
  Σ INB100 ━ The Race to Stardom ☆゚.*・。゚[ APPLY OPEN! ]
the guide.
the guide.
the guide.
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Trainee Rules & Regulations
1. Underaged trainees must go to school in the morning and come back after lunch time to train regardless of what school they go to.

2. Phones are allowed but shouldn’t be used excessively.

3. Trainees aren’t allowed to have social media or post on social media.

4. Training is optional on Sunday, there are no classes but the building is open.

5. Every month there are group monthly evaluations but weekly there are individual exams based on the trainer.

6. Counseling to provided for all trainees at least once a month regardless if they think they need it. More can be requested if needed. For any trainees struggling with mental health, if needed a break will be permitted.

7. Parents are allowed to come to the company and dorms to see their child or drop something off but are not allowed to sit in on lessons unless stated. 

8. Trainees are given set schedules based on their skill levels, it’s up to them if they show up. But attendance will be checked.

9. Metrocards are given to all trainees regardless if they live in the dorms.

10. Nutritional snacks, breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served in the cafeteria.

11. Trainees still in school are not allowed to fail any classes or their training will be put on hold. 

About The Story
The story takes place from summer 2025 over the timespan of a year and focuses on the trainees under INB100. The auditions will be conducted during the first half of the year and everyone who passed will start training during the summer. The story explores the friendships and hardships that come with training, especially for such a highly anticipated group. By the summer of 2026 there will be one boy group and one girl group created but in the end only one will debut with a summer bop!

That being said, all applicants will be chosen! Feel free to apply multiple times, just make sure to include at least one person of the opposite gender as well. Keep in mind not all trainees will make the final group, some will be eliminated, some will be called back, it all depends on who you give me and of course Baekhyun. I will give everyone a good amount of story time though, no one will be eliminated right away. Some characters may also get 1st pov chapters, I can’t promise for all though!

Depending on the kind of apps I get the story may deal with heavy topics since it’s well known that training isn’t easy but there will also be fun moments and happy times!


The Basics & Visuals
Both boys and girls are accepted for the story since Baekhyun has no idea which he wants to debut yet. Their ages can be anywhere from 2003 to 2010 making them 23-16 by the time of debut. I'd like trianees all ages so try not to only give in 03 liners.

If your character is coming from overseas with no previous k-pop training experience it’s okay if they don’t know Korean at all. That would be one of the struggles that is talked about in the story!

Idols must at least be half asian. I’m not a fan of racebending, but if there aren’t many idols that fit their ethnicity then it’s ok to choose someone who is only one of those races. For example if your character is half Japanese half Chinese then you can use Rei or Yiren as a faceclaim. But don’t use Karina as a faceclaim and say they’re Thai. As for nationality, they can be from anywhere. As long as they have a lot of pictures, anyone can be used as a faceclaim, actors, models, influencers, etc. But please pick a faceclaim that can look their age at the time of debut. I won’t put a max between your character and faceclaim but just keep that in mind.

Not every trainee is going to start off super thin like idols profiles claim so I’d prefer if they were more realistic, they all don't have to be under 50kg. Weight, dieting and body proportions would be another topic discussed during the story.

Personality & Background
Always quality over quantity, as long as I can understand your character well and how they are under stressful situations and how they deal with conflict you should be fine. Some characters are still underaged so it’s okay to make some of them immature and problematic. I don’t want anyone to be totally perfect since that doesn’t exist, unless they’re hiding something. Some can have inflated egos while others can have low confidence from a past training experience.

As for the background since some of the characters are really young they don’t have to have an extensive background. Not everyone should have a sob story or be rich either. Just let me know how they grew up, how it shaped them and how they got into music.

Include anyone important to them, including their parents and siblings since some trainees will still live at home. Even if they aren’t at home or a foreigner include this and their views on them training and how often they talk. Any friends or classmates as well that they see or talk to often. Most probably wouldn’t have idol friends unless they were previously a trainee or worked with them somehow. Feel free to collab with each other too! This story isn’t really focused on love but if your character is secretly dating someone before becoming a trainee, crushing on another applicant or dating another applicant please include all of that here.

