Coffee Shop

Killer Sessions [HIATUS]
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Jimin and Minjeong arrived at the coffee shop, finding a table near the window. The coffee shop was bustling with people, and the aroma of fresh coffee beans filled the air. Jimin could see how relaxed Minjeong looked as they ordered their drinks and settled in for their session.


"So, how have you been doing lately, Minjeong?" she asked.


Minjeong sighed, "It's been a rollercoaster, to be honest. Work has been hectic, and I've been struggling to keep up with everything. But I'm trying my best."


Jimin nodded, "I can imagine how stressful it can be, especially with the ongoing investigation. But it's important to take care of yourself too. Have you been able to take some time off for yourself?"


Minjeong shook her head, "Not really. I've been working non-stop, and I haven't had much time to myself. But I know I need to take a break soon."


Jimin leaned forward, "That's a good idea. You need to prioritize your well-being, Minjeong. It's essential, especially during these trying times."


Minjeong smiled weakly, "I know. I'll try to take some time off soon."


Jimin reached out to hold Minjeong's hand, "Remember, you can always talk to me if you need anything. You don't have to go through this alone."


Minjeong nodded, grateful for Jimin's support. "Thank you, Jimin. I really appreciate it."


They paused for a moment, sipping their coffee before Jimin shifted the conversation to the investigation. "So, Minjeong, have you done anything to investigate Yizhuo?"


Minjeong shook her head, "No, I haven't had the chance to look into anything yet. It's been so hectic at work, and I haven't really had any time to spare."


Jimin nodded sympathetically, "That's understandable. But it's important to find any information that could be relevant to the case. Do you have any leads?"


Minjeong frowned, "Not really. Yizhuo has been off the radar for a while now. I don't know where to start."


Jimin pondered for a moment before speaking, "What about your old college friends? Do you still keep in touch with any of them?"


Minjeong thought for a moment before nodding, "Yeah, there's one friend who I still talk to occasionally. She might know something about Yizhuo."


Jimin encouraged her, "That's a good start. You should reach out to her and see if she can provide any leads."


As Minjeong was about to answer Jimin, someone called out her name, "Minjeong! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's you!" It was Ning Yizhuo, Minjeong's former roommate in college. Minjeong was surprised and a bit taken aback, "Yizhuo? What are you doing here?"


Yizhuo's smile faded a bit, "Can't a girl get coffee before work? What about you?"


Jimin noticed how Yizhuo kept glancing at Minjeong, as if she was trying to read her mind. It made her uneasy, and she couldn't shake the feeling that Yizhuo was hiding something. "Nice to meet you, Yizhuo," Jimin greeted her politely.


Minjeong introduced Yizhuo to Jimin, and the three of them exchanged pleasantries. But there was an awkward tension in the air that Jimin couldn't ignore. She wondered what was the reason for Yizhuo's sudden appearance.


"So, Minjeong, what brings you here?" Yizhuo asked, taking a sip of her coffee.


"I'm here with Jimin, my psychiatrist. We're having our session," Minjeong explained.


Yizhuo raised an eyebrow, looking at Minjeong quizzically. "Really? That's interesting. You never struck me as someone who needed therapy."


Minjeong shifted uncomfortably in her seat, feeling the weight of Yizhuo's gaze on her. "It's just a routine check-up. I've been seeing her for a while now."


Yizhuo nodded, but Jimin could tell that she was still suspicious. She couldn't help but wonder if Yizhuo's sudden appearance was just a coincidence or if she had other motives for being there. Jimin decided to try and divert the attention away from Minjeong and onto Yizhuo.


"So, Yizhuo, what brings you here?" Jimin asked, her voice curious.


Yizhuo took another sip of her coffee, seeming to ponder her response. "Just grabbing coffee before work," she finally said. "I work for the local newspaper, and I like to get a caffeine boost before diving into the day's news."


Jimin nodded, intrigued. "That's interesting. What kind of stories do you cover?"


Yizhuo smiled, seeming to relax a little. "Anything and everything," she said. "But lately, I've been working on a series about the recent crime wave in the city."


Minjeong's eyes widened, "That's impressive! What have you found out so far?"


Yizhuo hesitated for a moment, as if she was contemplating how much she should reveal. She finally spoke up, "To be honest, not much. But I have this gut feeling that there's more to the story than what's being reported. There's just something about these cases that doesn't quite add up."


Jimin leaned in, intrigued. "What do you mean? Can you elaborate?"


Yizhuo scanned the coffee shop before continuing, "Well, there are rumors floating around that the police aren't pursuing certain leads. Some people think there's a connection between the murders that the police aren't seeing."


Jimin could sense a subtle tension in the air. She wondered if Yizhuo was attempting to distract them from her potential involvement in the murders. Nonetheless, Jimin was curious. "Why do you think the police aren't doing enough?"


Yizhuo nodded earnestly. "I think they're overlooking something crucial. I know that some individuals are hesitant to come forward with information, but I'm a journalist, and I feel it's my responsibility to uncover the truth."


Jimin felt her stomach twist with unease. She couldn't shake the impression that Yizhuo was purposely hinting at something, perhaps trying to taunt Minjeong. Did Yizhuo know something about the murders that Minjeong didn't?


Jimin decided to probe further. "What do you think the police are missing?"


Yizhuo appeared hesitant, as if she was considering whether or not to disclose her thoughts. She finally replied, "I'm not entirely certain, but I believe the police are focusing too much on the surface-level evidence. There's something deeper at p

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highskies707 #1
Chapter 4: Hmm... the plot is good but you keep talking in circles. Every chapter you start of with one paragraph, then the next paragraph ends up being a rewrite of the first. It's too much filler.
brdfillet #2
Chapter 6: what if it was actually minjeong or jimin 🤔
Jamess #3
Chapter 6: it’s okay otornim take rush bud 😁😁… ning is is also the main suspect here 🤔🤔
ToughSoul_SoS #4
Interesting 🤔
Eybrelros #5
Update when?🥹
mammt_ #6
Chapter 1: how come I can't help but think of a plot-twist, maybe jimin is the serial killer???.
I'm sure she's not but my mind is wandering
Chapter 5: 😍😍😍💙❄
Jamess #8
Chapter 5: owh wow i can’t wait jimin gonna involve her feelings towards minjeongie 🫢🫢😁👍👍
cleofierayne 36 streak #9
Chapter 4: 🤯 Now Jimins evolving feelings makes this exciting.
Jamess #10
Chapter 4: hmm 🤔