SeokSoo Special 🤍

Adore U

SeokSoo 🤍

Psychology/ Mental Health

Hurt and Comfort/ Anxiety/ Fluff

Long chapter coming up ☝️



Seokmin run through the hallways, he was suddenly paged by his head of department and had no idea why.

It was unexpected and he was on his break when he got the page and he had to move quickly. He stood in front the chief's door and took a few breaths, checked his outfit and his white coat before he thought twice about what he could have done wrong recently but nothing came to mind.


He softly knocked on the door and waited for his permission to enter.

Seokmin was a brilliant young medical resident at a psychiatric clinic. He's been here for three years and loved his job so much. Working with people with mental illness and difficulties was challenging but at the same time it was interesting to him. Not a day goes by boring, he treated each and everyone with the respect and kindness they deserve and everyone loved him back. He had more patients asking for him in the last year than doctors who've been working at the same clinic for over a decade.


Everyone was impressed and happy he was with them.


"Good evening chief, you paged for me?"


"Oh yes" the head of department was an old man with great experience, he was kind but also very firm and strict about the rules and regulations inside the clinic. As they were dealing with mentally challenged people, it was his top priority to keep the place safe for everyone and especially the patients


"My rising star" Seokmin smiled politely but internally, he was thrilled, the head of department had a nickname for him and it was exciting

"Come in son" Seokmin smiled wider and walked inside the office


"You have been doing a great work and I heard so many good feedbacks about you"


"Thank you chief, I'm just doing my job"


The old man laughed "It's nice to see young people with a bright spirit like you son, I got countless recommendations from your colleagues and I figured you would be perfect for the job"


"Hum? Job sir?"


"Yes ... I'm assigning you to a patient, a new arrival"


"Oh, that's not a problem .. May I have a look at their file?"


"It's a boy and Humm no not really, they are sealed files" ... "He basically doesn't have one"


Seokmin stopped for a bit and blinked in confusion "What kind of diagnosis he has?"




Again, a puzzled look was painted on Seokmin's face "That's all?"


"Yes ... for now at least"


"O-okay ... hum anything else I should know about?"


"Honestly my boy, his rich family is paying us and thus you double the regular amount to simply take care of him ... the only thing we could see on his record is ... acute depression, loss of focus, minimum movements"


"And they are paying double just for that? Any suicidal thoughts? Anxiety issues? Special treatments, medications ...?"


"No, nothing ... are you okay with the terms? There might be suprises along the way kid, there isn't much on his file to begin with"


Sure, Seokmin was ambitious and loved a challenge "Alright then we will just have to build up his file step by step, a new diagnosis, a new treatment ... is his family okay with that?"


"Actually yes, they are paying us more than enough to build another clinic ward and with the freedom to do whatever we can to help"


Seokmin smiled "Then it's my pleasure to take on the role"


"Ah ... I knew I could depend on you" ..."He'll be here tomorrow morning 8 am sharp, you'll be his care taker during his stay"


"I'll be there, you can count on me sir"


Seokmin was excited about the new assignment, he was ready to take on the challenge and he was getting double his salary? That's motivating too but he wasn't really happy about it because he knew there must be something else behind it ... they won't be paying this much just to take care of someone with depression. How sever I his depression? Why was his file was sealed? What is this person hiding really?


To say the least, he was super excited.

He woke up early the next day to meet the new comer, he waited patiently at the entrance door "They said a driver is dropping him off? A black BMW ... wow okay" he mumbled to himself as he waited and not ten minutes later, a black BMW parked in front of the entrance.

"That must be him ... wow right on time too? 8am sharp impressive"


He took a few steps outside to meet the guy with a wide welcoming smile. He saw as the driver stepped out and opened the trunk of the car brining a wheelchair out. Seokmin frowned, this must be surprise number one, the head of department did warn him that the new patient might have other problems they weren't aware of. The driver secured the wheelchair and finally opened the door to the backseat and helped a ... very young boy out of the car.


Seokmin got closer "Good morning" the driver looked up "You must be the care taker?"


