Sounds Familiar

Curious Cat

Karma might not be kind, but time has been on Soojin's side recently. Over the last three days, she'd managed to avoid any cringe-worthy moments. Perhaps she had been lucky in not bumping into that woman she hoped to steer clear of.  

However, Soojin couldn't deny the sleepless nights that had plagued her during this time. That awkward scene from the video had been haunting her relentlessly. It was painfully embarrassing, no doubt about it. It would pop into her head at the most unexpected times, causing her to shut her eyes tightly and shake her head vigorously, as if trying to shake away the memory. She can’t stand her embarrassing moments popping on her mind. Soyeon once caught her doing this and gave her a strange look, but then asked if she was okay. Soojin just laughed it off and got a what-the- moment with herself.

That particular bookmark in her life was deeply personal. It was her own image, a self-portrait taken during a restless 3 a.m. out of boredom. And to make matters worse, it was even a laminated one. Soojin had never expected it to go beyond her apartment, but now it had, and she was grappling with the unexpected consequences.

She had a routine when it came to using her personal image as a bookmark. Whenever she borrowed a book from the library, she would make sure to remove the picture after she was done with her reading. If, for some reason, she hadn't finished the book and wanted to take it with her to work, she would still remove the picture, relying on her memory to remember the page and the story part where she had left off.

So, why had she forgotten to do that this time?

It was a question that nagged at her, causing a growing unease that twisted her stomach into knots. Soojin had always been meticulous about these little details, ensuring that her personal life remained just that—personal. She couldn't fathom how she had overlooked this crucial step.

The experience had left her shaken to say the least. The idea of using her own image as a bookmark in a borrowed book felt more embarrassing than setting a selfie as her phone wallpaper. She vowed never to let such an oversight happen again, eager to prevent any more instances where her private life inadvertently seeped into the public eye leaving her exposed. Known. 

Friday morning, the soft glow peeking through the curtains, casting faint shadows, hinting that the dawn was breaking. The world was still hushed, with only the relaxing chirps of birds breaking the silence. Soojin found herself reflecting on the week that had unfolded before her. It had been a remarkably smooth one, considering her daily work routine. She didn't feel overly tired; in fact, she enjoyed her job. However, there were moments when she couldn't help but wish that the need to work for money didn't weigh as heavily on her shoulders. The librarian job might seem breezy from the outside, but it's more than just shushing people to keep quiet. Managing overdue books, dealing with computer malfunctions, and navigating the ever-growing pile of administrative tasks were just a few challenges that made her job harder than it appeared. Her cat, Jinson, lay snoozing beside her on the bed, and Soojin couldn't help but envy his carefree existence.

Jinson, who had a knack for being mischievous in the wee hours of the morning, had somehow managed to let Soojin sleep through his antics at 3 a.m. She smiled as she watched him sleep, pondering the adventures he must have embarked upon while she slumbered.


As she stared at her feline friend, Soojin's mind began to wander, recollecting the events of the past week. It had been a turbulent roller coaster ride, though she couldn't help but feel like she was the only one aboard that tumultuous journey. She couldn't help but wonder if she could blame her cat for introducing her to someone who had no idea of her existence. Well, perhaps, but at least the encounter had been memorable.

There was one question that consistently nagged at her: Why had she chosen to attach a camera to Jinson's collar that one time? It was an odd decision, one that had unfolded into a unique set of circumstances. However, Soojin didn’t regret it.

Over the course of those three days, Jinson's routine had mirrored what Soojin had observed in the footage. He would roam the neighbourhood frolic with his feline friends, scale trees with the agility of a seasoned mountaineer, find a grassy spot for his daily business, and conclude his adventures with a visit to Shuhua.

She couldn't help but be intrigued by Jinson's behaviour. It seemed as though he had an unusual preference, never showing any interest in female cats. Is he less? She hadn't witnessed Jinson going into heat, and he certainly hadn't been neutered, at least not according to the cat articles she had perused.

Life at Shuhua's place appeared to unfold in a fairly predictable manner for Soojin, with little variation. She often observed Jinson playing with the resident dogs or saw Shuhua engaging in simple acts of affection, petting her feline friend and giggling at the high-pitched sound of her own voice. Most of the time, Shuhua seemed preoccupied with her phone or eagerly opening packages from various online deliveries.

