
Super Junior's One Shot Wonderland [Requesting Closed]

Requested by: FubukiHell

Pairing: Haewook

Theme: fluff and angst


I smiled haapily as I saw my hyung walking through the airport.  He was looking around curiously, and I knew he was looking for me.  I stood up and waved exctiedly, jumping up and down.  His face lit up when he saw me, and he dropped his luggage and ran over.

I opened my arms wide, and he ran into them, hugging me tight.  I laughed and squealed when he picked me up, spinning me around.  When he released me, I was flushed and shaking with laughter.   I giggled as I went to grab his luggage, my heart fluttered with joy when I saw he was using the bags I had bought him for his birthday

He threw his arm over my shoulder and we walked out into the fresh ocean air.  He stretched his arms out and took big lungfulls of the briney air.

"Ahhh!  Wookie, you have no idea how much I've missed this!"

I grinned, and rolled my eyes,

"Trust me hyung, I know how much you love the ocean"

He stuck his tongue out at me and pouted,

"I wasn't talking about the ocean!"  He threw his arms around me again, "I missed my favorite dongsaeng!"

I smiled, pushing the nagging thoughts from my mind, and just enjoyed his company.  We walked over to my car, and I threw him the keys, knowing he liked to drive.  He caught them easily and slid into the passenger seat of my silver convertable.

We rolled down the top, and I smiled as I felt the wind rush through my honey-blond hair, ruffling it gently.  He laughed out loud and the radio, he cranked up the volume and began singing along.  I giggled and joined in, our voices mingling in a happy melody.

We pulled up the the beach house, and he admired it, obviously impressed.  He opened up my car door, and he picked me up bridal style, and carried me into the house.  I laughed and smacked him playfully, struggling for him to put me down.

He pulled open the front door and swept inside.  He plopped down on the couch, settling me on his lap.  I blushed as he stared down at me, his eyes warm and affectionate.  He leaned down, and claimed my lips, pressing down lightly.  I smiled into the sweet kiss, and moved my lips against his.

When we parted, he grabbed my hand, and we ran down the path to the white sand beach.  We played in the surf, splashing, and laughing.  I shrieked when he pushed me into the water, my clothes becoming heavy as they absorbed the salty water.

I dragged him in after me, and he struggled, but gave in and dove beneath the crystal blue waves.  He emerged, laughing, and shaking his chesnut hair, spraying me with the little water droplets.  I shivered slightly as the breeze hit my soaking wet body.  He wrapped me in his arms, and I sighed as the familiar heat warmed me.

We waded out and collapsed onto the sand, he never let go of me, and I settled back into the warmth of his chest.  He fiddled with my hair, and I sighed in contentment as I closed my eyes and just got lost in his presence.

"I really missed you" he whispered, burying his nose in my slightly damp locks.  I nodded, and quietly answered,

"I missed you too... so much..."

He must have caught the sadness in my voice because his arms tightened around me, and I heard his breathing hitch,

"Wookie... I know it's hard, but what~"

"I know" I interrupted him, not wanting the reality to invade my time with him.  "I know it's hard for you too... let's not talk about this"

He hesitated, but I felt him nod slowlly.  I pushed myself into a standing position, and held out my hand.  He took it, smiling a bit sadly, and we walked back to the house.

That night, I lay in his arms.  Immersing myself in the love I had for him.  He hummed lightly, as I nuzzled into the warm crook of his neck.  We were silent, and I knew he was trying to cement this moment in his memory.  It was these little moments that made surviving possible, and I carefully locked this one away, keeping it close to my heart.

He kissed my forehead softly, and I raised my face so he could access to my lips.  We kissed, our longing and long repressed emotions coloring the mood.  We embraced, trying to get as close as we could, trying to erase the time we had been apart.

That night, a sinful melody echoed through the halls of the beach home.  Sounds that spoke of our love and undying devotion.  However, the loudest, and most prominent noise was the sound of two hearts beating in perfect synchrony.


"Wookie... please don't cry" he begged, grasping my hand tightly, while looking deep into my eyes.

I sniffled, and tried to stop my tears.

