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Sungmin had never been on the run before, he specialized in chasing people down. Therefore, he knew the kind of obstacles that lay ahead of them. He knew it would be a long and tough road.


“Run away with me.”


Sungmin thinks those are probably the most foolish words any person could utter to the one they loved. Of course, it's unbearably romantic and somewhat sweet in a cliché way, but being on the run was a miserable affair. Every moment was laced with fear and paranoia, never knowing when you would finally be safe. Jongwoon probably only saw the romantic side of things - everything would be alright as long as they could be together. If it weren't for the fact that Jongwoon's life was already in danger, Sungmin would never dream of interrupting the natural balance of things and pulling the photographer away from his peaceful life.


He laced his fingers through Jongwoon's tightly and pulled the photographer along at a swift jog as they weaved an uneven path in between numerous metal shipping crates lined up along the docks. Jongwoon's breathing was a little uneven, but they couldn't rest now, the hairs at the back of Sungmin's neck were standing on end, he could tell that they were being followed. Shots suddenly echoed through the air and he instinctively ducked while pulling Jongwoon down with him.


Sungmin looked over at Jongwoon and his lover's eyes were wide with shock. He was mildly perplexed that Jongwoon wasn't hysterical or shaking with fear.


“Are you alright?”


Jongwoon smiled and his eyes softened in a way that Sungmin knew was reserved solely for him, “Of course, it's like that night we met.” Jongwoon chuckled good naturedly.


Sungmin kissed the back of Jongwoon's hand with a sigh. “Forever dodging bullets, but we'll make it out of this together.”


Jongwoon nodded and Sungmin took and deep breath before pulling Jongwoon along beside him at a breakneck pace. It was a only a few hundred more yards before the reached the cargo ship that would take them away from Korea. Just a few more paces to the Pacifica and they could escape the killers on their tail.


More shots echoed through the air and bullets ricocheted off the metal crates like pinballs. A sudden stinging sensation spread through Sungmin's right leg and he tumbled forward as the lower half of his body suddenly felt like it was weighed down by lead. Jongwoon screamed out his name and Sungmin looked into teary onyx eyes with a resigned smile.


“Run.” Sungmin whispered hoarsely.


Jongwoon shook his head violently.


“Run!” Sungmin demanded as he made a motion to push Jongwoon away, but his fingers trailed straight through his lover as if the latter were made of air.


Sungmin looked down at his palms in confusion and when he looked back up there was nothing before him other than the pitch black of darkness. A sharp pain pierced his heart as an agonized scream ripped through his chest.



* * *


Kangin watched on with a frown as Sungmin unconsciously struggled against the restraints tying him down onto his hospital bed.


“What do you think he's dreaming about?” Kangin muttered to himself.


“His heart rate and blood pressure are skyrocketing, I think it's safe to say that it's more of a nightmare.”


Heechul checked Sungmin's monitors and dismissed the medical staff for some privacy.


Kangin snorted. “A nightmare that he can't wake up from? It's been three days.”


“Yes, it's been three days and only explanation that I have is your shoddy field report.” Heechul waved a manila folder in the air. “'Target eliminated. Agent compromised by outside interference.' I can't believe the higher ups even bought your bull.”


Kangin shrugged. “Siwon's a bit of problem right now, they didn't seem to care about the particulars once I mentioned his name. Why weren't you surprised by his involvement?”


Heechul raised an elegantly arched eyebrow, “Because I know something that the higher ups don't. You deliberately left Han Geng out of your field report. Now, what would be so important that our Chinese associate would take time out of his busy schedule just to visit Seoul at this time of year?”


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mwahaha I occasionally leave hints in the story feed ya know?


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Chapter 23: 🥺🥺
401 streak #2
Chapter 23: rereading this after more than a year, coz why not, it's absolutely a masterpiece <333
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: OH MY GOSH! I read this just for a few of hours! And I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

I never knew that I would swing from yewon or kyusung, became yemin like now! I mean! I'm new to super junior, and I don't even know sungmin since he wasn't there with yesung when I saw Black Suit MV. Oh gosh! I fell in love with this OTP, thanks to you author-nim! thanks to you!!! #scream <33333
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 23: Great story, hope to get an update
greghs #5
Chapter 23: chapter 23 is really a teaseeee hahaha... please keep writing this fanfic... i like it A LOT! lol
just one thing though... i like how sungmin starting off strong... but at later chapters it feels like he's easily injured somehow... hehehe well that's just what i think... Keep Writting!!! xD
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhhhhh! Finally! Sungmin remembers! He's back in Jongwoon's arms. /ugly sobbing/ Can't wait for the next update!!!
tsha_l #7
Chapter 5: re: author's note: no, you do not at , not at all...

*catching my breath*
Eggums #8
Chapter 23: weehhhh ; 3 ; fiiiiinally

lol finally he kicked siwon in the nuts BUT MOSTLY FINALLY SUNGMIN REMEMBERED ; v ;
Chapter 23: Thank goodness you are back! I love this fix so much! I'm so glad Min got his memory back, but I'm nervous about what deal Jongwoon had to make to in order to get the antidote. Ahhh...can't wait for the next update!
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 23: finally...sobs been too long but they finally together again sobssa though I'm afraid of jongwoon's deal with geng...ugh there's no point of remember things when yesung will have to leave ming forever ir something like that. nooooo T.T