Chapter 7.

What It Cost
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As Kazuha swung the door open, revealing whoever was standing on the other side, Yunjin couldn't help but feel a pang of apprehension. She had been half-expecting some sort of imposing figure, perhaps a serial killer wielding big guns or, worse yet, an ax. Instead, standing before them was the unassuming figure of Chaewon, all 5'5" of her, with indeed big guns strapped to her waist, albeit a bit less intimidating in reality, covered in lights freckles of snow, clad in a dark coat that looked two times her size. 


Sakura and Yunjin exchanged puzzled glances, Kazuha simply let Chaewon walk in, who did so with careful steps. 


"What are you doing here?" Sakura asked, her tone a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.


Chaewon shrugged off the bulky backpack from her shoulders and set it down, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, without me, you wouldn't get very far," she quipped, earning a chuckle from Eunchae at her audacity.


Sakura raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "And what's that supposed to mean?" she inquired, crossing her arms.


Chaewon smirked (she actually smirked ! Yunjin can't believe her eyes), her confidence unwavering. "Simple. Amongst us, I'm the one with the big guns," she stated matter-of-factly, patting the holsters at her side. "My 'babies' here might come in handy."


Sakura's skepticism softened into mild amusement as she considered Chaewon's explanation. "Fair enough," she conceded, acknowledging the practicality of having someone armed in their group. Sakura had her blade, Kazuha her bow, Yunjin still had her knife but firearms surely were the most effective. "But how did you get here? And how did you know we were headed this way?"


Chaewon’s sly grin disappeared as she inched closer towards the tiny fireplace. She sat next to Yunjin, on her left, as it was the last spot available. "Well, there was still Tteokbokki," she replied,  Eunchae seemed to perk up at the mention of the third horse's name. "And you did mention this place a while back," she added, her eyes gleaming with the reflections of the flames.


Yunjin leaned back, using her hands to hold herself, her gaze flickering between her companions. "Well, I’m glad to have you back with us," she finally said, breaking the brief silence that had fallen over the group.


Yunjin couldn't help but notice the faint pink blush dusting Chaewon's cheeks that she swore wasn't there because of the cold since they were sitting right in front of the fire, though Chaewon pretended not to be aware of it. The short haired quickly averted her gaze, feigning nonchalance as she mumbled a response. "..Yeah, sure."


The corners of Sakura's lips twitched upward, a knowing glint in her eyes as she exchanged a subtle look with Kazuha and Eunchae, who were unsuccessfully suppressing their laughter. Chaewon's embarrassment only seemed to fuel their amusement.



Yunjin glanced over at the sleeping figures of Eunchae and Chaewon, nestled close to each other on their sleeping bags. Despite the chill of the night, they seemed content, their coats draped over them like makeshift blankets.


It was curious to Yunjin how Chaewon, with her reserved demeanor, had started to show a soft spot for Eunchae. Despite their limited interactions, Yunjin could sense a growing fondness between them. Perhaps it was Eunchae's outgoing nature that had managed to break through Chaewon's guarded exterior, drawing her closer in unexpected ways.


As Yunjin observed them, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Sakura glanced over at the sleeping pair, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I have to admit, it's surprising to see Chaewon warming up to Eunchae like this," she remarked, her tone filled with genuine surprise. "But I suppose even the toughest shells can crack when faced with genuine warmth and kindness."


Kazuha nodded in agreement, a soft smile playing on her lips as she observed the scene. "Eunchae has a way of bringing out the best in people," Yunjin added, her voice gentle and reassuring.


Yunjin considered how to phrase her words for a moment before voicing her own question. "Has Chaewon always been this... hostile?" she asked, choosing her words carefully.


Sakura's expression grew solemn as she recalled the past. "Chaewon has always been cautious and reserved, even since we foun— met her," she explained, her tone tinged with empathy despite the correction. "But beneath that tough exterior, there's a kind heart that's been hurt more times than she cares to admit."


Kazuha nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and compassion. "It takes time to earn Chaewon's trust, but once you do, she's fiercely loyal," Sakura added, her voice filled with admiration for her friend.


Yunjin listened intently, a newfound understanding dawning upon her. As she gazed at Chaewon's peaceful expression in sleep, she couldn't help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for the woman who had faced so much adversity yet still found it in herself to open up, even if only to a small degree. With a silent vow to learn more about her companions' pasts, Yunjin settled back, allowing the warmth of the fire and the camaraderie of her friends to envelop her in a comforting embrace.


Kazuha gave the flames another stick, making louder crackles for a bit while Sakura's expression held a mixture of curiosity and empathy as she leaned in closer to Yunjin.


"Yunjin, tell us more about yourself," Sakura encouraged, her voice gentle yet insistent. "Your story, where you come from."


Yunjin drew in a deep breath, the weight of her past settling heavily upon her. She knew it was time to share the burdens she carried, to open up to her newfound companions. With a determined nod, she began to speak, her voice tinged with emotion as she recounted her journey.


Yunjin's mind drifted back to a time when the world still held promise and her family was whole. They had traveled to Korea for a family reunion, filled with laughter and anticipation. Her parents, ever the pillars of strength, her younger sister, with her infectious giggle, and her mischievous little brother—each one a precious piece of her heart.


But then the outbreak came, tearing through their lives like a house in an hurricane, leaving chaos and devastation in its wake. Panic gripped the streets as people fled in terror, but for Yunjin and her family, there was no escape. They huddled together in fear as the world outside grew increasingly hostile, their once-happy vacation now a grim battle for survival.


As supplies dwindled and desperation mounted, they were forced to scavenge for food and shelter, their once-close-knit family slowly unraveling under the strain. 


In the dim light of the aban

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