First Day

Tennis (HIATUS)

Chapter 2


“First Day”


“Brother!” I ask while eating breakfast.

“What? Don’t make your voice loud when you’re at the dining table.”

“Ok. Sorry. I just want to ask if what club is suitable for me in your school.”

“Everything there is great. But the school has a very big tennis court. They more likely pay more attention to tennis.” He said calmly.

I nodded then asked “If I join the tennis club, can I visit you in your court? The Tennis Club for boys? Can I?” I said while trying to act cute.

He chuckled then said “You sure like making cute faces. But, no, rules are still rules.”

“Nah~ Why do have to be serious at everything?” I nagged.

“Just kidding. Everyone can watch, not visit. You can watch but you should never disturb any of the people inside the court.”

“Sure. I can do that, I think.” I said while trying to eat breakfast fast.

“I’ll wait for you in the car, 5 minutes!” Brother Tezuka said while going to the car.

I didn’t finish breakfast and go to my room. I need to look at my face and try to adjust my uniform. I’m trying to make it look a bit fashionable, by adjusting some parts. And there- tada~ I look better. I hurriedly ran and entered the car.

“What did you do to your uniform?” My brother asked.

“Nothing much. I just adjusted some parts.” I answered.

“Ok. But are you sure you’re joining Tennis Club?”

“Why? Do you think I can’t pass?”

“No, it’s just that, I know you’re not satisfied with just one active club.”

“Haha, yeah right. I’m going to try other clubs.”

“That’s great.” Brother said, with a warm smile.

“I bet you don’t usually smile like that at school.” I suspiciously said.

“The truth is, I totally don’t. I keep my manners at school. And I only do descent things.” He said.

“Oh well, I think I won’t tell anyone that you’re my brother.”

“Why? Do you think I’m too embarrassing to be your brother?”

“It’s the opposite. I don’t think I can ruin your image. I mean, you know I’m too curious about thing and all-”

“It’s fine. Just don’t worry about it. Just don’t brag about me.” He joked.

“Haha! You wish! I would never brag about you, at least not to some you don’t know.” I said.

            And before we know it, were at the school already. I hurriedly get out of the car while my brother was so calm and cool about everything. Then I realized..

“We’re early.” I said.

“Yes, of course. I never get late.” Brother said.

“Oh- so, that’s why. I’ll never go with you again, you know how I love sleeping.” I nagged.

            He ignored me and went to his classroom. I can’t believe he didn’t manage to accompany me to the office. I searched the whole school and never asked anyone, and I found the office. I entered the office and saw Ryoma. I was like woah~ Did he school here too? Wow~ It’s like meant to be.

            Then I ask someone if where is my classroom. The teacher just said.. “Oh- Miss Kunimitsu, you’re in my class. 1-A. You can go with that boy since he is your classmate” She said while pointing Ryoma.

“Ehh?” I said.

“Why? Do you know him?” She said then Ryoma stared at me.

“Uhh- no. Sorry. We’ll go now.” I said while grabbing Ryoma’s hand.

“So where is the classroom?” I said while letting go of Ryoma’s hand.

“Why would I tell you? We don’t know each other, right?” He teased.

“Nah~ stop teasing.. I was just shock, that’s all. Now where is it?”

            He didn’t said anything and just continued walking, so I followed him. Then we finally arrived, and there was no one.

“Ehh!?! No one is still here?” I gasp.

“Are you new here?” I asked.

“Yes.” He answered.

“So, we’re just the same. You came from America, right?”


            Gosh! His words are so tiny. It’s like he doesn’t know any other word. I just ignored him, sleeping in his table, near the window. I sat at the back of him, also near the window. I was watching at the window and I fell asleep.



“Excuse me~” Someone tapped me.

 I immediately opened my eyes. And I saw many students.

“Excuse me~ ” A girl asked me.

“Uhm- yes?” I answered

“In 5 minutes the classes will start so..”

“Yeah~ I get it. Thanks by the way.”

“Oh. No problem..”

            Then the girl sat beside me. Weird, I’m sitting next to a shy girl. Then I saw Ryoma still sleeping. I tapped his shoulder and tried to wake him up.

“Hey~” I said.

            Then he woke up. He looked at me and said thanks. I didn’t get the chance to reply since the teacher already arrived. Everybody stand up and bowed while saying “Good Morning” to the teacher. Then the teacher asked us to sit down. And she said “Since today in the first day of school, I first want you all to one by one stand in the front, introduce yourselves and say your hobbies and club you want to join.” Then it started in the first row, everybody seemed energetic. Then it was Ryoma’s turn. He was just calm and cool, just like my brother.

“Hello. I’m Ryoma Echizen.I like tennis.” Was all he said. Unlike other students who talked a lot. Some boys thought it was arrogant but all of the girls, except e thought it was so cool. Then the teacher pointed me and said it was already my turn.

