Chapter 4

The DEVIL in Me.


Chapter 4


“Seulgi, wait.” Irene called. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” She felt hesitant. They are already out in town and the pub is nearby. As the warlock was walking, her head kept telling her that this was a bad idea. What if Sunny caught them sneaking out to see the gig? She knows how scary the eldest can be when she is angry. At least Tiffany has a soft-heart and would let Seulgi off with a warning. “Hey, hey, relax. It’ll be fine. Besides, you need this. How many years has it been since you have fun?” The werewolf persuaded.


“I, I have loads of fun reading books.” Irene replied in which Seulgi returns with a disbelief look and arms crossed on her chest.


“I mean, fun…fun. Not bookworm fun. Come on, we’re already close. Just relax and forget about Sunny for a bit.” Seulgi spoke. It seems her words worked. Irene sighed and gives in. Her friend smiles excitedly before pulling her along to the pub’s entrance.


As the two women enter the place, they are welcomed by the sight of people drinking at the bar. Some are sitting at the tables; enjoying their dinner. There are a group of friends playing snooker while some were just chatting with beer bottles in their hands. The stage has been set up for the band to play later. In the midst of watching the crowd in the room, Baekhyun approaches them with his arms up. Of course, he already has a drink in his hand.


Finally, the good kids become the troublemakers.” He spoke. Seulgi rolls her eyes while Irene just chuckles at the comment. “Come on, the guys are over there.” He pointed at the group sitting at the two tables not far behind him. They head over to greet them.


“Irene, it’s been a long time since we’ve met.” Chanyeol greeted. Well, Irene has always spent her days and nights staying at the inn. The only times she would go out was for her classes or groceries shopping for Sunny.


“Don’t be too harsh on her, guys. It’s her first night out.” Seulgi warned the pack. She meant well. She did not want these silly men pressured her into having too much fun and get wasted. Not that warlocks can get drunk.


“Being the gentlemen that I am, I’m going to get you two some drinks.” Baekhyun smiled before heading to the bar. Despite his prankster behavior, he is actually a nice person and treats women kindly. Which is a bit unexpected from him.


“Hey, Kyungsoo over here is being a bit overreacting.” Another member named Sehun spoke as he pointed at the quiet one sitting next to him. The werewolf simply rolled his eyes. Seulgi feels curious. “Why’s that?” She asked.


“Well, a few vampires just walked in earlier. I’m guessing they’re trying to feed on some people here.” Chanyeol replied. Although the town has its rules to maintain unity and peace amongst different kinds, the werewolves still have ill feelings towards the vampires. To them, the vampires are a bunch of savages since they prey on innocent humans. They just have the law to justified to what the werewolves believed to be a crime.


“There’s a rumor that a dead human was found near the river.” Chanyeol spoke. The news certainly shocks both women. “They say, a vampire was responsible for it.” He claimed.


“That can’t be true.” Irene felt disbelief. “Vampires never break the rules.” She stated. She has lived longer than any of them on the table; to know none from that kind dare to kill any humans. But the werewolf thinks otherwise. “Well, a few newer ones just moved in years ago. Who knows? One of them might just go rogue.” Chanyeol said.


“Well, if it’s true, we’ll stop them.” Kyungsoo finally broke his silence. Irene stares at him; hoping that it was nothing but rumors. She does not want another war to happen in this town. The last one she experienced was already traumatizing enough. Before the conversation can go any further, Baekhyun comes with two drinks for them. Irene feels thankful for his timely presence because once he got here, he starts joking around and the topic earlier ended just like that.


As the time comes, the band is finally up for their performance. Seulgi pulls Irene along to get closer to the stage in which she gladly follows. The singer smiles at the crowd as he holds the mic in his hand. People are thrilled. After a short introduction, the band plays their first song for the night. The crowd would sing along in some parts and cheer as each song ends. Seulgi is happily bouncing on her feet. Irene is enjoying her time too. Maybe going out tonight is not such a bad idea after all.


“Okay, okay,” The singer let out a breathy chuckle. “For the next song, I’d like to invite a friend of mine to sing on-stage. Give a round of applause for her!” He stepped away from the mic. The crowd clap and cheer as a woman gets up on stage. She glances at the singer with a smile before standing in front of the mic. Irene stares at her with the thought that whoever she is, she must be really good considering the band owns front-man acknowledge her talent.


“The guy insisted me to sing.” She shrugged and the crowd simply laughed. Irene continues to silently watch from a far, so is Seulgi. “Anyways, I’m Wendy. I hope you’ll enjoy my performance.” She turned around to signal the band members. The drummer hits his drumsticks for cue and they start to play. It is the song Like a Vampire sung by Catrien Maxwell.


Wendy sings effortlessly on stage. Her beautiful voice sways the whole crowd who are intensely listening; as if they are in some-kind of a trance. “She’s really good.” Seulgi praised in awe. But Irene did not even hear her. Her eyes stare at Wendy. Something feels different here. She feels some-sort of an odd attraction to her. “I’m a creature who’s up to no good.” Irene feels light-headed all of the sudden. “I’ll love you like love you like a vampire would.” Then, her mind starts spinning. “I’ve been fang-using, heart-bruising, it feels so good.” Flashes of memories go through her head.


I’ve been prey before, now I’m a predator.“No, no, no!”


