
Super Junior's One Shot Wonderland [Requesting Closed]

Requested by: SuperJunior713

Pairing: Minwook

Theme: fluff/comedy with plushies


I smiled when I saw my best friend, Ryeowook, waving at me excitedly.  I picked up my pace, eager to see him, but I frowned slightly when I saw the stupid giraffe plushie he held under his arm.  He took his small stuffed toy everywhere, despite the fact that he was 19 years old.

Wookie must have been eager to see me, because he started bouncing over, an excited smile stretching over his face.  I was about to tell him to slow down, when he tripped over his own feet, flailing his arms in an attempt to stay on his feet.  I lunged over to him, and tried to grab him, but the momentum was too strong and he ended up falling on top of me.  I blushed when I realized our intimate position, his body pressed against mine, but he seemed unaffected as he giggled cutely,

"Whoops!  Sorry Min, I'm such a klutz!"

He popped up and I quickly got to me feet, still feeling a bit flustered.

"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded and replied,

"Yeah I'm good" 

He looked at me, looking slightly confused, before breaking out into more giggles,

"Not you Min!  I was talking to Kiki!"

I glanced up and saw him inspecting his toy carefully, and kissing it on it's fuzzy head. I rolled my eyes, and tried to push away my irrational feelings of jealousy.  He was my best friend, and I knew he loved me, but I couldn't help but feel like I always came in second place to that damned plushie.

"Why did Kiki have to come with us?" I asked, my voice slightly whiney do to my hurt feelings. 

He looked up at me with wide, innocent eyes,

"What do you mean?  Are you angry?  I thought you loved Kiki" 

I couldn't stand the sadness in his voice, so I quickly relented,

"No!  I didn't mean it like that!  Of course I like Kiki, I was wondering why he always goes where you go"

Ryeowook smiled, looking relieved, and quickly answered,

"Well, I guess it's because I love Kiki so much, that I can't stand to be away from her!"

I nodded numbly, secretly glaring hatefully at the dumb toy.  Why did that freakin' thing get all of Wookie's love?  It wasn't fair!  I had been his best friend since he was 6, and Kiki still got more attention than I did.  I pouted slightly at my thoughts, I had  been in love with my best friend forever, but he still hadn't noticed my feelings.

I dropped little hints, and tried to get him to realize, but he never did.  He was always too busy fussing over that God-awful giraffe.  He skipped ahead of me, swinging Kiki in the air, giggling cheerfully.  I swore under my breath and trudged after him, hoping that no one thought I was a creeper stalking some little boy.


That night, I lay in my bed, pondering my relationship with Ryeowook.  I was fed up with always being second best, but I was still too scared to confess my feelings to him.  There had to be another way to get to his heart...

I sighed and glanced up when the amused voice of my roomate questioned,

"What's up with you?  Why are you sighing like like a heart broken teenage girl?"

"Aw shut up Heechul, I'm not in the mood"

He raised his eyebrows, and a knowing smirk covered his lips,

"Oh, this about a certain giraffe-loving cutie"

I nodded, and sighed again,

"It's not fair!  How can he still not realize I love him?  I blame that moronic plushie!"

Heechul's smirk grew wider and his eyes glinted evilly,

"Want some advice?"

I pursed my lips, thinking it over.  Normally I would have rejected his plan, they never seemed to do anything but start drama.  However, this time I was pretty desperate, so I nodded and sat up, waiting for him to talk.  He leaned over and started whispering in my ear,

"So here's what you do..."


"Minnie!" Ryeowook yelled happily.  I knew he would be excited, he loved the beach and was thrilled when I had invited him to come today.  I smiled inwardly, more than ready to put my hyung's plan into action.  At first I thought the whole idea was idiotic, but Heechul had convinced me that making Wookie jealous would be the most effective tactic.  I was still a bit doubtful, but when I saw Kiki peeking out of Ryeowook's beach bag I knew the plan was on.

I rushed over to Wookie, and he opened his arms for our usual hello hug, however instead of enveloping him in my embrace, I pulled Kiki out of the bag and hugged the toy tightly.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ryeowook drop his arms awkwardly and look at me strangely.

"W-what's that all about?" he asked, looking a bit irritated.

I cheered mentally and answered back innocently,

"Oh well after what you said yesterday, I was woried that Kiki might feel hurt by my attitude" I squeezed the giraffe more tightly for emphasis, "I'm just showing her that I love her"

Ryeowook smiled, but it wasn't as bright or warm as usual,

"Oh... okay" he said.

"Anyway, let's go!" I chirped, running towards the sand with Kiki riding on my shoulders like I was giving her a piggy-back ride.  I heard Wookie huff slightly, and I smiled again.  Maybe my hyung wasn't as crazy as I thought.

Throughout the day, I kept playing and cuddling with the stuffed toy, secretly smirking every time I saw Ryeowook frown at our interactions.  When he was unpacking our lunch, he was silent and his bottom lip jutted out in an adorable pout. I sat down beside him and asked him sweetly,

"Wookie is something wrong?" 

He immediatley tried to smile but it came out more like a grimace,

"Uh, I'm fine" he said, not sounding convincing at all.

I decided to push him farther and asked,

"Are you sure?  You look angry"

He sighed and turned to face me, the pout back on his angellic face,

"Honestly, I'm just feeling a bit left out.  I know it's dumb, but I'm feeling a bit jealous..."

