
Take Two, Love

Mina sat nervously in the director's office, flipping through the pages of the script. She had always admired actors and actresses for their ability to bring a character to life, but she never imagined herself doing the same. As a singer, she was used to performing on stage, but acting was a whole different ballgame.

"So, what do you think of the script so far?" the director asked.

"It's really good," Mina answered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm just not sure if I'm the right person for this role."

"Why do you say that?"

"I've never acted before, so I'm not sure if I can do this justice."

The director chuckled. "Don't worry about that," he said. "We'll work with you and help you bring out the best in your performance. Besides, we wouldn't have offered you the role if we didn't think you were capable of it."

Mina smiled gratefully, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was about to ask the director more questions about the character she was going to play when her phone beeped, interrupting the conversation.

Her heart sank as she read the message from her manager. Momo? As in Momo from the girl group she used to date during their trainee days? She couldn't believe it. Fate really seemed to be playing a cruel joke on her.

"What do you mean Momo will be my co-star?" she typed.

"I just got the information from the production team. They were trying to keep it a secret until everything was finalized, but it looks like they're announcing it soon. I'm sorry, Mina. I know this might be difficult for you."

Mina couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, she was excited to be part of such a highly-anticipated drama. On the other hand, the thought of working with Momo again after all these years was daunting. She still had feelings for her, but she knew that their relationship wasn't meant to be.

"Is everything okay, Mina-ssi?"

"Yes, everything's fine," Mina said, hoping the director wouldn't notice her unease.

"Actually, I have some news about your co-star. We're considering two options for the other female lead: Momo and Nayeon."

"I see. But do...do you have a preference?"

"Honestly, I think both of them are great options, but I have to admit, Momo is the one that the fans are clamoring for. Plus, I remember that special stage you and Momo did back then. You two looked so professional, and the chemistry you had was undeniable. People loved it, and even though you both looked a bit awkward after the performance, it was still very cute. I think having you two reunite on screen would be a dream come true for many fans."

That stage with Momo was something that had always stuck with her, even after all these years. But what the director didn't know was that she and the woman never actually talked during the practices. They would learn their parts separately because whenever they tried to do it together, they couldn't adjust to each other's presence. The tension never left them.

"I remember that performance too," she said, trying to sound casual. "It was an unforgettable moment...but I have to think about it," she went on to say. "I need to make sure that I can work with whoever my co-star is, and that it won't affect the production."

The director nodded in understanding. "Of course, take all the time you need to think about it. But I have to say, having you and Momo together again would be an amazing opportunity for the drama and for your fans."


She left the meeting with a lot on her mind. She got into the car where Sana, her manager, was waiting for her. The woman took one look at Mina and knew something was wrong.

"Is everything okay, Mina-ssi? You look troubled."

"I don't know, unnie," Mina replied, still feeling conflicted. "I mean, it's a great opportunity, but...having to work with Momo again, it's just...complicated. You know how things ended between us."

"I remember. But do you still want to do this drama? You can back out if you're not comfortable with it."

Mina thought for a moment. She knew that backing out would be the easy way out, plus she didn't want to put herself through the pain of working with her ex-girlfriend again. However, she also knew that this drama could be her big break, and she didn't want to pass up on the opportunity.

"I...I think I still want to do it," she finally said. "I just need some time to process everything and figure out how to deal with it."

After a few moments of silence, Mina spoke up again. "Do you think Momo knows that we'll be starring together? And if she does, do you think she'll accept it?"

"I'm not sure if she knows, but even if she does, I think she'll be professional about it. She's a seasoned performer and knows how to separate her personal and professional lives. She wouldn't want to jeopardize the production or her own career. Plus, it's been a few years since you two were together. Maybe things have changed," Sana answered.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe she's moved on from me and it won't be a problem at all." But deep down, Mina knew that wasn't the case. Their break-up had been messy, and she was the one who had made it clear that she didn't want to see or speak to Momo again.


Mina looked nervously around the dance studio, feeling a bit out of place. She had just joined the company as a trainee, and she was still trying to find her footing. She noticed a girl in the corner, stretching and warming up, and she couldn't help but be drawn to her.

As she approached the girl, she realized that she had seen her before. It was Momo, a trainee who had already been there for a few months. Mina had heard about her from the other trainees, about how talented she was and how hardworking she could be.

"Hi, I'm Mina. I just started here," she introduced herself, hoping to strike up a conversation.

Momo looked up and gave her a small smile. "Hi, I'm Momo. Nice to meet you," she replied.

"You're a really great dancer."

"I try my best. It's not easy, but it's worth it."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's tough being a trainee, but I'm excited to be here and learn as much as I can. How long have you been training?"

Momo paused for a moment, as if she was counting the days in her head. "Almost a year now," she replied. "It's been a long journey, but I'm determined to debut one day."

"Wow, a year? That's really impressive. I'm not sure if I'm good enough to make it, but I'm going to try my best."

"Don't worry too much about that. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but as long as we work hard and never give up, we'll get there eventually," Momo said.

"Thanks, that's really encouraging to hear," Mina replied with a smile.

