Jeongcheol Special 🤍

Adore U

Jeongcheol 🤍

Served with love and a little of SeokSoo on the side 🤍

Omega / Alpha / Werewolves Universe AU

Mention of violence / harassment/ hurt & comfort/ fluff

Long chapter on the way ☝️



It was raining and Jeonghan was late, he was running to get to his shift on time or else, he'll be scolded by his boss again. That man wasn't fun at all, he paid him well though, so Jeonghan avoided to get on his bad side and just do his job, get paid and finish his last year in university in peace.


Which was difficult by the way.

Jeonghan is one of the prettiest Omegas and he was constantly being followed by Alphas who wanted to simply mate with him. He was very pretty, had an amazing scent and simply too charming, who wouldn't want him as his mate?

One problem was, Jeonghan hated every living Alpha there was.



His Omega mother passed away years ago after suffering from emotional trauma from after being abused by his Alpha dad for far too long. He tried to save her and protect her but he was too young and too scared, he got hit and slammed into doors and walls more often than expected. He hated his father for having this dominant Alpha scent and dominant Alpha voice making his mother shutter into pieces in front of him every single day.


He tripped and fell.


, it hurt and he winced for a bit before he stood up again. As far as he knew, the street was empty and he jumped when a voice he didn't recognize startled him




Jeonghan followed the voice and immediately turned behind himself, a tall black haired Alpha was looking down at him, basically hovering on top him, but why couldn't  he pick up his scent?


Jeonghan's first reaction was to put a protective hand over his face "NO, LEAVE ME ALONE"

He immediately rejected the strange Alpha without even looking or thinking twice about it


"Relax" the Alpha said, his voice calm and confident "You tripped and this fell off your bag"


His wallet, the Alpha was giving him his wallet back


Jeonghan was panting form both running and falling miserably in the middle of the road. He reached his hand slowly took it back


"Thank you" he mumbled and the the Alpha  smiled and nodded

"Don't worry about it ... are you okay?" He saw as Jeonghan stood up brushed his clothes and was about to get going not bothered to answer his question. He then stopped Jeonghan again in his trails, he simply had to ask


"What are you so afraid of?"


It couldn't have been his scent, Jeonghan looked away in anger "Alphas, I hate all of you" he said bitterly before he started running again, not even glancing back at the tall black haired guy.







He reached the place and he was soaking wet.

He dashed through the staff back entrance and looked around to avoid his boss and run to the locker room, changed quickly to his work uniform and run again to the front desk.


"You're late, boss asked about you so I kept throwing him off"


"You're the best Joshua I owe you one"


Joshua scoffed, his Omega friend and colleague had his back no matter what.

"Where were you anyways?"


Jeonghan sighed "University clinic ... monthly appointment"

Joshua knew of course, not having a Mate yet, Jeonghan was struggling to keep his health in check, he was regularly having checkups forced by the university itself and was under monitored dozes of suppressants.


Suppressants weren't the ideal option and the doctors warned him about taking them as they only delayed his heat cycles and will not prevent them completely and that eventually, he needed a Mate to bond with and regulate his cycles or else, he'll be in agony and his heats will only get worse and intense as time goes by.


"Oh ... how did that go?" Joshua asked sounding concerned about his friend, he knew Jeonghan for a long time now and he knew more about him than anyone else.


"Like usual, I got the shot, but I got late and was running all the way here ... I slipped and fell on the way"


How was Jeonghan being nonchalant about this? Joshua could never know


"You know, you will need someone eventually, you don't have to be Mated just ... have fun, if you know what I mean"


Jeonghan gave him a death glare "Fun? Really?" ... "You know I hate Alphas"


"Not ALL Alphas ... You like DK"


"I only like him because you like him ... he's your Mate"


"And because he's good to me and treats me well"


"Yeah that too ... because you're happy and he makes you happy"


"See? Not all alphas are bad"


Jeonghan sighed, he stopped what he was doing arranging the counter "I'm not interested Shua let's just leave it there"


Joshua sighed and soon looked away welcoming yet another client.

It was a busy day at the coffee shop and Jeonghan soon forgot about the whole thing as the days got busier. He was a barista and a good one in fact, making coffee and yummy drinks was one of his favorite hobbies but becoming a paralegal for social services was his goal. He wanted to help kids who were living in vulnerable situations and wanted to give them the help he didn't get growing up.


It was getting dark and finally, he was able to get a break sitting outside letting the breezy wind play with his hair. He realized that he didn't eat anything since that morning, his stomach was aching and he knew it was because of the suppressants he just got that morning. He should eat, he took out a small sandwich and started munching on it slowly and suddenly remembered his weird encounter with that Alpha that same morning and wondered why couldn't he catch his scent?


All Alphas have scents some stronger than others but that one didn't have any ... "I'm sure he was an Alpha though" he mumbled to himself but soon shook it off, finished his meal and went back inside the coffee house.


"Busy day huh?" He looked up to meet he familiar voice, Jeonghan wasn't interested but nodded "Yeah, it's better when it's busy, time flys by ... I'll find Joshua"




Dokyeom smiled widely and Jeonghan nodded, it was always awkward between them, no matter how hard Dokyeom tried to get to know his boyfriend's best friend, Jeonghan made it extremely hard for him and he knew exactly why ... Joshua told him countless times, Jeonghan was hurt by Alphas and he hated them. Sad but true.


