The end

Lily- A story of rebirth
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The two actresses had been shooting a movie and a series at the same time and they looked exhausted.

Freen sat beside Becky on a couch in the dressing room.

The 20-year-old started to cry. So as usual, her co-star gently pulled her head to rest on her shoulder.

There was never a day that Freen forced the younger one to speak.

She knew Becky too well to put her in an uncomfortable situation.

__ Bec, I'll ask the director to give you a break. You go home to rest. I shoot as many scenes as I can and you do your solo parts tomorrow.

Still sobbing, the Thai-British raised her head and looked into her partner's eyes.

__ P'Freen...I can't anymore. I know I promised I would never leave your side. But this whole situation is killing me little by little. I get that it was not your fault. Actually, it's even worse for me to witness a part of my own fandom attacking you nonstop. We have no freedom to Freenbecky became a curse. It hurts so much!

Watching the brown-haired girl grab her dress collar and pull it as if she were doing it to her heart, the brunette breathed to keep a natural facial expression.

__ Don't worry. If you feel imprisoned by your promise, I'm setting you free. You are just a girl, who barely started your life. It's okay, Bec.

__ BB...

Holding the younger one's hand, Freen interrupted her.

__ I'm sorry we can't break the contract regarding the movie and the series. It's too late. But I'll decline any new offer related to the love team. This is all I can do for you. I regret I failed to protect you these past months. I'll try my best to leave your path free for your solo career.

The gorgeous girl gulped and tried to contain her tears. However, she was suffering even more now.

Freen grabbed some tissues and wet her face very softly.

__ I don't know what to say...It feels like I'm stabbing you. That's not what I want. Maybe if we just take a break after the shooting...

Smiling, the dark-haired one responded:

__ You're not stabbing me. A 20-year-old should be having fun. Not living in hell. By the way, should I come up with an excuse not to be at your concert? Maybe it's better for you.

Widening her eyes, Becky shook her head in panic and exclaimed:

__ We've celebrated our birthdays together for the last three years. I can't even think of doing that without you!

__ I can stay backstage. You'll still see me.__ The 25-year-old bit her lower lip to hold her tears.

Becky threw herself in Freen's arms and cried even harder.

__ No, P'Freen. They took everything from us. They stole you from me and yourself. I need this! I need you onstage with me. Please...

The older one failed and burst into tears for a brief moment.

However, she did it in silence.

Becky only felt her shoulders getting wet and her partner's body shaking.

__ I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Caressing the older one's hair, the Thai-British whispered:

__ Thank you, P'Fiin.

The director's assistant entered the room and interrupted their private talk to inform them they had to get back to work.

__ x __

Becky had already performed 90% of her birthday concert.

She was surrounded by the crew, her family, some friends and colleagues.

Looking around, she felt like crying because the person who mattered the most was sitting far away.

Freen arrived early and supported her with encouraging words and a warm smile. Yet, the brown-haired girl could feel sadness.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was gonna confess again, properly, and...ask her to marry me. I was gonna tell the world that each and every song belongs to her. But I can't..."__ The Thai-British thought.

Heng and Nam were performing, giving their friend a chance to catch her breath.

__ Everyone, would you give me a minute alone?__ Becky asked out loud.

Despite being confused, people started leaving backstage.

__ Erm...Mom, Dad...

The Armstrong couple glanced at their daughter and nodded with a soft smile, leaving too.

When Freen stood up, the younger girl murmured:

__ Not you. Please, stay.

__ What is it Bec? Are you ok?__ The brunette stepped closer and almost touched the other one. But then, held herself.

Becky bit her lips to control herself and forced a smile.

__ Yes, I'm fine. I don't know if we'll get the chance to talk after the show. So I wanted to thank you for today. And wish you a Merry Christmas.

The 25-year-old smiled back, walked in the opposite direction, and came back holding a bouquet of white lilies and something wrapped.

__ Congratulations on your successful show, P' Beck. And Merry Christmas.

__ What? P'Fiin...You didn't have to...And I didn't even buy your Christmas gift yet. I thought that you have too many earrings and perfume.

Freen laughed while handing the gifts and shook her head.

__ I didn't expect you to give me anything. Don't worry. I know that you are a grown woman now but...I hope you like it.

Unwrapping the present, Becky's eyes lit like two stars:

__ Carebear! The new edition...Bab..__ The shorter one interrupted her word and their eyes met.

__ Okay. The show must go on. Want me to help with the mic?

Slowly shaking her head, Becky placed her precious gifts on a chair and replied:

__ Tell me what gift you want, Freen.

Shrugging, the taller one averted her eyes by saying:

__ I can't ask you anything. You've given me so much all these years. You...were my greatest gift. No need to spend your money on me anymore.

