At the Jung house [ Part 3 ]

You're not my girlfriend, or are you ?

Hello everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting for my updates. I was so busy with my 2nd semester exam which lasted for 3 days . I just finish it this morning. Thanks goodness I did a good job. Okey, enough of my blah blah.....let's move on with the story ! Almost forget forgot, if when I write in italic means it 's a thought .


Inside Jessica room :

Amber and Jessica sit on the bed side by side without any contact. Should I tell her ?  Krystal thought to herself .

" Are you feeling alright now ? " Amber asked

No answer since Jessica is zoned out . Amber nudges Jessica softly to grab her attention .

" Unnie ? " , Amber said .

" Huh ? " Jessica jerks up a bit . She turns her face to Amber , showing Amber her sad face .

" You alright, unnie ? You don't seem so good " , Amber places her palm on the older girl tries to check if there's a fever  .

" I'm fine Amber . I have something on my mind and I don't know whether I should tell you or not "

Amber raised her eye brow . She remains silent and still. . What is wrong with her  ? She said she wanted to talk to me and now she can't decide to tell me or not ? Not only Krystal's weird, she's getting weird too !

" If I tell you that I'm Krystal , do you believe me ? " Well, it doesn't hurt to say it .

" Are you kidding ? That is one nonsense question I've never ever heard in my life ! " , Amber burst out laughing

" Now you heard it ! " , Jessica glares at Amber with an absolute serious scary face.  I knew she wouldn't believe me, shouldn't asked her in the first place  .

" I'm sorr..."

" There's no need to sorry. I knew that you wouldn't believe me . But just so you know , I'm Krystal ; Krystal whose soul is stuck in Jessica's body . It's very painful to see you avoided me . Do you want me to prove ? I think you do . I'm your girlfriend . Krystal is you girlfriend . That's enough proof . " , Jessica smiles sweetly at Amber

Amber jaw dropped, with a shock expreesion .  She is not be able to let out a single word.

" Krystal told you that ? Oh please don't kill me, I know Krystal is not 18 yet , but I didn't do anything illegal to her . I swear . Please forgive me , don't tell anyone please unnie please . " , Amber palms her hands together to please Jessica .

" STOP IT ! I knew it myself because I'm KRYSTAL ! Urgg.....can't you just believe me ? Don't you notice all the weird actions between me and my sister ? And you were lying about not doing anything to me . We did it once remember, it was on my birthday . You ert. " , Jessica pouts .

Amber mouth open but there's no words coming out. She looks at Jessica as if she has grown 2 heads . I don't believe it !

Speechless now, huh ? I didn't want to let it out, but you forced me to ! .. " I guess there's nothing to wonder now. "

" I just 's ....but .....can't are really Krystal !!! Tell me baby, what causes all these ? " , Amber asked as she cup Jessica's face .

" I don't know . Unnie also doesn't know . And I don't know if any one could possibly know . " , Jessica eyes start to become teary . Amber pulls her lover for a hug. She hugs Jessica tight , not that kind of -unable to breathe- tight , she whispers

" I should have known it all along . You must be very hurt . I'm a worthless boyfriend well girlfriend who is not by yourside when you need me ; I ran away from you . I'm so sorry , baby . Sorry . "

Jessica cries all her tear out , knowing her lover care for her feelings . Her tears soaked Amber's shirt, but it doesn't bother neither of them . They keep hugging tightly as if it's the end of the world.  Amber could feel her shirt getting wet from Jessica's crying . I could feel your soul, Krys;  Amber thought.  They broke the hug and look in each other eyes . Amber caress Jessica's cheek .

" Well, you better go take a warm bath . Then, a short nap cuz it's your party tonight and if the host is lack of energy not good . " Amber smiles

" Awww I don't want you to leave yet . But you're right . I should start moving . " Jessica , then, give a peck on Amber's cheek . She sees disappointment in Amber's eyes . " What ? " , she asked cluelessly . 

" I wish for it to be on the lip . "

" NOoooo, it don't want my sister's lip to touch yours. Yours is only for me ! " , Jessica said as she pushes Amber out of her room . The chatting will never end if I don't force her out . She'll be glued to my room any minutes .



