Chapter 6

The DEVIL in Me.


Chapter 6


Taeyeon headed inside the house after parking her car inside the garage. She cannot wait to just lay on bed and sleep until midnight. But as soon as she stepped into the living room, both Joy and Yeri stood there with concerned faces. The eldest arched her brows curiously. “What are you girls doing? It’s already morning.” She asked while putting her leather bag down. However, the two vampires remained silent. Taeyeon is more suspicious now. She crossed her arms. “What’s going on?” Her blue irises stare at them.


“You tell her.” Yeri whispered to Joy.


“No, you tell her!” Joy responded. “There’s no way I’m talking!”


“You’re the older one!” Yeri spat back, but in a low voice. Both of them keep arguing (quietly) on who should break the news. Taeyeon is getting impatient. She tilts her head. “Speak. Now.” She said in a demanding tone. Her authority as the sire made the younger ones to immediately shut their mouths and lower their heads. Joy clears anxiously. “Taeyeon… um, how should I say this?” She bit her lower lip.


“Spit it out.” Taeyeon impatiently spoke. Seeing how Joy hesitates to talk, Yeri rolled her eyes and decides to speak up instead. “Wendy’s missing.”


“What?” Taeyeon approaches a step closer. Joy quickly hides behind Yeri. The youngest swears Joy only shows her sassy side when Taeyeon is being nice. Yeri sighs heavily. “She went out last night. But she hasn’t come back.” Taeyeon frustratingly shut her eyes. Her palm on top of her forehead.


Wendy has always been a recluse. For the past 23 years, she always has this disinterest on living with Taeyeon and the others. It is not that Wendy hates her vampire family. No, she cares and share a close bond with them. But she always shut herself away from them. Taeyeon expects that one day, Wendy would suddenly go missing without a word. It seems that she was right.


“Do you have any idea where she went?” Taeyeon asked.


Well, there are more things for the two to explain. “Actually, we were out last night. The three of us, together. We went to this pub. Wendy is a regular there. The last time we saw her, she told us she found someone and went off on her own. We waited but she never came back until it was closing time.” Yeri explained the situation. Although, she did leave the part where Wendy hypnotized the poor band’s front-man and even sang on-stage.


“I would’ve found her if those werewolves didn’t corner me at the rest room.” Joy crossed her arms.


“Werewolves? They were there?” Taeyeon looked at the two in disbelief. “I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” Joy whispered under her breath. Taeyeon could not help but to feel more anxious. With Tiffany being out of town, the werewolves might do something bad. She never has any kind of distrust towards the kind. But she has lived long enough to know the rivalry between vampires and werewolves still exist to this day.


“Cover yourselves. We’re going out.” Taeyeon ordered and heads to the garage. Joy and Yeri just look at each other before doing what they were told.



4 hours before sunrise.


A familiar figure walks up a hill. The path towards the cabin is shrouded with tall trees. Wendy stands on the porch and knocks on the door a few times. She can clearly hear the sound of footsteps shuffling inside. She scoffs. “Stop trying to pretend you’re not home. I can hear you.” She spoke out loud. It did not take a minute for the door to be opened and a woman with a tall, slim-figured, wearing an orange-fluffy robe stands there with her usual, mischievous smile.


My, my, if it isn’t Ms. Wendy.” She spoke with an alluring tone. But the vampire is not swayed by her beauty, even by a bit.


“Sooyoung, I need a favour.” Wendy immediately stated her reason for visitation.


“Oh, child, you know I’ll do anything for you.” Sooyoung responded. Wendy nods and is about to go inside but the taller woman stops her. “Ah’, ah’. Every favour comes…” She handed out her palm. “With a price.” She tilted her head slightly to the side with a smile.


Sooyoung, the only fox spirit living near the town. Fox spirits or Kitsune has its many versions and stories that talk about their personalities. Sooyoung? Well, she has her own persona. She does love pranks. She likes toying around with people especially humans. But she was also a loyal servant. Well, was a servant. She was close with Sunny. She was by the warlock’s side ever since they’ve first met in Japan years before. She was a lone fox spirit who was trapped in an old temple. Sunny freed her. Hence, she pledged herself to be her servant.


