Cat-astrophic Discoveries

Curious Cat

Monday morning arrived, and Soojin stirred from her slumber to find her cat nestled at her side. It felt like an eternity since she'd last seen him, even though they spent every night together. She couldn't help but miss the comforting presence of her feline friend.


As the new day's sunlight filled the room, Soojin couldn't help but reflect on the events of the previous evening. It was almost like she had assumed the role of a mother, scolding her beloved cat for not returning home promptly after their walk. She had asserted her dominance, reminding him that she was the one in charge. Yet, her jealousy had quickly given way to worry, and she had returned to Jinson's side, embracing him with affection.


Soojin vividly recalled the events of yesterday when she had unexpectedly fled the scene, leaving her cat in the company of the that woman. The thoughts that swirled in her mind were a mix of confusion, concern, and the realization that there was no point of pretending to scold her cat when it was her fault.


The morning began like any other for Soojin. She went through her usual routine, preparing a cup of coffee for herself and serving up a hearty breakfast for Jinson, her beloved cat. As Jinson ate his meal with his usual grace, Soojin couldn't help but watch him, a soft smile playing on her lips. Her bond with her feline companion was one of the most cherished aspects of her life.


Once the cat was contentedly munching away, Soojin made her way to the couch by the window. She settled in, her gaze divided between Jinson and the picturesque view outside. Soojin had moved to this neighborhood without hesitation after spotting the apartment. It was serene, clean, and had a welcoming atmosphere that had won her over. In the time she'd lived here, she had encountered very few issues, the main one being her adorable but sometimes troublesome cat.


She remembered a time when Jinson had been around one year old, he was a completely . He was slightly less of a troublemaker now, but there had been moments when Soojin had been pushed to her limits.


One such morning flashed in her memory, one that had started off with her nearly running late for work. Soojin had always prided herself on punctuality, and the idea of being tardy was something she detested. But that day, she had woken up with only ten minutes to spare before her work shift was set to begin.


As she hurriedly got out of bed, her eyes were met with a sight that made her blood boil. The floor was strewn with torn pieces of paper, a scene of destruction that Soojin immediately recognized. She knew exactly who the culprit was. Jinson had decided to indulge in some late-night paper shredding.


For some unknown reason, the cat had taken a particular interest in the papers Soojin used for her library reports. Those reports were meticulously prepared, a part of her work she took seriously and often worked on late into the night. To make matters worse, she didn't own a printer at the time, and Jinson had ensured that she had to visit a printing shop for the reports.


There was little remorse in the feline's eyes as he hopped onto her bed, his demeanor as if he hadn't just created complete chaos. Soojin's initial anger slowly dissipated as she took a deep breath and composed herself.


“I adopted you for emotional support and you make me wanna kill myself. My goodness.”



Sipping her coffee, Soojin's mind drifted back to the events of the previous day—the woman and her cat. She couldn't shake the feeling that the two had only just encountered each other yesterday, which left her wondering what had happened during their meeting. The questions swirled in her mind, tugging at her curiosity.


Lost in thought, Soojin contemplated the idea of attaching a camera to Jinson's collar once again. She figured it might be time to monitor her cat's activities more closely, especially if it meant preventing him from visiting the woman. Perhaps, this could shed some light on what had transpired during their time apart.


She retrieved the small camera and carefully secured it to Jinson's collar, adjusting it to capture a clear view of his surroundings.



The library doors swung open as Soojin arrived to start another Monday morning at the local library. With her usual grace, she unlocked the entrance and went about preparing the space for students eager to start their week with research, reading, and study.


She'd already attended to her paperwork and set up her desk, which was stacked with requests, suggestions, and messages from regular visitors and young scholars. Once that was done, she liked to take a stroll around the first floor, monitoring the resources, making sure everything was in order.


Today, the library was filled with the usual buzz of students. Some were studying in groups, while others sat quietly with their noses in books or eyes glued to computer screens. Soojin loved these moments of organized chaos. It was a reminder that the library was alive with curious minds and learning.