“Hello. I’m Nana Kunimitsu. I like tennis and piano.” I said.

            Some of the girls hated me, because some of the boys was traing at my body and face while I was introducing myself. I saw Ryoma just looking at me with his cold face. 



                        Finally, classes are over. All this day, all we did is introduce ourselves. So boring! Now, time to walk around school, since it’s still 4:00 P.M. I was walking in the courts and I saw Ryoma- oh! He’s playing with a sophomore? I look closely and stand beside the court.

“Oh! Nana-chan!” Someone approached me. It was a guy, and from what I remembered, his from my class and his name is.. I can’t remember.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“We’re on the same class.” The guy said.

“I know, but what’s your name?”

“Taemin” He said with a smile.

“So, Taemin, what’s happening here?”

“Ryoma ishaving a fight with Momoshiro(Changmin). He is one of the regular.”

“Regular? ”

“Regular is what we call to people who get to join the tennis club, I mean the ones with the higher position, the ones who get to play on the tournaments and represent the school.” He explained.

“Oh- So, that’s it. But I thought the regulars from the boys tennis club will be tomorrow?”

“Yes, but he is also a member with a higher rank. But not last year, he was like- uhm, how would I explain it, he replaced the other members for last. Something like that.”

“Oh- So, he must be good.”

“He is.” He said, proudly.

            We watched the match together and as I expected, Ryoma was using his right hand. And from what I can see, That Momoshiro guy, he has a little pain in his leg.

“Hey~ Does that Momoshiro have an injured leg?” I asked.

“Uhm- Now that you mentioned it, yes, have.”

            So, now I know why Ryoma is being slow. But at the end, Momoshiro quit and Ryoma won, maybe because of his injury.


            Minutes later, I went to the Women’s Tennis Club to register myself.

“Uhm- excuse me. Where do I register?” I asked the 3 girls.

“Here.” The girl in the middle said while handling a paper with names.

“Thanks.” I said. I wrote my name, year and class then handed it to them.

“Oh- A freshman. But you know, we have to do something before you officially become a member of our club.” The girl said. Then they laughed. I totally find it weird.

“What is it?” I said calmly.

“You have to hit this.” She said while pointing a can.

“But you hae to pay.”

“No problem.”

“5,000 yen per hit. You have 10 hits. But if you can’t hit it, you still have to pay but can’t join the club.”

            I suddenly smell something fishy.

“Can I touch the can?” I asked.

            The girl handed me the can and it seemed heavy.

“This can have rocks on it, right?” I arrogantly said. The girls looked shocked.

“Why? Got a problem with it?” They said.

“Not at all.” Then I realized there were a lot of people looking at me. My brother and his other team mates. And Ryoma and some of the students. It getting crowded since the girls were always shouting like they are scolding me.

“What if I can hit it with one hit?” I asked

“You don’t have to pay for any fee’s but that looks imposible since you’re still a freshman.” They said then they laughed.

            I get my racquet then tried to hit it with my right hand, and I hit it. The people were looking so shock and I can feel my brother’s aura who seemed proud of me. Then since I have a very very sensitive ears, I can overhear people saying like..

“Wow~ She is like the girl version of that Ryoma” The photographer said.

“She looks skiled.” The guy with a brown hair and have eyes like closed said, he was my brother’s team mate. I can see my brother just nodded.

“So, am I a member now?” I asked the girls. They still look shocked.

“Not yet, you have to meet our coach first.” The girl said.

“Where is the coach?” I asked.

“In that building, second floor, 4h room” she said.

            I get my racquet and head to the building and meet the coach. I entered the room and saw a very young y lady sitting.

“Uhm- Excuse me, where is the Women’s Tennis Club Coach?” I politely asked.

“She’s me.” The lady said.

            I was schocked. I mean from the fact that she is so young and have a great body, SHE IS THE COACH!?! I actually expected that the coach looked older.

“Uhm- I’m Nana Kunimitsu. I want to join to Women’s Tennis Club.” I said.

“I know who you are. Tezuka’s little sister.”

            Gosh! I really hate being called “Tezuka’s little sister.” It makes me look small.

“Uhm- how did you-” I didn’t finish my sentence..

“I waited for you.”

“Eh? Huh?” I asked, confused.

“We totally need someone like you. And even if you won’t join, I will beg you to.”

            I was so shocked from her words. Need me? Huh?

“Welcome to the club, Captain.” She continued.

            Now this is getting weird! I just joined and now I’m the captain?

“Are you serious? I think you just said that to the wrong person.” I said

“No! I totally need you. We need you! It’s been years since we found someone like you.” She protested.

“What are you talking about?”

“From the fact that you’re better from Tezuka-”

            I didn’t let her finish her sentence then I said “Better?? Than my brother? You must be kidding me.” I lied. I mean, I already know I’m better than my brother.