"Your boyfriend is here" Jeonghan announced as he walked into the staff break area, Joshua was getting something from his bag "Yeah thank you, he told me he'll pass by for the key"


"I don't think I said this but congratulations"


"You didn't and thank you"


"You're living with an Alpha, how exciting" of course, Jeonghan was being sarcastic and Joshua shoved him to the side as he left to meet his boyfriend.


Jeonghan was happy that his friend was happy and that was it. Joshua was really sweet and brilliant and he deserved to be loved and appreciated ... but doesn't  Jeonghan also deserve that too? He shook his head, no Alphas ... no.


There was so many customers today and Jeonghan was happily serving them their favorite drinks, being pretty and charming also got him so much attention and he made good money from him tips plus his salary, he was doing very well for himself. They were about to close when their last customer pushed the door open


"Only take aways I'm afraid no dine in we are closing soon" Joshua announced as soon as he heard the bell-chimes.

"No worries, I'll take it to go" the stranger said and it sent shivers down Jeonghan's spine. He gasped as he looked at his friend standing by the cashier but Joshua seemed to be busy taking the Alpha's order.


Walking up to him, the Alpha had a puzzled look on his face "Oh it's you" he pointed out the Omega who was busy making his drink but smiled at the coincidence encounter anyways


"You know him?" Joshua asked confused

"Not really" the Alpha confessed "We kinda bumped into each other this morning, he slipped miserably on the wet floor and his wallet came running down the concrete to hit me"


Jeonghan smirked "Yeah you were the hero and I was the victim nice story ... here's your drink have a good night"


"You didn't write my name on it"


Sure, the Alpha was just trying to have a conversation. He was intrigued, this pretty Omega is quite something and he enjoyed his bitterness. Joshua glared at him from a distance, it's known for this coffee shop to write customized notes on their coffees "And what's that?"


"Seungcheol" ... "You better remember it" he stopped to look at the Omega's name tag "Jeonghan ... pretty name"


Jeonghan leaned over from the counter and handed Seungcheol his drink "And you better put some sugar in that Americano because I made it bitter ... just like me"


To say the least, Seungcheol was impressed. This Omega named Jeonghan was really something else "And why I can't catch your scent?"


"Because I don't want you to but maybe ... one day, I can introduce it to you ... what do you say?"


"I say enjoy your coffee"


"I most certainly will" Seungcheol smirked as he walked away from the counter to meet Joshua'a apologetic eyes "I'm so sorry about him I ..." Joshua tried to apologize but was taken aback by Seungcheol's response

"Are you kidding me? He's the most interesting thing I've encountered since I got here"


"Oh" Joshua's face turned into a weird look "Like really?"


Seungcheol laughed "Yeah ... Humm Joshua" reading the Omega's name tag again "I guess you'll be seeing more of me around, I like the place ... and the people" glancing over at Jeonghan


"Well ... hum then I have to warn you ... he's not easy to get, at all, it's complicated you'll be having a really hard time"


"I love me a good challenge" Seungcheol winked at Joshua, held his coffee and bid him good night.


It's been a few weeks, Seungcheol would come in from time to time, part of him wanting to see and flirt with Jeonghan and the other part was to hangout with his Alpha group of friends. Jun, Mingyu and Soonyoung. They were all nice and friendly and it happened that DK was sharing an anatomy class with Mingyu so they all got to know each other and hangout together.


Seungcheol and Jun were business majors while Mingyu was in medical practice and Soonyoung in Law. An impressive group of friends you might say. Jun and Seungcheol grew up together, Jun was Chinese, his father together with Seungcheol's father built an empire of an import export company. The two were next to inherit their places at managing both companies from both countries and it was really impressive.


Mingyu was a second cousin of Seungcheol's and Soonyoung knew him since high school. DK was studying to become a paramedic and that's how he met Mingyu.

At first, they didn't see any Omegas around them but soon, a tall cute and calm Omega joined them, Wonwoo, and later a Chinese pretty guy named Minghao. They were the only Omegas around and it was obvious that they were bonded to Mingyu and Jun and the Alphas were serious about their relationships.


"You really should give him a chance"


"A chance to what?"


"To get to know him Hannie" Joshua was frustrated, he sighed "Look at them, they are awesome, including my DK of course ... he's handsome, rich and most importantly he's really into you"


"I'm not though"

Total disinterest, Jeonghan was busy cleaning around his counter


"I know you've been through a lot, don't you want to move on even for a while? Not all Alphas are the same"


"Sorry Shua, it's not easy to change my mind, you haven't seen what I've seen"


Jeonghan was again sitting at the staff break area eating slowly. To be honest, he was very tired and didn't want to go through this conversation again right now. He saw as Joshua left frustrated and felt bad for making his friend worry this much about him. He closed his eyes for a bit and felt as the world around him kept spinning, suppressants were really making him feel all type of weird this time ... was the dose too much? He should probably have another check up soon.


He tried to finish his shift like normal but his legs wouldn't stop shaking and his head was foggy and unfocused. He left for a bit to go to the washroom, Joshua noticed and followed him. Jeonghan was panting, holding his tummy and barely made it to the toilet where he vomited badly


"You should go home" Joshua helped him sit up and drink some water "Are you sure it's just the suppressants?"