Past Experiences
This section is only for people who had previous training experience, no matter how long. Please make sure to detail their training life and any hardships that they went through. I want trainees that are both known and unknown so not everyone has to do this part. But someone who is hated by the general public or has serious scandals wouldn’t be accepted. I feel like having a lot of antis for no reason is different than being hated for a scandal. 

For the public view make sure to include how big their fanbase is if they have one, how they are and how they act with them so I could know if anyone would be waiting for them outside of INB100.

Auditions will be held through global online auditions, street or social media scouting, interpersonal recommendations and in person auditions that were held all over Korea. For in-person auditions, they lined up with 10 other candidates and had to either sing, dance or rap for up to a minute. The second round included re-performing their first audition as well as singing and dancing a Korean song of choice regardless of what position they auditioned for. It’s possible for them to bomb this part and still get chosen. Most people can’t sing and dance at the same time well anyways. The final round was in front of Baekhyun himself which included the interview and a new whole new performance of choice in their respected position.

Global auditions were basically the same but held online. The first and second rounds of auditions were both submitted through video on the website. The third round performance was also submitted through video but the interview was conducted on a live video chat.

If the trainee was recommended through a friend or colleague then a private audition or just one round would be possible. Some scouted or well known trainees could skip the first round and/or second rounds as well. But this would be pretty rare, I’d prefer if most went through the whole process.

Talent Twin / Strength / Weakness
There are no set positions but their talent twins should represent what their strengths are and what their specialty would be. If they want to be the main vocalist then give them a strong vocal twin. Triple threats are possible but having a winter vocal twin, momo dance twin and soyeon rap twin is ridiculous. You might as well be a solo artist pls. I’m okay with triple threats that have more neutral talents and letting me decide their end position. Not everyone needs to be main vocalist, main dancer or main rapper material. I’m unsure if they’ll have set positions at the end or a general vocal, dancer, etc that is more common these days. I can totally see Baekhyun saying f the standards though. Passw*rd is group name ideas, either boy group or girl group is fine.

Since this is focused on training it’s okay to have a lot of weaknesses but they should at least have some strengths. If they aren’t a strong dancer or singer they could at least have a unique voice or some kind of potential that makes them stand out. Trainees that need too much work most likely wouldn’t be selected, but might be if they have strong visuals or a strong personality/character or presence.

Trainee / Dorm / School Life
This will help me write them properly so give me as much detail as possible. You don’t have to write a daily schedule but just give me an idea of how seriously they’d take the opportunity and if they’re the type to practice long hours alone. You can also include if they have a part time job and how they manage that!

INB100 will rent two apartment and turn them into dorms for foreign trainees or those that live too far. They will be separated by gender and living with a live-in manager. It’s possible to live an hour away and still commute everyday. Just let me know are they going to school in their hometown or in Seoul and how they commute and manage all that. Maybe there can be a trainee who originally commuted but it was too much on them so they switched to dorming!

All underaged idols have to be in school whether it’s online, international or a performing arts school. They all don’t have to be from SOPA or Hanlim. Anyone that was previously in college would have to drop out to join training.


Idea Prompts
1. A survival show contestant that was evil edited but they're talented as heck
2. An influencer turned trainee
3. Someone that just got in for their visuals and is lacking a lot in talent
4. An ex SM trainee or SM Rookie that joined INB100 instead
5. Secretly dating trainees?
6. Someone with a huge fanbase and an inflated ego
7. Someone who previously debuted in a failed group
8. Someone that has a direct relation to another EXO member and was recommended by them

Brownie Points
1. A lot trivia, I'm a er for it.
2. Underrated / Underused faceclaims.
3. Pretty apps! Feel free to change the layout, as long as it has all the information!
4. Collabs! 
5. Including staff members in the relationship section.


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☆゚I'm accepting apps now! I'm excited to get this started! If you have any questions let me know, just incase I missed something!


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Hi. I have a question about the audition songs. Are they performed as solos or by groups?
this sounds fun~
trainee life would be cool to write about.
looking forward to this~
/smacks baekhyun

im so here for this
*sits in anticipation*
uhm, you had me at EXO?!