"I'm Lee Seokmin I'll be in charge of you during your stay here"


The boy was now sitting comfortably on the wheelchair, he was able to walk but looked weak and tired. Fair skin, slender and Seokmin stoped for a second ... so damn beautiful.

It broke Seokmin's heart to see such a beauty in such a situation. He looked sad and didn't even glance a look at Seokmin but slowly nodded, he understood what he's been told at least that was good.


"Good, Seokmin was it?" ... "Please bring him inside as I take his bags out"


"Hum sure" Seokmin replied but was a bit confused, he expected at least one family member or a closer friend to be with him at this time but they just sent him off with a driver like this? He kneeled down to meet the boy's eyes "I'll take you inside now is that okay with you?"


Asking for permission and informing his patients about their next move was very important to gain their trust. The boy didn't say anything still and only nodded looking away from Seokmin, not even interested to see how he looked like. But something in his voice made him feel better, the boy seemed to be okay with him, he was warm enough ... for now at least.

First impressions in places like these are always warm and pleasant until they are not anymore ... right?


Seokmin pushed the new patient's wheelchair inside and waited for the driver to bring in his luggage.

"I was told to give this to you" the driver handed Seokmin a file, a relatively thick one "These are his prescriptions and medications"


"O-okay, can you tell me more about his condition?" Seokmin asked a bit curious but shook his head "I was only given a location and orders to drop him off, I can tell you that he can't speak, he's weak so he can't walk on his own hence the wheelchair, he used to speak though he's not a mute" the driver looked sad mentioning that "Our master was ... a sunshine once" he unconsciously put a soft hand over the boy's head ruffling his hair a bit "I really hope you get better here Joshua" he kneeled down to meet him with a warm smile "You have everything with you right?"


Joshua nodded


"My number?"


He nodded again


"Call me or text me anytime"


Joshua nodded again


"I'll see you soon again in two weeks?"


Joshua simply nodded and the driver stood up looking back at Seokmin "I'm Mingyu by the way, and my master Hong Joshua, please take good care of him" Mingyu bowed to Seokmin basically begging him to bring back their sunshine again. Seokmin returned the bow and was hesitant to promise something he can't guarantee "I'll do my best" ... "Can you at least tell me what happened to him?"


Mingyu sighed "Everything you need to know ... medically speaking, is in that file" Seokmin had this odd feeling, like this Mingyu guy was withholding information, or maybe he simply couldn't tell him anything? He wasn't sure but nodded anyways.


Mingyu finally left, Seokmin finished Joshua's admission papers and took him to a quiet place where they could talk before taking him to his room. The clinic had a beautiful garden and a small lake where ducks swam peacefully and that's where Seokmin brought Joshua for the first time.


"I know it your first day here, I understand if it can be scary and overwhelming but I'll walk you through everything okay?"


Joshua only nodded staring somewhere beyond Seokmin, looking at the water where the ducklings were playing around

"So I'll ask you a few routines questions, you can answer with yes or no and you can write it down if you want"


Joshua simply nodded again


"Did you know that you are one year older than me?" Seokmin smiled widely and the boy in front of him shook his head "Well now you know" he laughed a little "I've been here for three years so I know my way around everything ... including curfews" he whispered the last part and winked at Joshua "Do you have any allergies I need to be aware of?"


Joshua shook his head no


"Any previous medical history? Were you diagnosed with anything?"


Joshua nodded and pointed at the file in Seokmin's hand. To be honest, he was a bit confused on why he was asking him too many questions when everything was already in that file. Usually, doctors would simply read it and avoid having any direct contact with him ... giving his family status, no one actually tried to get close to him, they all kept a professional distance fearing for their jobs and positions but this boy was different wasn't he? Joshua thought or maybe he was just stupid? He couldn't tell


"I know, I know you have a fancy file and all, but I wanted to hear it from you"


Joshua kept staring into nothing, not even sparing Seokmin a look since he got here "They often tell me I'm pretty handsome"


Huh? Joshua thought but didn't say anything still


"You can look at me and judge for yourself"


But Joshua wasn't in the mood, he looked rather annoyed than interested "Okay, have it your way, but don't come complaining to me when you're leaving this place all better and didn't get enough of this face"


Joshua scoffed and smiled a little "Oh my Gosh you do smile, look at that ... am I good or what?"