Jeonghan nodded weakly "What else could it be? I'll be fine"


"You're sweating and shivering" seeing the way Jeonghan was trembling, Joshua gently put him down on the sofa in their break room "Rest here for a while okay? I'll cover for you, you're lucky it's slow on a Monday"


"I'm sorry ... thank you"


"And go home, eat something heavy for gods sakes and rest ... please promise me?"


Jeonghan nodded "I promise"


With that being said, Jeonghan took some time to rest, changed out of his uniform and simply excused himself. He was lucky he didn't get yelled at by his boss, but of course, the obnoxious man said he'll be cutting the hours off his paycheck. Jeonghan didn't mind and left.


He was walking down the streets feeling tired and beaten up all over.

He's been on suppressants for a while and always suffered the aftermath but this was new. He was hit by heat waves and dizziness, if this wasn't hormonal, he didn't know what it was. He finally reached his small studio apartment where he fell limb on his bed and slept it off.


"Where's Jeonghan?" Seungcheol asked Joshua who came back with their drinks

"Yeah sorry Cheol, I sent your crush home, he wasn't feeling well"


"Oh, is he okay? What happened?" He really sounded concerned


"Wow Seungcheol, I never seen you this concerned about an Omega before" Jun smirked and it made the rest of them giggle

"Well you obviously didn't meet This particular Omega, Jeonghan, he's bitter and sweet ... exactly my type"


"Your type is a stubborn honestly" Joshua added, yes he's talking about his best friend and no he wasn't wrong, Jeonghan would say the same about himself anyways "He won't listen to me, he's ... let's say he's not taking good care of himself lately"


"Maybe I can change that"


"Good luck, I can't tell you anything else"


Dokyeom entered and Joshua's attention was immediately shifted to his boyfriend.

"Hey you" Dokyeom leaned over to capture Joshua's lips in a quick peck "I missed you" Joshua said "I kinda need to talk to you"

Dokyeom frowned a bit worried "Sure, is everything okay?"

Joshua nodded "Yeah everything's fine don't worry ... I just want to talk"


"Okay, I'll be right here with Mingyu, I'll wait for you until your shift is done"


"Thanks" Joshua smiled softly, he was worried about Jeonghan and needed to tell DK so when his shift ended, his confessed his worry to his Mate and DK was incredibly understanding


DK sighed "I'll drop you off at his place? Maybe it's better if you can go and check on him?"


"I'd like that ... I'm sorry, tonight was supposed to be our date night"


DK smiled "Everyday is a date night with you, my love ... don't worry about it"

He never failed to make him smile, almost two years now and DK was the best thing that ever happened to Joshua, he leaned over to peck his lips as he dropped him in front of Jeonghan's building "I'll wait here, do you think you'll be okay on your own? Will it take long?"


"I don't know, he should be okay by now, I'll give you a call?"


"Sure" DK nodded "I'll be right here"


Joshua run inside the building, he had Jeonghan's emergency key in his hands and called him a few times on his cell phone to let him know he was coming but got no answer.

He didn't want to startle him so he knocked on the door for a while before he decided to let himself in


"Jeonghan?" Joshua peeked inside the small studio apartment


"It's me Joshua" ... "Hannie? Where are you?"


Joshua walked in slowly, the place wasn't that big anyways, a single bedroom studio but Jeonghan didn't seem to be around until Joshua was startled by the sound of retching coming from the bathroom.


He run to the washroom to find Jeonghan vomiting badly and ... soaked wet from being under the shower but he was all dressed up? What in the world is happening?


"JEONGHAN?" Joshua yelped and run to help his friend. His face was paler than anything Joshua has ever seen, he was shaking too bad and the moment he finished throwing up, he went right back under the cold shower


"Hannie what are you doing?" Joshua was too confused "You're hurting yourself please stop"


"It's ... it's t-too h-hot ..." Jeonghan was panting, barely getting enough oxygen and looked as if he was convulsing "F-feels too H-hot"


Joshua quickly held his friend close, "Okay, okay" he tried to keep calm but he really wasn't as calm as he thought he could be, imagine walking in on your friend in such a situation ... how bad, scared and confused would you be?

Joshua held Jeonghan under the shower to keep him cool and took his phone from his pocket dialing DK who was still waiting for him downstairs.


"Hey baby is everyth—"


"I NEED YOU HERE PLEASE COME" Joshua sounded all levels of distress and fear making DK worried sick about him.

Joshua couldn't explain much over the phone and simply kept asking him to come over and DK wasted no seconds to do so.


He walked inside the small studio calling Joshua's name and soon found him in the shower holding a half conscious Jeonghan in his arms


"He was vomiting and said was too hot ... he was already here when I got in ... I don't know Dokyeom please do something" Joshua pleaded on the verge of crying


"It's okay, it's okay" he kneeled down at the two and tried to take Jeonghan's vitals but the boy soon realized what was going on



"Jeonghan please let him help you, he won't hurt you I promise"





Dokyeom tried to be as gentle as possible, Jeonghan kept pushing him away but he was too weak and soon, DK picked him up in his arms "He's going into shock, let's take him to the hospital, it's probably the suppressants doing" ... "Come on baby" he called out for Joshua who was having trouble standing up on his own feet "Come on, he'll be fine ... I need you here come on, Jeonghan needs you"


Jeonghan kept whining and pulling away the entire ride to the hospital but by the time they reached, he was already out of energy so he couldn't fight anyone anymore. Joshua stood there, half wet and a crying mess while DK held him in his arms for a long time. The whole situation was traumatizing to him and couldn't stop thinking about what could have happen if he didn't go there to check on Jeonghan?