She made her rounds, quietly checking that the books were neatly arranged and that none were out of place. Her expert eye noticed a few titles that were misplaced, and she deftly put them back where they belonged.


As she passed by the study area, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation between a group of students. Their excitement was palpable, and it piqued her curiosity. She stopped nearby, pretending to tidy up a few stray books as she listened to their voices.


One of the students, a cheerful girl—which Soojin find the voice familiar, shared her joy with her friends, saying, "Guys, I got an A on that math homework!"


Her friends cheered and clapped her on the back, genuinely thrilled for her success. "That's incredible, Jiji! How did you do it? The homework given was so hard.”


With a proud grin, the young girl looked at Soojin, who was now closer and still pretending to clean the books. Soojin didn’t know what to do, she is not used to be recognized. "I have to thank Miss Soojin. She helped with my assignment. She’s a very good teacher!”


The group of young girls looked over at Soojin, who, to her surprise, felt a bit shy under their gaze. She couldn't resist glancing back at them, recognizing the voice of Yunjin, the student she had encountered last week while struggling with her homework in the library.


Soojin smiled and waved at the girls. She decided to approach their table. "That's very nice, Yunjin," she commended the young girl. Soojin couldn't help but offer a warm smile and affectionately patted Yunjin's head. "You should also be proud of yourself because you listened and worked hard."


"Thank you so much, Miss Soojin!" Yunjin couldn't contain her happiness after receiving an A with Soojin's help. It was a significant achievement for her, especially considering she had been struggling with math.


Soojin found herself unsure of how to react. She had a fondness for kids, but she wasn't typically very affectionate with them. However, she couldn't deny that the heartwarming scene brought a smile to her face. She ended up returning Yunjin's hug, letting her heart be warmed by the moment.


Soojin gathered herself, offering some final words of encouragement. "Okay, guys, be on your best behavior, alright? Keep up the hard work in your studies. Also, don’t be shy if you all need help." She addressed the group, making sure to exchange one last smile with Yunjin before she continued with her library duties.


That heartwarming interaction with Yunjin became the highlight of Soojin's day. She couldn't help but smile every time she thought about it. Feeling appreciated was a new and wonderful experience for her. She had never realized that helping a fifth-grader with a math assignment centered on fractions could have such a significant impact on a child's life. The joy it brought her was immeasurable.




Soojin's work shift progressed smoothly, with familiar students greeting her warmly. The day had been pleasant, and as the closing time approached, she started her routine check to see if any belongings had been left behind by the students. She had already completed cleaning the library a while ago, knowing that students typically left about an hour before closing time.


After ensuring the library was in order, Soojin decided to check her own belongings. She typically used a small bag for her essentials. As she rummaged through it, she was pleasantly surprised to find her wireless earbuds that she had been searching for the past week. A sense of relief washed over her as she retrieved them, thinking that she might use them later. Soojin tucked the earbuds into the pouch of her slacks, feeling grateful for having found them.


"Soojin-ah! Are you ready?"


The soft, cheerful voice reached Soojin's ears as she made her way towards the library's exit. Turning her gaze towards the source of the voice, she watched Miyeon descending the stairs with a radiant smile. Each step seemed to carry a note of grace and elegance, the gentle click of Miyeon's sandals against the wooden stairs resonating through the room. Soojin couldn't help but be taken in by Miyeon's charm and beauty, as she had been from the very first moment they met.


There was something about Miyeon's presence that was nothing short of captivating. It wasn't just her physical appearance, though that was certainly striking, but also her vibrant and sunny personality that radiated positivity. Dressed in a light pink blazer that contrasted beautifully with the white top she wore underneath, Miyeon completed the look with a high-waisted pink pencil skirt and elegant white sandals. Her fashion sense was as impeccable as her demeanor, making her the epitome of grace and style.


The impact Miyeon had on those around her was undeniable. She was beloved by the students, and Soojin could see why. Miyeon's cheerful and energetic energy had an enchanting quality, and it was impossible not to be drawn to her warmth and positivity. She had the unique ability to make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated, and that was precisely why students flocked to her. Soojin couldn't deny that the library was a better place with Miyeon's presence.