I mentally fist-pumped in victory, but made sure my face looked surprised when I answered,

"Why would you be jealous of Kiki, I still like you the best"

He looked at me, total confusion written on his face,

"What are you talking about Minnie?  I'm just jealous that you took my Kiki away from me, I don't want her to like you more than me"

I mentally face palmed and wondered briefly if I was cursed by the love gods.  He was jealous because Kiki was ignoring him?! 

"Great plan hyung!" I thought sarcastically.


I glared as Heechul laughed hysterically, he lay sprawled on the floor where he had landed after he had fallen of the chair do to the force of his laughter.  I kicked him lightly and growled,

"It's not funny!  God, I hate that stupid creature!"

This just made my hyung laugh harder, and I stood up, ready to leave the room where my pain was apparently hilarious.  I stopped when I felt Heechul grab my foot, preventing me from walking away,

"C-calm down Sungmin" he gasped between fits of laughter. 

I paused and waited for him to collect himself.  When his laughter was reduced to ocassional giggles he finally spoke,

"Min, there's no other choice.  You're just gonna have to grow some balls and confess, like legitly"

My eyes widened in fear, and I immediatley shook my head,

"Hyung... I-i can't"

He grabbed my shoulders and looked at me sternly,

"Lee Sungmin!  Do you want to live your whole life as a coward?  Always hiding your true feelings?  Sure, you can do it now when your only competition is a toy, but what happens when Ryeowook gets a crush?  What if he gets a boyfriend?  Are you going to wait until that happens to find out?  Be a man for God's sake!"

I felt my body go rigid at the very thought of my Wookie with another guy.  Heechul smiled when he saw the fire in my eyes and he continued to pump me up,

"C'mon Sungmin!  You got this!  Fighting!"

I nodded, and started from the door, encouraged by my hyung's supportive cheers.  I opened the door, and stopped dead in my track, staring blankly at who stood before me. 

Ryeowook stood at the door, his hand already up and ready to knock.  He looked surprised, but smiled brightly,

"Whoa Minnie!  You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"B-but... wha~..." I stuttered, not quite processing what was going on.

Ryeowook smiled again and chirped excitedly,

"Well Chullie-hyung called me and told me to come over"

I spun around and glared at Heechul who was laughing silently, his eyes bright with an evil light.  I glared at him hatefully, before Wookie cleared his throat, effectively catching my attention.

"Oh sorry Wook!  C'mon in"

He smiled and skipped inside, settling himself down on the couch.  I noticed that our hyung was nowhere to be found, and I cursed him silently.  Wookie looked at me and cocked his head sweetly, almost making me faint from his sheer adorableness,

"Chullie said you had something to tell me, so what's up?

I mumbled something totally random, still tongue tied by my nervousness.  Ryeowook's forehead creased and he asked,

"Are you okay?  You've been kind-of strange lately"

I looked at him, my face already turning red.  I saw Heechul standing out of Ryeowook's sight.  He was gesturing wildly, and pointing at Ryeowook.  He raised his fist as to say "Fighting!" and then disappeared. 

I looked back at Ryeowook, still not confident enough to say anything, but then I noticed something shocking,

"You didn't bring Kiki!" I practically shouted.

He looked at me a strangely, but nodded,

"Yeah, I didn't have time to grab her.  Hyung sounded really frantic and I was worried about you, so I guess I forgot her"

My heart swelled with the fact that I had finally been chosen before the plushie, and my excitement just spilled over.  Without another word, I grabbed Wookie and pressed my lips against his.

Once I tasted his sweetness, I realized what I was doing.  I tried to pull away, but was shocked when Ryeowook wouldn't let me go, and deepened the kiss. When we finally broke apart, I was panting and I looked at him, totally shocked.

He giggled and said,

"God Minnie!  It took you long enough!"

"Wha~" I started, but was interrupted when Heechul burst back into the room, smiling hugely,

"Did he do it?" my hyung asked excitedly. 

Ryeowook jumped up and rushed to my hyung, hugging him happily,

"He did!"

They both jumped up and down, screaming loudly, and I just stared at them blankly, completely lost.  Wookie finally notice my mystified state because he hugged me fondly,

"Minnie, I already knew you loved me, I knew a long time ago"  My mouth dropped open and he giggled softly.  I found my voice and managed to ask,

"But then why did you..."

"Well I wanted to be sure.  The only way I could truly know was if you showed me your feelings straight out"

He kissed my lips softly and smiled at me lovingly,

"Now I know.  I love you too Minnie"

He hugged me again, and I was frozen momentarily, but when I realized what was happening, I held him tight.  I could feel his happy tears soaking my shirt and my heart fluttered in joy.

I kissed his cheeks and wiped away his tears.  He smiled up at me and claimed my lips for the third time that night.  Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear,

"But when we get married, Kiki is going to be my maid of honor!"

We both giggled softly, but fell into complete hysterics as we heard our hyung scream,

"Ya!  What about me?!"


I'm so sorry this was so late!  I actually had this written yesterday, but my internet crashed.  My cousin had to come over to fix it, but it took forever.

*bows repeatedly*  Mianhe...

Anyway thanks for reading, and I hope you liked this SuperJunior713! ^^

I have some Minwook fluff with some Evil Kyu coming up for hermion8!












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