What if someone took advantage of Jeonghan's vulnerable and weak scent and got to him first?

What if ... something bad happened? Something worse

Joshua would never be able to forgive himself.


"He'll be fine, shhh baby he'll be fine" DK spent the next hour trying to calm Joshua down. The boy was completely broken, he was so worried and couldn't hide it anymore.


Jeonghan almost overdosed on suppressants, that's what the doctor eventually said. He's been getting regular checkups that's true, and all his doses were the regular amount but his body took a U turn on him. He's been delaying his heat cycles for way too long and the suppressants were harming his system


"We are taking him off suppressants for now, we understand that he's not mated and it could be dangerous having his strong Omega scent out there, but it's more dangerous if he keeps taking them" the doctor tried to explain calmly.


An unmated Omega with a sweet scent like Jeonghan's, could attract unwanted attention from Alphas especially. It could be very dangerous, if the Alpha was in a rut or close to be in a rut and in a lot of cases, either forced marking will happen or in worst cases ... ra*pe.

It wasn't uncommon, and it happened quite often but it was hard to confirm if it was actually assault or if it was consensual as both Alphas and Omegas are naturally drown to each other just by their scents, either they were on heat or rut or not.


Joshua watched Jeonghan sleeping, he was heavily sedated for a few hours now, a cold cloth on top of his head and he kept changing it for him over and over, his body was on fire and the room was too cold to keep him cooled down.

DK was sitting by his side the entire time holding his hand and reassuring him that Jeonghan will be okay.


"It will be difficult for him from now on" Joshua whispered, his head resting over his Mate's shoulder "We can't leave him alone, his scent might attract other Alphas"


"I know, you can stay with him for a while if you want to ... I'll pick you up and drop you both off to uni and back, work too, I'll be there" ... "I know he doesn't like me that much but it's best if I'm arround"


"Thank you baby, I'm sure he'll appreciate it"


DK leaned over to place a soft kiss over Joshua's head "He'll be just fine, I'll be there I promise"


It's been two weeks,

Jeonghan slowly was regaining his strength back.

He was quiet and self isolated, he barely left his room and Joshua had to stay with him and helped him around. He was spacing out a lot and his mind was foggy most of the time.

Today was his first day back to work and the second he walked in, everyone noticed his exposed strong but sweet scent, attracting single Alphas in the place. He just wanted to do his job and go home so he kept ignoring the remarks and the comments he kept receiving and went by his day.


Until that evening, when Seungcheol walked up to him.

No scent again and Jeonghan wasn't in the mood to play catch

"Hi" Seungcheol greeted and Jeonghan gave him a small smile and nodded "Hi" he replied softly


"I heard you were not feeling well, I hope everything's okay?"


Jeonghan scoffed "Like you care?"


"Bitter like always ... you're fine, I was worried for nothing" Seungcheol joked around and for some ridiculous reason, Jeonghan laughed at his remarks "What can I get for you?"


"The one that's bitter like you" Seungcheol winked and Jeonghan knew exactly what the Alpha wanted "Coming right up"


"And Jeonghan?" Joking aside, Seungcheol looked a bit worried "If you need anything, I know we are not exactly that close, but we are all friends here"


"Thanks, I'm fine"


"Your scent is ..." Seungcheol stopped for a bit "I'm not trying to sound rude but it's ... quite strong and very appealing, so be careful okay?"


Jeonghan looked away, he seemed unbothered and nodded anyways "Thanks, I'll be just fine"


"I know, just ... if you ever needed anything, let me know"


Seungcheol left but Jeonghan's eyes kept following him. He didn't know if it was because he was no longer under suppressants or because Seungcheol was really nice to him, but he felt like he ... wanted to be close to him.

But he soon shook it off, it can't be, he doesn't want anyone to come near him ... right?


As promised, DK was driving both Joshua and Jeonghan wherever they needed and staying with them as much as possible and Jeonghan appreciated it.


"Thank you DK"


Jeonghan said, facing the tall Alpha, Joshua was busy buying some snacks from the store and they were waiting for him "For everything ... I know that you didn't have to and you're probably doing it for Joshua but ... thank you"


DK was a bit taken aback, Jeonghan never really said anything to him since he got discharged from the hospital and the two were never close, giving that Jeonghan couldn't stand any Alphas around him, so this was a first


"Don't mention it Jeonghan, Joshua really cherishes you and cares a lot about you, I want to do the same"


Jeonghan nodded "Thank you anyways"


The rides were mostly silent all the time but from that point onward, Jeonghan was getting more talkative. He accepted DK as a close friend, finally, and as few weeks went by, he felt he was okay enough to stay on his own again and go back to his daily routines without help


"But your scent is still exposed Hannie, it's dangerous"

Joshua was worried again

"I'll be careful, I promise, I won't walk alone or late or anywhere not safe enough ... I can take care of myself"


"I know but ... I just don't want you to get hurt"


"I'll be fine" Jeonghan sighed, "I guess ... I don't know anymore but I need time to find out"

Joshua was concerned still, and DK thought about it for a while "You will check in with us every two hours, no questions asked, you'll make sure to eat and take your vitamins everyday, we will also check that"


"Wow" Jeonghan looked up to meet DK's stern face "Okay fair enough"


"Fine Hannie but know that I'm not convinced with this"


It ended with a tight hug, Joshua was going back to stay with DK after almost two months now. And even though things were better now, Joshua was still uneasy about it.


