my upvotes for a good reread and came back across this. It’s so good! I know it’s been some years since you updated it, but I hope you’re still writing !
JeMerald #2
Chapter 27: wow, I accept this as an ending. I think this is enough TT I don't need to know what happens next, I'll just think they'll be ok. ^^ again, I wish I found this when I was more active on aff. I really like this story -it brought me a lot of embarrassment because I read the while I was out, but I loved it. It's been a while since I read something that literally made me gasp in surprise. Many thanks ^^
im still hoping for this to be updated. i hope youre doing well, author-nim.
Chapter 27: I don’t know why I thought this said completed lol, but wow! It was good while it lasted! Hope you finish one day ?
1873 streak #5
Chapter 2: Jongin truly loves her damn ㅠㅠㅠ
shahirasyafiqah #6
Chapter 27: I really love your story. You have a talent to become a movie director ? I just come to my conclusion that the story end at chapter 27. Great ending and I want someone like Jongin in my real life ?
Chapter 27: I enjoyed this story even if it’s uncompleted, in a way, the ending of chapter 27 is kind of a nice ending for the story. :) thank you for the story.
Chapter 27: gosh I didnt even realise this was incomplete...and now I'm stuck here.... not knowing whether itll be baekhyun or jongin...
Chapter 27: Damn it. I'm rooting for 7 years relationship. I ship Kai!
arrrennoona #10
I always think about this fic even after a mere 6 years have passed, just hoping that you'll update this. I was 16 when I read this, and I just finished college last year. ?