Smug, arrogant, weird guy ... Joshua scoffed again and shook his head

"You don't like to talk? Fine, it's good actually because I love to talk ... you can just listen then"

Seokmin went on and on about how the admission process will be like, he gave Joshua all the details he needed "There isn't much in your existing file actually, we will run a full body exam by tomorrow and take it from there ... that's okay with you?" Joshua wasn't really okay with it, he didn't like to be touched and Seokmin took note of it when he placed a small blanket on his knees and the older flinched.


He was hesitant but nodded "You'll be okay I promise" Seokmin said softly "I won't let anyone touch you in a way you don't like, I'll do it myself ... can you trust me at least with that?" His voice was calm and reassuring, but can Joshua trust him this fast?


He didn't want to

But he had to ... so he nodded


"You look tired ... were you getting enough sleep?" Seokmin asked and the boy only blinked and he had enough experience to take that as a no "How about food, are you eating well?" Again, no answer, Seokmin bit his lip and nodded to himself ... in his world, no answer is actually an answer


"It's still early, how about I take you inside, we have a late breakfast? Show you to your suit, actually you got the best view in the entire place, you can change and rest for a bit and in the afternoon, we can go around and meet everybody else"


Taking him inside was no problem, getting him to eat well was another. Joshua only played around with his food and Seokmin took notes of his every move and when Joshua seemed about to give up, Seokmin started talking again "So, you can look around if you want or not that's fine ... do you see that handsome doctor over there? That's Seungcheol, he's the best physician in this place, he's touch is too gentle and I can testify for it, he gave me a shot a few weeks ago, and I couldn't even feel a thing, the guy next to him, Jeonghan? He's too pretty isn't he? He's a therapist, you're scheduled to meet him in a couple of days"


Seokmin noticed just how Joshua tensed up when the word therapist came up "Don't worry, he's known for being an Angelic healer, if you could just look at him you'll get what I mean" Seokmin winked and waited for Joshua to look over his new therapist but didn't "Oh I must tell you though, he's pretty but he's taken ... he's engaged to Seungcheol so, can't have him" Joshua was still looking down at his food but was indeed curious.


Joshua glanced over to his right side and saw the couple having a coffee break peacefully smiling at each other "Ohh gotchaa" Seokmin got excited all of a sudden and it made Joshu flinch "Somebody likes to gossip huh?" ... "Okay if that's your poison then I'll get you more interesting stories everyday okay?"


Joshua smiled a little and nodded ... this guy is really something.


"You know, I'm assigned to other patients around here as well, so from time to time I'll have to go check on them, but I'll be around if you need me, I also live in the dorms here so I'm almost never outside the clinic complex, I'll be close"


Joshua picked up the sausages with his fork, munched on it and nodded


Yes it's working ... Seokmin was proud of himself, talk too much about something that interests him and he'll unconsciously eat more because he's enjoying the conversation ... nice


Joshua finally entered his new room, the place looked amazing for a hospital room, just like Seokmin described it but he soon lost interest as he remembered why he was admitted there. Joshua was too tired by the time he washed up and changed his clothes. Seokmin helped him leave the wheelchair and walked him to the bathroom. He noticed just how weak Joshua's body was, powerless and in pain most of the time, it looked like muscle pains all over.


Seokmin laid him down gently straight on his bed. He saw the way Joshua sighed deeply feeling his pain being relieved for a bit "Joshua I'm going to give you a small massage okay?" Joshua shook his head violently, no he didn't want to he was tired and just wanted to sleep for a while "Just for a bit? Let me know where it hurts exactly?"