However, last time, something out of the ordinary caught Soojin's attention, something she had only overheard because Jinson wasn't facing Shuhua at the time. There were the distinct sound of heavy footsteps, like two people running and chasing each other, racing around the house.

"AHHHHHHHH Yuqi, can you put that down?!" a breathless voice, which Soojin recognized as Shuhua's, pleaded

", I've called you for the nth time, yet you acted like you didn't hear me," came the stern reply from a deep-voiced woman, clearly Yuqi.

Soojin listened, her curiosity piqued, as Shuhua seemed to compose herself and take a deep breath. "Okay. Sorry. But can you put that down first?"

"Not until you sit down," Yuqi insisted.

Soojin, eavesdropping with keen interest, wondered what could be so important that the two were arguing about. If only she could get Jinson to face them and reveal the scene.

 The two women fell into an uneasy silence, but Shuhua eventually gave in.


"I hate you, I really hate this thing!" Shuhua frustratedly shouted at Yuqi, who responded with a deep sigh. "Do I really need to do this?"

Yuqi appeared to be trying her best to console Shuhua, her tone softer, "Shu, I thought we agreed on this? I trust you, and I know you're strong. You'll overcome this."

Shuhua, let out a long sigh, carrying the whole weight of her frustrations. "I thought I'm only gonna have to take this once," she murmured.

Yuqi’s voice held a soothing quality as she spoke, "We've already done one! Why are you whining today?" 

"You know how much I hate s—"

And then, abruptly, the video stopped. Soojin felt as though she'd been left on a cliffhanger. She was both incredibly confused and incredibly curious about the context of the conversation. It had left a lingering sense of mystery and concern in her mind, leaving her to wonder what had happened to Shuhua and why the topic had been taken so seriously by the two women.


The early morning air held a crisp, invigorating chill as Soojin went about her morning routine. She contemplated going for a leisurely walk, and treating herself to some of her favourite dishes at a beloved restaurant. A thought had settled in her mind — she longed for an outdoor breakfast.

Dressed comfortably in her hoodie and jogging pants, Soojin prepared to leave her apartment. Jinson, her feline companion, showed an interest in joining her, but laziness seemed to have taken over. She couldn't help but marvel at Jinson's unique blend of cat and English bulldog-like tendencies. With a resigned shrug, she acknowledged that she had no choice but to carry him, despite his surprisingly substantial weight, which exceeded that of a newborn baby.

She had her reasons for bringing Jinson along. She didn't want his world to revolve solely around their neighbourhood; she wanted him to experience the bustling city as well. She wasn't overly paranoid, for she had a leash at her disposal, and Jinson, in his peculiar way, wasn't afraid of people. In fact, he seemed rather friendly. However, she couldn't help but hope that he wouldn't repeat the previous incident of running up to a stranger, an act that had left her both bemused and concerned.

Soojin had always found solace in walking. There was a unique sense of calm that enveloped her when she immersed herself in nature, even in the midst of a world increasingly dominated by modernization and urbanization. The gentle rustle of leaves, the faint chirping of birds, and the subtle fragrance of blooming flowers provided her with a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Jinson had also adapted to the new environment with surprising ease. While a glint of curiosity danced in his eyes, he remained surprisingly calm, taking in the sights and sounds of their new surroundings. He would gaze left and right, his feline curiosity piqued by every unfamiliar sight or sound. Soojin couldn't help but find his behaviour endearing.

Feeling a burst of affection for her cat, she retrieved her phone from her pocket and, with a fond smile, took a selfie with Jinson as they continued their leisurely walk. She cherished these moments, finding comfort in the connection between her and her furry friend amidst the ever-evolving world around them.

As Soojin entered her favourite restaurant, a warm and concerned voice greeted her. "Soojini! Haven't seen you for so long! You're beautiful as ever, even since the last time I saw you. You haven’t come here for a whole month—did something happen?" The voice belonged to an elderly woman who welcomed Soojin with open arms.

"Halmeoni! It's been such a long time!" Soojin beamed, her face lighting up with joy. "I was so busy, you know. Our library director bombarded us with a ton of reports, especially since the school year started," she explained, all the while cradling Jinson in her arms.

