Pretty please?

You're not my girlfriend, or are you ?

Jessica and Krystal hugged each other for a very long time. Krystal was genuinely happy that her sister has developed herself into a better person. She couldn't wait to tell that to Amber even though Amber would be mad at Jessica for breaking Yuri's heart. Little did they know, Amber was always the one who helped Yuri to hit on Jessica successfully. Amber was the one encouraging Yuri to take a leap and confess the the very cold ice princess. Amber was the one who consult Yuri whenever in need. Such heartbreaking news, will, of course, terrifies Amber. 

Maybe I shouldn't let Am know about this yet. Krystal thought to herself and broke the hug. 

"Unnie, please don't tell Amber that you two broke up yet. She will be so sad, and I don't want her to feel that way. Especially she is only starting to recover," Krystal told Jessica every each word clearly, earning nods from her only sister. 

"I'll try to avoid the questions," Jessica said, "now why don't we go to Amber? She misses you more than anyone else. I'm sure."


Krystal smiled shyly before leading Jessica to Amber's room. Opening the hospital door shocked the Jung sisters so hard. The whole room is packed with so many other artists. Just SNSD alone is filling up the room already, let alone EXO and other solo artists! 


"Omo! What's going on here?" Krystal exclaimed, making way to Amber who is busy being friendly and smiley all of the visitors even though she seemed suffocated. 


"Amber! Are you alright?" Krystal asked, very concerned of her beloved. Laying on the bed, Amber with her dull eyes smiled at Krystal before mumbling sentences, 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I may look so tired, but I'm really ok." 

"I don't know... and why are there so many people here anyway? They are infectious; they shouldn't be sharing the same room as you. I can't manage to get you even more sick!" with that, while Amber didn't even get a chance to open , Krystal announced to everyone that they should leave because Amber needs to rest. Sadly, not many people are happy with Krystal's demanding request. 

"You're being unreasonable. We are all here to cheer Amber up, and to motivate her to recover fast," said Kris, the one person that Krystal is seriously suspicious of. 

"Did you clean you hands before coming in?" Krystal tried to ask calmly, hoping not to lose her mind. 

"Why does it matter?" Kris asked back, clearly picking a fight with Amber's furious band mate. 

"Gosh, you don't even know that hygiene is important? Get out, Kris!" Krystal exclaimed despite the fact that all eyes are on her. 

"What? You can't be serious!? Of course I know hygiene is important," replied Kris, trying to defense himself. 

"Oh no, you don't! Because if you do, you would be concerned of how many germs you're carrying on your hands right now!" Krystal increased her voice louder and louder by each word, and by the end, she sounded like she was shouting at everyone. The group of 'unwanted people' murmured unhappily and confused about everything that was going on. One of them asked another person, 

"I thought we were invited?" 

"Damn you! I knew it. Why the hell they is an event inside the hospital?" 

"But Luna invited me, look, here's her text!" 


The murmuring get louder and louder that Krystal, because of her frustration toward Kris earlier, screamed at the top of her lungs at all of the 'probably guests', shutting them up. 


The room was dead silent. 


Standing with her back at Amber, Krystal glared at nearly everyone except f(x) and SNSD. She looked like a maniac in the room. The crowd of around 40 people surrounded her and looked at her then at one another, signaling each other to find the answer to what exactly is going on. And then 




The loud thud sound quickly grabbed all the attention including Krystal's. She quickly turned herself to the source of the noise to only found that Amber is no longer on the bed, but instead lying flat on the floor beside the bed with her face kissing it. 

"Amber!" she rushed to the tomboy. All eyes on them, and no words were exchanged still. 

Krystal rolled Amber over anxiously, hoping to see there's no blood flowing from Amber's face. However, what she saw made her cry. Amber had a ring in between her lips, beaming y eyes at Krystal. On her forehead, it was written, "Will you marry me?" Although it's pretty clear that Krystal loves Amber so much, everyone is feeling nervous for Amber. There are many concerns in each of their heads, but we should all know that the biggest one is whether or not Krystal say yes. Then the second one would be the no dating policy; what will they do then? Plus, Krystal's mad face doesn't help ease the tension in the room. 

