Don't Forget The Rules!

Yes, Boss!
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Around two years later…..


"Miss Kim!"

Oh God! 

"Miss Kim!"

Oh my ing God!


"What did I do this time?" Bomhyun's heels clicked faster on the shiny tiles as she was hearing her boss screaming his lungs out for her. And he sounded pissed, really pissed.

Although that guy sounded pissed almost ninety percent of the time. But still, her boss was pissed. And that only meant she was going to be showered with his angry flowers. 

She inhaled a huge amount of oxygen to prepare herself for the upcoming tsunami in the face of her boss and timidly entered into their cubicle, "Y-Yes, Mr. Byun?" 

There he was. Files scattered around his and her desks, arms crossed over his chest like an angry mother, dark brown hair looking like someone had played ping pong with them, and eyes….. holy his eyes, they were already set on her as he full-on glared at her. The Classic Byun Baekhyun.

Yeah, everyone, that's been her life here in K&K. 

 "Where were you?" The male gritted. "Why don't I ever find you whenever you're needed?" 

"W-Washroom, Boss!" Working under this impulsive guy, Bomhyun had learned a few tricks to avoid getting scolded by her boss or to save her from an upcoming reprimand. And the most effective one amongst those tricks was to use the excuse of ‘washroom’. Because as much hotheaded as this male was - especially with her - he would shut up most of the times she would utter this excuse. 

The male stopped looking at the one file that he had just retrieved from her drawer, and gave her a once over, his dark and judgemental eyes scanning her from top to bottom before settling on her chest- wait WHAT THE HELL! CHEST? "Yeah, I'm sure coffee tastes better when they are from the washroom, no?" He sarcastically gritted, definitely not so pleased. 

Oh! Oh ! 'So he wasn't looking at my chest! Phew!' Bomhyun let out a sigh of relief. Because no matter how annoying and scary Byun Baekhyun was, she kind of respected him as her supervisor; since as much as he would scold her and make her life a living hell with his outrageous demands of work, he was never unfair towards her, neither he was anything but respectful whenever it was to treat her as a woman. So if he was staring at her chest like a third class ert, her respect for this man would've definitely been washed out. And she didn't want it to happen, of course.  But another big OH ! Because her boss was actually staring at the mug of half drank coffee in her grasp, and that also meant her attempt to save her by lying about the washroom had gone to the heavens. And if it wasn't enough, she made eye contact with Jihyo from the other cubicle and that almost made her laugh out like a clown because that's how they were. Park Jihyo was her workplace bestie who joined the Finance team around a year ago, and they were just two dorks when they're together.

"Uhhh B-Boss, I did go to the washroom first!" Bomhyun stuttered but managed a brave reply to the intimidating man.  "B-But then-"

"Enough! Just find me the quarterly cash flow statements from the last eight years!" He raised a palm and stopped her before she could utter anymore bulls. He didn't need to hear her excuses, he just wanted his work done as soon as possible.

"E-Eight years?" Bomhyun doubled over upon hearing her supervisor's demand. As far as she knew, not even Byun Baekhyun used to work here eight years ago. He had been in this company for six years now. So why the hell was he looking for the cash flow statements which weren't even prepared by him? And how in the world she, the mere two years old employee, would find those old s? 

"I have handed over all the older files and their soft copies to you, Miss Kim. You have five minutes to look for them." He made a hand gesture towards his desk and stomped out of their shared transparent cubicle like the Big Boss he was. 

"Oh God!" Bomhyun sighed, feeling a nasty headache coming her way just by hearing his words. Five minutes? She had hundreds of documents - if not thousands - under her care, and there was no way she could trace the demanded documents within five minutes even if she knew where they were. And of course, Byun Baekhyun was also certainly aware of this fact, yet he still allocated five minutes for this, because that's how he was.

"Hey!" Jihyo peeped through the cubicle's door even though Bomhyun could've seen and heard her even if the younger girl was at her own desk.  "All good? He seemed really pissed!"

"Do I look good to you? He is a maniac! He wants me to find some statements from ing 2015!" Bomhyun groaned, massaging her temple as she plopped down on her chair and started the useless search for Mr. Byun's so-called cash flow statements which she was sure he didn't hand over to her. Working with him for almost two years, she had memorized almost all the documents he had given to her till this date. So there's no way she had those statements, neither the hard copies nor the ing soft copies. 

"Listen, I think it's high time you request the HR team to change your supervisor. You can't work with this psycho like this!" Jihyo sighed and advised like she'd always do. The younger girl would always wonder how could someone tolerate someone so ill-tempered like Byun Baekhyun.

"As if he'd let me go!" Bomhyun rolled her eyes as she remembered the few times when there was any opportunity for her to switch position and work under the other tolerable managers like Kim Heechul or Kim Jongdae, but Byun Baekhyun would never hear any of it. He was just too possessive over his team to let anyone come and pick one of his team members away. 