Joshua sighed deeply, he clearly didn't want to do it but ... he nodded


Seokmin barely touched him and Joshua winced "Sorry" he stopped immediately "I haven't read anything in your file about muscle pain ... it is perhaps emotional pain?" He asked concerned and Joshua hesitated to answer but nodded eventually


"I see ... I'm sorry ... you must have been through intense emotional turmoil to have this kind of pain" Seokmin looked sad but soon flashed Joshua a big smile "We will work on that and make you better so don't worry"


His optimism was something else, Joshua gave him a small smile ... a thankful one, but he didn't have high hopes it's just his first day, Seokmin will probably loose interest in a while.


But he didn't

It's been a few weeks already and Seokmin was just the same.


His physical checkup with Seungcheol went just fine and pain free just like Seokmin promised it was going to be, but it opened up a few unwanted scars.

When Seungcheol was done with his physical exam, he had many questions. Seokmin was helping Joshua all along and when he was done, he had a few questions to ask "You have a lot of bruises on you Joshua" ... "Healed ones, over one year old, were you perhaps in a car accident accident?"


Like usual, Joshua didn't reply


"I understand it might be difficult to talk about it but it's important for us to know, to have a complete diagnosis and to help you with your recovery"


Seungcheol sounded firm but also very reassuring. Joshua was about to tear up when he nodded, confirming that he was in a car accident


"I'm sorry to hear that Joshua ... were you in a coma or bedridden for a long a time?"


Joshua nodded


"I see ... that's why your legs are too weak and can't walk for too long"


Joshua knew that it wasn't a question but nodded again, his eyes to the floor, hands turning into fists and Seokmin noticed how tensed and motioned he got, he motioned  Seungcheol to stop

"Well, your body will require some therapy for a while but you'll be fine in no time" Seungcheol smiled at Joshua patting his shoulders gently and reassuring him that everything will be just fine.


Seokmin kept an extra eye on Joshua that day, seeing the way his mood flipped and changed, tried to keep his mind away from the incident by telling him more interesting stories about working at the clinic

"I'm in charge of Dino, a high school kid, gosh he's so sassy ... he told me to go get a life, and annoying him is probably the reason why I'm single" Seokmin had an annoying look on his face that made Joshua chuckled a little ... and oh wait, he was looking at him, directly at him which was a great improvement.


"I mean look at me, I'm adorable" Seokmin said and Joshua chuckled harder "Am I not cute? Seriously ... why is he the reason I'm single?"


Joshua rolled his eyes and shook his head ... he simply shrugged.


During the few weeks they spent together, Seokmin talked a lot and Joshua listened a lot. His physical exams were going well but his therapy sessions were ... still silent.


"How was it?" Seokmin asked Jeonghan the second his one on one session with Joshua ended "The same, he's responding well to everything I say but ... no talking yet so he paints instead" ... "And he's really good"


Seokmin was surprised "Oh, what his paintings are about?"


"Can't tell you Seokmin" Jeonghan flashed him a warm smile and patted his back gently "Now let me find my financé he owes me a candle light dinner for being paged during our date last night"


"Yeah just rub your perfect relationship all over my face"


Jeonghan laughed "You'll find your person Seok, they'll come around I'm sure"


It's been a few more weeks and Joshua was sitting in his bed, he just finished lunch and was just thinking a bit when the door to his room flung open. He flinched and frowned until he saw it was no one other than Seokmin. The boy sprinted to his side and sat down on the floor near Joshua's bed, he put a finger on his lips "Shhhh" he whispered ... "I'm not here"

Joshua was confused but only three seconds later, an old lady came knocking on his door "Oh my darling have you seen that handsome tall boy named Seokmin?"


Joshua was confused, blinked at the old lady by the door and shook his head no.

She shrugged and left.