Oh no! Is she mad? Did I play too much?! Wait, did Vic wrote the question wrong? Oh no, no, no, please say YES, Krys! Amber's thoughts are battling each other inside her head. Her face is pleading Krystal to say something. 

"Krys?" the silence was killing her, so she had to ask. 

"I will not," Krystal answered so sharply that it cut open Amber's heart. The room was then echoed with gasps. 

Amber opened her eyes so big that she could never ever imagined possible. Her jaw dropped open a little, not believing the words that escaped Krystal's mouth just now. She gulped hard, moistening her now super dry throat; at the same time not knowing how she should react. 

"Why not?" she asked sadly. 

"I'm glad you asked. It is because I need an explanation first, Amber," Krystal answered slowly, pretty much doesn't about how many people will be hearing her private conversation with Amber. If Amber really cheated on her, then it is would be a good punishment for her to have to confess with front of their colleagues. 

"What explanation?" asked bewildered Amber. She's now on her knees, so that she can be at the same height level as Krystal who is also on her knees. It's really important to be able to look straight into Krystal's eyes to search for answer. 

"Explanation about what's going on between you and Kris. Explain why that night you said you were meeting Yuri unnie, but you didn't. What are you hiding?" Krystal asked with straight face. No, she can't. She tried to asked with a straight face, but fail because those tears that are forming in her eyes are telling Amber that she's hurt; that she feel betrayed by her lover; that she's probably being cheated on. 

"Krys...," Amber grabbed a hold of Krystal's beautiful hands, "what's going on between me and him is this!! This whole proposal thing! And it's not just Kris that helped. Our whole team also took part in this too." Amber spoke with the most stupid grin on her face. Upon hearing Amber's explanation, Krystal's face turned into a red tomato. She couldn't believe she had just embarrassed herself in front of the whole crowd. 

"Oh my god! Amber! Was it all true?!" 

Needless to answer, Amber keeps on nodding her head while holding the biggest grin on her face. No one would ever estimate how Amber's feeling. How much she wants to squeeze Krystal right now because of her cuteness. 

"Oh my god! This is so embarrassing!! Amber!!" Krystal squirmed, and covered her face, avoiding all the gazes from everyone in the room especially the only one tomboy on her knee in front of her. 

"So...? I take that as a yes?" Amber teased Krystal, knowing exactly for sure now that she will say yes. With Krystal's shy nod, Amber screamed "YES" and threw a victory fist into the air. 

She pulled Krystal up. Both on their feet because Amber pulled Krystal's hand out and put a ring her ring finger, obviously. 

"I love you," Amber said. 

Before Krystal even responds, Amber leaned in, capturing the sweet juicy lips of her newly engaged baby girl. 


"WOOHOO!!!!" the crowd cheered out loud without having to care about any patients because, well, they paid for the whole floor for themselves. 

"Yeah! I love Kryber!!" Luna screamed within the crowd.


In fact she's the one who came up all these crazy proposal ideas. 



Guys, please enjoy!





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rmanalo #1
Chapter 53: YEAAA
Chapter 52: Esperaba revivir mi yulsic
Chapter 49: Justo en el yulsic
23 streak #4
Chapter 52: Sad for Yuri.. She deserves better.. Actually I like Jessica not ending up with someone.. Jessica in this story is so selfish...
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 51: yulsic happy ending?
rmanalo #6
Chapter 8: thank you author for that link ?
forgotme #7
Chapter 50: Its alright..waiting for u to update this sOon
23 streak #8
Wow.. Your update on that site.. Heheh
Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Nooo!!! And it's on hiatus??!? Too good to be hiatus!!!! Anyway Author, you write stories amazing. A big thumbs up!
Chapter 49: Nooooo..... is this the only way??????
My yulsic :"(