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Lily- A story of rebirth
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The couple had an appointment with Freen’s doctor in early August to transfer the embryos into the artist’s womb.

Both women kept the entire thing as a secret.

The material had been prepared in a similar procedure to In vitro fertilization two weeks before and they prayed for the best.

Technically speaking, there was life with their DNA inside Freen. But they would have to wait for the outcome in the following weeks.

This time, the brunette asked her wife not to throw her a party.

She was too tense to play the cool host. 

Even if it was for their close friends and family.

The producer of Becky’s new movie called and told her plans had changed.

After listening to the entire thing, the Thai-British shared the situation and declared she didn’t know what to do.

__ It’s fine, Bec. This is an artist’s life. Three weeks go by quite fast.__ The brunette didn’t hide her disappointment.

The brown-haired female kissed her partner’s lips and promised:

__ It won’t always be like that. It’s the last time I accept a project in such a distant place, during an important phase.

__ You better stick to your words. Cuz I won’t be the good wife, always waiting for the hubby with a smile and a y nightgown.

Becky giggled and hugged her lover.

__ I can do anything you want, teerak. Even break this contract.

__ No, babe. It’s not fair. I encouraged you to sign it. So now, do your job. Let’s be honest. We don’t even know if the thing will work.__ Freen exhaled.

The shorter one held her hand and kissed it.

__ Let’s keep positive thoughts, P’Freen. Our new baby is coming.

The artist rubbed her thumb against her wife’s cheek and smiled spontaneously.

She helped the younger one to prepare the luggage and tell their child about the trip.

Although Lily hated when her mom had to travel, the 6-year-old was supportive and promised to take care of her mummy.

Two weeks after the embryos’ transfer, the 33-year-old began suffering with strong morning sickness.

Freen did her best to hide her real condition from her child. So she asked Bob to take Lily to school every day and would act all smiley in front of her while the 6-year-old was getting dressed.

The dark-haired female stimulated her daughter to be independent and put on the uniform on her own.

Obviously, Freen was still Freen and she would comb her little one’s hair and take a last look at her outfit.

Maggie noticed the handsome woman’s absence during breakfast and her pale face. But the elder thought the artist might have a stomachache or something.

After 16 days vomiting everything she ate or drank, the Thai female had no energy to leave her bathroom in the morning.

The dark-haired female called her friend Nam at 6 am crying.

Concerned, the actress asked:

__ What is the matter, Freen ka?

__ Becky never comes back from Russia. She promised to be here a week ago! I can’t eat anything. I feel like the exorcist’ character, P’Nam. My hair is gross! I have no strength to shower. My daughter can’t see me this way. Please come here and entertain her. Just today.

The older woman said she was on the way and left her questions for later.

When Maggie saw the brunette’s friend crossing the yard, she guessed Freen was not okay.

Nam whispered:

__ Is that a way to keep Lily busy while I check on Freen?

__ Sure, darling. Give me 5 minutes. Then you go straight to her room.__ The white-haired lady replied and walked into her granddaughter’s house.

Following the instructions, the actress sneaked in and found the gorgeous artist lying on the bathroom floor.

__ Honey, what happened to you? Should I take you to a hospital or call an ambulance?

The charming female whined:

__ Nooo, P’Nan. Just invite my daughter out. Keep her busy in the morning, please.

__ Nong, Lily is too smart. She is gonna know you’re not well. Here, let me help you get on your feet and have a shower.

Exhaling, the 33-year-old tried to sit but felt her stomach spinning and hugged the toilet.

__ Jesus... What did you have? Too much spice food?

Wiping with embarrassment, Freen murmured:

__ Bec and I wanted to wait three or four months to make sure everything would be alright. So please... keep your mouth shut.

Nam frowned and stared at her best friend in confusion:

__ Speak basic Thai, please.

Rolling her eyes, the brunette confessed:

__ I’m pregnant. We did that procedure. And  unlike insemination, in which the baby’s age is counted from the procedure on, in my case... The embryo was already 2 weeks old when it was transferred into my womb. So my bean is 6 weeks old.And this time, there is a huge revolution in my stomach. Morning sickness for the last two weeks. It is worse than when Beck and I went to the ocean to shoot Uranus.

