I want to be a beautiful love for you

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Although Yuri and Yena's relationship is growing stronger, the past often brings up ghosts that haunt them. One of those ghosts is Yuri's ex-boyfriend, Seungwoo, who never really got over his grudge. Seungwoo was a popular celebrity like Yuri, but his relationship with Yuri ended with a lot of hurt and strife.


Yena often felt uncomfortable with Seungwoo's presence in Yuri's life, but Yuri always assured her that he had let go of his past and was fully committed to their relationship. However, Yena's feelings of jealousy never fully disappeared.


One day, Seungwoo tried to contact Yuri, expressing his desire to meet and talk. Yuri didn't want to hide anything from Yena, so he told Yena about the message from Seungwoo. Yena was uncomfortable with the idea, but she knew that they needed to work through this problem together.


That day, news of Seungwoo's arrival came through a text message sent by Yuri to Yena. Yena read the message with a worried expression.


"Seungwoo wanted to meet. He said he has something he wants to talk about. I think we should face it together," Yuri said, trying to ease Yena's worries.


Yena felt anxious and angry. Although she tried not to show it, feelings of jealousy and discomfort continued to fill her mind. She felt as if Yuri's past would never really go away.


Yuri tried to support and reassure Yena, "Yena, I chose you. I love you, and I want us to solve this problem together. He's a part of the past that we can't change, but we can deal with it wisely."


Hesitantly, Yena finally agreed to the meeting, though she couldn't shake her feelings of jealousy. Yuri hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, hoping to comfort her. However, he knew that the meeting with Seungwoo would probably bring a variety of complicated emotions.


Yuri and Yena finally agreed to meet with Seungwoo in a quiet cafe. Although Yena felt anxious, she wanted to give Yuri a chance to explain that she was Yena's now.






The meeting with Seungwoo was finally arranged at a cozy cafe, where the two of them could sit and talk undisturbed. When Yena and Yuri arrived at the cafe, they saw Seungwoo sitting in one corner. His face looked serious, and he immediately got up when he saw them.


Seungwoo greeted them with a forced smile, "Yuri, Yena, thank you for coming. Let's sit down."


They sat around a round table, creating a tense atmosphere. Yuri tried to open the conversation with a soft tone, "What do you want to talk about, Seungwoo?"


Seungwoo replied in a firm voice, "I want to talk about your relationship with Yena."


Yena felt her heart racing. She felt as if she was under Seungwoo's watchful eye, and didn't like that feeling. "What do you want to talk about our relationship?"


Seungwoo looked sharply at Yena. "You know, Yena, I still have some secrets from your past. Secrets that could change everything if revealed."


Yuri felt uneasy. He knew that Yena's past was full of secrets, and he didn't want it to ruin his relationship with Yena. "What do you mean, Seungwoo?"


Seungwoo smiled modestly, "You two must not know. Yena has a not so clean past, Yuri. And I have the evidence to prove it."


Yena felt angry and scared at the same time. She felt like the layers of her past secrets that had been securely locked away were about to burst open and embarrass her in front of Yuri. "What are you trying to do, Seungwoo?"


Seungwoo showed a sly smile, "I want you to come back to me, Yuri. I want you to leave Yena and come back to me. Otherwise, I'll reveal it and destroy your relationship."


Yuri felt increasingly angry and agitated. He didn't like seeing Yena threatened like this. "Seungwoo, this isn't fair. We'll never be apart and I'm not coming back to you."


Seungwoo stared intently at the two of them. "You have one week to decide. I'll contact you with more evidence. Otherwise, you'll lose everything."


The meeting ended in a tense atmosphere. Yuri and Yena leave the cafe with mixed feelings, feeling trapped in Seungwoo's game. Yena's past, which she has been hiding, seems to be coming to light, and they don't know what will happen next.


They both realized that they had to resolve this conflict wisely. Yuri took Yena's hand and said, "We will overcome this together, Yena. Nothing can ruin our relationship."


Conflict arises when Yuri's ex-boyfriend tries to tear down her relationship with Yena, threatening to reveal Yena's secrets related to her past. Yuri and Yena feel trapped in a complicated situation, and they know that they must come together to face it.






They returned home with heavy feelings. Yuri feels angry at Seungwoo for threatening her relationship with Yena, and she vows to protect Yena from whatever her past might reveal.


Meanwhile, Yena was afraid that the secret of her past would destroy her relationship with Yuri. She knew that Seungwoo had the power to do so if he wanted to. Yena felt like her world was crumbling and she didn't know what to do.


That night, Yena and Yuri sat together on their balcony, looking up at the stars shining in the night sky. They felt like everything was in a state of tension, and their beautiful love was now threatened by the threat of the past.


Yuri took Yena's hand and said softly, "We'll face this together, Yena. We'll find a way to overcome Seungwoo and your secret past."


Yena felt warmed by Yuri's words, but fear still crept into her heart. "I'm scared, Yuri. Afraid my secret will ruin everything."

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