"Aigoo, is that so?" the old woman clucked sympathetically. "It seems they've given you quite the workload. Well, come and sit. Here's a special chair for our Jinson-aegi!" the elderly woman happily exclaimed, leading Soojin to a chair designed with Jinson's comfort in mind. It was a heartwarming reunion, filled with the familiarity and warmth that only the elderly could provide.

"Soojini, the usual?" The old woman asked Soojin, referring to her favourite dish. Soojin nodded, her taste buds anticipating the familiar flavours.

"Same for Jinson too, unseasoned chicken and boiled squash, halmeoni," Soojin added, thinking of her furry companion's preference.

The old woman, with a joyful smile, noted down their orders. "Chuu-ya! One bibimbap and four mandu! And one unseasoned chicken with boiled squash!" she called out to the worker at the counter. The person behind the counter seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered.

"Soojin is here?" The worker's eyes darted around before she spotted her. "It’s been ages, Soojin!" Chuu greeted with a voice filled with warmth and excitement. She gazed at Soojin and then shifted her attention to Jinson. "Holy smokes, just one month, and he's grown so much. Catzilla!" Chuu giggled, and Soojin couldn't help but join. "Alright, coming!" With a cheerful tone, Chuu headed to the kitchen to relay Soojin's order to the cook.

Soojin couldn't have asked for a better start to her morning.



 As the old woman excused herself to attend to some acquaintances, Soojin found herself in a moment of introspection. She couldn't help but reminisce about the times she had spent in this cozy restaurant. Even her very first paycheck had brought her here. At the outset of her independent life, Soojin had faced challenges in managing her time, and she had been transitioning into her new career field. During those busy days, she had barely found time to buy groceries and prepare her own meals.

Sitting amidst the warm and traditional interior of the restaurant, Soojin couldn't help but feel like she had stepped into a historical drama. The well-organized tables and the hushed ambience, with fellow patrons quietly sitting on the floor while awaiting their orders, added to the nostalgic charm of the place. She cherished the welcoming atmosphere of the establishment, particularly the old woman who ran it.

The old woman's demeanour and kind-heartedness reminded Soojin of her aunt, who had been a constant presence in her life, nurturing and guiding her through every stage of her journey. Her aunt's gentleness had left a lasting impression on her, and Soojin often wished that she could share her current life and achievements with her. Perhaps it was this longing that drew her to this restaurant time and time again.

As Soojin sat cross-legged, straddling Jinson, she observed that her feline companion had yet to take his place on the special chair provided by the old woman. Instead, he seemed to seek the warmth and comfort of Soojin's lap, a silent request for a brief nap while they waited for their delicious meals to arrive.

The arrival of their food brought an enthusiastic older woman to their table, bearing their meals with evident excitement. "Eat well, Soojini and big boy," she warmly declared.

As the dishes were placed before them, Jinson couldn't contain his excitement. He promptly stood up from Soojin's lap, He promptly stood up from Soojin's lap, the familiar aroma of his favourite meal wafted towards him. Soojin couldn't help but smile at the display, knowing that her cat must have missed this treat. Typically, Jinson's diet consisted of cat food mixed with boiled vegetables.

Expressing her gratitude with a nod and a smile, Soojin thanked the older woman for their meal. She reflected on the simple joy of being able to afford such a meal on a random Friday, realizing how different it was from the past when these kinds of indulgences were reserved for special occasions.

Observing Jinson devour the unseasoned chicken she had ordered, Soojin couldn't help but find the scene comical. Her cat attacked the meal as if he hadn't been fed in days, a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanour.

Despite the amusing sight, Soojin paused to silently say a prayer before resuming her own meal—a practice instilled by her aunt that she refused to forget. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting ambience of the restaurant and the lively chatter around her, she savoured the flavours of what she deemed to be one of the best breakfasts she had enjoyed.

However, the tranquillity was interrupted by a sudden burst of enthusiasm. "OUR VIP!" The older woman's high-pitched voice resonated through the restaurant as she welcomed a new guest, reminiscent of the warm greeting Soojin had received earlier. Intrigued, Soojin turned her attention to the newcomer.

"Heol. Emmeonim, I'm not," the woman protested, prompting Soojin to pause her meal and rack her brain, trying to identify the familiar voice. Despite the familiarity, the woman's face eluded recognition.

"Why did you come here alone? Where is sekshi eyes?" The young woman chuckled, referencing the old woman's nickname for someone Soojin couldn't immediately place.

