Chapter 14 : Jeju Episode 3

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7 am


Seungwan slowly fluttered her eyes open, allowing them to adjust to the bright sunlight streaming in through the window. The soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore, the gentle chirping of birds, and a distant commotion on the floor below filled her ears from the comfort of her bedroom.


Well, judging from the sound, I guess Seulgi is trying to cook. Let’s hope she’s not going to burn the kitchen - Seungwan thought to herself.


Seungwan had gone to bed early yesterday. After the group had enjoyed their dinner, they decided to have a movie night at the villa. Yerim was eager to watch the new Avengers movie,


Initially, Seungwan also wanted to join them and watch the movie. But her body demanded an early rest. So, she had opted to retreat to her bedroom for the night.


“Euakkk… aigoo… euahhh” The young novelist groans as she stretches her body.


After a few minutes, Seungwan finally rose from her bed and made her way downstairs to the first floor.


In this villa, the stairway leading to the second floor was situated in the living room, and the kitchen is connected to the living room with an archway.


As she descended the stairs, Seungwan was immediately greeted by the sight of the ever-enthusiastic Yerim and her best friend engaged in a game of Uno, their laughter filling the air.


huh? She’s here? So who is in the kitchen  Seungwan wondered to herself.


“Morning Bear… Yerimie” She greeted the duo.


Seulgi and Yerim turned their attention toward her, offering warm smiles.


“Good morning Wan!”


“Oh! Good morning Seungwan unnie!”


They greeted the young novelist from the sofa.


“Sseul? Who’s in the kitchen?” Seungwan asked her best friend.


“Ah! Irene unnie is in the kitchen, she’s cooking our breakfast” Seulgi answered.


Yerim then added, “We wanted to help but unnie said that she wanted to cook the breakfast herself and she doesn’t want the kitchen to burn. Sooo, we just stay here and played uno”


The young novelist chuckled, “Well, she had the same idea as me. I don’t know about Yerim but the last time Seulgi tried to cook, she almost burn her entire apartment” Seungwan mused.


“Okay, I’ll check the kitchen,” Seungwan told the duo before slowly walking toward the kitchen.






Seungwan finds herself standing in the archway quietly observing the young professor who is now immersed in her cooking effort in the kitchen.


Though Irene might have noticed, Seungwan is actively trying to avoid meeting the young professor as much as she can. And to be honest, "trying" was the keyword here, as avoiding Irene on this vacation proved to be a tough feat.


Lately, it seemed like Irene was becoming more attentive, or at least Seungwan thought so, even though she wasn't entirely sure.


The reason why Seungwan wanted to avoid Irene is because she was scared and doesn’t want to be too attached to the young professor. But annoyingly, Irene's behavior since last night's dinner doesn’t exactly make it any easier for the young novelist.


Seungwan doesn’t know what happened, but the young professor seemed to laugh more and smiled at her more, Irene even put some meat and kimchi in her spoon one time.


But, Seungwan can’t lie to herself. Irene is beautiful, and beyond that, she was genuinely amazing, with a personality that shone brightly.


During the ride from the airport to the villa, Yerim shared how Irene would rush home from school to cook dinner for her and their father, given that their mom rarely came home. And after dinner, when Irene headed off to her part-time job, Yerim would wait up for her sister, sometimes until midnight.


That story alone proved just how amazing the young professor as a person is, deepening her admiration for the young professor. Which for Seungwan, is a dangerous feeling.


As the scent of the meal Irene was preparing wafted through the air, Seungwan found herself torn between wanting to keep her distance and an unexplainable desire to just stand there and watch.


Suddenly, “Hi Seungwan-ah!” Irene greeted her softly with a bright smile. Shocking the young novelist.


Seungwan cast her eyes down, not able to meet the young professor's gaze


“I.. uhh… hi unnie” Seungwan answered awkwardly.


Irene tilted her head, “Anything wrong Seungwan-ah?”


Seungwan quickly shook her head, “No unnie, I just wanted to check the kitchen. I didn’t mean to disturb you, I.. uhh.. I’ll leave you to it”


When the young novelist wanted to leave the kitchen, Irene suddenly grab her hand and turn Seungwan's body to face her.


Irene then put her hand on Seungwan’s forehead before saying, “No fever, but you’re acting weird again today Seungwan-ah”


Retracting her hand, Irene continues “Just sit there on the stool, I’ll prepare your tea. The breakfast is almost done”


Seungwan who was holding her breath just nodded dumbly.