"I don't understand his obsession with keeping his team intact! On one hand, he yells at you and makes you look like an incompetent employee. On the other hand, he's clutching onto you guys as if you all are his personal plaything!" Jihyo wasn't alone to think like that. Sometimes, some days he would be so hard on Bomhyun that she'd wish for him to voluntarily let her go to the other teams. But no matter how much he'd reprimand her and how much he'd seem unhappy at her performance, he'd never ever utter anything about letting her leave his team. 

"It's just an office politics thing. Let's not fret over that now. I have to look for his files or he's gonna chew my head off once he's back!" Bomhyun sighed and started looking around the scattered files in hope to miraculously find the ones her boss needed.

"Best of luck! If you need any help I'm here!" Jihyo gave her a cheerful smile, hoping to send some positive energy towards the agitated looking girl.

"Jihyo, dear! If you're done putting ointment on your friend's wound, can you please come here and tend your own boss?" Kim Jongdae, the most friendly manager in the Finance team, who was also Park Jihyo's supervisor, called for the younger woman sarcastically. Kim Jongdae was truly the dream boss of every tortured employee-soul like Kim Bomhyun. He was the best example of a democratic leader. 

"Coming, Boss!" With that, Jihyo strutted away to help her supervisor in whatever he needed, leaving Bomhyun to dive in her own miseries.


Bomhyun was glad that Mr. Byun's five minutes lasted longer than fifteen minutes, thus she had the chance to search every nook and cranny of her and his desks. She didn't even forget to look into the third and last desk in their cubicle which belonged to her other team member Kim Seokjin, another of her senior colleagues working under Byun Baekhyun - and the guy was on leave today.  But all her attempts seemed to turn out futile. She had only managed to gather the needed documents till the year 2017, the years from which her boss had joined K&K. About the previous years, she had no freaking idea. And this fact was freaking her out. 

"Yo! Big Boss is coming! He seemed really mad. He was having an argument with The Kim Minseok, in his office!" Jongin alerted Bomhyun, it was their usual ritual to alert each other of things - this ritual was especially made for the sake of Bomhyun herself since she was the one who had to handle The Big Boss.

Jongin barely managed to warn her before there was a loud echo of shoes nearing her way. 

Bomhyun's heart rate paced faster knowing that her boss was here. She could literally feel the heat of his ill-temper from where she sat frozen.

"Have you found them?" He demanded as soon as he stepped in, his tone sharp and curt as expected. He was in his urgency mode, and that meant only one thing for Bomhyun as she knew she didn't complete her task. That was, hell would break loose. 

Bomhyun stood up as her boss was standing near her chair, it wouldn't look good if she remained sitting while her superior would keep standing there. She thanked God that her weak knees didn't give away the moment she stood up to face the glowering male. "B-Boss, I h-haven't found the older ones.." 

"What?" Within a millisecond, his features contoured into disbelief and anger, so he yelled at her face, making her take a timid step back. "You haven't? I gave them to you! You've lost all the important documents just like that? Are you an idiot? What will I say to the CEO now? Are you here to make my work easier or tougher?"

Bomhyun's lips trembled hearing his enraged words. Things were turning worse than she expected. While she was used to his angry outbursts whenever there'd be any obstacle to getting his expected work done, she had never seen him this pissed, at least he had never lashed out on her to this extent! "I d-didn't lose anything! I have all the documents you gave me. But… y-you didn't give me the older -"

"I clearly remember that I gave you those. Are you trying to blame your stupidity on your Boss? Just go away and resign if you don't feel like working! But don't give me these stupid false excuses!" The fuming male told her with as much rudeness as he could muster, not even caring how her eyes might've rimmed dangerously red with the upcoming tears. "Now why are you standing here and showing me your face? Go and enjoy your stupid coffee or something. I have to get my work done and keeping you here only makes it difficult!" 

Bomhyun could take only that much as she shakily bowed to her boss before dashing away to the women's restroom on their floor. 




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41 streak #1
Authornim, I really missed reading this story..🥹 hope you're doing well 💗
Chapter 3: Asdafadafqf holy , I’m so weak for boss Baekhyun 😭 he has no business being this hot while acting like an lol This story sounds like fun so far! 💃🏻✨
Jcdfdc4BBh #3
Chapter 2: Seems like he wants to make sure no one makes a move on her. Lol
Chapter 3: The story is really intriguing. I am so eating it!
Can't wait for future chapters to know how their story develops
Chapter 3: wwooooaaahh , this story is nice !
keep going , I will support you , can't wait to the next story
SummerLuv #6
Chapter 3: "Focus on me only", damn he sounded like a jealous and possessive boyfriend LOL. Baekhyun can be such a jerk, and his nice gestures would be ruined by his unfiltered mouth 😂
SummerLuv #7
Chapter 2: Even with responsibilities as the eldest in the family... man, salute her that she has lasted longer than 2 years 😂 but if the manager ain't firing her, maybe in his eyes, she's not that bad after all?
SummerLuv #8
Chapter 1: Hahahah clumsy subordinate and strict manager, this is gonna be fun 😂
Ashvitha99 #9
Chapter 3: Please update forbidden yet attracted story
CandyMintApple #10
Chapter 3: Ooo I really like this!! Curious what happened between her and her ex hmm