Chapter 16 : I Love Her

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9 pm


A week had passed since their return from Jeju, and it had also been a week since Irene last saw the young novelist.


Irene wanted to stay at home, focusing on caring for her sister Yerim. She spent her time cooking meals for Yerim, driving her to and from the university, engaging in random conversations, and taking leisurely strolls in the park. Irene was determined to make up for the time they had lost due to her busy schedule at the hospital.


She also started to spend her time researching about Seungwan’s cancer. Being one of the best graduates of one of the best medical schools in the world, Irene had access to an extensive array of medical research data, She even embarked on writing her own paper and initiated personal research on treatment options for Seungwan's illness, collaborating with her former professors. Irene doesn’t know why, but something inside her told her to do this.


Though she did enjoy hanging out with her sister and spending her time on her research, there's no denying that after her heartfelt confession to the young novelist, she missed her just a tad more. So when Seungwan asked her whether she wanted to accompany the young novelist to meet and play with Hyunjoo, Irene got excited, Very excited


Irene was never fond of wearing dresses, it’s uncomfortable and such a hassle to wear. More often than not, she'd opt for practical clothing like jeans paired with shirts or blouses covered by a coat.


But this time, Irene wanted to feel pretty for once. She lined up her collection of dresses—only five pieces strong—and brought them to the living room for a proper ironing session. She even went the extra mile to consult her sister about which dress she should wear the following day.


“Unnie, are you going on a date tomorrow?” Yerim's innocent curiosity cut through the air as she munched on her chips from the sofa.


Irene was caught completely off guard by the unexpected query, almost choking on her own breath. “A date?” She managed to blurt out, clearly taken aback.


Yerim pointed her chip-laden finger towards the array of dresses Irene had brought out, now neatly hung for ironing. A sly smile played on the younger sister's lips. “You never iron your clothes at this hour, and you've got only dresses out. That usually means something special,” Yerim began her playful deduction.


“There's no party or event that you need to attend as far as I know, and we both know that Joy unnie is busy with her date with Seulgi unnie. Plus, you haven't mentioned any particular movies you're interested in right now. So, that leaves us with two options: either you're attending a wedding, which isn't really in the cards, or... you're going on a date. And my guess? It's the latter,” Yerim concluded, her grin growing wider.


Irene could only chuckle at her sister's keen observation and reasoning. “You have quite the detective skills, Yerim-ah. But no, it's not a date. Seungwan asked me to accompany her to visit and play with Hyunjoo tomorrow” She told the truth, but her expression might have betrayed her just a little.


Although I think I wouldn’t mind if this were a date


“Hyunjoo? Who's she?” Yerim asked curiously.


Irene took a moment to collect her thoughts, her gaze softening with memories. “She's one of the patients in my department. Dr. Aeri is overseeing her treatment. Just like Seungwan, she's battling cancer. I remember one day Seungwan found her crying in the cherry blossom garden. It was the time when Hyunjoo's hair started to shed, and she felt like she was losing her beauty.” Irene's voice held a touch of sadness and empathy as she spoke.


Yerim leaned in closer, captivated by the story unfolding. “Tell me more, unnie,” she urged.


With a gentle smile, Irene continued, “Seungwan comforted her. She let Hyunjoo touch her own hair, and because Seungwan was also experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy, it was a profound moment of connection. Hyunjoo was shocked to realize that Seungwan had the same condition as her.”


Understanding glinted in Yerim's eyes. “And then?”


“Seungwan asked her if she thought Seungwan was ugly, and Hyunjoo said no. That's when Seungwan told her that she was beautiful, just as beautiful as Seungwan herself. She made Hyunjoo see the beauty in herself, despite her condition. And from that moment, Hyunjoo stopped crying and started to smile,” a warm smile gracing her lips.


“After that, I noticed Seungwan getting closer to her. Every now and then, she'd visit Hyunjoo, spending time with her, playing games, before heading back to her room and I would always be there to keep an eye for Seungwan because she herself was still in her chemotherapy”


Yerim nodded, a sense of admiration in her expression. “Seungwan unnie is such an amazing person isn’t she?”


