First Meeting

Summer Lovin'


*Briiinnnggg* *Briiiiiiiinngg*

Eunbi grumbled as the hotel's alarm clock woke her up, "Mfmphhmmm." 

She rolled out of bed and crawled to her mirror. Grabbing her thick rimmed glasses, she made her way to the bathroom. Ten minutes later she emerged fresh faced and ready to do some reading. Grabbing her favorite book she cuddled under the covers and fell into the storyline. Just as the prince was about to awaken the princess, her phone began to ring 

*Ring!* *Ring!*"


"Choi Eunbi! What are you still doing in your room? You should be outside, enjoying the fresh air and pool like the normal teens!"

"First off, I am a normal teen and I think I have a fever! Eunbi feigned a weak voice

" Nonsense, a quick swim in the pool and some sun will do you good, besides if you stay indoors any longer you'll become shriveled up tofu!"

" What?! Where'd you get that idea!"

"Aha! Not so tired now are we? So get your pretty little in that pool as soon as possible young lady!"


" Oh yes and another thing, your dad and I are busy with some business until late so order some room service and maybe mingle with the kids here, I've seen plenty of them around your age."" I will mom, don't worry about me."

 And with a dejected sigh, Eunbi hung up."It's true that there are kids my age here... but they all hate me." Tears began forming in her eyes and she blinked furiously, determined to not let their hatred bother her."I guess I should go outside," looking out the window she saw that it was another beautiful day at Jeju Island Resort, " it's a waste to not go out on a day like this." Making up her mind, she headed for her closet and chose a decent one piece. But now all she could think of was avoiding the Queenkas and their torment."I never should have agreed to this vacation!" she groaned.


The atmosphere at the dining table felt strange. At first Eunbi thought it was just her imagination but her dad cleared his throat announced what could possibly be the end of her life.

" Your mother and I have decided that you will be spending your summer at Jeju Island Resort!" Sure he said it as if it were the best thing in the world but to Eunbi that was just the opposite. Jeju Island Resort was THE summer hangout place for the most popular kids at Eunbi's school, a crowd that Eunbi had been abused and bullied by. She had no intention of substituting the comfort of her home for the shame that the populars would bring upon her.

" But dad, I have uhm I have..... an allergy towards pool water?"

 "Nonsense! You loved the pool as a toddler! And your father and I have to survey the new project taking place next summer at the Resort!"

Being the daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. Choi, owners of the best resorts in the world, Eunbi had experienced the best summers when she was young. But all of that changed when she became a victim of heartbreak. Eunbi wasn't the same after that, she had been played by a guy and her heart was broken. From then on she transformed, shielding herself and becoming a typical wall flower. But that didn’t discourage anyone, they still picked on her whenever they had to chance. But she still kept her kind spirit even if her beauty was masked by those thick glasses and untamed hair. And it was this kindess that finally caused her to agree to her parents’ wishes.

"I guess it wouldn't be that long as I avoid all the Queenkas and Kingkas" Eunbi mumbled.

"What was that last part darling, I couldn't hear you." Her mom asked.

"Oh it wasn't anything important" Eunbi smiled, " so when does the flight leave?"

 "Tomorrow!" her parents announced.


And now here she was, lounging in the corner of the pool, reading her favorite book, and pretending to be invisible. Even though her hair was now tamed, she had become dependent on her glasses and felt secure when she was wearing them. Hearing high pitched giggling behind her ,she looked up to see the Queenkas, strutting towards the pool, lathered in sunscreen. Eunbi froze and prayed that they wouldn't see her. Luckily, their eyes were on someone else, or rather, a group of someones. Following their gaze Eunbi saw that they were apparently drooling over some toned guys playing  ball in the pool. Breathing a sigh of relief she shifted her attention back to her book.


  A beach ball suddenly came flying towards her and knocked her in the head.

"Owwiee!" she yelped.

" Hey there are you alright?" a deep voice asked.

 "What? Oh, yeah I'm ok." Eunbi replied.

She looked up and her stomach did a huge flip flop. Right in front of her was a very good looking guy who actually seemed concerned for her. But as soon as she got her senses back she reminded herself of the heartbreak she experienced.

"Whew, that's a relief. Listen, this may sound weird but, do you want to join us? I mean if you don't want to it's ok since I'm obviously a stranger." the guy looked nervous and she could see a blush forming on his face.

" Well uhm.." She felt the blush forming on her cheeks and knew that this wasn't good. 

 The Queenkas strutting were towards her direction, a look of menace in their eyes. Instinct kicked in," I'm sorry but I've gotta go, maybe next time?" Eunbi shot the cute guy a smile and ran into the hotel." I didn't even get her name." he whispered.

"Hey Kai did you get losth or sthomething? What'sth taking you stho long?" a voice yelled from the pool. ( A/N: It's Sehun btw LOL <3)

"Coming guys!" he called and made his way back but now he couldn't get that girl out of his head.



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