"Humm what was that?" Seungcheol asked an eyebrow raised in both curiosity and concern. Joshua looked back at what he was pointing at "Ah" he scoffed "Don't worry about it, since his scent is exposed, he's been getting a lot of attention, harmless flirting most of the time, you know how he is hard to get so don't worry"

Seungcheol didn't quite like that, yes it was hard to miss Jeonghan'a scent but having this much attention from strangers was a bit ... frustrating and also dangerous


"I'm worried about him too you know?" Joshua sounded concerned "I really hope he could see how important it is to be at least bonded with someone ... he's hurting himself, he might look fine but he's in so much pain lately"

Joshua's sudden confession kind of clicked something inside Seungcheol "I'll try harder then" and that made him smile a little


"Maybe you should"


It was dark outside and they were about to close. Joshua hugged his friend good night before leaving with DK. He refused to be dropped off by them like usual saying he wanted to take a walk and get some fresh air. Joshua didn't want to leave him but it was the weekend, the neighborhood was safe and lively still "You text me as soon as you get home okay?" Jeonghan nodded "Of course, and every two hours for the rest of my life" Joshua chuckled "You better"


Jeonghan was walking home, nothing much was going on until it wasn't.

He recognized someone from a distance "" he cursed himself, he remembered the guy from the coffee shop a few days ago. A smug Alpha who tried to approach him but was more violent than any other Alphas he met and rejected before. He had to swap places with another co worker just to avoid his lustful looks and , he wasn't alone either and ... he noticed him.


"Hi sweetheart remember me?" The ugly looking Alpha asked getting closer to Jeonghan "No, I don't" Jeonghan said and was trying to go on his way when this of a person grabbed his arm and pulled him back disrespecting Jeonghan's personal space "You smell so good honey why don't you let me try you?"




Jeonghan pushed the Alpha away from him and was about to start running away, it was all so strange, it was still relatively early at night and there were a lot of people around, everyone was looking at them ... what the heck?


The stranger was now offended, he wouldn't let Jeonghan go and followed him like a creep. Jeonghan's heart started beating too fast, too anxious and too tired. The Alpha's scent was strong and it was following him, he had to go home or, no wait, he can't go home, he'll know where he lives and he's alone there too ...

"Aughh" Jeonghan suddenly yelped and stopped in his trails "What? NO" he leaned over holding his tummy again. His body was reacting to the Alpha's strong scent and pheromones in the air "NO I DONT WANT IT ... I DONT WANT HIM" his mind said something but his body said something else and it started to give him mini heart attacks and it really hurt.


He was soon on his knees fighting the urge to throw up and ... trying to escape the man who was standing a few feet from him "See? You can't avoid me, your body wants me, just give into it that's okay" he tried to touch him and Jeonghan screamed "NO, DONT TOUCH ME NO" but the guy ignored him and his hands were all over Jeonghan's back and neck and he hated it




Another voice yelled and the guy smirked "Competition? I love this"


"Oh my friend you lost before you even started"


A strong overwhelming scent took over the place and the smug Alpha was surprised by it. It was too strong and too ... Royal

Uncommon and extremely rare


"LEAVE ... NOW" His voice authoritarian, dominant, extremely powerful sending shivers down Jeonghan's spine but couldn't recognize the scent and couldn't open his eyes, he was in so much pain but he could feel the other leave. A bit relieved but also scared, he opened his eyes trying to take a look "Seungcheol?" He mumbled,


"I told you to be careful, you're okay now, don't worry ... stand up"


But he couldn't, Jeonghan was panting badly looking up at Seungcheol, the Alpha looked a bit annoyed at first but soon realized that Jeonghan was in so much pain to even talk properly.

His breaths hitched and body was convulsing ... again.


Seungcheol fell to his knees, his worry growing deeper seeing the way Jeonghan was acting "JEONGHAN? JEON—" he soon realized, the younger was in so much pain and it wasn't normal ... it's his pheromones and his scent was getting stronger attracting even more hungry Alphas around them. Seungcheol looked around him, he counted three and maybe more were coming their way.

He could handle one on his own maybe two but four? Five? ... there were many of them and he needed to act fast "Sorry Hannie, I hope you understand that I'm doing this to keep you safe"


Seungcheol leaned over to Mark Jeonghan with his scent.


Jeonghan was marked by Seungcheol's Royal Alpha scent and because of that, no one will dare to touch him without his consent.


The surprising things was that, Jeonghan didn't push him away, he didn't scream or reject him, it wasn't a forced marking and Jeonghan's convulsion seemed to have stopped for a while. The Omega took a deep breath and felt his body relax but couldn't move still.


Seungcheol picked him off the floor into his arms "I'm taking you home okay? Don't worry, I won't hurt you I swear ... you can trust me right?"


