
Take Two, Love

As the night drew to a close, it was time to go home, but Momo refused to part ways with Mina. The alcohol had clearly taken its toll, and she was now arguing with her manager Dahyun, behaving in a childish manner.

"Come on, we need to go. You can't stay here all night," Dahyun said firmly, trying to reason with the drunken actress.

"But I don't want to go yet! I want to stay with Mina!"

Dahyun rolled her eyes and turned to Mina. "Can you please talk some sense into her? She won't listen to me," she pleaded.

Sana furrowed her eyebrows as she watched the scene unfold. "Why would she?" she asked, her tone skeptical. "Didn't you tell me last time that you were her manager, not Mina's? Why should Mina help you now?"

"I know, I know, but I thought maybe she could talk some sense into her."

"Sorry, I can't help you there. Mina needs to rest too, and I need to make sure she gets home safely. You'll have to figure it out on your own."

Dahyun huffed in frustration. "You're being stubborn and petty! Just because you don't like what happened last time doesn't mean you can't be a decent human being."

"I don't have time for your drama. Just take care of your own artist."

The two continued to bicker, much to Mina's dismay. She let out a sigh and decided to take matters into her own hands. "Come on, Momo. Let's go," she said, grabbing the woman's arm and leading her towards her vehicle.

She opened the car door and was relieved to find that Sana had left the keys inside. "Thank goodness," she muttered to herself as she helped Momo into the passenger seat.

Looking back at the bickering managers, Mina couldn't help but shake her head. It didn't seem like they were going to resolve their issues anytime soon. "Well, I guess it's just you and me," she said, starting the engine.

As she started to drive away, Sana and Dahyun suddenly realized what was happening. "Hey! Mina, where are you going?" Sana called out, trying to get her attention.

"She kidnapped my artist!"

"Hey, it's not kidnapping if Momo wanted to go with her anyway."

"Well, I didn't give her permission to take her," Dahyun protested. "This is not okay. I will sue you!"

Sana couldn't help but laugh in disbelief at the situation. "You're seriously going to sue her for taking care of your artist and making sure she gets home safely? Come on, Dahyun, don't be ridiculous."

"I don't care. This is unacceptable behavior for a manager. You should have stopped her."

"Hey, you're too much! Can't you see that they're both adults and can make their own decisions?"

Dahyun was still fuming. "This is not about making decisions. This is about following the rules and being responsible for your artist."

"Why am I even talking to you? You're being ridiculous," Sana said, giving up on trying to reason with Dahyun.

"I am not being ridiculous! You're the one who's being irresponsible!"

The two artists had driven off into the night, and the two managers were left standing there, still arguing. They seemed to have forgotten about the two who had run away from them.

As Mina drove, there was a sense of peace and calmness that enveloped the car. The sound of the engine humming softly provided a soothing background noise. Momo, who had consumed too much alcohol, had fallen asleep in the passenger seat, completely passed out.

Momo stirred in her sleep, mumbling something unintelligible. As she  glanced over, she heard the woman whisper, "I'm sorry" - an apology that seemed directed at her, and she didn't know what to do about it. She had moved on from their relationship, but memories and emotions still lingered.

"Hey," she softly called out, trying to wake her up. "Can you tell me the address to your home?" But the woman remained unresponsive, mumbling in her sleep. Mina let out a sigh, realizing that she needed to take care of Momo for the night. "Alright, I guess you're coming home with me," she said to the sleeping woman.

She drove carefully, stealing glances at the other from time to time. She couldn't help but smile at the situation they were in - two people who used to be in a relationship, driving alone in a car together. It felt like they were back to being trainees again, sneaking around and keeping secrets.

"I never thought we'd be in this situation again," Mina murmured to herself, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. "Just like old times."


The two girls were in the car, driving down a quiet road at night. They had sneaked out of the dorms to spend some time together, without anyone else. Mina's hand rested on the steering wheel, while Momo sat next to her, holding her hand.

"I can't believe we're doing this," Momo said, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I know," Mina replied, glancing over at her with a smile. "It feels so good to be here with you."

They drove in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts. But then, the girl in the passenger's seat spoke up again. "You know what I want to do?" she asked, turning to face Mina.


"I want to kiss you."

"K-kiss me?"

At that exact moment, they had to stop because the traffic light turned red, interrupting their conversation. Mina glanced over at Momo, who stared at her intensely for a few seconds before finally leaning in for a kiss. Her heart raced as she felt the girl's lips on hers.

Momo's hand automatically reached for the side of her face, caressing her cheek with a thumb as they shared the intimate moment.

