Prologue - You're Mine.

Yes, Boss!
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Today would be one of the best days for Kim Bomhyun, if not the best day. She was hoping for all the good luck today.

She had been offered a job at the K&K! And today she's going to officially join the company and start her first day there.

Okay, it's not like it was one of the biggest companies in Seoul, nor was it the type to be called someone's "Dream Company" to be working at. But it was still a matter of pride for her to be offered a permanent spot in the Finance team without even having to sit for an interview.

Well, for starters, she was already interviewed by them once, when she had applied for completing her internship there. There were a few alumni of her university in that company, thus her supervisor professor Ms. Kang had recommended for the best students to go there and grab the internship opportunity. And the key point was, Kim Bomhyun was one of the best students from her department. So, it will be easy to say that she held her position and performed impressively during her three months long internship. 

And now, around two weeks later, the kind and cute HR manager from K&K, Park Chanyeol, had just notified her that they would be offering her a job position in the finance team as they were in urgent need of an employee. 

Her family had been ecstatic. Her loving parents were proud of her as always. Her younger sisters were in the clouds, already making their wishlist of things they'd demand from their elder sister when she'll receive her first paycheck. Moreover, she herself was relieved. Her father's old cafe was barely hanging there, having served their family from day one till this date. So she was more than happy to be able to start contributing to her family and lessen the burden from her parent's shoulders. 


With the high spirits of good luck and a good day, Bomhyun reached the tall establishment of K&K just on time. She was instructed to wait at the HR floor, which was the second floor, so she went directly there. 

"Oye, it's you!" A comparably younger and familiar voice spoke up the moment she entered her destination. It was Kim Jongin, the younger looking boy who was another intern. Though, he had worked as an intern only for a month. And now he was waiting outside Park Chanyeol's office, just like how she was supposed to be. 

"Y-Yeah." Bomhyun gulped and managed to sit down beside the always smiling and friendly looking guy. She didn't remember Chanyeol saying anything about needing more than one employee. Did that mean they somehow managed to get hands on Kim Jongin after they'd talked to her? And now they wanted to recruit him instead of her? After all, she had been hearing rumors about this expensive looking guy that he was the heir of one of the directors. So, there's no way they were going to prioritize her over him! 

"You look like you've seen a ghost!" Jongin snapped his fingers in front of her face, which had her snap out of her fearful trance. 

"I… I didn't expect to see you again." She managed out a polite answer. She glanced at the clock, it was ten minutes past nine. Where the hell was Park Chanyeol? If he was going to break the thundering news to her, that they wouldn't be able to hire her like he'd promised yesterday, then he should come faster and do it. Sitting here and waiting for her doom felt more nerve wracking than facing the harsh reality. 

"That's sad. We should've kept contact after ending our internship here! Though it didn't seem possible, you used to be so busy that I could hardly approach you!" The chatty male pointed out. He was too cheerful and Bomhyun wasn't liking it even a bit. "Give me your phone!" Then the male snatched the phone out of her grasp and started typing something. "Here, it's my contact number. Seems like we're going to be real colleagues now, so we should definitely have each other's numbers!" He smoothly returned her phone and winked at her playfully. 

Bomhyun's mouth was kept hung open at the easy moves of this dude. He was right though, they didn't speak much other than occasional formal greetings when they used to work here as interns. Thus it was harder for her to decipher whether this guy was this cheerful and playful with everyone around him or he was just a playboy who was good at getting what he wanted. She also wanted to correct him that they most probably weren't going to be colleagues, because she clearly remembered Chanyeol mentioning about one vacant spot in the Finance team. But before she could do it, loud and hurried footsteps resonated somewhere around them, indicating that someone was coming.

"Sorry guys, I've made you wait longer than expected!" A huffing deep voice interrupted whatever weird situation Bomhyun had found herself into. The tall male bent halfway to pat his thighs as if he had just ran his way whether he was coming from. "The Finance team's managers would be here after a few minutes. So let's get done with the agreements and all the formal s." Upon getting his panting self together, he opened his office room and gestured for the two rookies to enter. 


Within the next ten minutes, Bomhyun and Jongin were done signing their job agreements. And hurray for Bomhyun, because she wasn't getting rejected because of some heir kid. So, for now, she wasn't feeling any discomfort at the presence of Kim Jongin here. 

"By the way, do we get to choose our supervisor?" Jongin swirled the offered cup of coffee and asked. When they were interns, they weren't designated to any specific team. They even had a separate room to work on whatever they were told to. And most of the time, it would be Kim Jongdae, one of the managers, who would bring the work for them. Other than Kim Jongdae, there were two other managers in their Finance team. They were introduced to the whole Finance team on the first day. But other than seeing those members during lunch break or in any official program, and occasionally hearing them talking or yelling, the interns didn't have much idea about the said team. 

"As if! The ma

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41 streak #1
Authornim, I really missed reading this story..🥹 hope you're doing well 💗
Chapter 3: Asdafadafqf holy , I’m so weak for boss Baekhyun 😭 he has no business being this hot while acting like an lol This story sounds like fun so far! 💃🏻✨
Jcdfdc4BBh #3
Chapter 2: Seems like he wants to make sure no one makes a move on her. Lol
Chapter 3: The story is really intriguing. I am so eating it!
Can't wait for future chapters to know how their story develops
Chapter 3: wwooooaaahh , this story is nice !
keep going , I will support you , can't wait to the next story
SummerLuv #6
Chapter 3: "Focus on me only", damn he sounded like a jealous and possessive boyfriend LOL. Baekhyun can be such a jerk, and his nice gestures would be ruined by his unfiltered mouth 😂
SummerLuv #7
Chapter 2: Even with responsibilities as the eldest in the family... man, salute her that she has lasted longer than 2 years 😂 but if the manager ain't firing her, maybe in his eyes, she's not that bad after all?
SummerLuv #8
Chapter 1: Hahahah clumsy subordinate and strict manager, this is gonna be fun 😂
Ashvitha99 #9
Chapter 3: Please update forbidden yet attracted story
CandyMintApple #10
Chapter 3: Ooo I really like this!! Curious what happened between her and her ex hmm