__ I did it because It felt good. I always loved making you smile. You can say it one more time.

Freen raised her head and those deep expressive brown eyes stared at Becky with longing and mystery.

__  There is nothing.

__ What is it that you are not telling me?__ The younger one could feel her partner`s hesitation.

Two tears rolled down Freen's cheeks and she quickly wiped them.

__ Just give me a hug. In the name of the old times. A proper one.__ She laughed but the tears popped like a waterfall.

Shocked, Becky pulled the brunette closer and held her tightly in her arms.

__ Thank you, Bec. Now let's go. Otherwise, I will ruin your outfit. We still have a performance.

__ Freen...

Rubbing her thumb against the girl's cheek, The 25-year-old whispered:

__ It's all good, Becky Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. It's your night. And soon, the world will be yours too. 

The brown-haired one wanted to kiss her partner. 

Instead, she nodded and allowed the other people to get back to the room.

Minutes later, they danced together onstage and the crowd went crazy.

The Armstrong family joined Becky after that performance and brought her a cake.

Her mother made a speech while Richie and their Dad said something brief.

The two hosts were saying some funny things to balance the emotional mood and were taken aback the moment Mr. Armstrong stepped to the side of the stage and pulled Freen by the hand.

Tension hit the actress, Nam and Heng, and a big part of the audience.

Despite being reluctant, the brunette smiled and stood near the Armstrong family.

Richie and his mom grinned at the older girl, encouraging her to be there with them.

Becky was so stunned that she didn't dare to say a word.

Mr. Armstrong, still holding Freen's hand, spoke on the microphone:

__ My child is hard-working and talented. She never gives up, no matter how tired or sick she may be. Although I'm proud of her, for who she is and I feel that my wife and I did our best in terms of education...I'd like to acknowledge to the world how much I appreciate this other girl here.

Freen made a gesture of embarrassment and denial, almost begging Becky's father to stop.

However, Mrs. Armstrong had her thumbs up and a warm smile toward her.

__ Freen, who had to grow too fast and too early, became a fine young lady. Your heart is generous and pure. Thank you for always taking care of my little princess! Many times, even better than us.

The crowd exploded with claps and emotion and the 25-year-old  was visibly struggling not to cry.

One of the MCs made a joke and asked Freen to say something.

She glanced at the man with a soft look and then, looked at Becky.

Taking a deep breath to control her anxiety, the artist focused on her favorite face.

" I love you, babe. I always will. I'm sorry I failed."

Those sentences were stuck in . So the gorgeous female did her best to speak a proper sentence.

__ Thank you, Mr. Armstrong. But I politely disagree. Your family is an example of a healthy and happy education. Becky is certainly a special kid. She is blessed to have the 3 of you. And we are all blessed to witness her blossom as the most beautiful and colorful flower a garden can have. Thank you for allowing me to learn from her, and to grow with her, and...thank you for your support, Robin, Rawee, and Richie. Thank you all in the crowd and in the streaming for loving Becky.

The 21-year-old tried to hide her feelings but she burst into tears.

Freen bowed and handed Mr. Armstrong the micro

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sunmooskywin #1
1198 streak #2
Chapter 29: Awww baby Jasmine!! Welcome to the chaos! I mean family! 🤣🤍
Chapter 28: Hurricanes or Typhoon? 😂 Its good that after so long they managed to release whats within with quickies 😶 piece of life chapter is the way to go now 😌 thank you the update 😊 take care and stay safe
Chapter 28: Hahaha...the hurricane 🤣🤣
Chapter 27: Im so happy for them! 😢 As long as they are safe, healthy... Other occurances will be just a passer by 👍 This is avery good chapter to me... Thank you for the update! Take care stay safe 😊
story19 #6
Chapter 8: Hmmm, becky, arent u a laywer yet, hahaha.
story19 #7
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun.. Go Becky, just kiss and make up alreqdy.
story19 #8
Chapter 6: Ohh, i though the meeting will happen, i got excited but well, it will happen eventually.
story19 #9
Chapter 5: Good chapter, would becky cry a river or go berseck once she found out about the baby.
story19 #10
Chapter 4: That was fast, freen is pregnant. I feel bad for becky though, she deserve to know but she gave up on freen, better not.