Their lips moved together in perfect synchronization, and Mina felt like time had stopped. It was a sweet, long kiss that expressed all the love they felt for each other. As they finally parted, their eyes locked, and she felt her heart bursting with love. She didn't need words to express how much she loved the girl sitting next to her. The way she looked at her, the way she held her hand, and the way they kissed were all the evidence she needed.

Momo pulled back from the kiss, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I'm sorry, was that too much?" she asked softly.

"No, I liked it. I've always wanted to kiss you like that."

"Hey, um, Mina...I...I love you," Momo said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I... "

The other girl interrupted Mina before she could finish. "I don't want you to feel pressured to say anything back. I just needed you to know how I feel," she said, looking down at her lap.

"You don't have to worry about that, Momo. I love you too."


Mina smiled softly, taking her hand in hers. "Yeah, really. I've had a crush on you for a long time," she admitted. "I guess it went deeper the longer we spent time together."

"So, what's going to happen from here?" Momo asked. "Are we now, like, dating or something?"

The other girl couldn't help but chuckle at her girlfriend's adorable cluelessness. "I guess you could say that," she said, grinning. "I mean, we do love each other, right?"


As they reached Mina's house, she gently shook the other woman's shoulder to wake her up. "Hey, we're here," she said softly.

Momo stirred and opened her eyes, looking around confusedly. "Where are we?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"We're at my place. You were too drunk to go home, so I thought I'd let you stay with me tonight."

The woman still felt disoriented from the alcohol, so she wasn't fully aware of what was going on. All she knew was that she trusted Mina, so she followed her lead as they got out of the car and started walking towards the house. She held onto her arm gently, guiding her along the path. "Just a few more steps," she reassured her. "We'll get you settled in, and you can rest for the night."

"Is this a dream, Mina?" Momo asked, her voice slurring slightly.

"No, it's not a dream," Mina replied with a soft chuckle. "You're just a little drunk right now, that's all. Let's get you to bed, and you'll feel better in the morning." She guided Momo to the bedroom and helped her get settled in bed.

"Can you sleep next to me?" the other woman asked, still sounding unsure. "I know it's silly, but it feels like a dream, and I don't want to wake up alone."

"Sure, I can sleep next to you," Mina said. "But just so you know, it's not a dream. And as long as you won't get mad at me in the morning once you realize that we slept beside each other, it's okay." She chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "And I promise I won't try anything funny. We're just two friends sharing a bed for the night."

"It's not like I care even if something happens."

Mina blushed at the comment and lightly slapped Momo's arm. "You're terrible," she said, laughing. But Momo only laughed back and snuggled in closer to her. She couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in her chest as she wrapped her arms around the woman, holding her close. It felt comforting to be with someone she cared about, even if it was just for one night.


The next morning, Momo woke up with a slight headache and a foggy memory of the night before. She slowly looked down and realized that they were both under the same blanket, and a rush of memories flooded back. She couldn't believe they slept together.

Her jaw dropped as she looked over at Mina, who was still sleeping soundly beside her. They were such clowns for trying to deny their feelings for each other. The truth was that they were still madly in love with each other in secret, and last night was just another proof of that.

"Did we... did we just... do that thing?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud.

She quickly stood up, wanting to take the blanket with her, but then realized that Mina was also lying underneath. She panicked, not knowing what to do or say, and reached for her clothes on the floor.

As she dressed, she couldn't help but steal glances at the woman, who was still sleeping peacefully. She wondered if she should wake her up and talk about what happened or just pretend like nothing had happened. Either way, things were going to be different between them from now on.


Mina stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes, only to find that the woman was no longer beside her. She sat up and looked around the room, feeling a sense of emptiness and confusion wash over her. Had Momo regretted what had happened between them? The thought made her chest tighten with an unfamiliar ache.

She reached over to her phone and saw a message from Momo. It read, "We have a practice for the comeback today. I'm sorry I had to leave early." Relief washed over Mina as she read the message. So, it wasn't about last night, after all. She sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.

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18 streak #1
Chapter 6: This was beautiful & screw you ceo you lost in the end 🙄🤭
1521 streak #2
Chapter 6: Well, guess that made their chemistry more intense...
1521 streak #3
Chapter 5: I love the fact that they decided to leave their managers lmao
1521 streak #4
Chapter 4: Man, you really are being honest when drunk
1521 streak #5
Chapter 3: Tensioooon. Damn, even the managers
1521 streak #6
Chapter 2: Yeah, someone she's comfortable with... a long time ago. Lmao
1198 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh this is gonna be interesting 👀
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
MIMOnster #9
more mimo please hehehe
MIMOnster #10
mimo 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 love you authornim hehehe