Emotional, the other woman teared up and clapped her hands.

Nam rehearsed a hug. However, her friend hugged the toilet again.

__ Oh, honey... I’m so happy but also feeling bad about your current situation. Does it ever stop? The vomiting attempts?

It took Freen several minutes before she could answer.

__ Yes. Before lunch. That’s why I need you to distract my daughter.

__ Okay. No worries. Should we try the shower first, though? It might help you get some relief.__ Nam smiled affectionately.

Crying, the pregnant female mumbled:

__ Thank you, P’Nam. Stupid Bec promised to help me. But left me here all alone.

Carefully pulling the brunette back to her feet, the comic actress declared:

__ I bet these are the hormones talking. You normally don’t like to feel like a burden. You would probably tell her you don’t need anything.

__ Not now. Freen is sad. And in pain.__ The 33-year-old sulked and entered the shower.

Her older friend stepped closer to take off her clothes and received a slap.

Keeping shut, Nam smiled and thought she was right.

After helping the artist to wash her hair and shower, the 35-year-old female went to the yard and greeted Maggie, Bob and Lily.

She came up with a story that Freen had an urgent job call and left the house before everyone woke up.

Nam told the child her mummy was worried and asked her to go there to have fun with her penguin.

Since Becky’s xerox adored Nam, she accepted that narration without questioning.

Maggie, on the other hand, exchanged a meaningful look with the actress that showed she could see the holes in the plot.

__ x __

Becky came back to Thailand 2 days later and was welcomed by her cute clone, who jumped on her legs, filled with excitement.

Lily couldn’t wait to tell her mom about her new friends at school and the things she learned during those three weeks or more.

Bob watched mother and daughter interacting and smiled.

But when his granddaughter looked at him, the elder tried to warn her danger was on her way.

Puzzled with her gramps’ expression, the 28-year-old shrugged and frowned because he didn’t say a word.

Boba and Fluffy ran towards the Thai-British and waved their tales to show they missed her.

Maggie showed up after a while and murmured:

__ Someone is in a bad mood because you arrived almost one hour ago and didn’t go see her.

__ Huh? But I was giving Lily attention. Why didn’t she come to welcome me too?

Smiling mysteriously, the grandmother whispered into the actress’ ear:

__ Pregnant women owe no logic to anyone.

Becky blushed and tried to keep a poker face:

__ Nana, what nonsense is that? Anyway, did she say she is upset?

Holding her waist, the old lady questioned:

__ Don’t you know your wife? Does she ever?

The brown-haired female laughed, kissed her daughter and looked for Freen in her bedroom, bathroom, office and kitchen.

Not accepting defeat, the stunning female checked the atelier, the greenhouse and finally saw he

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sunmooskywin #1
1199 streak #2
Chapter 29: Awww baby Jasmine!! Welcome to the chaos! I mean family! 🤣🤍
Chapter 28: Hurricanes or Typhoon? 😂 Its good that after so long they managed to release whats within with quickies 😶 piece of life chapter is the way to go now 😌 thank you the update 😊 take care and stay safe
Chapter 28: Hahaha...the hurricane 🤣🤣
Chapter 27: Im so happy for them! 😢 As long as they are safe, healthy... Other occurances will be just a passer by 👍 This is avery good chapter to me... Thank you for the update! Take care stay safe 😊
story19 #6
Chapter 8: Hmmm, becky, arent u a laywer yet, hahaha.
story19 #7
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun.. Go Becky, just kiss and make up alreqdy.
story19 #8
Chapter 6: Ohh, i though the meeting will happen, i got excited but well, it will happen eventually.
story19 #9
Chapter 5: Good chapter, would becky cry a river or go berseck once she found out about the baby.
story19 #10
Chapter 4: That was fast, freen is pregnant. I feel bad for becky though, she deserve to know but she gave up on freen, better not.