I Miss You


..or not finale. :> I seem to have changed my mind guys. welcome back.

and can I just say, I saw Sun today. Not the kid in the story, but legit Sun. He plays tennis near my dance room. Ah he's so cute~~ forgive me Seungri. :(((



"These days, without knowing, I sing the songs we used to listen to together,

On days like this when I’m locked in old memories, on nights when I miss you for no reason"


He closed his eyes and lay down on the bench they used to visit. He did this a lot when he wanted to relax.

He liked listening to music of course, and since he was reminiscing the days when he used to be on stage, he decided to listen to a song of theirs.

Love Dust.

He tugged his cap further down to block his face from the brightness of the sun.



What else did he miss? He missed traveling; experiencing new places, seeing new people, talking in a different language and eat different kinds of food.


Concerts were always the best, he thought. He loved his job. He got paid for something he loved doing. It was a double whammy: work and travel. The only downside to whenever he left though was leaving her behind.


He remembered saying goodbye to her on her birthday. She was sad of course, and he swore to make it up to her but no matter what, he still wouldn't be able to take back the fact that he left her on her birthday.


He was very thankful to have had her. He couldn't have asked for anyone prettier, smarter, nicer and more understanding. She was perfect in his eyes.


"I don't want you to choose between me or your job, Bae. I'll always be here so you go do what you have to do." He remembered her telling him. She understood that his line of work could mean less time for them, yet still she stayed. She was wonderful.


He remembered her smile, and the way her lips felt against his whenever they kissed. He remembered her touch, the way she caressed his cheek when he needed assurance. He remembered everything about her, it ached not to have her at his side.


"I love you," she liked to tell him over and over again. He never understood why, but he answered her back with an "I love you too," everyday.


Her grandmother told her that she should always show the man she'd love her feelings; she should always tell him that she loved him so that in the future, she'd never regret not saying it. For her, that man was Youngbae. It would kill her when the day would come that she couldn't tell him how much he means to her.


He never knew the reason why she said that until he met her grandmother at a coffee shop one time. They were broken up by then, but her grandmother still treated him kindly, like he was her own grandson. That was when she told him why, and his heart broke even more when he found out.


He was left with his own thoughts. He did it to make her happy, he told himself. That's the only reason why he broke up with her. He wasn't giving her what she deserved but it felt so wrong. He wanted to be selfish and keep her as his but this time he decided to be selfless because he loved her. Why did it feel so wrong then, letting her go?


There was a tugging feeling in his chest. Was it worry? Guilt? Sadness? All these emotions were running through his head but he could actually feel something tugging at him. The tugging never stopped, and so he moved to get up.


'What--' he thought and took that cap that was covering his face off.


"Are you alright, Mister?" A kid asked him. There was a kid pulling on his shirt.


"Uhm...yes?" He answered. Wait, this kid looked familiar.


"Aren't you So-I's kid--" he wanted to ask but was cut off. 


"Can you move please?" The kid stared at him. This boy wasn't friendly or mean, he was just..indifferent.


"Uhm, alright." Youngbae answered. He knew this kid, it was Sun.


"Thank you," the boy said and turned to sit down. 


Youngbae didn't know how to react. His initial reaction was puzzlement. Of all the benches here, why would he choose this one? Also, if he was here, then where was So-I? Surely she wouldn't let her son roam around a place like this alone.


"Where's your mom?" He asked.


"Over there," Sun uninterestedly answered as he stared straight ahead at nothing in particular.


Youngbae looked around him, observing the scene for any sign of a mother looking for her child but he couldn't see anything.


"Are you sure you're supposed to be out here?" Youngbae asked. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. This was a lost kid, he knew he should watch over him. But at the same time this was So-I's kid, should he get himself involved? He wasn't sure, so uncomfortably, he decided to sit down.


"I'm trying to hide, Mister. I can't do that if you're talking to me." The kid sighed and finally looked at Youngbae.


"Oh, okay. Sorry," He said. He trying to hide an expression of shock playing on his face.