“I was watching you since you we’re a kid. I’m a friend of your mother’s. And the one that trained you in America was my mother. She was the woman tennis player. She was also taught by someone who was once the best.” She explained.

“You mean from generation to generation?” I asked.


“Oh..” was the only thing I could say.

“But, you still have to do the tryouts.” She said.

“No problem. When will it be?”

“The day after the tryouts of your brothers. ”

“Oh, that’s good. But what is your name coach?”

“I’m Coach Raina.”

“Coach Raina. Why is your name sound American?”

            She ignored my questioned.

“I think it’s time for you to go.” She said. “I guess you need to register to other clubs.” She continued.

“Oh~ Right!” I remembered. “I’ll be going now~” I said.

            “Now I remember, but what other club will I join? Soccer? No! That’s so tiring. Choir! No! It’s too boring. What about I try cheerleading? I know how to dance and to do stances, maybe I can-” I was talking to myself.

“So noisy!” Someone shouted. I looked for who shouted. Then it was Ryoma! I can see it, just by looking at his cap.

“Do you own this place?” I asked, teasing.

“Do I have to?” He answered. He look annoyed.

“Who knows?” I said cooly.

            He ignored me and walk away. I followed him.

“You want to have a game?” I asked.

“Can you keep up?” Hi arrogantly asked.

I smiled and said “Let’s see.”

            So we headed to the court and played the game. We both used our right hands. But 5 mins have has passed and he got no scores. In 5 minutes the score was 3-0. He got pissed and used his left hand.

“Mada Mada Dane” He arrogantly said.

            I ignored what he said and continue playing with my right hand. But I still won by the scores 7-6. He got really pissed. And walk away, maybe because of his pride, I mean he was defeated by a girl? If he was me, I would never show my face again. But we didn’t notice there were a lot of people watching. Some regulars of the Tennis Club. Everybody looked shocked and there- I saw my brother. I quickly go to him, bringing my tennis racquet.

“Hi! Did you enjoy watching the game?” I asked him.

“You know her?” The guy asked him.

“He’s my brother!” I proudly said.

“WHAT!?!” The 3 other guys shouted!

“No wonder she’s good but- I never knew Tezuka has a sister.” Momoshiro said.

“I’m Momoshiro by the way.” Momoshiro said.

“I know who you are. Echizen defeated you right?” I said.

He looked pissed. “What!?! Are you sure you’re Tezuka’s sister? You don’t have same attitude.” He said.

“Do we need to have same attitude to be siblings?” I teased.

“What!?” He shouted.

“Hey! Calm down! You’re talking to a girl.” The guy said. “I’m Fuji(Jaejoong) bu the way.Fuji Shusuke.” He continued.

“Oh! Hi Fuji! I’m Nana!” I cheerfully said.

“And I-I-I’m In-u-i.” Inui(Ryewook) said.

“Uhm. Hi. Are you nervous?” I asked.

“N-n-o.” He said then ran away.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked.

“That’s enough Nana. It’s time to go now.” Tezuka calmly said.

“Okay.” I said while following him towards the car. “Bye guys!” I shouted to them.



            At the car..


“You’re really good now.” Tezuka said.

“Want to have a match?” I asked.

            He didn’t reply.

“Oh? Please? It’s been years since we last played together!” I explained.

“Sure. I’ll wait for you at the court in our house.” He said while going out of the car.

“Yes!” I shouted!


“I miss this!” I said to my brother.

“Me too.” He replied.

            We played the game. I first played with my right hand. But he won the first set so I decided to use my left hand. It’s been an hour and our game is not yet finished. We are both so serious, focusing on the game. My brother released an aura. He got stronger. But I concentrated more. The scores were 6-6. But in the end, I won. It was a relief.

“You won.” My brother said.

“I’m sorry.” I said, pouting.

“Don’t be. It’s not my fault your better than me.” My brother said.

“Don’t talk nonsense. I just got a very nice teacher, that’s why.” I explained.

“I know.” He said then smiled. He patted my back and said “I bet your hungry.”

“Of course! Who wouldn’t be.” I said.

            So we ate dinner together and I told him everything about my first day of school. He was happy when he heard I was captain.

“But what other club did you join?” He asked.

”Oh! I forgot!” I gasp.

“There still tomorrow.” He said.

“Yeah, right.”

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honeyxxbaby #1
pleeease update
SNSD1203 #2
Can you pretty please update!?
Chapter 3: Ohgod, i ca still remember this! :o And until now my word is stil update soon :( this is the first mirnana fic i have read before i stopped being a silent reader :o
love ,
HoneyCates #5
I really hope I can but I'm sorry I have to study for the coming exams.. I'll try hard to update fast though. (:
kyuhyunswifey #6
Mir/Nana is <b>love</b>. I want more more MORE! xDD<br />
Update soon, alright?