As Miyeon reached the first floor, her eyes locked with Soojin's, and she approached her with a wide, affectionate smile. "Soojin-ah, you look lovely as always." she complimented, her tone filled with genuine warmth. Soojin's cheeks flushed with a faint blush, and she couldn't help but return Miyeon's smile.


"You too, shall we head out as well?" Soojin responded with a friendly tone. Miyeon nodded and swiftly moved to switch off the lights. Soojin patiently waited outside, keys in hand, ready to lock the door as soon as they left.


Miyeon emerged from the library, her cheerful smile undiminished by the approaching night. "All set!" she declared, her eyes sparkling in the twilight. Soojin smiled in response and nodded. "Let's go." she agreed, and together they headed into the evening, the library now resting in peaceful solitude until it welcomed visitors once again.


As Soojin turned the key and locked the library door, she and Miyeon made their way towards the gate, ready to leave after a long day's work. They greeted and exchanged a few words with the night shift guard, a familiar face who always had a kind smile for them as he prepared to watch over the library for the night.


The night air was crisp, and the quiet streets were bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. It was one of Soojin's favorite parts of the day, this peaceful walk home, the tranquil neighborhood sounds playing a calming symphony around them.


Miyeon, ever the cheerful one, wore a bright smile that seemed to light up the evening even more. Soojin couldn't help but wonder what she is smiling about. She even twirled a strand of her hair between her fingers and tuck her hair behind her ear.


As they strolled along, the companionship between them creating a sense of warmth, Soojin couldn't help but feel grateful for this tranquil moment amidst her busy life.


Miyeon's residence was a bit further from the library, and she often relied on the bus for her commute. They approached a bus stop, and Soojin began to ask, "Are you going to take a —"


But her question remained unfinished, as Miyeon’s joyful exclamation filled the air. "Jagiyaaa!"


That answers a lot of questions Soojin has in her mind.


Soojin turned her head in the direction of Miyeon's excitement and didn't have to wait long for an answer. There was a familiar person standing near a tree, someone who might behind Miyeon’s smile earlier. It was Minnie.


Minnie brought a new aura to the evening, clad in a black leather jacket over a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and leather boots. Her look was accentuated by a pair of black sunglasses perched atop her head, and she wore her cap in a casual, backwards style. A sleek black motorcycle was parked nearby, completing her cool and adventurous image.


The stark contrast between Miyeon and Minnie was hard to ignore. They were different in almost every way, yet there was an undeniable attraction between them, as if they were magnetically drawn to each other. Soojin couldn't help but think that they were the perfect example of "opposites attract."


Minnie waved in their direction, and Miyeon's delight was evident as she hurried towards her. As they met, they exchanged a quick peck on the lips and shared an affectionate hug. Really? In front of my salad? Soojin, pretending to be disgusted, couldn't help but secretly wish for this couple to remain in love forever.


"Minmin, I missed you so much." Miyeon confessed, holding Minnie tightly.


Minnie gently brushed a strand of Miyeon's hair back and smiled at her. "That's why I'm here, love. Have you eaten?"


Miyeon shook her head. "I haven't, baby. Can we go to our favorite restaurant?"


"Of course, love," Minnie replied, her voice filled with affection. She leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on Miyeon's head. "That sounds like a plan."


Soojin, on the other hand, faced a dilemma she hadn't anticipated. It was already 8 p.m., and she couldn't help but think of Jinson, her cat, waiting for her at home. She didn't want to keep him waiting.


Just as she contemplated her response, Miyeon’s attention turned to Soojin. "Are you going to take a bus, Soojin-ah?"


It was the very question Soojin had considered asking Miyeon earlier. "Nope, I'm going to walk," Soojin replied, deciding on her course of action. "I'm only 15 minutes away."