Joshua looked back at Seokmin sitting in the floor, hiding from this lady and his face had a puzzled look


"She wants to kiss me every time she sees me" Seokmin said and Joshua was on full blown laughter. It was his first time seeing Joshua laugh this hard and even though it was because of his misery but gosh he loved that sound, actually, he loved everything about him. He kept imagining how he sounded like, how more adorable and beautiful could he be when he's healthier? Seokmin had so many questions and just hearing the older laugh like that' made him all fuzzy on the inside


"Seriously though ... you know what's the weird thing is? She got Alzheimer's ... she doesn't even know who I am and forgets me the next five minutes but would still want to kiss me the next time I see her"


Joshua laughed and Seokmin found his way to sit on the arm chair looking tired "If anyone asks? I was ... having lunch, I was on my break okay? Not running away from Mrs.Kim"


Joshua nodded still laughing and Seokmin couldn't get enough.


"How about we take a walk?" Seokmin suggested


Joshua nodded, great he was in the mood

"But without the wheelchair this time"


The older looked worried "We will walk slowly and take breaks" Seokmin tried to convince him "We will just go see the ducklings and come back" ... "I'll get you some coffee maybe? We can sit in the park and just enjoy the sun"


It sounded great

It sounded like a first date ... something similar clicked inside Joshua'a mind and he nodded with a smile.


It was lovely


It was a spring day, the sun wasn't too hot and the breeze not too cold. Joshua was walking slowly holding into Seokmin, locking arms with him and it felt nice. Seokmin was a safe place, and he proved himself trustworthy more than once already, Joshua trusted him, fell for him even ... is that wrong?


Seokmin was always too gentle with him, took time to talk to him, made him laugh and took care of him ... but that's just his job right?

Joshua tried to push his feelings aside, Seokmin was just nice to him because his family paid him more than usual and because it's his job.

Sad but still, Joshua couldn't resist that radiant smile of his and Seokmin's spontaneous self.


They sat at the bench just as Seokmin told him they'll do after their walk and got him his coffee. Joshua sipped on it slowly as his eyes lingered across the park and the lake, this place wasn't all that pleasant but it was peaceful and being with Seokmin was healing. He took in a few deep breaths enjoying the warm breeze and noticed the way Seokmin was staring at him.


He stared back at him confused, and Seokmin smiled softly at lYou've came a long way I'm proud of you"

Joshua smiled back and nodded feeling thankful "I know you don't want to talk much about what happened to you but you know I'm here if you need to talk"


Joshua nodded again


He suddenly reached his hand towards Seokmin asking him to hold it? Seokmin does just that and it was a bit surprising but it looked like Joshua wanted to tell him everything.

"Do you want to use my pad?" Seokmin asked and Joshua slowly nodded


*Almost two years ago, my family and I had a car accident and I was the only survivor*


It was visibly really hard for Joshua to write down his story and talking wasn't that easier as well


*My parents and little sister were gone and I was in a come for about two months*

*When I woke up, my entire world has changed*

*My parents owned a big company and in their absence, dad's older brother took over it and he was careless, he enjoyed the money and the luxury and forgot about how hard my parents worked to establish their company and I was mourning for too long to notice that he took over everything ... he told our lawyers that I was mentally and physically incapable of doing anything and he sent me here*


*I'm not that mad about it, it could have been worse and I got to meet you so ..." Joshua stopped to look up at Seokmin who had a soft look on his face, a mixture of sadness, curiosity and anger maybe?


*Staying here is better than going back somewhere I don't belong anymore*


*I had a boyfriend too, he*


Joshua stopped writing, his hands started shaking a little and Seokmin hurried to hold it tightly "It's okay, you don't have to, you've done great so far"

Joshua swallowed hard *He left me when he knew that I had no control over the money anymore, he used me in many ways even when I was still too weak to walk on my own, he wanted to ..... he said he was waiting for too long and couldn't wait anymore and either I gave him what he wanted or he'll leave, so he left*


Seokmin gasped, there was no way that bastard asked Joshua for se* when he was going through so much. Joshua couldn't write anymore, he let the pen slip off his shaky hand and tears started flowing down his cheeks

"Oh no please" Seokmin panicked, he took the notepad away from Joshua and apologized to him over and over again, wiped the tears off his cheeks and finally pulled him in a very tight hug.