"Have you already been assigned a dorm or is it still being decided?"

"I'll be in the same room as Chaeyoung."

Momo's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That means we'll be roommates too," she said, her jaw dropped.

"Wait, you're Chaeyoung's roommate? That's crazy. I had no idea," Mina muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed about not knowing.

"Looks like fate brought us together," Momo said, playfully nudging the other girl's arm. "Don't worry, I'll try not to snore too loud."

Mina chuckled at her joke, feeling more at ease with her friendly demeanor. "What song are you practicing now?" she asked, curious to learn more about Momo's training.

"I'm working on 'Good Boy' by GD and Taeyang. It's a tough one, but I love the energy of the song," the girl replied, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "What about you? Have you started working on any choreographies yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm excited to learn. I want to become a versatile dancer, so I'm ready to take on any challenge."

"That's a great attitude to have. I'm sure you'll do great," Momo said, impressed with Mina's determination. "Do you know how to dance 'Good Boy'?"

"I'm a little familiar with it, but my moves aren't clean yet."

"Do you want to dance together? We can practice and help each other out."

"Ah, what to do? I'm a little shy," Mina chuckled, moving to the center of the room.

"Ah, don't worry about being shy. Just enjoy it," the other girl encouraged, setting up the music on her phone.

As the song began to play, Momo's energy immediately filled the room. Her movements were sharp, fluid, and perfectly synced with the beat. Mina couldn't help but feel a bit distracted by how effortlessly Momo danced. It was like watching a professional dancer on stage.

Mina tried her best to keep up, but every few moments, she found herself stopping just to watch Momo's impressive performance. She couldn't help but feel drawn to the other girl's grace and talent, feeling a little flutter in her chest every time Momo smiled at her.

At the end of the song, the latter girl turned to Mina with a smile. "You did great! That was really impressive for your first time dancing it," she complimented.

She then proceeded to break down some of the more complicated moves, guiding Mina's body with gentle touches on her arms, waist, and hips. At first, the girl felt a little self-conscious about the physical contact, but as Momo's skilled touch guided her through the choreography, she found herself getting lost in the moment and forgetting all about her shyness.


After several minutes of dancing, the two girls plopped onto the floor, their breaths coming out in short pants. Mina couldn't help but laugh at how winded they both were. Momo chuckled along with her. "You're the first trainee who's ever danced with me like that," she said, shaking her head in amusement. "Most of the others seem a bit intimidated by me."

"Really? Why would they be intimidated?"

"I don't know. Maybe they think I'm scary or something," the other girl responded, tilting her head to the side. "Do I look scary to you?"

Mina couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the question. "No way! You're my first friend here," she said, nudging Momo's arm. "I think they're just intimidated by your talent."

"That could be it too. But maybe they feel like they can't really connect with me because of the language barrier."

"Well, yeah. It can be hard trying to fit in when there's a language barrier. But you know, I think it's really cool that we're both Japanese. It's nice to have someone who understands where you're coming from," Mina said, smiling warmly at Momo.

"You know what? We should try to debut together no matter what. We can show everyone that language and cultural barriers don't have to be an obstacle. We're all here to showcase our talents and achieve our dreams after all."

"That would be great," the other girl chuckled, "But...I need to work really hard because you're such a great dancer," she said, glancing at Momo. "I don't want to drag you down."

"No way, you're a great dancer too," the girl said, meeting Mina's gaze. "Maybe I just look like I'm better because I've been training for almost a year already. But trust me, I still have a lot to learn too."


"Momoring!" Chaeyoung said, grinning as she walked up to Momo. "How's everything going?"

"It's going okay. Just trying to perfect these dance moves before our next concert. What's up?"

"I heard that you were cast in a drama."

"Yeah, and it's a drama about two teenage girls who fall in love, but their relationship is complicated."

"Ooh, sounds juicy. I remember a similar story that happened in real life. Do you remember, Momo?" Chaeyoung asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ah, please don't. It's not funny," Momo said, hoping to stop her before she could say anything else.

"What? I'm just saying, it's a bit like your situation with—"

"Shh! Will you...oh god, why did I have to be in the same group as you?" the other girl murmured, sighing in frustration.

"Anyway, do you know who you'll be working with yet?"

Momo shrugged. "Not sure. I think our manager will talk to me about it after this practice," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, good luck with that. Hopefully, you'll get to work with someone you're comfortable with."

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18 streak #1
Chapter 6: This was beautiful & screw you ceo you lost in the end 🙄🤭
1521 streak #2
Chapter 6: Well, guess that made their chemistry more intense...
1521 streak #3
Chapter 5: I love the fact that they decided to leave their managers lmao
1521 streak #4
Chapter 4: Man, you really are being honest when drunk
1521 streak #5
Chapter 3: Tensioooon. Damn, even the managers
1521 streak #6
Chapter 2: Yeah, someone she's comfortable with... a long time ago. Lmao
1198 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh this is gonna be interesting 👀
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
MIMOnster #9
more mimo please hehehe
MIMOnster #10
mimo 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 love you authornim hehehe