“She truly is,” Irene responded, her voice carrying a soft note of melancholy.


Yerim detected the shift in the atmosphere and gently probed, “Is she going to be okay?”


“I... She's going to be okay,” Irene replied, but her hesitation didn't escape Yerim's notice.


“Unnie, this is the first time I've sensed doubt from you about a patient,” Yerim remarked.


Irene let out a sigh, her emotions laid bare. “Because she's not just my patient anymore, Yerim-ah. She's become more than that to me. I care for her, I like her, I like being around her, and that's why I've started to worry about how much time I have left with her.”


Unbeknownst to Irene, Yerim had caught on to something


“Unnie, you said you like her?” The young Bae asked her sister


Irene nodded


“What if I told you that you're actually falling for her?” Yerim's gaze held a knowing affection.


“Falling for her?” Irene repeated, her brow furrowing slightly.


Yerim smiled affectionately, patting her sister's head, “Yup, as in falling in love with her”


Irene found herself at a loss for words, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion.


Seeing her sister in confusion, the young Bae let out a small chuckle.


“Unnie, do you realize how your face lights up when you talk about her? The softness in your voice, the sparkle in your eyes... it's different, unnie. You're usually so composed, but when you talk about her, you’re all... let's say, not so composed.” Yerim started


“You've always been cautious with your emotions, unnie. It's rare to see you feeling scared, uncertain, or hesitant. But when it comes to Seungwan unnie, it's like a different side of you emerges. You appear anxious, sometimes frustrated, you hesitate, and you seem lost in thought. This isn't just a mere crush, unnie. It's not just a simple like. You've already fallen in love with her.”


Love... Is that what it is? But honestly, I’m not even sure what love really means. I know I like her, I care for her, I want her to be okay, to be healthy, to be close to me, and I enjoy her company, but does that mean that I love her? Irene questioned herself.


“See? Even right now, after your supposedly grand confession, you are still in doubt about your feeling” Yerim teasingly points out.


Turning her attention to her sister, the young professor asked, “Yerim-ah, what do you think love is?”


Irene's head shook gently, “Hold on, let me rephrase that. What does falling in love feel like? How can you tell that you're in love with someone?”


The young Bae pondered for a moment before continuing, “I'm not entirely sure, but isn't love a feeling that makes you willing to do things you hate, just because that person needs it?”


I do that for Seungwan


“Isn’t it when you're content with them sleeping comfortably, even if it means you're in an awkward position.”


I do. I don't mind being uncomfortable if it means Seungwan can rest peacefully.


“It's when you muster the strength to question your own beliefs because, when you're with them, it doesn't feel as intimidating. And even when you face an obstacle with them, you embrace them gladly and not because they told you to; but because you wanted to.  Isn't that what love might be?”


I do, I… I’m scared to love but for some reason, I'm not as afraid to explore love if it means with Seungwan. Goddess, Is this really love? Am I really falling in love with her?


Yerim's voice softened as she added, “It may seem overwhelming, unnie, but have you ever considered that possibility? Have you thought about it?”


However, uncertainty still lingered in the young professor's heart. “But Love doesn’t come this fast, right? Don’t you need time to say that you love someone?”


Yerim's chuckle held a hint of warmth. “Fast? Unnie, you need 12 years for you to be able to consider love again! Why? Is it because you only met Seungwan unnie over a month ago?”


Irene's nod was faint, her vulnerability on display.


“Unnie, for the past month, you spent almost all of your time with her, you learned who she is, what kind of person she is, you started to care for her, and luckily, you learned from her about love, about how to love, you learn that love isn’t that scary because of her, so it is natural for you to fall in love with her this fast”


“Besides,” Yerim continued, “there is no too fast or too late if it’s truly love. Especially with Seungwan unnie.”


“You have a long time left unnie, you have the privilege of time. But Seungwan unnie? You know just how much time she has left. She might wrestle with her feelings for a lifetime if you two don't act quickly.”


