Chapter 5.

What It Cost
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In the cozy shelter, the gentle crackle of the fire provided a comforting backdrop to Sakura's culinary endeavors. Chaewon, perched on a nearby stool, found herself lost in thought as she watched Sakura deftly prepare their meal.


Sakura glanced over at Chaewon with a small furrow of concern creasing her brow. "You doing okay over there?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine care.


Chaewon tore her gaze away from the flickering flames, offering Sakura a reassuring nod. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her tone slightly distant as she tried to mask the discomfort lingering, shifting on her seat. 


Sakura nodded, though there was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as she continued to work. She knew Chaewon's tendency to downplay her own struggles, and the recent arrival of Yunjin and Eunchae had undoubtedly placed additional pressure. 


As Sakura focused on stirring the simmering pot, she made a mental note to keep an eye on Chaewon, silently hoping that she would take it easy and not overexert herself further. 


“You're stubborn, you know.” 


“I know.” 


“Just be careful, next time. You're lucky it hasn't reopened.” 


Chaewon remained lost in her own thoughts, her gaze drifting towards the crackling fire. 


"Is something on your mind, Chaewon?" Sakura inquired gently, pausing her activities once again  as she regarded Chaewon with a searching gaze. 


But then, with a resigned shake of her head, Chaewon simply shrugged, offering Sakura a faint, forced smile. "It's nothing," she replied softly, her voice tinged with a hint of something else. Sakura didn't quite believe her completely, but she let it pass. 


Chaewon’s mind replayed the guitar's melodious chords she had heard earlier, her gaze falling to the ground.


Everything reminds me of you.



Eunchae emerged from the corridor, her movements still sluggish from sleep, she was greeted by the comforting aroma of food wafting from the kitchen area. Shyly stepping into the room, she found Sakura bustling about, attending to various culinary tasks with practiced ease.


"Hello again, Eunchae," Sakura greeted warmly, flashing her a gentle smile as she continued to stir the bubbling pot on the stove. "Did you sleep well?"


Eunchae nodded shyly, feeling a pang of gratitude for the kind hospitality they had been shown since their arrival. "Yes, thank you," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper.


Sakura nodded, her attention momentarily diverted as she tended to the sizzling ingredients in the old pan. "Is there anything you need?" she asked, casting a glance in Eunchae's direction.


Eunchae hesitated, her stomach rumbling in response to the tantalizing scents filling the air. She realized she hadn't eaten a proper meal in quite some time, her and Yunjin had grown quite accustomed to canned foods, so the prospect of real food was both inviting and intimidating.


"I-I'm okay for now, thank you," Eunchae murmured, feeling a flush of embarrassment at her own timidity.


Just then, Eunchae's gaze shifted towards Kazuha, who sat nearby by the fireplace, her attention seemingly fixed on her current task. Summoning her courage, Eunchae approached her, her heart fluttering nervously in her chest.


"Um, Kazuha?" she began tentatively, her voice more high pitched than she intended it to be.


Kazuha glanced up, her expression inscrutable as she met Eunchae's gaze. For a moment, Eunchae felt a flicker of unease, unsure of how Kazuha would respond to her presence. “I wanted to thank you for what you did for me, uh, earlier..”


But then, to her relief, Kazuha's stoic facade softened into a warm smile, the kind that got her eyes turning into crescents, and she reached out to gently ruffle Eunchae's hair with a reassuring touch. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes, conveying a silent message. 


The youngest smiled back, leaving Kazuha to her fire tending. As Eunchae approached Sakura, the enticing aroma of food wafted through the air, drawing her closer to the  kitchen area where Sakura was still busy preparing their meal. With a warm smile, Sakura welcomed Eunchae, gesturing towards the various ingredients and utensils scattered across the countertop.


"Come, Eunchae, let me show you a few things," Sakura said kindly, her voice sweet with a hint of excitement as she began to explain the cooking process to the curious teenager. Chaewon watched them absentmindedly. 


Eunchae watched attentively as Sakura deftly chopped vegetables and seasoned the simmering pot of stew, her eyes widening in fascination at the culinary skills on display. Despite the simplicity of their surroundings, Sakura's expertise in the kitchen transformed the humble ingredients into a tantalizing feast for their small group.


Meanwhile, in the background, Chaewon moved about the room, her movements slightly awkward as she set the table for them. Eunchae couldn't help but notice the subtle hesitancy in Chaewon's gestures, but she dismissed it as fatigue or distraction.


As Sakura turned her attention back to Eunchae, a grin gracing her lips, she made a request. "Eunchae, would you mind fetching Yunjin? Dinner is almost ready, and it would be nice for all of us to eat together."


Eager to help, Eunchae nodded enthusiastically, her stomach grumbling in anticipation of the delicious meal that awaited them. She hurried off to find Yunjin, eager to share the news of their impending feast with her friend.



Sakura led Yunjin and Eunchae out of the shelter, the cold winter air biting at their cheeks as they stepped into the crisp morning light. 


"Come with me," Sakura said with a gentle smile, motioning for Yunjin and Eunchae to follow her. "I have something to show you both. It's a bit of a surprise, but not so muc

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