Baby Steps To Uncovering The Secret


Jisoo woke up with a banging headache, shocked that she was in bed when the last thing she remembered was being in the living hall with her mother, talking about the date she had with Seulgi yesterday. 

She shook her head, trying to compose herself before getting out from bed. Being awake slightly later than usual, she saw her parents at the dining table, already halfway through their breakfast. 

Jisoo greeted her parents as she sat next to her father and opposite her mother. 

"Darling, are you seeing Seulgi?" said her mother, as Jisoo was being served her traditional korean breakfast by Mrs Im. 

Jisoo shook her head, replying, "the date was not the best that I had yesterday." 

She soon felt a sense of Déjà vu. To that, she asked, "what happened yesterday when I was back home?"

Her mother nonchantly said after putting down her chopsticks, "you came in saying that you had a terrible headache and Mrs Im helped you to your room."

Although unconvinced, she decided to believe her mother and not probe any further. She drank a spoonful of soybean paste, hoping that the warmth could at least ease the uneasiness she felt.

Her father gave a pat on her back but what he did next did not ease her discomfort. He passed the newspaper to her and asked, "are you sure that you are not seeing Seulgi?"  

She took the newspaper and eyes were widened too widely when she saw that a picture of Seulgi holding her hand at the restaurant was on the frontpage with the headline 'Gyeongju Corporation's CEO Kim Jisoo seen on an intimate date with A list actress, Kang Seulgi'. 

She shook her head and seeing that his daughter was not at the best state, Mr Kim told the younger Kim, "take a day off today. I will get the PR team to liase with Seulgi's company to decide on what to release for the press statement to dismiss the claims of the paparazzi."

Mrs Kim decided to intervene, saying, "wouldn't this just embarrass Seulgi since she was holding Jisoo's hand yet our daughter is going to claim that they are not seeing each other? Gyeongju's 20th anniversary is coming up and our daughter doesn't have a date. Let's just tell the media that they are together. We can always release a statement of the breakup after the 20th anniversary." 

Mr Kim shook his head furiously, not agreeing to what Mrs Kim said and replied with certainty as if the previous course of action will be final.

"If our daughter says that she isn't seeing Seulgi, she isn't. Besides, hand holding doesn't mean much in this day and age." 

Jisoo could only sigh in relief that her father did not agree to her mother's idea. The family continued to eat, albeit in silence and an atmosphere of awkwardness, especially with how displeased Mrs Kim looked. 


Jennie was called in for another impromptu job. 

She had been preparing for Gyeongju's 20th anniversary photoshoot. She had met with the event organisers to recee the venue and discuss on important details of the photoshoot such as the timeline and the important people to take pictures of. She had managed to sneak some hidden pinhole camera at the ballroom. Finally, it was a break from the big event that she had to prepare for. 

However, the phone call she had received had got to be the worst job assignment. She was not very excited as it was a yacht party and one thing for sure was that she has terrible sea sickness that even pills would not work on her. She tried very hard to decline the job but her company was not taking no for an answer with the reason that it pays very well.

Jennie grudgingly packed her bag for the job and left, not having any food to prevent herself from throwing up anything unpleasant later.


Jennie was trying so hard to concentrate on taking pictures of the rich having their wild yacht party. There were couples making out at little corners and at the deck while the majority were drinking and playing games inside. She was dragged by women to help take pictures of them in their bikinis, some solo pictures, some in groups and some were couple pictures with their respective beaus.

After taking a couple of pictures in a very unpleasant state, she wanted to head to the bathroom but was stopped when lady was pulling her to the entrance of the yacht. It turns out that Jisoo had arrived at the party and the lady in bikini wanted to be the first person to take a picture with the richest chaebol in the country. 

Seriously, why doesn't things go smoothly when it comes to you. 

Jisoo smirked when she saw Jennie, pleasant to see an acquitance she knew from a sea of people that she barely knew. However, her mood was ruined when Jennie vomitted at her, once they were within arm's length. She was annoyed at Jennie and almost lost her cool until she saw how terrible the other person looked. 

She must have been holding in her sea sickness. 

The woman in bikini pulled Jisoo away from Jennie and tried to help her but Jisoo gently pushed the other woman away. She went to the washroom to clean up and change back into her office wear. 

Jennie, on the other hand, was very embarrassed but went to the washroom to wash up and also wait for Jisoo outside the cubicle.

As soon as Jisoo was outside, Jennie immediately apologised but the other calmly brushed it off but reminded the other, "don't take on such jobs if you have sea sickness."

Jisoo then changed the subject and asked, pointing to the camera that Jennie was holding, "how's that new lens? Must be good eh, since I paid for it."

The other could only roll her eyes and replied, "it's a better lens but your $1000 was only able to cover a fraction of it."

Disbelieving what she heard, she asked, "what? How much is this?"

 "$5000 and the previous one was $3000."

Jisoo put out her hand and Jennie cocked an eyebrow not understanding the gesture until Jisoo asked for her phone. Jennie pulled out her regular phone and passed it to the other. Rather than repeating what she did the first time they met, Jisoo saved her own number on Jennie's phone. She made call to her phone so that she could save Jennie's number.With Jennie's phone number saved in her phone, Jisoo could transfer $4000 to make up for the amount that she failed to compensate previously.

"Seriously, is this our way of getting someone's phone number?"  Asked Jennie as she saw a SMS notification regarding a transaction made by Jisoo to her mobile wallet after getting her phone back.

"You are too full of yourself," said Jisoo with a laughter and told the other before heading towards the exit, "have fun, thanks for giving me an excuse to miss this party."

Jennie smiled and bid the rich chaebol goodbye before heading back to work. 

Maybe I could do some hacking later.

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 3: Good thing Mr Kim didn't agree with his wife or that will bring a bigger problem for Jisoo and her future...
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 2: interesting *sips tea*
Chapter 2: I can only imagine how painful it was to lose both parents. Especially knowing that one moment was your last goodbye.

At least now she has a chance to uncover the mystery.
Also something is going on with Jisoo. I wonder who that person whom she hasn’t moved on from is.
1120 streak #4
Chapter 2: I also think it wasn't an accident maybe the hired bodyguards are spies or atleast one of them ... And maybe her parents are also agents or spies and the one who got them killed are their counterparts...
1120 streak #5
Chapter 1: Agent Jennie is cool😎😎😎 looking forward to the next chap 😁😁😁
Chapter 1: Their meeting was a hectic one, with Jisoo breakimg Jennie’s camera.

Who would had guessed that their fates would become even more entangled!
1120 streak #7
Authy when will you update?