Secret Agent


Jennie lay down on her bed and look the photo frame that was on her nightstand. The picture was her last family photo with her parents during their trip to Rome.

"Mom, Dad, I hope that you two are happy in heaven," she whispered and hugged the photo tightly as she missed her parents on this particular night. 

Her parents passed away 5 years ago in a supposed traffic accident when they were away on a trip to Thailand. The accident was tragic whereby the truck driver that crashed the car, which her parents were in, and her parents both died. The truck suffered in huge damage especially at the front while the car that her parents were in was overturned and burst into flames. As the police did not find evidence of foul play in the truck and no evidence could be gathered from the burnt remains of the car, they decided to conclude it as an unfortunate accident and closed the case.

However, Jennie was not convinced that it was an accident as her parents hired bodyguards during their trip and oddly enough the truck driver died in the accident from a deep cut to the carotoid artery that looked too clean to be done by shattered tempered glass. 

From then on, Jennie gave up her high flying job as a investment broker and decided to train to become an agent of the International Secret Intelligence Agency so as to one day investigate the truth of her parents' death.

Her first case was two years ago where she had to investigate on Korea Royal Shipyard, the largest shipbuilding company in the country. There, she went undercover as a finance executive under the pseudoname Ruby Jane Kim. After intense investigation, she found out that the company had installed illegal compartments, for the shipment of illegal drugs, when building ships. The company was affiliated to Gyeongju Corporation and had also built ships for the shipping company that her father was in, who was previously the general manager of that shipping company which had a major dealing with Korea Royal Shipyard. However, the deal fell through and was terminated before her parents' trip to Thailand.

Soon, Jennie remembered the last moment with her parents before they left for the airport. 


"Mom, Dad, enjoy your second honeymoon!" teased Jennie, who was helping her mom pull her huge suitcase while her father was trailing behind with his mini suitcase.

Both her parents laughed, obviously not going for a second honeymoon. "Don't be silly, I am going there for business," said her father.

Jennie could only retort and say, "but Mom is accompanying you there!"

Her mom chimed in to explain, "I always wanted to go to Thailand and since your Dad is going, I thought I could take this chance to go to."

Her dad has always been working locally for the past 15 years and this was the first business trip in more than a decade. Naturally being curious, Jennie asked, "anyways, what business dealing do you have to personally travel all the way to Thailand, Dad?"

Her dad went silent for a while before replying nonchantly, "it's boring business stuff. You wouldn't understand."

"Let me drive you there then," offered Jennie.

Her dad declined saying, "it's fine, we have hired bodyguards and they have a chauffeur service."

Jennie nodded and hugged her parents goodbye.

-End of flashback-

She didn't think it was odd at that moment but with time and the information from her cases, she was definitely certain that her parents' death was definitely not an accident. Although she wasn't supposed to be using her identity as a secret agent to investigate on her personal case, she had to risk anything and everything to give justice to her parents. 


Jisoo was bored at the restaurant, listening to her date talking about her work earlier. 

"Are you okay?" asked Seulgi, as she touched JIsoo's right hand which was on the table. 

Jisoo snapped out of her trance and said, "I am fine. You were saying?"

Seulgi continued rambling about the shows that she will be starring in and Jisoo was just trying her best to listen and at least engage in the conversation. However, her mind would not stop thinking about work. At least her date was hot to boot to look at.

Soon, they were disturbed by the server who had brought the appetisers and Jisoo was so glad to start her meal, which meant lesser talking. After the uneventful dinner, Jisoo decided to send Seulgi home before going home too.

After reaching home, she was greeted by her mother. She hugged the older woman before sitting on the couch with her hand bag next to her. Her mom followed suit, sitting on the couch. Her hands held her daughter's and she asked, "how was your date with Seulgi?"

"It isn't the best and Mom, please stop setting me up on dates," said Jisoo, almost pleading. She did not want to enter in another relationship after one, which was in her opinion, the best of her lifetime. 

"What is bad about Seulgi? Her father is Kang Seungman, a titan in the media industry and her mother came from a family of renowned politicians. At least she is so much better than..."

Before Mrs Kim could finish her sentence, Jisoo felt uncomfortable, almost as if she was possessed as anger consumed her.

Mrs Kim was shocked to see Jisoo rage and she knew that the person in front of her wasn't her lovely daughter. The young woman in front of her warned in a very angry and possessive tone, yet so protective, "she's the best woman and no one can replace her!"

Before she knew it, the young woman collapsed in her arms. She put Jisoo on the couch, making eye contact with the butler who was walking down the stairs. 

"Is Jisoo alright?" asked the butler, Mr Choi.

Her mother shooked her head and said, "she appeared again."

"I don't think it is a good idea to bring up anything about it since it is a trigger for Jisoo."

"It has been 7 years, she should have moved on already," said Mrs Kim in a matter-of-fact tone, staring at her daughter disapprovingly. She didn't like how Jisoo had always been a weak person. It was a miracle that she could be a CEO Gyeongju Corporation.

"Some relationships are hard to forget," said Mr Choi, in a soft tone with eyes full of tenderness towards Mrs Kim which the latter had easily caught on.

She got up from the couch, lightly touched the man's right hand telling him, "could you help to bring Jisoo to her room? I will get Mrs Im to tend to Jisoo."

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1131 streak #1
Chapter 3: Good thing Mr Kim didn't agree with his wife or that will bring a bigger problem for Jisoo and her future...
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 2: interesting *sips tea*
Chapter 2: I can only imagine how painful it was to lose both parents. Especially knowing that one moment was your last goodbye.

At least now she has a chance to uncover the mystery.
Also something is going on with Jisoo. I wonder who that person whom she hasn’t moved on from is.
1131 streak #4
Chapter 2: I also think it wasn't an accident maybe the hired bodyguards are spies or atleast one of them ... And maybe her parents are also agents or spies and the one who got them killed are their counterparts...
1131 streak #5
Chapter 1: Agent Jennie is cool😎😎😎 looking forward to the next chap 😁😁😁
Chapter 1: Their meeting was a hectic one, with Jisoo breakimg Jennie’s camera.

Who would had guessed that their fates would become even more entangled!
1131 streak #7
Authy when will you update?