Jeonghan didn't reply but didn't object either, he was focusing on getting his breaths in check, panting, holding the fabric around his stomach and holding back his tears.


He felt the way Seungcheol picked him off the ground, he was too gentle and Jeonghan couldn't help but to feel more comfortable. The Alpha's scent was dominant and ... strong, strange but was somehow soothing his pain.


He realized why Seungcheol was hiding his scent all along ... he had a Royal scent. He is a descendant of a true bloodline, he I considered to be royalty but Jeonghan couldn't think much about it now. He tried to stay awake and stay focus but soon, his body gave up and he fell unconscious as Seungcheol carried him home ... his home, Seungcheol's home.


Putting him gently on the bed in his bedroom, Seungcheol took a look at Jeonghan's sweaty face and felt his cheeks "Damn it you're on fire" he traced Jeonghan's face with his fingertips and knew exactly what he needed but no, he won't hurt him that way, he promised him.

He just marked him, his scent, it should be able to calm him down for now and Seungcheol was exposing it to him as gentle as he could, he didn't want to overwhelm him or cause him any more pain.


He laid down next to him, wishing he could have him in his arms but he didn't dare to do it without his permission. He heard Jeonghan's phone buzzing. He looked for it, taking it out from Jeonghan's bag and saw Joshua's name flashing on the screen and he picked it up. The second he picked up, he could hear Joshua screaming "YOU BASTARD I TOLD YOU TO TEXT ME THE MOMENT YOU GET HOME"


"Joshua?" Seungcheol calmly called the younger's name and the line went silent "It's Seungcheol"


"What? Why do you have Jeonghan's phone? Where is he? WHAT DID YOU DO?" Joshua freaked out and he had all kinds of reasons to be

"Don't worry okay? He's with me ... can you put DK on the phone? I'll send him my location, you can come and see him okay?"


"B-but why? Why is he with you?"


"Joshua please put DK on the phone let me talk to him"


Joshua was worried but did what the Alpha asked him to do anyways, he put DK on the phone and the two talked for a bit "YOU DID WHAT?" DK yelled over the line


"It's just a scent mark it will fade in a week or two, he was in so much pain and if I didn't do it who knows what could have happened there"


"You didn't force him did you?"


"NO, I didn't I swear" ... "He was okay with ... he is okay with it" he heard DK sigh deeply on the other line wanting to say more but simply there wasn't much more to be said "He's nested ... I guess"


"If he feels safe then he most probably is ... listen, just don't do anything stupid, Joshua will lose his mind"


"I wont I promise, he's sleeping but he feels too warm, he needs to cool down I don't know how"


"Your scent will help but meanwhile just try a cold compress and iced water ... or let's just take him to the hospital"


"Do you think he'll be okay with that?"


"Not really no"... "He hated it the last time, I don't think he'll want to go there"


"I see ... you can come if you want, it might help him to see Joshua"


"Thanks Seungcheol, we will be there in a while"


Seungcheol hang up and reverted his attention back at Jeonghan who was ... awake, looking at him from where he was laying down on Seungcheol's bed.

"Hi ... I didn't know you were up"


"Thank you" Jeonghan mumbled, his body still shaking a little and sweat visibly forming on his forehead. Seungcheol smiled and sat closer to him, Jeonghan's eyes were tired but grateful, he hated Alphas but never thought he would be this grateful to one.


"Feeling any better?"


"You marked me" Jeonghan avoided talking about his pain right now and saw Seungcheol nod "Only to help you, you know that right?"

Jeonghan closed his eyes trying to collect his thoughts "Right" he mumbled

"Is Joshua coming?"


"Yes he'll be here soon"


"I can't move" Jeonghan looked around, he was comfortable and felt safe with Seungcheol's scent covering him up from head to toe "You're nested that's why" ... "Do you need anything?"


"I'm sorry" ... "I would never do this if I wasn't ..."


"Don't worry about it, you can stay here as long as you need"


Jeonghan was silent for a second but nodded eventually "You're Royalty?" Jeonghan asked trying to sit up on the bed, Seungcheol helped him now holding him closely, they sat face to face "I am, does that  scare you?"


"A little, but if you wanted to hurt me you could have already done it by now"


Seungcheol chuckled "I never want to hurt you, you know I had my eyes on you for a while and I'm not someone who plays around just because I have a unique scent"


Jeonghan took a second but yes, he knew. Joshua told him countless times and DK was friends with Seungcheol's friends and they said the same


"Still, you don't want to be with me ... as you can see, I'm no good for you"


"You're just giving yourself excuses that's all, you're great ... you hate Alphas and I like a challenge" Seungcheol smirked "What do you say? If you don't like it, the mark will vanish in a week or so and you can just curse me or something"


The last part kind of made Jeonghan chuckled, "You should smile more, you're too pretty to be sad"


Jeonghan gave him a sarcastic smile and a mischievous look "Seriously you're such a romantic it's killing me"


Seungcheol laughed "It's true though I'm not even trying to be cheesy" he scanned Jeonghan's face and reached his hand to raffle Jeonghan's hair a bit "You're still warm though, tired?"

Jeonghan looked down at his hands "Yeah"


"Dizzy? Hungry?"