Miyeon nodded understandingly, though a playful sparkle lit up her eyes. "We're having dinner tonight; would you like to join us?" she offered. Soojin hesitated for a moment, mindful of the late hour and Jinson potentially waiting for her at home.


"Thank you, but I don't think I can make it tonight." Soojin politely declined. It was partly because of Jinson, but she also didn't want to disrupt the couple's precious time together.


Minnie started the engine of her big bike, and Miyeon hopped on behind her. "Alright, Soojin-ah, be careful while walking. See you next time!" Miyeon called out as she hugged Minnie from behind.


Before they rode off into the night, Soojin couldn't resist offering a piece of advice. "You two, wear helmets next time if you don't want to lose neither of your licenses or lives.” They all shared a chuckle, and Minnie and Miyeon nodded in agreement.


"Yes, Ma'am, we will!"




As the couple went their separate ways, Soojin started walking along her path. Her footsteps fell into a steady rhythm as she walked through the quiet streets. It was a serene night, the soft glow of streetlights casting long shadows as she navigated her way home. The hushed ambiance of the neighborhood created a perfect backdrop for her thoughts to wander.


Her mind couldn't help but drift to the concept of having a significant other. What would it be like, she wondered, to have that special person in your life? The one with whom you could share your achievements, no matter how small or significant, and reveal your vulnerabilities without reservation. The idea of having someone who would be there during those quiet, yet comforting moments or simply walk by your side along these very streets had a certain allure.


Soojin's imagination played with the possibilities. She envisioned sharing a quiet evening with someone, their presence alone bringing warmth and comfort. They wouldn't need to fill every moment with conversation; their silent companionship would be enough. They could revel in each other's presence, knowing that the bond they shared was deeper than words could express.


A sigh escaped Soojin's lips as she shook her head slightly, attempting to dispel these thoughts. She chided herself for entertaining such notions. Why was she contemplating this now, on an ordinary evening like tonight? For 27 years, she had always been content with her life, her job, and her precious cat, Jinson.


With a determined mental shake, Soojin pulled herself back to reality. She reached into the pouch of her slacks, where she had earlier stashed her wireless earbuds. Retrieving them, she connected them to her phone. It was time to drown out the whirlwind of thoughts with the comfort of her playlist.


Soojin felt herself relax. Music had always been her solace, a companion that never failed to provide refuge from the cacophony of life. As she continued her walk, the lyrics and melodies seemed to wash away her contemplations, at least for now. The night remained quiet, and the streetlights continued to cast their soft glow as Soojin found solace in the familiar tunes of her playlist.





As Soojin walked for about ten minutes, she arrived at the grocery store near her apartment. It was a familiar place that she frequented, a hub for her daily necessities. On this particular evening, her mind was set on restocking Jinson's food, as she noticed his food canister was nearing empty. She couldn't afford to have him go hungry, and Jinson had a way of making it known when he wanted his meals.


Soojin navigated the aisles, selecting the cat food that Jinson preferred, making sure she had enough to last him for the next five days. She also grabbed her own essentials and decided to pick up her meal for the evening. She knew that eating at the convenience store would offer her some solitude, away from her cat's relentless begging, even after he'd had his fill.


Once she gathered everything she needed, Soojin headed to the checkout counter. She paid for her purchases, her mind still buzzing with thoughts from the day, the encounter with Miyeon and Minnie, and the unspoken desires she harbored. She needed a quiet moment, and this meal break presented the perfect opportunity.


With her meal in hand, she scanned the outdoor seating area, hoping to find her favorite spot where she could sit and eat in peace. However, to her disappointment, the two ladies she noticed earlier had already claimed the table. They were enjoying their snacks together, their laughter creating an ambiance of joy.


Soojin sighed softly to herself. It seemed that her peaceful dinner with Jinson at home was now a reality. She could already envision her cat's expectant eyes, staring at her every bite, hoping for even the tiniest morsel to drop. With a sense of resignation, she exited the store and began her journey back to her apartment, where she and Jinson would share their evening together, as they always did.




“Miss! Wait! Miss!”


“Do you know her?”


