
Killer Sessions [HIATUS]
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Kim Minjeong sat in the waiting room of Yoo Jimin's office, her hands tightly clutching a folder containing the details of the case she was investigating. Her thoughts were consumed by the murders, the victims, and the unknown killer, as the weight of the case weighed heavily on her mind. Minjeong was grappling with making sense of the events and struggling to cope with the emotional toll that came with the fact that all the victims were connected to her on a personal level. She was filled with guilt, grief, and anxiety as she waited for the secretary to call her in.


As she waited, Minjeong's thoughts raced, trying to anticipate what the session would be like and what kind of questions Dr. Yoo, a psychiatrist, would ask. Minjeong had never worked with a mental health professional before on a case and was uncertain about what to expect. Despite her reservations, she knew she needed help, both with the case and with her own emotional state. She had accepted Dr. Yoo's offer to help and had brought the details of the case with her, hoping for some answers.


Finally, the secretary called Minjeong's name and she stepped into Dr. Yoo's office. The room was quiet and peaceful, with the psychiatrist seated at her desk, surrounded by books and papers. Dr. Yoo looked up as Minjeong entered and offered a warm smile, inviting her to take a seat at the usual spot.


"Hello, Ms. Kim," Jimin said, her voice welcoming.


"Hello, Dr… Jimin," Minjeong responded, remembering their agreement from their last session to be more informal.


Jimin smiled. “I’m glad you remembered.”


"Yeah, but if I’m going to call you by your first name, I insist that you do the same to me,” Minjeong added, taking a seat across from Jimin.


"That’s fair enough," Jimin agreed. "I'm glad you could make it today. What do you have there?" she asked, gesturing towards the folder in Minjeong's hands.


"These are the details of the case I told you about," Minjeong replied, handing the folder over to Jimin.


Jimin took the folder, opened it, and quickly scanned the pages. "This is quite a complicated case," she said, looking up at Minjeong. "I think it will be helpful for us to go through it together and see if we can create a profile of the killer."


Minjeong nodded, eager to get started. She watched as Jimin pulled out a notebook and began to jot down notes, asking her questions and pointing out key details in the files. Together, they worked to build a picture of the person responsible for the murders, delving into the motivations, behavior patterns, and potential triggers that could have led to such a heinous crime.


Minjeong and Jimin sat in silence, both deeply engrossed in the files contained in the folder that Minjeong had brought with her. Jimin was making notes in her notebook, jotting down key details and cross-referencing them with the information in the files, while Minjeong watched her intently, eager to learn and understand the process of creating a profile.


"Let's start with the motivations," Jimin said, looking up from her notebook. "What do we know about the killer's motivations?"


Minjeong thought for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "All the victims were connected to me in some way, so I think it's safe to say that the killer has some kind of personal grudge against me," she said.


Jimin nodded, jotting down the information in her notebook. "That's a good start. Now, what about the behavior patterns? Can you think of any patterns or habits that the killer might have?"


Minjeong took a deep breath, thinking about the murders. "All the murders were carried out in a similar way, with the victims' throats slit and their hearts removed. It seems like the killer is trying to send a message," she said.


"It's important to consider the psychological aspect of the killer," Jimin said, looking up from her notebook. "What kind of childhood did they have? What kind of relationships have they had in the past? Are there any significant events that may have impacted their behavior? These are some questions we need to ask ourselves and try to come up with some theories about it."


Minjeong nodded, considering the questions. "I think the killer may have had a traumatic childhood," she said. "There's just something about the way they carry out the murders, with such precision and determination, that suggests a need for control and a desire to exact revenge."


Jimin made more notes, carefully considering the information and its implications for the profile. "That's a good point," she said. "It's possible that the killer experienced some kind of abuse or trauma in their own childhood, and that this is driving their desire for control and revenge. It's also possible that the personal connection to you is a significant factor in their motivations. And what about potential triggers? Is there anything that might have set the killer off and led to the murders?"


Minjeong shook her head, thinking hard. "I can't think of anything. The victims were all very different, and there doesn't seem to be any connection between them apart from the fact that they were all personally connected to me and the police department," she said.


Jimin nodded, making more notes. "You said earlier that they were all personally connected to you. The first victim, I can see where you're coming from, with him being your ex-boyfriend, but the second victim, didn't you say he was just your former boss? That doesn't really seem very personal to me, after all, he must have been the boss of several different people throughout his career."


Minjeong took a deep breath, looking down at her hands. "Well, there's actually something about that which I didn't tell you in our first session," she said, looking up at Jimin with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Besides being my boss, he was also my stepfather. He was together with my mom for about two years, and I was ten years old at the time. It didn’t last very long, but I can still clearly remember how terrible everything was. He was very abusive to both my mom and me, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, my mom realized this before it was too late and broke up with him, but I still have scars from that time."


Jimin listened intently, not wanting to interrupt Minjeong as she opened up more. She made notes in her notebook, focusing on the new information and considering its implications for the profile they were building.


Jimin's expression turned to one of concern as Minjeong revealed the details of her past. She listened intently as Minjeong spoke, taking notes but also making sure to show her support and understanding. The way she made Minjeong feel comfortable and open up about her past made Minjeong feel grateful for her being there.


"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that," Jimin said, placing a hand on Minjeong's shoulder. "It must have been incredibly difficult for you."


Minjeong nodded, a look of gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you for understanding," she said. "I've never really talked about it with anyone before. It's nice to finally have someone to confide in."


Jimin smiled warmly. "Of course, Minjeo

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highskies707 #1
Chapter 4: Hmm... the plot is good but you keep talking in circles. Every chapter you start of with one paragraph, then the next paragraph ends up being a rewrite of the first. It's too much filler.
brdfillet #2
Chapter 6: what if it was actually minjeong or jimin 🤔
Jamess #3
Chapter 6: it’s okay otornim take rush bud 😁😁… ning is is also the main suspect here 🤔🤔
ToughSoul_SoS #4
Interesting 🤔
Eybrelros #5
Update when?🥹
mammt_ #6
Chapter 1: how come I can't help but think of a plot-twist, maybe jimin is the serial killer???.
I'm sure she's not but my mind is wandering
Chapter 5: 😍😍😍💙❄
Jamess #8
Chapter 5: owh wow i can’t wait jimin gonna involve her feelings towards minjeongie 🫢🫢😁👍👍
cleofierayne 26 streak #9
Chapter 4: 🤯 Now Jimins evolving feelings makes this exciting.
Jamess #10
Chapter 4: hmm 🤔