Son Seungwan, she just wanted to check if you had a fever, control yourself!






“You've been acting a bit oddly around me since yesterday, Seungwan-ah,” Irene mentioned casually as she brew some tea for the young novelist.


“I… I don’t know what are you talking about unnie”


Irene's smile was gentle as she handed over the tea to Seungwan. “Let's see... You avoid direct eye contact when we talk, our words seem to stumble a bit, and you seem to be awkward around me. You’ve never done that in the hospital”


Taking the offered tea, Seungwan murmured a small “Thank you unnie”


Irene nodded thoughtfully, a hint of concern in her eyes. “You're welcome. But are you sure everything's alright? If I've done something to upset you or if you're feeling uncomfortable around me, please let me know. After all, we're here on vacation, Seungwan-ah, and the goal is for everyone to enjoy themselves, right?”


Hearing that, Seungwan felt guilty because she made the young professor feel that way


See? Now you just make her worried for nothing just because you can’t control yourself. Great job Son Seungwan! The young novelist cursed herself


Finally mustering the courage to meet Irene's gaze, Seungwan managed a reassuring smile and softly said, “No, unnie, it's not because of you. I'm just... I don’t know what happened to me.”


Well it is because of you, I’m scared I may get to attached to you like I am to Seulgi and I’ll eventually hurt you when I leave


Irene's smile returned, warm and understanding. “Alright, take your time. But remember, if anything bothers you or if I unintentionally do something wrong, please tell me. You made a promise, remember?”


“Okay, unnie,” Seungwan agreed, her assurance holding a mix of relief and gratitude.


“Oh, by the way,” Irene chimed in, her attention back to the cooking. “I've prepared pancakes for breakfast. Is that okay?”


Seungwan nodded, her smile genuine. “Pancakes are great, unnie. Thank you.”


“Perfect, they'll be ready soon.”






“So, where is Sana and Eunbi?” Irene asked as they eat at the breakfast


“They’re going on a date” Joy responded


Irene's eyebrows raised, clearly surprised, “DATE? They’re dating?”


Joy quickly clarified, her eyes widening. “No, no, unnie, You misunderstood. it’s not a Date-Date, it’s a friendly date, they told me they wanted to go around and eat all the food they can find, so they took the car and leave”


“Ahhhh, okay” Irene nodded


Seungwan chuckled while Seulgi and Yerim pay no attention, they remained blissfully focused on their pancakes without a care in the world.


Seungwan closed her book, placing it gently on the table, before turning to her best friend. “So, what’s our plan for today Manager-nim?”


Seulgi mumbled with full of pancakes, her words barely comprehensible. “Weghotoamusentwark…”


“YAH! Chew your food first before talking you dumb bear!”


With an obedient nod, Seulgi swallowed her food. “Sorry, this pancake is amazing unnie! It’s comparable to Seungwan’s and Seungwan’s pancakes are my favorite, so that’s saying something!”


A chuckle escaped Irene's lips, “Thank you Seulgi, I’m glad that you like it”


Seungwan turned her attention back to Seulgi. “So, about our plans today?”


Seulgi's eyes lit up with excitement. “Ah right! Just as I said earlier, we’re going to visit the amusement park today, and at dinner, we’ll eat fresh Abalone and seafood sashimi”


“An amusement park?”


Seulgi nodded eagerly, “Uh-huh, when is the last time we visit one, Wan-ah?”


“Uhh, during our college year right?”


“Exactly!” Seulgi exclaimed. She turned her attention to Yerim. “How about you, Yerim-ah?”


Yerim pondered for a moment. “I think it was back when we were in England, right Joohyun unnie.” She then looked at Irene for confirmation.


Irene smiled and nodded, “Yes, during my summer break. I took Yerim to one then. Sorry squirt for not having much time to spare for you lately”


Yerim shook her head with an understanding and warm smile. “It's okay, unnie. I'm proud of you,” she said before shifting her focus back to Seulgi. “So, yeah, that's probably around two years ago for me and Joohyun unnie.”


Seulgi turns her attention to Joy“And how about you Joy-ah?”


“Don’t ask me” the young resident sighs, “Because of this very kind and compassionate Professor who happened to be my best friend, I’ve never been anywhere aside from home or the hospital for the last two years”


“See? Since we’ve been so busy with our life, we tend to forget to do something for ourselves. So it’s a great idea to visit one and just have fun right? It’s a vacation anyway!” Seulgi told the young novelist.