“I think I do; she looks familiar. I’ve seen her yesterday. Can’t she hear me?”


“But does she know you?”




“Maybe my . Crazy woman. Just eat; you probably mistook her for someone else.”





As Soojin arrived at her apartment building after her walk, she wasn't at all surprised to find Jinson waiting for her. He was sprawled out in front of her door, looking like a cute tuxedo-tabby rug. His short fur made him even more endearing. It was quite evident that Jinson had been eagerly anticipating her return.


With a chuckle, Soojin addressed her hungry feline friend. "Alright, alright, get up now! I bought your dinner!" In response, Jinson immediately stood up and began to nuzzle Soojin's legs. His meows filled the air, and they were so prolonged that it seemed like he hadn't eaten in days.


Soojin couldn't help but wonder whether the woman was feeding Jinson properly during his visits to her place. Why else would he return home looking this famished? Or maybe Jinson simply had an insatiable appetite. Either way, Soojin was grateful to have her furry companion waiting for her, even if it did come with the soundtrack of his hungry meows.


She swiftly attended to Jinson, knowing all too well that his patience was often limited when it came to mealtime. His loud and insistent meows seemed to imply that he hadn't been fed for days, despite the regular feeding schedule. She served his meal, making sure it was sufficient to quell his hunger and avoid any potential food-related drama.


With Jinson happily munching away, Soojin took a moment to sit down and enjoy her own dinner. It was a convenient cooked meal she had bought on her way home from one of the food stalls inside of the grocery store, she always does this when she didn't feel like cooking from scratch. The flavors were satisfying, and she savored each bite, occasionally glancing over at Jinson, who was utterly engrossed in his food.


As they dined in contented harmony, Soojin multitasked, deftly organizing the items she had purchased earlier and completing her usual nightly routine. Everything had its designated place, a principle she adhered to in her everyday life.


Before settling into her dinner, Soojin had also taken a moment to check the tiny camera she had attached to Jinson's collar. She was pleased to see that it was still recording, and the footage likely included the exact moment she arrived home. This could come in handy if she ever needed to verify specific timelines or events.


Once her dinner was done, Soojin retired to her bed, bringing along her laptop, a laptop table, and a card reader. Plugging the card reader into her laptop, she eagerly opened the video file she had found. She couldn't help but wonder what this particular recording might reveal, even though she had deleted all the previous videos on the camera a month ago due to limited storage space. Plus, she thought that there was no point of keeping it.


The video opened with an image of Soojin herself, her hand reaching down to pet Jinson as she fastened the camera to his collar. Knowing this part well, Soojin skipped ahead. Her curiosity piqued, she looked on as the video transitioned to the front view of her apartment. In the footage, Jinson's inquisitive gaze scanned the area around their home, observing the familiar sights.


Minutes turned into hours, and Jinson didn't seem to have ventured far from the apartment. Instead, he wandered back toward the doorstep, curling up on the cozy rug that Soojin had thoughtfully placed there. It was as if he was waiting for something. The furry feline's restful interlude extended for nearly 45 minutes, and Soojin couldn't help but be intrigued by the behavior he displayed during this time.


What’s up with him earlier?


As Soojin continued watching the video, skipping through some time-stamps to get closer to the present moment, she found herself captivated by the unfolding events. It was as though she had stumbled upon a hidden realm of feline interactions that she'd never witnessed before.


In one segment, Jinson appeared to be sleeping, curled up in the classic loaf position, facing the outside world. It was a simple sight, but it sparked curiosity in her. Did cats also have their version of a comfort zone or a gathering place? The animal kingdom's intricacies never ceased to amaze her.


But then, Jinson's relaxed state was abruptly shattered. He tensed up, his body language conveying a sense of alertness and defensiveness. Two other cats, both significantly larger than Jinson, had arrived on the scene. One of them was a tuxedo cat, while the other sported a vibrant orange coat.