But they split when Sooyoung refused to join the war. Despite persuading the warlock to run away with her, Sunny rejected her, thus ending their bond as master and servant. Sooyoung, sharing the same fate as the angel-children, was banished. She, of course, does not felt betrayed by Sunny. In fact, her banishment was to save her life. But after years of living alone, she has been quite desperate to have a companionship.


Wendy encountered her around 7 years ago while wandering around the woods. For years, Sooyoung has been persuading Wendy to leave home and be with her instead. “No rules. You can kill anyone you desire.” Those were her words. But Wendy, being the recluse she is, has no interest in living with a fox spirit. She can imagine the nights she has to spent to please the fox spirit for eternity.


“I know!” Sooyoung clasped her hands. “How about in exchange for your favour, you, my dear will live with me.”


Wendy already expected that. “No, not gonna happen.” She honestly replied. Sooyoung’s smile dropped. “Fine, you can leave.” She flicked her hair and closed the door. But Wendy quickly dashed inside before the door can even completely shut close. Sooyoung looks at her in disbelief. “I have something better to offer.” Wendy claimed. It sparks curiosity in Sooyoung. The vampire reaches into her pocket and shows her a shiny green stone.


“How about your ninth tail?”


Sooyoung’s eyes widen as she approaches closer to get a better look at it. Yes, that is the stone she has been seeking for years. Before her banishment, the Council took away her ninth tail and put it inside the green stone. It was believed that the stone was in the possession of either the Council or the Legacy members. Although she still has her eight tails, she has been wanting to have the ninth back. Fox spirits have nine-tails in total. The tails represent their wisdom. Taking the tail meant many of Sooyoung’s knowledge was snatched away from her.


Taeyeon has been responsible of protecting the stone. Originally, Sunny was the one that was given the task. However, the warlock believed it was safer in the hands of her vampire friend. Wendy did go home only to steal the stone from Taeyeon’s secret room. She disappeared before any of her sisters arrived and went straight to Sooyoung’s cabin. She knew the stone will be a perfect piece ‘offering’ in exchange for her favour.


“Oh, my beautiful tail…” Sooyoung tries to hold the stone. Wendy quickly pulls away her hand. The fox looks at her; her irises turning green and her pupil shrunken into a thin line.. “Oh, you’re testing me, Ms. Wendy.” She spoke in a threatening tone.


“My favour for this stone. Deal?” Wendy proposed again. Sooyoung inhales sharply. “Fine.” The vampire victoriously smiles and puts back the stone into her pocket. “Good. The favour is simple. I want you to make me a sun-ring.




One hour after sunrise.


Irene looks at the bruise on her cheek. She doubts Wendy even uses her full strength when she slapped her. Luckily, those vines gave her a chance to escaped. If not, she is certain that the vampire will torture her by now. After arriving home safely, she called Seulgi. Her best-friend had been looking everywhere for her. She hurriedly ran to the inn once she learned what had happened.


“It looks bad.” Seulgi fidgeted her fingers while standing stiffly at the bathroom’s door. She felt guilty. She should not have left Irene. If she stays, her friend would’ve been safe. Irene shakes her head, the corner of her lips curving upwards. “I’ll be fine.” She reassured her.


“Irene,” Seulgi lowers her head. “I’m really sorry.” She apologized.


“No, no, don’t.” Irene approached Seulgi to give her a hug. “I’m okay. It wasn’t your fault.” She caressed the werewolf’s back.


“But you wouldn’t be in this mess if I didn’t leave you behind.” Seulgi can feel her tears pooling in the corner of her eyes.


“Hey, listen to me. It’s all in the past. We’re safe, as long as we’re here.” Irene comforted her. The inn is protected with a barrier. Any beings with evil (or murderous) intentions cannot enter. The barrier will burn them alive. She just hopes that Wendy is not stupid enough to go here or else, she will die. Turn into ashes as soon as her foot steps inside the barrier.


“How about you cook me some porridge?” Irene requested. Seulgi wipe her tears while nodding. She heads to the kitchen. Irene sits on the bed. She raises her hand to her cheek; healing the bruise with her magic. At least, her face should look presentable when Sunny arrives. She cannot tell the eldest what had happened, not yet. She needs to do her own investigation first.