With determination, Yerim concluded, “You've already confessed your feelings. You're at a point where you're willing to explore love again, where you're brave enough to embark on this journey.  So, why not take a leap of faith, unnie? Act on your feelings, don't let fear hold you back.”


“Don’t just tell her you like her, because you’re not. Show her that you love her and that you’ll always be there for her. Remember, Seungwan unnie's time is limited, don’t waste that just because you’re scared unnie, because you’re still unsure, Trust me, you’ll regret it”


Irene allowed herself a moment to let Yerim's words settle, calming herself, organizing her thoughts and feelings that once again, were being rattled because of the Young novelist.


As Irene collected her thoughts, Yerim casually returned to the sofa, resuming her munching on chips. She looked innocently at her sister and quipped, “Take your time, unnie, but keep my words in mind. Anyway, can I tag along tomorrow?”


“Wow, Squirt, I’m impressed. After making me question my life choices, you’re back to being your innocent self,” Irene remarked, a fondness in her tone.


“What?” Yerim asked innocently, widening her eyes, “I just wanted to tag along tomorrow. I want to meet my Seungwan unnie too!”


Irene lifts up her eyebrows, “My Seungwan unnie?”


And Yerim just smiled sheepishly


The young professor shook her head and sighed affectionately “Of course, you can, Squirt. But don’t you have class tomorrow?”


The young Bae snorted, “Nah, I can afford to miss a couple of classes. Besides, don’t you remember that I have a perfect GPA, unnie? A couple of absences won’t change that!”


“Sure you are, Squirt. Sure you are,” Irene replied, shaking her head with an amused smile.


I really need to sort out my feelings faster, I can’t afford to waste too much time. but if this is really love, then I really don’t mind falling in love with you Son Seungwan, I really do.




10 am


The Baes are in the parking lot of the young novelist's apartment, waiting for Seungwan to come down to meet them. They’re going to the hospital to play with Hyunjoo today.


Luck was on their side, as the weather was delightful – not overly cold, with a beautiful sky that painted just another gorgeous day in Seoul.


Irene's fingers toyed with her dress nervously, a sign of her inner jitters. "Yerim-ah, do I look alright? I'm not used to wearing dresses," she confessed to her sister.


Yerim nodded. “You look absolutely stunning, unnie. I must admit, Seungwan unnie is quite lucky. Convincing you to wear a dress isn't a small achievement. What's even more impressive is that she didn't even have to ask; you did it just to impress her!” Yerim teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.


“Yah!” Irene protested, though there was a hint of shyness in her tone.


“I'm not wrong, am I? Oh, wait, there's Seungwan unnie,” Yerim exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the approaching young novelist.


“Hi, Seungwan-ah,” Irene greeted the young novelist with a warm smile.


“Seungwan unnieeeeee!!!” Yerim's enthusiasm was palpable as she lunged forward to embrace ‘Her’ Seungwan unnie.

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Hi guys! what do you think about the story so far? Do you enjoy the format? Like i said in the foreword that this is still in early stage of writing cuz i'm still trying to find my style. Don't worry i have the story laid out already and will be finishing it. I just wondering what do you guys think


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Dear author. We are looking forward to read the next chapter. 💙
Read this story again 🥹
Chapter 22: Wow so many emotions, I'm really looking forward to the unfold of this story 💞
Chapter 14: Oh god each chapter I find myself tearing up 💞 authornim you write si beautifully I love it so much
That's really addictive. I'm looking forwart to read the next chapter. What will happen then? You're doing a really great job, keep writing, dear author. I want you to know that your fanfic is really good and makes my heart melt.
Chapter 22: Seungwan finally acknowledges her own feelings, and opening herself up to her family.....😩

Anyhow, welcome back and no worries about the writings.
1692 streak #7
Chapter 22: I'm glad Seungwan open up more, but who sent the documents beside Seulgi? Anyhoo I'm happy you're updating again~
coynotcoi #8
Chapter 21: Welcome Back Author! Looking forward to your next update!
Chapter 21: 🙌🙌🙌🙌
Chapter 21: Welcome back author! We'te always here waiting so don't worry and take your time writing. ^_^