The tuxedo cat boldly stepped forward, his back arched and his eyes locked onto Jinson. He began to emit low, menacing growls. In response, Jinson didn't back down. He stood his ground and, in a bold display of self-defense, started smacking the tuxedo cat's face with his paw. Hissing filled the audio, adding to the intensity of the moment.


Haha! That’s my boy!




Soojin couldn't help but gasp as she watched the cats engage in what appeared to be a heated battle. She was taken aback by the ferocity of their actions. This wasn't just a casual interaction; it was a full-blown territorial dispute.


Concern filled Soojin's thoughts as she contemplated the scene. She wondered if it would be safer to keep Jinson indoors or to create a secret passageway for him to navigate between her apartment and the outside world without encountering potential adversaries. The world of cats, she was discovering, was filled with complexity and intrigue, much like her own life.


Soojin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as she watched her considerate neighbor, Somi, intervene in the heated feline confrontation. Somi's presence have been helpful, and she quickly managed to disperse the tuxedo and orange cats who were threatening Jinson.


Somi, who had been passing by, stopped to investigate the commotion. She noticed Jinson and, with a warm smile, approached the little tuxedo-tabby cat. "You okay, buddy?" she asked, her tone gentle and reassuring. After a few kind words, Somi continued on her way to her own apartment.


She couldn't help but feel grateful for Somi's timely intervention. It was heartwarming to know that a neighbor cared enough to look out for Jinson. But she couldn't shake the feeling that it might be a bit odd to thank Somi for her help. How could she express her gratitude without revealing that she'd been watching the whole scene through Jinson's camera?


Despite these considerations, Soojin felt a profound sense of relief knowing that her feline companion was safe. Jinson might be an independent cat, but it was comforting to know that he had friendly neighbors like Somi looking out for him when needed.





The video had indeed felt like an eternity for Soojin, and she continued to fast forward through some uneventful sections. However, she couldn't help but be intrigued by the part where her cat was munching on a whole fried chicken thigh. It was a rather surprising sight.


Soojin watched closely, wondering if her cat had managed to pilfer someone else's meal. She couldn't believe that Jinson had the audacity to snatch an entire chicken thigh! Soojin watched the entire event play out on the screen, from Jinson's sly approach to the actual theft of the chicken. She couldn't help but facepalm at her cat's antics. What if that chicken had been someone's only meal? She chuckled at the thought of being eaten alive by her conscience, all in her cat's defense.


She continued to skip through the timestamps, and eventually, she found herself watching a part of the video where Jinson was walking down a familiar path. It was a place she hadn't visited personally, yet it felt strangely recognizable from her cat's previous footage. The sight of the gate gave her pause as she realized where Jinson was heading.


"Oh no, he went here again." Soojin muttered to herself, her concern growing.


She hesitated, her fingers hovering over the keyboard of her laptop. A sense of unease washed over her as she watched, feeling as though she was once again intruding on someone’s privacy. Was this a form of stalking? Invasion of privacy? But she quickly dismissed the thought. It was purely coincidental that Jinson had ended up in this place. After all, he could have been wandering in the woods or exploring entirely new territory, but he didn't.


Soojin couldn't help but give in to her curiosity, wondering what lay beyond that gate—again.


As the video continued, Soojin watched intently as Jinson hopped over the gate and went straight to the familiar door she'd seen in her cat's previous escapades. It was ajar, and Soojin couldn't help but wonder why. Her curiosity grew with each passing second.


Jinson continued to roam around, and as the camera angle shifted, Soojin was presented with a view of the living room. It appeared largely unchanged from what she remembered, but there were a few notable differences. Several vases filled with fresh flowers adorned the room, lending a touch of color and freshness to the space. What a lovely addition.


The cat’s attention was then drawn to the other side of the living room, and what she saw there took her by surprise. A set of chemical glass bottles in different sizes and two dogs she previously seen—the two was sleeping soundly in a cute position, though the view was kind of intriguing, Soojin didn’t bother to be intrigued.




Jinson jolted at the sudden, piercing scream, and Soojin couldn't help but feel a rush of anxiety as her cat darted toward the source of the disturbance. She had never seen this part of Shuhua's apartment before. As far as she knew, it was restricted to the kitchen and living room.