Seungwan nodded, “Okay bear, lead the way!”






10 am


“Wan-ah! Yerimie! Look at that headbands! It’s so cute!” Seulgi's voice brimmed with enthusiasm.


“Joy unnie! Look at that chicken hat! It’s so cute, I’m buying it for you!” Yerim also chimed in, teasing the young resident.


Joy retaliated with a mock glare. “Oh, really? If I'm going to be the chicken, then you're definitely carrying around that ridiculous turtle backpack!”


The group was at the amusement park, patiently waiting for their turn to purchase some charming merchandise from a stall. While Seungwan and Irene are calm and composed.  Seulgi was her usual energetic self, and then, there is the Chaos team, Yerim and Joy.


The young novelist is walking with Irene, following the trio that is jumping excitedly from behind and Seungwan couldn't help but smile as she watched her best friend's infectious excitement.


Meanwhile, Irene muttered under her breath “God, I beg you, please tell those two to not get into any trouble”


The young novelist can help but laugh, “Irene unnie, is Yerim and Joy that much trouble for you?” she asked the young professor.


Irene let out a sigh, her tone exasperated.  “Ugh! Don’t remind me. There is a reason why I call Sooyoung ‘devil spawn’. When she and Yerim team up, only god knows what will happen.”


“One time, I walked in on Yerim with her hand stuck inside a claw machine, and Sooyoung was on the verge of tears trying to help her out. Can you imagine? Getting your hand stuck in a claw machine—how does that even happen in the first place?”


Seungwan smiled at the story, “Well, let’s just hope Seulgi can help to control them then”


“Oh I wish Seungwan-ah, I really wish”






“Unnie! You have to wear this bunny headband!” Yerim exclaimed.


“A bunny headband? Really squirt?”


But Yerim doesn’t pay attention and just places the bunny ear headband on her sister's head.


“See? It suits you so much unnie! It’s so cute!!” Yerim told her sister.


Seungwan who is observing the interaction nodded unconsciously


Yerim is absolutely right, You’re cute Irene unnie


A blush crept onto Irene's cheeks, catching Seungwan's attention. “I... umm... thank you, Seungwan-ah,” Irene stammered, her voice soft and shy.


Perplexed, Seungwan asked, “Huh? Why are you thanking me, unnie?”


Irene's gaze dropped, a bashful smile tugging at her lips. “Well, you said I look cute,” she confessed, her admission tinged with embarrassment.




This time it's Seungwan's turn to feel bashful. “It’s nothing, unnie,” she said, her eyes now fixed on the ground.


Seulgi and Joy joined them, adding to the whimsical scene. Seulgi wore a bear headband while holding a puppy ear headband in her hand. Joy sported a hat crowned by a yellow rubber chicken, and in her hands, she held a large turtle shell backpack and a matching hat adorned with a rubber turtle.


“You're wearing this, squirt!” the young resident declared to Yerim.


“Make me!” Yerim challenged, and suddenly the two of them were embroiled in a game of catch-me-if-you-can.


Meanwhile, Seulgi calmly handed Seungwan a cute puppy ear headband. “Because I'm a bear and you are my Wan-puppy, you should wear this, Wan-ah.”


Normally, Seungwan might object if Seulgi called her a puppy, but today, all she wanted was to embrace t

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Hi guys! what do you think about the story so far? Do you enjoy the format? Like i said in the foreword that this is still in early stage of writing cuz i'm still trying to find my style. Don't worry i have the story laid out already and will be finishing it. I just wondering what do you guys think


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Dear author. We are looking forward to read the next chapter. 💙
Read this story again 🥹
Chapter 22: Wow so many emotions, I'm really looking forward to the unfold of this story 💞
Chapter 14: Oh god each chapter I find myself tearing up 💞 authornim you write si beautifully I love it so much
That's really addictive. I'm looking forwart to read the next chapter. What will happen then? You're doing a really great job, keep writing, dear author. I want you to know that your fanfic is really good and makes my heart melt.
Chapter 22: Seungwan finally acknowledges her own feelings, and opening herself up to her family.....😩

Anyhow, welcome back and no worries about the writings.
1703 streak #7
Chapter 22: I'm glad Seungwan open up more, but who sent the documents beside Seulgi? Anyhoo I'm happy you're updating again~
coynotcoi #8
Chapter 21: Welcome Back Author! Looking forward to your next update!
Chapter 21: 🙌🙌🙌🙌