"I-i'm s-sorry" I choked out, avoiding his pleading gaze. 

I managed to contain myself, and I smiled weakly, trying to tell him I was fine.  His eyes were wet, and he shook his head when he saw my pathetic attempt at a grin.

"Don't be sorry... it's not your fault... it's neither of our faults"

I nodded, he was right.  There was nothing either of us could do.  Our futures were set in stone the day of our births.  There was no way to change or overcome what was already done.  All we could do was be strong, and try to get by.

The people in the airport buzzed around us like bees.  They went about their own business, completely unaware of the turmoil we held in our hearts.  For some reason, this made me feel a bit better.  It was comfoting to think that no one knew about the pain in my chest, or the throbbing in my heart.  It made me feel safe...

Because, the pain I was feeling, was because of Dongahe, and I wasn't willing to share any of my feeling s about him.  Even if the feeling hurt me, and made me want to die, they still stemmed from him, so to me, they were precious.  Every memory of him stayed locked in my heart, accesible only to me.

His hug grew more desperate as his flight was called for boarding.  I clutched him tight, unwilling to let him go.  He kissed me frantically, and I could taste the panic and pain he was feeling.  He looked into my eyes, silently begging me to ask him to stay, begging me for any excuse that would let us be together.

I smiled sadly, but shook my head.  I couldn't and wouldn't do that to him.  To ask him to stay would be entirely too selfish, I couldn't ask him to make that kind of sacrafice... not for me.  I wrapped my arms around him one last time, trying to memorize his smell and the feel of his body against mine.

Finally I pulled away, and nudged him towards the boarding gate.  He nodded and walked towards it slowly, his eyes never leaving mine.  My eyes filled with tears, but I stayed strong, keeping it together until he was out of sight.  I turned, and walked away, doing my best not to look back... it would have hurt too much anyway.  It would have hurt to not see him standing there.


I stepped off the plane, glancing around at Tokyo's international airport.  I saw my husband waiting, staring down at his blackberry, completely absorbed.  I took a deep breath, and approached him, my bright, happy mask up. 

"Hey Yesung" I greeted, trying to keep the waver out of my voice. 

He looked up and smiled slightly, his eyes returning almost immediately to his phone,

"Hey honey!  How was the business trip?"

I smiled, and mumbled it was fine, and he nodded.

I bit back the tears that threatened to fall as I looked at my husband.  I didn't love him, and I knew I never would.  My marriage had been arranged before I was even born, my marital union was meant to cement the merging of our families' businesses.

Donghae was in a similar situation.  It didn't matter that we loved each other, or that we felt nothing towards our predestined partners.  Fate and circumstance had determined that we would never be together, forever seperated by corporate indelicacies.

Once a year or so, we met, and for that short time, I was given a snapshot, a teaser of what my life could have been.  A life filled with love and Donghae, forever Dongahe.  I sighed as I remembered the question my friend had asked me so long ago.

"If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be?"

"Donghae" I replied, confidently and dreamily.

I chuckled bitterly as I remembered the younger me, so innocent and naiive.  That was back when love seemed like it was enough.  However, it was now painfully clear to me.  Whoever said 'love conquered all' was sadly mistaken. Because at the end of the day, I would always return to Yesung, and my love would return back to his own husband.  It was sad, and it hurt, but that was our reality.

And the man who said 'reality hurts' was no fool... no fool at all...


Yay!  Another request done!  I am seriously drowning in requests right now, so I'm sorry for the wait.  Please be patient you guys!

Anyway, I hope you liked this FubukiHell, there wasn't a whole lot of fluff, but I did try to meet your request to the fullest.

Next up, I've got some Haemin drama for MyBlackSmile861015.


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Chapter 31: Cute and adorable KyuWook and HaeMin 🥺... Hitting on Leeteuk, ey
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Chapter 6: Ive never seen Immortal song but could really picture everything on wonderful writings
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Chapter 3: Nicely written:) Love the fluff
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Chapter 2: Love it,please write more
Chapter 31: I want kyuwook
I feel like Im in Kyuwook paradise!!
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so sad T.T
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