From the 3rd floor, Jeonghan and Seungcheol eyed the two from the window "See? Told you he'll eventually only talk to Seokmin"


"Baby I know you're a good therapist but I don't get this"


"They have feelings for each other the sooner they realize it the sooner Joshua's healing process begins"


"Didn't it already begin when he got here?"


"It did in a way, but Joshua never needed treatment, he needed someone to tell him he was okay, someone close and warmhearted"




"Apparently so"


It's been over two weeks now, in total, Joshua has been here for about four months. His physical health has improved significantly with Seungcheol's constant monitoring. Joshua's muscles movements were improving and he was walking on his own without help for at least a good while, he gained a few more pounds and he looked healthier and stronger and gosh he looked prettier and prettier everyday.


He never had any visitors except for his driver, Mingyu was it? He visited once every two weeks or so.

Seokmin saw the two interacting with each other and Joshua seemed comfortable and confident around the guy. They were holding hands and Mingyu was reassuring him a lot, Joshua also didn't seem to be having any trouble writing down notes on his notepad and it's a bit ... well Seokmin was jealous.


He scoffed and looked away

Mingyu was tall, tanned, with a well built body and overall too handsome and he obviously knew Mingyu for a long time before he was admitted here so they had history.

When Mingyu left, Seokmin was annoyed and Joshua kept asking him what's wrong.


"That Mingyu guy, who is he exactly? He's not family so we really have no obligations to let him in you know?"


Joshua looked puzzled and was about to write down something when he started coughing. Seokmin jolted and run to get him a glass of water which Joshua took gratefully

"Are you okay?" Seokmin was worried and Joshua nodded, he was panting a little but was fine a second later


"That's your second fit since this morning, are you sure you're not coming down with something?"


Joshua shook his head *I'm fine* he wrote down but Seokmin wasn't having it "Let's pass by Seungcheol for a general checkup anyways"


*No need, it's just a cough*


Seokmin sighed "Fine but you'll let me know if you're not feeling well right?"


Joshua nodded *Of course* he noted down *And about Mingyu, you're not jealous are you?*

Seokmin rolled his eyes "Jealous?" He scoffed "Me?? Why would I be jealous?"


Joshua eyed him up and down and nodded *His family worked for my parents for a long time, we basically grew up together he's like a little brother to me, after the accident, they were transferred by my Uncle to another city and he stayed with me as a part time driver, he's in university, engineering major*


Seokmin nodded, reading what Joshua wrote for him "I see ... he's a good friend then" Joshua nodded eyes lingering elsewhere *So don't be jealous, you are forever my sunshine*

Seokmin went delulu and blushed madly, his cheeks a hint of pink and a stupid grin on his face "I'm not jealous, I already told you that"


Joshua smiled and asked Seokmin to take him back to his room. He wanted to finish that painting he promised Jeonghan it will be ready before their next session in two days.


Joshua woke up a bit tired the next morning, he checked his phone and sighed. He tossed it aside and Seokmin noticed "All okay?" He asked and Joshua hesitated to answer but nodded eventually. Joshua only got his phone back a week ago, before that, he wasn't allowed to carry it around and if he needed anything, he could ask Seokmin or any of the other doctors and attendants for help.


But it's been buzzing a lot in the last few days and Seokmin was a bit worried as he saw the way Joshua reacted this morning.

He looked tired "Did you sleep well last night?"


Joshua shook his head no and suddenly started coughing again. Seokmin run to his bedside and helped him sip on some cold water. Joshua closed his eyes for a bit and breathed in slowly "Maybe you should stay in bed today? Is something bothering you?"


Joshua shook his head but soon passed Seokmin his phone. The younger took a look, countless messages from his uncle asking for passwords and account numbers and private information. Joshua gave him everything, he didn't want anything to do with his uncle taking over everything his parents built. He was tired and just wanted it to be over, he couldn't do anything anyways so why bother?

He asked his uncle to leave him alone, that once he got discharged, he wants to be alone. His uncle went frantic and started asking him for everything he knew, he wanted to get as much money possible before Joshua disappeared on him.