Jinson paused at the door, greeted by a pair of swollen and reddish eyes that seemed to glisten with despair. The woman sitting on the bed was Shuhua, her face etched with a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. She sighed heavily before unleashing another agonizing cry.




Soojin was thoroughly perplexed. What on earth had transpired to put Shuhua in this state of distress?




Jinson let out a soft meow as he cautiously entered the room, clearly recognizing it as Shuhua's space. Soojin observed the room's decor, painted in a soothing beige with subtle hints of brown. It seemed to radiate Shuhua's energy, offering a warm and comforting ambiance.


Despite the presence of the cat and the intrusion of Shuhua's cries, the young woman showed no sign of stopping her tears, each sniffle a testament to her continued anguish. Soojin couldn't help but wonder what could be causing her this much pain and emotional turmoil.


The cat, seemingly curious about the earlier screams, hopped onto Shuhua's bed and began to intently observe her. As Shuhua shifted her attention to the cat, her swollen eyes, still b with tears, revealed a distraught and reddened nose. It was evident that she had been crying for quite some time. How cute.


As Soojin watched the scene unfold, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of empathy for Shuhua. It was clear that something was deeply troubling her, and Soojin wondered if there was any way she could help.


"Jojo, I'm not okay," Shuhua confided in Jinson, her voice heavy with sorrow, and Soojin couldn't help but wonder what had led to such a profound sense of despair. Did she need help? What could possibly be causing her so much distress?


As Shuhua turned her gaze to the right, she suddenly let out another piercing scream, sending chills down Soojin's spine. It was as if the woman was crying out in agony, but the cause remained a mystery. Shuhua continued to cry and scream, her voice now less loud but still filled with anguish. She reached for something to her right, clutching it with a mixture of confusion and sorrow.


Soojin's attention was drawn to the object in Shuhua's grasp, and she couldn't help but stifle a laugh as she understood what had just transpired. Her laughter was short-lived, however, as guilt washed over her.


The footage remained frozen, with Jinson seemingly concerned about Shuhua. It appeared he was genuinely worried about her well-being.


"Where is the 'happy reading' in this?" Shuhua lamented as she held up the book that Soojin had recommended the day before. "This is too much. I can't bear with this. I'm only halfway through, and it's already so heavy? Damn it! AAAAAAAAAAH!"




Shuhua suddenly paused, her screams giving way to a more curious expression as something fell from the book. It caught her attention, and she examined the rectangular object that had tumbled onto her bed.


Jinson, never one to pass up an opportunity to investigate, approached Shuhua and began to sniff at the mysterious item she held in her hands.


Soojin couldn't help but identify what Shuhua was holding. As she observed the unfolding situation, a sense of irony washed over her. Karma, you’re a . The footage displayed Shuhua staring intently at the rectangular object, seemingly captivated by it.


"Hell no, this is the pretty librarian from yesterday. Eh?” The woman in the footage mused, her eyes fixated on the item in her hand. “She’s kinda hot.” Soojin's embarrassment deepened as she realized the source of the mysterious object.


Overwhelmed with embarrassment and disbelief, Soojin immediately closed her laptop and covered her face with her hands. She couldn't understand why she had thought her creative endeavor was a good idea. Maybe printing your thirst-trap selfie as a bookmark wasn’t a good idea. especially if it had accidentally slipped into a public library book.


She just wanted to be creative and print something on her newly purchased printer that time.

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww this is gonna turn out so cute
64 streak #2
Chapter 1: Jinson is one curious ball of fluff and maybe a secret agent, who knows.

But in all seriousness, good job, author. The story is captivating even without any big mystery or drama. The mystery is where Jinson goes to and who is his other feeder or owner.

Soojin and the other person have seemed to have a liking for the fluffy companion. Attaching a camera to his collar is a good idea, though watching 7 hours of footage might seem boring, it is Jinson we are talking about and watching someone that cute and adventurous seems fun.