Chapter 2

Revealing Maya




Jang Geun Suk



        It was the last shooting – thanks god for that – and he was so tired and moody. He needed a good sleep and some time alone to put his thoughts in order. For the last days he was forced to smile and bow to all those annoying fan girls who followed him everywhere, trying to touch him and catch his glimpses.

        So many girls with no social life hanged in a stupid dream about an idol; in a Cinderella fairytale that will never happen. And above all, this American PR girl who came today to handle his overseas debut, pretending to know everything about him and his work, trying to change him in a profitable business.

`      He already hated her and regretted allowing this insane debut in US. He was Asia’s Prince, an idol known and loved in this side of the world; why should he try to succeed in such a foreign advertising world? It was such a waste of time and energy. But it was too late to step back— the agreement was already signed, and now, that stupid girl will turn his world upside down.    

        When he arrived at the company headquarters, his anger was already unbearable and his eyes sparkled threateningly. Manager Park was in office, talking friendly with a long and curly old cupper hair woman. Near her armchair was resting a big Samoyed dog.

“Geun Suk, you’re here! Let me introduce you Miss Maya Davis, PR representative sent by P&M Entertainment to handle your debut in US.” said Manager Park with a cheerful voice.

The women rose up and fixed her blue gaze on the newcomer.

“Hello Mister Jang Geun Suk, nice to meet you” said Maya with a strong handshake which surprised him.

        “A woman shouldn’t have such a confident handshake. It’s inappropriate for a woman” reflected Geun Suk while his irritation increased.

“Nice to meet you too” he replied with a polite bow, trying to hide his anxiety. It seemed that he didn’t do a good job since the white dog started to growl menacingly.

“Momo, behave yourself” said Maya and the dog calmed down without protest.

“Sorry Mister Geun Suk, Momo is very protective and he must have sensed your nervousness.”

“Momo? You named your dog after my character in ‘I’m your pet’? “ asked Geun Suk filled with proud.

“No, sorry. I only saw that movie this days and my dog is two years old. One of my friends suggested this name and I like it. I hope you can get good with Momo because he goes with me everywhere” said Maya smiling amused.

“I’ll try my best” replied Geun Suk with a gloomy voice.  “So, what do you know about my work, Miss Davis?” continued him.

“Please, call me Maya. In the last three days I watched your dramas and concerts trying to understand your artistic skills. I think that the indie rocker image suits you very well and I really like that soundtrack. You’re a very talented singer, a gifted actor and you look pretty good. A little to pale and skinny, but we’ll work out these issues later.”

While she was speaking, Geun Suk’s gaze changed from arrogant to a killing mood and a triumphant smile brightened up Maya’s face in a flash: “Gotcha hottie, you’re pride beside arrogant. Good to known!”

“What?” exploded Geun Suk.

“Manager Park thanks for clearing up Geun Suk’s schedule for the next three weeks. Tomorrow Geun Suk and I will fly to the location I’ve chosen in Bora-Bora. I expect an entire team to come there after a week and then we’ll start shooting the MV. I’ll use this week to find a common ground with Mister Geun Suk.”said Maya ignoring the flames coming from Geun Suk’s eyes.

“Geun Suk, we’ll meet tomorrow at 9 am at the airport. Don’t be late. Good bye now! Momo, come, let’s go!” she continued while opening the office’s door.

“What? What?! I can’t believe this! I won’t go anywhere with you! What a ! “ .

Geun Suk almost had a heart attack while Maya was leaving, smiling amused with Momo side by side.




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I really like it so far ^_^ keep the updates coming! :D