It was hard to watch but Joshua wasn't at all comfortable, he felt like he could break down in tears at any moment but still shook his head. He didn't want to miss his appointment with Jeonghan, he finished his painting, it was beautiful and Jeonghan was excitedly waiting to see it.


Just like usual, Seokmin was waiting outside the therapy room, the only place where he was not allowed to go with Joshua. He felt bad for the older, and wished he could just let him rest for today, he thought about how weak Joshua walked up to the therapy room to the point he thought to bring him the wheelchair again.


Seokmin was lost in his thoughts when he heard Jeonghan yell through the closed door of his examination room "NURSE?" He screamed and opened the door "I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE"


Seokmin jolted up and run to help Jeonghan "WHAT HAPPENED?"


"He fainted" Jeonghan broke the news and Seokmin dashed inside the office. Joshua was on the floor a few inches away from the sofa Jeonghan had placed in his office. Notes were written on the communication board Jeonghan made specially for Joshua and Seokmin could swear he saw his name on it but didn't care to look twice as he was attending to Joshua.


He applied first aid, made sure he was breathing well and put him in the right position as he waited for the stretcher to come. Seokmin patted Joshua's cheeks softly "Joshua? Shua baby look at me" ... "Come on wake up you'll be just fine"

Seokmin tried to coax the boy and *Shua baby?* where did the nickname come from?


He safely put him on the stretcher with Jeonghan and the nurse's help and rushed him to be examined by Seungcheol.


"What happened?" Seungcheol asked the second he saw his fiancé and Seokmin rolling Joshua into his office "He fainted during our sessions"

Seungcheol listened but immediately started checking on the younger, his heart rate and blood pressure ... ect

"He's been stressed out the last couple of days" Seokmin confessed and took a step closer to help Seungcheol.


"Hannie did something happen during the session?"


The pretty therapist shook his head "No, but he was a bit distracted and distant, looked a bit tired ... he had a coughing fit twice if that helps I'm not sure"


Seungcheol glanced over at Seokmin "He's been having a cough, I asked him countess times about it and he said he was fine"


Seungcheol frowned "I'm sorry Seokmin but neither me or my machines agree with you"

Seokmin looked up to read what the machines were saying. Joshua had a fever of 38,3 degrees, his oxygen intake was a bit lower and so was his BP. Seokmin's heart sunk, how could he be this careless? And with the one whom he cared about the most? He stood there frozen in front of the machine until he felt Jeonghan's grip over his shoulder "He's probably just stressed out, he'll be fine ... Right Cheol?"


The young doctor breathed out and nodded "Yes he'll be just fine" his fiancé glanced up at him with soft eyes. They both knew how Seokmin felt about Joshua, he wasn't just another patient to him, he had a special spot in his heart for him and seeing him like this, made Seokmin feel so guilty.

The younger spent the entire day by Joshua's bed waiting for him to wake up. Seungcheol stabilized him and put him on a soft painkiller and saline water.


"He just needs some rest that's all ... it's just stress he'll be fine" Seungcheol reassured but it didn't make Seokmin feel any better. The boy was sitting by Joshua's bed for hours and fell asleep doing just that, he felt so guilty for being dismissive and for not paying attention.

Joshua woke up a while ago but seeing Seokmin sleeping by his bedside made him feel so much better. He kept staring at him for a long while and finally extended his arm to ruffle the younger's hair, gosh the way Seokmin made him feel was simply amazing. He made him feel important, safe and cared for, Joshua smiled to himself seeing Seokmin slowly waking up.


The second he realized that Joshua was up, Seokmin jolted "Oh my gosh, are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you hurt? Please tell me ..."


Joshua shook his head and Seokmin got closer placing his palm over his forehead "Still warm but better, what happened really? How did you just faint like that? Did you have any symptoms before it happened? I'm sorry Shua, I really am, I feel so bad"




His voice was thin and close to a whisper but audible.


It ironically made Seokmin go mute, frozen and he stopped breathing for a second ...