'What the hell is up with this kid??' He wondered with one brow raised. He couldn't believe there was a child like this one; it was like the boy was an adult himself.


"He got this uptight attitude from his mother," he murmured. He remembered how scary and quiet she could be when she was upset or nervous or [he shuddered,] when she was PMS-ing.


He sighed. 'Why is he alone?' He asked no one in particular. Yet just a few moments after he asked that, he saw a lady frantically looking around for something. It was So-I.


"So-" he was going to call her but she ran to him before he was even able to complete her name. She didn't technically run to him. She ran to her child.


"Sun!!! How could you run off like that?!" She yelled at him with worry. She was looking at every inch of him, checking if he had wounds or anything of the sort.


"Don't you dare do that again. You scared me." She finally calmed down, and hugged him.


"I wasn't lost, I'm with this guy." Sun said. This caught Youngbae's attention. He was perfectly fine being a wallflower but then Sun just had to mention him.


"Which guy--" So-I turned to look sideways and found Youngbae, awkwardly seated on the bench.


"Uhhhhhh.... Hi." He said and gave her that cute eye smile he had.


Her jaw dropped. "Uhm.. Hi," she said.


"So.. I guess I'll be going now," Youngbae said and stood to leave when a hand found itself in his own.


"Mister, you said you'd help me hide." It was Sun who held his hand and kept him at bay. Youngbae was rendered speechless.


"Uhm, uh.. Uhm.." All he could do was stutter. Sun was looking at him with sad puppy eyes.


'Who the heck can say no to that??' Youngbae asked himself inwardly. The boy was completely irresistible! So, so adorable!


"Please?" Sun asked him again, before a voice interrupted them.


"Oh good! You found him!" A man came jogging to where they sat.


Youngbae saw Sun's chest deflate. It was like the kid was upset he even saw the man.


"Oh, wait. Did you find him?" the man came to a halt when he got to where the three were.


"Ah, ah..yeah, I did." Youngbae stuttered. 'Well, this is a crowd' he thought.


"Mmm, thank you." The man said and bent down to ruffle Sun's hair, to which the child didn't enjoy at all.


"Sun, should we go now? Dad has a business meeting he has to attend to. Let's go home, okay?" The man said.


'Dad? This was who So-I married?' Youngbae wondered.  He couldn't help but scrutinize the person in front of him. He was tall, and had a good build, but this wasn't the type that she would go for. He was completely infatuated with his work; she always wanted a family man, or at least someone who would make time for her. This guy, it was like he just wanted her for...a trophy. Yes, that's the kind of guy this man was. Of course Youngbae didn't have any proof to this for these were all just assumptions. So-I was smart, and was a good person. There must've been something in this man that seemed to have hooked her.


Maybe he was just jealous, that's why he had a negative impression on the man. Yes, that must have been it. And as he thought about it, the more it seemed to be true. It could have been him who was married to So-I, if only he didn't end things so rash.


So-I was surprised by the words that came out of her husband's mouth. "Business meeting? Taesong, you said you'd watch over Sun," she told him, disappointment finding its way in her voice.


"I know, I know, but the office called. It's an emergency," he rushed to her and held her face in between his hands. Youngbae's eyes, uninentionally, turned into little slits. No one else should do that to her. No one else can hold her like that. He was suddenly acting like a jealous boyfriend, he realized; he shook the feeling off and tried to gain back his composure.


She tried to shrug him off, she was feeling uncomfortable knowing that just a few paces from her was Youngbae. He didn't have to see this, she thought. He shouldn't have to see her and some other man.


"--but I have to go to the hospital." She told him.


"Can't you take Sun with you?" he asked.


"I rarely ask you to watch over your own son, Taesong yet you whenever I do, you always end up busy? Why can't you do this just once?" she asked him, fatigue washed over her voice. This always happened. He never had time for his own son, he never played with him, never brought him to school. The only time Taesong spent with Sun was whenever his mother was around.