"Okay, how about you take a cold shower? You'll feel better, and I'll order us some food? Joshua and DK will be here soon we can all eat together ... if you're up to it of course"


His hand was still brushing against Jeonghan's hair and surprisingly, Jeonghan didn't push him away. He nodded "I'd like that"

"Okay, slowly go in you're still dizzy right? I'll leave you something clean and dry to change into by the door is that okay?"


Jeonghan nodded "Yeah thanks"


Jeonghan was trying to leave the bed but was still powerless "Here I'll help you" Seungcheol gently helped him on his feet and walked him to the bathroom.


Jeonghan was standing under the lukewarm water, he gave in to the sensation that made him feel much better and was thinking, was he okay with Seungcheol being around him because he marked him?


Was he thinking straight? He hated being around Alphas not to mention being Marked by one?


He doesn't remember hating Seungcheol though, sure, he was rude and sassy around him but ... he never hated him. He didn't expose his scent to him before so maybe that's why it never crossed his mind to actually hate him for it?

His hand traveled to his neck where the small bite mark was visible, it didn't hurt the slightest, was he too gentle with him?


He rinsed off and slowly dried himself, he picked up the pair of pyjama pants and large tshirt Seungcheol put out for him, they were slightly bigger on him but he didn't mind, they were comfortable and dry with Seungcheol's scent was somehow still lingering around them and he sat there for a bit wondering just how Seungcheol's scent made him feel this better?


He cleaned the place up before he left and the second he stepped out, he saw no one other than Joshua waiting for him in the hallway. The boy was worried and couldn't wait for him to finish his shower, walked up to him and hugged him tightly "I'm sorry we should have taken you home, I should've never left you to walk alone ... I'm so sorry"


"Hi" Jeonghan hugged his friend back "It's so good to see you Shua" Jeonghan couldn't contain his tears anymore and gasped into Joshua's shoulder while the other held him tighter "You're okay right?" Joshua asked and he felt Jeonghan nod, he broke the hug to take a look at his friend

"I'm glad you're okay"


From down the hallway, DK came to say Hi as well.


Jeonghan stepped up and hugged DK as well leaving both Joshua and DK taken aback "Don't worry about it Han" DK said when Jeonghan thanked him for coming to see him.


And a few steps away, Seungcheol stood watching them, he saw Jeonghan crying and simply couldn't help himself. He walked up to him, cupped his cheeks and forced him to look up at him "Why are you crying? Everything's fine right?" Jeonghan nodded and Seungcheol wiped away his tears "You need to eat, I ordered too much food for all of us" ... "You guys are welcome to stay over ... please?"


In his living room, Seungcheol set up his dining room table. Jeonghan wasn't all that focused before but now, he got the chance to properly look around. Seungcheol's place looked amazing, it was a spacious one bedroom apartment, luxurious and well maintained.


Seungcheol didn't look or act like Royalty but most definitely was a rich boy. They all sat down and talked for a bit, Joshua was a bit worried and couldn't stop asking Jeonghan questions "I'm fine Joshua I promise" Jeonghan said as he ate, slowly and not enough, Seungcheol noticed how Jeonghan had a luck of appetite and it worried him. Another Omega in this situation, in a suppressed heat cycle, would be starving, but Jeonghan barely ate anything.


"Are you sure you want to stay here?" Joshua asked Jeonghan, the two were now laying down next to each other on Seungcheol's bed while the two Alphas were talking in the living room


"I can't leave now, you know that ... I'll be chased down by hungry Alphas the second I step outside" ... "Plus I'm just tingly all over I don't want to leave"


"Everything's so weird Hannie ... he Marked you to save you?"


"Yeah ... I was so scared Shua" Jeonghan confessed as memories started coming back to him "If he wasn't there, I could've been r*ped, there was many of them around Shua ... God knows what could've happened to me if he didn't do that"


Joshua only hugged his friend tighter "Well it didn't, nothing happened, you're safe"


"I owe him so much and I realized that ... I never act hated him ... he was hiding his scent so I didn't mind him much"


Joshua smiled "Well, I'm glad ... this will all pass in a few days and then we can talk about how you ended up marked by a Royal Alpha and nesting in his bedroom"


"Shut up ... let's never talk about it"


"Oh you wish, I'll need a very specific and detailed report soon okay?"


"Nothing's going to happened Joshua"


"You didn't reject his Marking"


"I didn't"


"Then now what?"


Jeonghan sighed, looked around for an answer but didn't have one

"I don't know ... yet"


"I know you went through a lot and you don't trust Alphas but maybe this one is different? If you bond with him, you'll feel much better and your pain will be gone and at the same time, you'll gain a partner ... who knows maybe even a Mate? He cares about you Hannie"


"I ... I know"


"Will you at least give him a chance?"


"I'll try"


Joshua squeezed Jeonghan in a tight hug one last time before the said goodnight or good morning, it was way past 4 am when they left. Jeonghan was tired and spacing out a lot and Joshua decided it was best for him to go to bed.

The couple left and Seungcheol cleaned up a little in the living room and soon went to check on Jeonghan in his bedroom.

"You okay?" Seungcheol whispered trying not scare him and Jeonghan nodded, he sat up on the bed, keeping his eyes down facing the blanket.