Irene always thought that Wendy have died. The woman was critically injured. There was little to no chance she will ever survive the attack. At least, that what she was told. But when she saw her that night at the pub; mouth stained with blood and blue eyes, she was completely shock. How can Wendy be a vampire? How long has it been since she is here, in town? 23 years, Irene never had a glimpse of her anywhere.


There are so many questions left unanswered.


Irene steadily breathes once the bruise is fully heal. She stands up to put back the med-box inside her drawer. But she halts when she senses an intruder had passed through the barrier. She quickly runs to the kitchen to warn Seulgi. Irene gasps as she stands still at the door. Wendy is there; holding the weak, half-conscious Seulgi with sharp nails against . “Well, well, hello, Bae Irene.” Wendy greeted with a smirk.


Irene’s irises turns gold. She raises her hand to pushes away the vampire with her magic. But Wendy has expected the move. She sinks the tip of her nails into Seulgi’s neck; making the werewolf whimpers in pain. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Wendy gave a warning look. Irene has no choice but to lower her hand. If she tries to attack, Wendy can easily rips Seulgi’s neck before she can be taken-down.


“Let her go.” Irene spoke. Her golden irises brightens.


“You’ll get her back.” Wendy throws a photo on the floor. “Meet me there. Alone.” She tighten her hold on Seulgi’s neck. “Bring backup and I’ll break her neck.” She gives one last evil-smirk before disappearing from Irene’s sight. Irene heavily pants to calm herself. She picks up the photo and looks at it. It was the abandoned house at the edge of town. Her old home.


Irene crumples the photo in her fiery fist; burning it into ashes. She may not have any intention of fighting Wendy before. But now that Seulgi’s life is in danger, she will no longer hold back.


She will kill Wendy if she has to.




Before the incident.


Sooyoung had finished making the sun-ring. In order to not draw attention, she had used the wood of an oak tree and titanium for the ring. Sun-rings are usually made of silver or gold. Although the materials used never really matter. “Here, everything that you needed.” She gave the ring and a small-bag that carried the sleeping potion. Wendy checked if all the items she had requested were there. She nodded satisfyingly.


“As promised.” Wendy threw the green stone at Sooyoung who managed to caught it in time. “Nice doing business with you.” She was about to walk away when Sooyoung pulled her by the shoulder. Wendy was taken aback by the powder thrown at her face.


“What the hell?” The vampire coughed while blinking her eyes.


“I put a shield on you. Sunny is very cautious. Even after the war, she still put a barrier around her inn to keep the enemies off their territory. You step inside without a shield, you’ll be burn into ashes.” Sooyoung explained. She, then, headed towards a closet and took out a sword. “Here.” She threw it at Wendy. The vampire caught it easily. She looked at the sword with unrecognizable symbols engraved on its’ blade.


“I’ve been keeping it for an old friend. You can use it. Consider this as my utmost gratitude for returning my tail.” Sooyoung said. Wendy was not sure why she would be needing the sword but she kept it anyways. She went to the door; wearing the ring on her index finger at the right hand. She inhales slowly before opening the door; exposing herself to the sunlight. The ring glowed. Wendy is still there. Not burning to ashes. It worked.


Sooyoung stared at the vampire’s back figure. “Ah, Ms. Wendy.” She called. Wendy turned to looked at her. “Before you go, fair warning, do not underestimate her. Bae Irene, I mean. She is far more dangerous than you imagined.”


Wendy scoffed. “So am I.


Then, she was off for revenge.



To be continued.









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Chap 8 is posted!


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Chapter 9: Cant wait for the next chapter🙏🏻
Chapter 9: it's fantastic!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Thank you so much author for the updatee, I'm so excited for the next one aaaa wenrene slowburn? jkk
1703 streak #4
Chapter 9: Wow this is awesome! Guess the one who took them is demon's leader...
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 8: What???? Who took them??? Is it Gandalf??? Dumbledore??? Merlin??? Whoooo????
Chapter 8: Who took them, I want to know more. This getting more interesting
cptncat #8
Chapter 8: i can vividly imagine their fight scene oh god😳 and the cliffhanger? interesting
no_face #9
Chapter 8: The cliffhanger... waaaah im dying to know what happens next
Chapter 8: WHAT 😲 the cliffhanger though arghhh