
how we got married.
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The reports of omegas getting assaulted are growing at an alarming rate. It has Junmyeon paranoid about his surroundings.

He walks home since his workplace is near. A few days ago, there is this suspicious figure in all black trailing behind him.

He is always in the same attire. The strange man disappears every time Junmyeon turns behind to take a picture.

Tonight, Junmyeon can sense the male constantly following him again. His apartment block enters the field of his vision. Junmyeon wants to run but he is scared of getting chased.

What if the man follows him all up to his home?

Junmyeon decides to take a different route. He heads to the convenience store he frequents to lose the stalker. He purposely takes time scanning the items on the rack, glancing around from time to time.

The man cannot do anything to him here since cameras are everywhere. His whole being shudders as Junmyeon catches sight of the stalker in the black cap and black hoodie in the same row as him.

Junmyeon takes in a deep breath, not wanting to panic.

He continues to pretend to check the snacks one by one before putting them away. The man scans his surroundings before moving closer to the omega. Junmyeon knows he has to go now.

He is not sure whether he is safe in here anymore.

He slowly turns away, heading to the exit but then, he spots the familiar broad back of an alpha perched at the eating section of the store near the huge window. He always wears a black bomber jacket.

Junmyeon consistently sees him on the weekends for a month now. Today is a weekday. Junmyeon is lucky tonight. He has no other choice but to do this.

He wraps his arms around the alpha's neck loosely from behind, his tone unbelievingly loving, "It's been a while since I've seen you, darling."

Chanyeol, who has taken the last bite of the pastry, almost chokes to death by surprise. He turns his head to scowl at the individual but he fails because Oh my, what a beautiful person.

Junmyeon whispers fast near the alpha's ear, "There's someone following me a few days ago and he's here again. Please help."

Chanyeol shivers a little at the warm breaths brushing his skin but as soon as he is aware of this person's situation, he acts along as his partner.

"I'm sorry, I was so busy with work," Chanyeol complains as he stands up, hugging the short male from the front, mentally amused that the male perfectly fit in his arms, "I missed you so much."

Junmyeon did not mean to do it but he does as he inhales deeply at the bergamot scent exuding off the alpha, his head slightly becoming dizzy.

He has alpha friends but none of their scents has him this light-headed.

"Are you upset?"

Chanyeol looks down at the person, a head shorter than him, genuinely wondering why the smaller one has gone silent. Junmyeon peers up at him, not realizing how tall this alpha is until he has to crane his neck to look at him.

A whiff of a sweet scent enters Chanyeol's nostrils. He has omega colleagues but none of them has this potent scent. This person has a vanilla smell with a hint of petrichor.

And it is making him a little woozy.

"I'm not," Junmyeon finally finds his voice to answer, "I understand... Shall we head back to my place?"

Chanyeol nods, continuing the act as he hooks an arm around the smaller omega's shoulder, ignoring his racing heartbeats. He needs to get this omega safe to his home.

The man somehow resumes pursuing them. Junmyeon is worried as hell as he whispers, "He's still behind us." Chanyeol does not need to look behind to confirm that.

Alphas have a high sense of hearing. He can listen to the shuffles of sneakers on the ground, taking slow yet steady steps.

"I'm here. He won't do anything," Chanyeol states confidently as he sends a text to the team who are at a stakeout at another part of the district before pocketing his phone into his black jeans.

Junmyeon voices out his concern, "But I don't want him following me back to my apartment." Chanyeol gets his point.

After a turn to the left, he spots a narrow dimly-lighted alley to hide but he throws the idea out of his head. He does

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uwucifer #1
Chapter 2: Cuteeee3♡♡♡♡
189 streak #3
Enjoyed reading....on to another of you fanfics!
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is such a nice husband, sending flowers to Junmyeon and promising a date which would had succeeded if it wasn’t for his job. But Junmyeon was waiting for him and they got some sweet moments in between
Chapter 1: Junmyeon got really lucky that Chanyeol was there and could help him, they just happened to fall in love and thankfully the stalker got arrested. Chanyeol must be proud to have Junmyeon as his husband, everyone likes him.