"You're shaking again" Seungcheol noticed and sat on the bed next to Jeonghan

"Just tired I guess" Jeonghan replied his voice definitely sounded tired

"Okay let me—" Seungcheol reached his arm to touch Jeonghan's shoulder, he just wanted to help him lay down but Jeonghan flinched and moved a bit away and it didn't go unnoticed by Seungcheol




Jeonghan nodded "A little"


"Maybe it's another wave coming?"


Jeonghan shrugged


"If you let me come closer, I can hold you? It will calm you down"


Jeonghan hesitated, he couldn't even look up to face Seungcheol "Just hold you I promise ... nothing else"


Jeonghan nodded but still didn't look up "Hey" Seungcheol called him, his hand under Jeonghan's chin asking him to look up at him "You'll be just fine" ... "I'll get us more snacks? You didn't eat well earlier so munch on something? You need your strength and we can just stay here, watch TV? Try to sleep if you can?"


Looking at Seungcheol's face up close, Jeonghan was all nervous and puzzled. He's handsome as hell (Taylor swift being the reference here) he's a Royalty and he was interested in him, he wasn't hurting him and everything was going really well ...weird and overwhelming.

Jeonghan's eyes were again tearing up

"Did I say something?" Seungcheol panicked, Jeonghan was crying again, his tears flowing down his rosy cheeks.


He shook his head "No"


"Then why are you crying? Hannie I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I just —"


"Hold me"


Seungcheol stopped to look at the way  Jeonghan was trembling a little, his fingertips trailing the sides of Seungcheol's shirt "Please"


He didn't have to be told twice, Seungcheol gently brought him closer. Jeonghan was too sensitive to Seungcheol's touches, squirming and wincing a little but soon relaxed into him, his tears falling down his cheeks to his chin and didn't stop for a long time. Seungcheol was a bit worried and apologetic, he kept shushing him and coaxing him, reassuring him that everything's going to be okay.


It was way past 7 am, Jeonghan was exhausted as he let his head rest on Seungcheol's shoulder. They were talking softly, they've talking for a long time now. Jeonghan told him why he hated Alphas so much and Seungcheol softened, he told him about all those years he spent on suppressants and it all made sense now.


Seungcheol kept a secured arm around Jeonghan "You might be having insomnia, it's common I guess but at least rest for a bit?" ....


"I have an Omega sister, we are close and she told me about how it's like, I'm not that much experienced but I guess I know enough"


Seungcheol responded when Jeonghan asked how come he knew so much about his situation. It was getting quiet and Jeonghan was dreadfully tired and Seungcheol couldn't see him like that anymore "Hannie you really should go to sleep now"

Jeonghan only blinked and nodded, he was tired but after the emotional roller coaster he's been on in the last 24hours and the fact that he's on heat and staying with Seungcheol for the next few days made him overthink too much.


"Here" Seungcheol only brought him closer to him, pressing him gently against his shoulder, his scent a bit stronger than it was and Jeonghan snuggled into it "Close your eyes and rest ... I'll keep you safe don't worry"


Jeonghan surrendered, he dozed off when he felt a warm gentle pressure against his cheek and then his temples ... kisses? Jeonghan soon lost feeling of the world around him and slept like a baby for the first time in so long.


A few days later and Jeonghan was feeling much better. He was sitting at the dining room table pouting







"Finish it Hannie please" Seungcheol begged and Jeonghan found it hard to take another bite.

"Cheol please, I had enough I swear"


"No you barely had a few bites I saw you" Seungcheol giggled "You look so cute when you're pouting" ... "You're so sassy but behind all of that you're nothing but a ball of fluff"


Jeonghan threw death glares at him "Shut up"

Seungcheol got closer "I don't think I want to" he smirked and let his fingers play along Jeonghan's hair feeling it silky smooth through his fingers "Angel?"

Jeonghan looked up "Hum?"


"You look like an Angel wearing this white hoodie, My Angel"


"I thought we were not going to do these cheesy stuff"


"Humm I changed my mind" Jeonghan scoffed and was about to look away "I know you'll probably think it's cheesy but ... I like having my scent all over you, I love having you around, your princess attitude, your smug comments ... I love it all, you are ju—"


"Kiss me"


Jeonghan stopped him right there and then, he noticed just how sincere Seungcheol was and even though it was the cheesiest thing in the world, he couldn't wait to have more


"Kiss me Cheolie, Kiss me now"


As shocked as he was, Seungcheol smiled mischievously, he slowly closed the space between them. A hand resting on his Jeonghan's neck while the other was on his hips pulling Jeonghan closer to him.

Their lips finally touched and Seungcheol swirled Jeonghan into an electrifying breath taking kiss sending his mind in circles.


It lasted for a good minute and when they pulled away Jeonghan was almost dizzy


He bit his lips, eyes closed and smiled "Hum ... that was ... a good kiss" he mumbled and opened his eyes to find Seungcheol smirking at him "Yeah? Care for more?"


"We haven't even been on our first date yet maybe you should slow down?"


"Like you give a Fu**" Seungcheol smirked leaning in closer, Jeonghan giggled "You're right I really don't"

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Chapter 10: I love this story so much😭❤️
Chapter 3: According to hoshi's live-streaming a few days ago, I start thinking that this story might be real... Hope all these guys be healthy forever.❤️
Chapter 1: Okay, Cheol is such an amazing boyfriend and Jeonghan deserves him! I love your writing so much