"I'm sorry yeobo, but---" he said, but she cut him off. Youngbae was thankful that So-i stopped Taesong from speaking. Yeobo, the fact that some other person called her that made him cringe and want to puke.


"but you can't, right? It's always like that." She was angry. She pried Taesong's hands off of her and moved to Sun's side.


"Let's go, Sun. Your dad's busy," she told her son. Her sudden appearance at their side surprised both Sun and Youngbae.


Sun shook his head. "N-no, I don't want to go. I--I want to stay with this guy." he told his mom, pulling on Youngbae's hand.


"Uh, uh.. erhmm." All Youngbae did was stutter. Even she was surprised by what Sun said.


"Sun, it's not polite to do that." She told her son.


"but he said he was fine with it." Sun told his mom. She looked at Youngbae, a confused look in her eyes. He stared at them. After all these years, he still couldn't believe how much he was captivated by her.


"I can..I can watch over him, for you." He told her quietly. She looked at him a little bit more, then turned to see Sun who was smiling.



"I'm sorry, who are you?" A sudden intrusion from Taesong broke the moment they were in.


"Ah..ah, Taesong, this is Youngbae. He's a...he's a friend of mine." She told her husband. It was awkward saying that they were friends; she felt a pang of hurt as she said the words, and so did he.


She looked at Youngbae; she dreaded that she would ever have to introduce these two men. "Youngbae, this is Taesong. He's my husband." She told him softly.


"Is that so?" He asked her, smiling brightly. He masked all his emotions perfectly well.


Before she was able to respond, her husband spoke up. "Oh! I know you! You're that guy from that boybang. Taeyang, right? I knew you looked familiar!" her husband said.


"Well, I have to go. But thank you so much for watching over our son. So-I, let's go." Youngbae didn't like his attitude at all. There was something wrong with him, and his quick exit attested to that. Why did she marry him? He wondered. Taesong was nothing at all like him, or any polite man for that matter. He didn't even say goodbye to his own son.


So-I said she would catch up with him, she just wanted to say goodbye to Sun. As soon as Taesong was far enough, she spoke up.


"I have to go to the hospital," she told Youngbae.


"I know. Are you alright?" he asked her, voice full of worry. Despite what just happened, his image of her never changed. She was still that wonderful person he fell in love with.


"I am, it's just that my migraines started to come back and I think I'm seeing things," she gave a short laugh, and he nodded.


"Sun, you be good okay? Don't give my friend a hard time. I'll come back as soon as I finish." she told her son, and he nodded.


"I'll be good," he said.


"Youngbae, I'm really sorry about this. I wouldn't do this if I could bring him with me. Honestly, I'm really very sorry." He told her it was fine, it wasn't a problem at all. He'd do anything for her, he teased and she laughed. 


"Pick him up at the YG Building. You still know where that is, right?" he asked her.


"Of course. How could I forget?" she told him, and smiled.


She told Sun goodbye again, and left.



He looked at Sun, who sighed a sigh of relief.


"Thanks, Mister. You saved my life." he told Youngbae.


They both stood up and started walking. The YG Building was a bit far, so they had to get a head start now.


"Alright," Youngbae said; Sun was still holding his hand.


"....but you'll have to tell me why you were hiding, okay?" Youngbae said. Sun thought about it and nodded.



"Mom is kind of sick right now."


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You guys wanna know a secret? The final chapter's up. :> It's just...hidden!! hehehe>:)


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Chapter 4: Grr!! What!?! It's over when I still have many questions or ask... (>ㅠ-ㅠ<)
Chapter 3: So sweet...
And it's over... Sigh...
XxTWisTEDxX #3
Chapter 3: To Tone:

I'm quite pleased with your three-shot...
WTH? It's seriously awesome!!
Please do me and the other readers of this fic a favor and make it more than a three-shot.

Chapter 2: My Hero Seunghyun!!
Aigoo.. My BaeBae...
Chapter 1: I'm starting to get curious...
Please update!! This story is really eye catching !!!