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Sungmin splayed his fingers out before him and shielded his face from the morning sun. He had hoped to be on the road before sunrise, but he just couldn't resist taking an extra moment with Jongwoon, an extra taste. He rolled his head back and forth slowly, trying to release the tension in his neck. He felt fairly loose after their early morning “workout,” but his neck always gave him trouble. He craned it slightly to the right and then to the left before it finally gave a satisfying pop. He exhaled slowly and secured the last of their belongings into the trunk of his car before heading back towards the motel room to wake his precious sleeping beauty for their road trip.


“You look awfully cheerful for someone that hasn't checked in for thirty-six hours,” a husky voice commented.


Sungmin felt all of his muscles tense as his heart dropped. Why was he here? It hadn't even been forty-eight hours yet, why were they even checking up on him?


Sungmin rolled his right shoulder, stretching it out, testing just how much range he had before he answered the all too familiar voice. He didn't even bother to turn around, he knew Kangin wouldn't show himself if he didn't want to.


“You still move as silently as a ghost,” Sungmin commented.


He heard a snort followed by footsteps grinding through the gravel and asphalt of the parking lot. Sungmin exhaled and tried to measure Kangin's paces, tried to count how many steps it would take before Kangin was within reach, but his sunbae would never be fool enough to step within his kill zone. They had trained together for years and they knew each other too well. Sungmin his lips nervously and waited in silence.


Kangin sighed and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration, “But seriously, what are you doing, Sungmin?”


Sungmin glanced over his shoulder with a frown, “What do you mean? I'm taking care of business. Why do you make it your business to meddle with me anyway? I'm operating within protocol.”


Kangin, “Sure, you're doing things by the books, but this isn't like you.”


Kangin grabbed Sungmin by the shoulder and spun him around. He half expected Sungmin to gut him open with the glare that he gave him.


“What do you know about me?” Sungmin challenged.


“Everything.” Kangin reached out to caress Sungmin's face but thought better of it and withdrew his hand. “At least I used to know everything.”


Sungmin smirked. “You know nothing, you never looked close enough to even notice me.”


Kangin flinched visibly and released his grip on Sungmin's arm.


“You were never invisible to me, whether you want to believe it or not.”


The cold look in Sungmin's dark eyes spoke volumes, he didn't know what to believe because Kangin had never conveyed anything through words. Their relationship was never what Sungmin had hoped it would be, he had always felt separated by the endless silence that loomed between them. Silence never gave birth to anything but misunderstanding and their relationship had been at a stagnant state for years.


“Because we're friends. Right, Hyung?”


“Right.” Kangin's voice ran dry. “I'm here because I care about you.”


Sungmin's eyes clouded over, he needed to shake Kangin and return to Jongwoon's side. If Kangin had made an appearance, there was no telling who else could have tracked them here. Kangin wasn't the type he could overpower so he smiled and turned his back to the older man with a dismissive wave.


“There's nothing to worry about, Hyung. Go home. I'll be back shortly.”


“Sungmin, he needs to die.”


Sungmin clenched his fists and bit down on his lip. “And if I disagree?”


“There will be others sent after him... and you.”


“Would one of those others be you?”




“Are you here to kill me, Hyung?”


Sungmin flexed his fingers in anticipation. Fight or flight. But he wasn't sure how far he could get without endangering Jongwoon.


“Min...” Kangin croaked his name weakly and Sungmin gave him one last fleeting look before sprinting back towards the motel room.






“W-what do you mean I'll do?” Jongwoon's stuttered.


Siwon shrugged. “I mean the end result will be the same. I'll have Sungmin right where I want him.”


Jongwoon furrowed his brows at the handsome stranger's reply. This man was bad news, Jongwoon backed away and silently prayed that Sungmin would not return. The stranger was after Sungmin and he was going to use Jongwoon to get what he wanted. All that talk about having enemies and exposing Jongwoon to danger, Sungmin must have been referring to the muscular man that was cornering him right now. Jongwoon wanted to curse himself for his own stupidity. He was naive to get so caught up in his own happiness. He should have been more careful, but now he was trapped in a situation that could compromise Sungmin's safety as well.


Jongwoon closed his eyes and exhaled, I'm sorry, Sungmin.


“I don't know why this Sungmin person would be the least bit affected by what happens to a stranger,” Jongwoon said sullenly.


Jongwoon needed to buy time, he needed to escape, he needed to be anywhere but trapped in a motel room with a potentially dangerous man. His lover was still battered and bruised from the violent scuffle that he had barely escaped the night before. Jongwoon did not want him to be in the same room with the man that had left him to die in an explosion.


Siwon watched Jongwoon with amusement as a myriad of emotions flitted across his black eyes. Fear, anxiety, and... love. The man was either too honest or too pure to be a convincing liar. Even if Siwon wasn't a pro at reading people it was obvious that other man knew Sungmin. It was written all over his face - how he was desperate to escape... and how he was desperate to protect his lover.


“It's true, Hyung never concerns himself with strangers, but you're not a stranger are you?”


“I... I don't kn

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Chapter 23: 🥺🥺
401 streak #2
Chapter 23: rereading this after more than a year, coz why not, it's absolutely a masterpiece <333
401 streak #3
Chapter 21: OH MY GOSH! I read this just for a few of hours! And I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

I never knew that I would swing from yewon or kyusung, became yemin like now! I mean! I'm new to super junior, and I don't even know sungmin since he wasn't there with yesung when I saw Black Suit MV. Oh gosh! I fell in love with this OTP, thanks to you author-nim! thanks to you!!! #scream <33333
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 23: Great story, hope to get an update
greghs #5
Chapter 23: chapter 23 is really a teaseeee hahaha... please keep writing this fanfic... i like it A LOT! lol
just one thing though... i like how sungmin starting off strong... but at later chapters it feels like he's easily injured somehow... hehehe well that's just what i think... Keep Writting!!! xD
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhhhhh! Finally! Sungmin remembers! He's back in Jongwoon's arms. /ugly sobbing/ Can't wait for the next update!!!
tsha_l #7
Chapter 5: re: author's note: no, you do not at , not at all...

*catching my breath*
Eggums #8
Chapter 23: weehhhh ; 3 ; fiiiiinally

lol finally he kicked siwon in the nuts BUT MOSTLY FINALLY SUNGMIN REMEMBERED ; v ;
Chapter 23: Thank goodness you are back! I love this fix so much! I'm so glad Min got his memory back, but I'm nervous about what deal Jongwoon had to make to in order to get the antidote. Ahhh...can't wait for the next update!
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 23: finally...sobs been too long but they finally together again sobssa though I'm afraid of jongwoon's deal with geng...ugh there's no point of remember things when yesung will have to leave ming forever ir something like that. nooooo T.T