Amber is smiling like crazy along the way . Her mind always flash up Krystal . I still just can't bileve. Such a phenomeon. What can we do to get her body back ? At the time point , her smile vanished. Then, she sees Yuri walking out of Krystal's room . What is she doing in there ?

Yuri doesn't notice the presence of Amber behind her . She seems angry after coming out of the room . Amber sneak behind her and pushes hard. Yuri end up kissing the floor, just her unlucky day.

" Wahhahahah " , Amber laughs out loud with her hands on the stomach .

".............." , ouch I thought it was Krystal again who cause me injury . But it was no other than Amber, how dare she laugh at me ? Ow ouch, i feel something wet flowing from my nose, bleeding again ey ?

" Yo ! Will you ever get up from there ? " Amber helps Yuri up . Her eyes were widen when she saw Yuri face.

" I know , right . My nose is bleeding . " Yuri said weakly since she did something very tiring in Krystal room .

" How do you know ? " , Amber asks cluelessly . Yuri didn't reply , she walks toward Krystal's room and knock . As soon as the door is opened,

" Oh my gosh ! What happened to your nose , Yuri ? " Krystal asked shocked

" Yuri UNNIE ! " , she stress the word . She is pulled into the room , and she didn't forget to pull Amber with her .

" All done.  So tell me, why did you nose bleed ? " Krystal asked . She didn't get the answer from Yuri 's mouth but she gets it from Yuri 's finger that is pointing to Amber . Krystal glares at Amber .

" Hey hey hey, easy there. I didn't mean to . " Amber tries to calm Krystal nerves down .

Krystal walks closely to where Amber is sitting . No one make my Yuri's bleed but me ! You mess with the wrong person young girl . 

Amber sits there shaking slightly. I can sense Jessica soul in there. If I didn't know it early, I would probably act cool but now noooo way . She's coming , what am I ganna do ? I can't just run away .

Somebody barged in . The 3 of them turn to look at the new person in the room .

" Don't you know how to knock ? " ,  Krystal asked 

" Err....em ..." she was cutted off .

" Why did you always miss the UNNIE part ? She's your UNNIE ! " , Yuri said .

" Shut up , Yuri " , Krystal glaced at her .

" UNNIE UNNIE UNNIE. Hear it ? UNNIE ! " Yuri repeated .

" Fine, shut up Yuri UNNIE ! " , Krystal replied . Gosh ! Seriously, she minds it a lot !

Amber waves at Jessica who is currently at the door . Help me ! before your sister kill me . Jessica nodded since she understand .

" Amber and Yuri , can you go out ? I need to talk to my sister . " she said with her finger pointing to the door.

" Sure "

" No problem " ,  So the two best friends leave the room . They both sign. They look at each other and start laughing. Yuri head lock Amber , walking to their room

Yuri thought : There must be something wrong with Krystal. I just knew it but what is it ? As soon as I finally get out of the room, I feel so light . I will be arguing with Krystal again if I stay in there; I can't accept her misbehaviour.

Amber thought : At last, I get myself out of death. Thank you my sweet dear Krystal. Even though you're in Jessica body, I feel like I'm with you. with the real you. Need to prepare myself for tonight .


Another chapter passed by. Do you like it ? It's kind of long.

You know, sometimes I confused myself between Jessica and Krystal. I just confuse. I want to write Jessica but I knew it's Krystal's pov,  so I write Krystal. And when I checked it all over again, I have to correct it not it- them. 

Well,  THANK YOU SO MUCH  . Please have a nice day .

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rmanalo #1
Chapter 53: YEAAA
Chapter 52: Esperaba revivir mi yulsic
Chapter 49: Justo en el yulsic
23 streak #4
Chapter 52: Sad for Yuri.. She deserves better.. Actually I like Jessica not ending up with someone.. Jessica in this story is so selfish...
sone_marg14 #5
Chapter 51: yulsic happy ending?
rmanalo #6
Chapter 8: thank you author for that link ?
forgotme #7
Chapter 50: Its alright..waiting for u to update this sOon
23 streak #8
Wow.. Your update on that site.. Heheh
Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Nooo!!! And it's on hiatus??!? Too good to be hiatus!!!! Anyway Author, you write stories amazing. A big thumbs up!
Chapter 49: Nooooo..... is this the only way??????
My yulsic :"(