As the older woman guided the newcomer to a seat beside Soojin, the young woman explained, "Well, she wasn't feeling well, and she's craving for some food here. That's why I'm here, so close to making me her personal maid." The casual banter continued, and Soojin resumed eating, finding herself inadvertently drawn into the conversation.

"Alright, can I get your orders?" the older woman inquired.

"One ramyeon…hmm.” the young woman recited her orders, and Soojin didn’t bother to listen and just focused on the meal in front of her.

As Soojin indulged in her meal, her attention was drawn to the newcomer who seemed fixated on her. Was it me? she wondered, feeling accustomed to such stares given her undeniable allure. Shrugging off the intrusion, she redirected her focus to her food, determined not to let it bother her. However, from the corner of her eye, she noticed the deep-voiced woman, persistently glancing in her direction while periodically placing her phone on the table and then picking it up again. Doubt crept in as Soojin began to question if there was something amiss with her appearance.

Eating her last mandu, Soojin looked up and pretended to stare at the surroundings, specifically the door, and confirmed her suspicions.

The woman was looking at her cat, observing and examining it, with squinting eyes and a tilted head, trying her best not to look obvious. She peered over at Soojin once more, feigning interest in her phone whenever she thought she had been caught. Soojin was more than confused by the behaviour of this familiar yet unfamiliar woman.

Soojin glanced at Jinson and his food bowl; she wondered what the woman noticed that she stared at her cat like that. Setting that aside, she was shocked to see not even a bone left in his bowl. Her furry companion finally sat up properly and threw a glance at her: looking satisfied and funny because Jinson had some a bit of boiled squash that he ate. She found it too cute that she spammed her camera roll with  his tongue out from the squash bits around his mouth.

Soojin checked the time; it was only 9 a.m. Too early for her working hours. She packed all the things she needed before leaving, and Jinson seems got energy from the meal he got that he didn’t let Soojin lift him up. It was fortunate that she prepared a harness in her bag in case her feline was in the mood to walk, she knew that boy would rush and leave her behind once something piqued his interest.

The harness was tied onto Jinson and now they were ready to leave. She was waiting for the old woman to return so she could show her gratitude for the food and at least wish her goodbye. So Soojin decided to sit a bit.

“Excuse me, do you perhaps live in Rockville Vill—"

“YUQI! Here’s all the food sekshi eyes ordered, I also put yours in a separate bag.”

Soojin’s ears perked up as the old woman gladly exclaimed a name while holding two separate bag in each hand. The newcomer threw a glance at Soojin for the last time before proceeding to stand up and offered a smile to the old woman who handed the items she ordered earlier.

“Ah, yeah, thank you, emmeonim! Did you remove the berry fruit from her chocoberry patbingsu? I swear to God, that woman,” Yuqi chuckles.

“Ah dearie, I know Shuhua, she's been on a crusade against strawberries forever. Absolutely detests them. Like they personally offended her or something. What's the deal, right?” The two women burst into laughter, deep diving into this delightful saga of this Shuhua versus the strawberries.

Soojin's eyebrows knit together in confusion, but suddenly, everything starts to click into place. She rose abruptly, feeling a sudden rush of urgency. It dawned on her that she just encountered Yuqi, Shuhua's companion, and she recalls overhearing Yuqi inquire about where she lives. It strikes her as odd. Weird. Soojin felt a wave of relief when the old woman interrupted, giving her the chance to leave quickly.

As Soojin and her cat scurried away, she couldn't shake the worry that Yuqi might have caught onto more than she hoped. Particularly with that embarrassing bookmark incident involving Shuhua and the book she had recommended. With a hurried stride and a silent wish for anonymity, she disappeared into the waking streets, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease and a cat's playful meow echoing in the morning air.

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1188 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww this is gonna turn out so cute
64 streak #2
Chapter 1: Jinson is one curious ball of fluff and maybe a secret agent, who knows.

But in all seriousness, good job, author. The story is captivating even without any big mystery or drama. The mystery is where Jinson goes to and who is his other feeder or owner.

Soojin and the other person have seemed to have a liking for the fluffy companion. Attaching a camera to his collar is a good idea, though watching 7 hours of footage might seem boring, it is Jinson we are talking about and watching someone that cute and adventurous seems fun.