Joshua just called his name




"Would you shut up ... just for a minute? My head is killing me"


Seokmin scoffed and was almost about to cry "I'm sorry ... yes, I'll shut up" his eyes glued to Joshua, the older was smiling at him softly and Seokmin was so happy and emotional, he held Joshua's hand tightly and wished he could just kiss him right now if it was appropriate.


"I'm fine ... just a bit tired"


Seokmin nodded, the smile never leaving his face "You sound amazing, I don't think I could ever get enough of you talking Shua"


Joshua laughed, "I didn't plan on this but ... you just won't stop talking"


Seokmin laughed while holding back his own tears, he nodded holding into Joshua's hand tightly.

He older sniffing "You can't be crying Shua because I will too"


"Thank you Seok, for everything"


"I didn't do anything, I ..." ..." I thought you asked me to shut up"


"Like I can stop you"


Things got even more louder and noisier after that. Joshua recovered quickly and the two never stopped talking since then. Joshua's sessions with Jeonghan were getting more and more interesting and Joshua was recovering well, talking about his past, the accident, losing his family and his family's fortune up to his EX.

He was more accepting and more confident in himself while Seokmin helped him every step of the way.


His physical health was also improving, his muscle pain was almost gone, he couldn't do much heavy lifting yet but compared to a few months ago when he was on a wheelchair, he was doing great and he was happy ... happier than he ever was in almost three years now.


"Happy birthday Shua" Seokmin said sweetly "And happy new year"

Joshua smiled, he appreciated what Seokmin has been doing for him all this time and was getting more and more attached to him, loving him more everyday "Thank you Seok, I appreciate it"


"I got you this ... I know it's probably not much but I hope you like it"


"Wow" Joshua was surprised, he didn't expect any gifts but this cute brown teddy bear 🧸 was increasingly cute "I love it thank you"


"Got you cake too"

Seokmin brought the small box, they were sitting near the lake, it was December and it was cold but today was warm enough. They sat there talking nonchalantly and Joshua  was cutting the small cake Seokmin got for him "I didn't celebrate in three years, thanks Seok it means so much to me" their eyes locked and Seokmin couldn't help but to smile "I just like making you smile, I hope from now on, you'll be happier Shua"


Joshua had teary eyes, he forgot how that felt like but recently Seokmin was reminding him. He hated being trapped in a world he didn't choose, he was okay with his past now, it was an accident and he just had to live through the aftermath. His uncle took most of the things but not everything. His bank account was still his, the savings account his parents set up for him since he was just a baby was still there, he has investments that his father suggested for him to do, he was doing okay ... he will be okay.


The only thing missing though ...


His heart started beating, eyeing Seokmin, he slightly tilted his head just staring at him

"Is everything okay?" The younger asked and Joshua wasn't so sure about his answer

"I don't know ... but I'm about to find out"


With a single pull, Joshua brought Seokmin closer

The air between got thinner

And the space disappeared


Seokmin's lips fell on Joshua's and he was shocked at first but damn they were so soft.


Joshua got his answer when Seokmin kissed back, smiling through the kiss


The head of department better not see them, Seokmin will be in so much trouble if they got caught but that didn't seem to matter right now.


Pulling away, Joshua scanned Seokmin's face just to be sure and the younger laughed

"We can't be seen"


"I know ... so much fun" Joshua smirked


"You taste sweet"

Seokmin was still dizzy from the unexpected kiss and Joshua's wet lips


"Maybe it's just the cake" Joshua shrugged


"I'm sure it's not"


"Just" Joshua pulled a bit away "I don't want that crazy grand ma on my floor kissing you again ... can't share anymore"


"I'll tell her I have boyfriend?"


Joshua's eyes were shining bright "You better"

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Chapter 10: I love this story so much😭❤️
Chapter 3: According to hoshi's live-streaming a few days ago, I start thinking that this story might be real... Hope all these guys be healthy forever.❤️
Chapter 1: Okay, Cheol is such an amazing boyfriend and Jeonghan deserves him! I love your writing so much