Now I’m cold inside like a vampire.” “You can’t save her.”


“Vampire, like a vampire.“I’m sorry.”


Irene opens her eyes in cold-sweats. The performance has ended and the crowd cheered. Wendy is gone. “That was really good.” Seulgi turned to her friend and her smile dropped when she saw Irene is sweating cold bullets while having a confused, anxious expression. “Are you okay?” She quickly held her for support. Irene gulps. She, too, does not know if she is fine or not. Whatever happened earlier, it certainly was something she never experienced before. Seulgi escorts Irene to sit back down at their table. Thankfully, the pack members went somewhere else. At least Irene can calm herself without distraction.


“What happened?” Seulgi worriedly asked.


“I…” Irene knew she cannot tell Seulgi the truth. It is not the right place. The werewolf may just panic if she tells her. Besides, with them sneaking out without permission, it’s best for it to stay a secret. “I must be tired. I didn’t sleep well.” She lied. Of course, Seulgi just accepts her explanation without a doubt. She knows that Irene has not been able to get a good-night sleep for a long time now.


“Let’s go home, okay?” Seulgi suggested. But Irene shook her head. Despite what had just happened, she did not want to ruin her friend’s night of fun. She cannot be bother to involved Seulgi in her personal problems right now. “I’ll be fine. I just need some fresh-air, that’s all.” She comforted the younger woman.


Seulgi sighs and nods. “Okay, I’ll go get you some water. Stay here.” She quickly left to the bar. Irene leans on the soft chair. Her eyes roamed around; trying to search for the female singer earlier. But there are way too many people crammed in that small pub. Soon, Seulgi comes back with a glass of iced-water for Irene. “Thank you.” Irene took a sip to quench her thirst.


“I’m glad you didn’t faint. At least…” Seulgi could not finish her words when she heard whispering inside her head. “Seriously?” She scoffed in annoyance.


“What’s wrong?” Irene asked.


“These idiots.” Seulgi clenched her teeth. She stands up from her seat. “They cornered a vampire near the restroom. I heard them. I’ll be right back.” She left to intervene before any of them ends up causing a trouble. Irene watches her from behind until Seulgi is gone from her sight. She continues to sip on the water until her phone rings. She looks at the screen. Her eyes widen to see Sunny is the one calling her. She just notices the messages the eldest left for her. Without wasting any time, she immediately head-out of the pub.




“You guys are really annoying.” Joy crossed her arms as she calmly leaned on the wall. She cannot go anywhere. The werewolves are cornering her from each side. Of course, it is within that kind’s nature to act as a pack. They indeed shared one-brain cell, she thought. “Out of all the places, you dare to prey here, creep!” Chanyeol barked (not literally). Joy rolled her eyes. It is not her fault that she was feeling thirsty and a human just happened to be there with her, alone in the toilet. Her instinct just reacted on the opportunity.


“I didn’t kill her. She’ll be fine. She’s going to wake up soon. Now, can you step aside?” Joy tries to leave but the werewolves get closer to her so she could not take another step forward. She can hear their deep-growls. Instead of feeling scared, she is more annoyed at the situation. She is thinking of just snatching the closest one to her and put him on a choke-hold to threaten them so they will back off. But that did not happen when Seulgi arrives.


“The heck are you idiots doing?” She spoke in disbelief. The vampire and the wolf-pack turn their attentions to her. She approaches them, hitting Chanyeol at the back of the head. She heard his mind the loudest earlier. “You guys seriously need to control yourselves.” She glared at them.


“She attacked a human earlier.” Baekhyun tried to justified their reason. Seulgi looks at Joy who seemed disinterested by the whole issue.


“Did the human died?” She asked. “No, but…” Baekhyun is immediately cut off. “Then, there’s no problem here. She didn’t kill anyone. So, she didn’t break any rules. If you guys still want to fight her, it won’t end well. We’ll be the ones who gets punish.” Seulgi reminded them of the consequences if they follow their reckless decision. The werewolves look at each other before finally leaving- giving their one last glance to the vampire as they walk away.


“Sorry, they can be stupid sometimes.” Seulgi spoke. “I apologized on their behalf.” She slightly bowed to show she meant it. She was about to leave before Joy stops her.


“You.” The werewolf turns around and sees Joy is looking at her curiously. “You’re with them, aren’t you? Why bother saving my- earlier?” She asked.


“I just don’t want any of us to get in trouble.” Seulgi simply replied.


“I’m a vampire. You’re a werewolf. We’re sworn enemies by nature.” Joy claimed. Seulgi nodded. It is true. By nature, they are natural-enemies. But she does not believe that being a werewolf means she needs to have hatred towards the vampires.


“I don’t care…whether that someone is…a human, a werewolf or a vampire, no one’s should be hated for being a certain kind. You’re your own person, not just a mere vampire. So, I don’t have any reasons to hate you.” Seulgi answered. When Joy remained quiet, she thought it is her cue to go now. She gives another bow before heading back to the table. Joy chuckles; amused by the werewolf’s persona.


“You’ve grown much more than I’ve expected, Kang Seulgi.” She said to herself and disappeared from sight.




Irene manages to find a spot that is quiet enough from all the noise and music. She stands near the back of the pub. Once she sees there is no one else around, she answers the call. “Hello?” She tries not to sound anxious. “Where were you? I’ve been leaving you messages all night. You didn’t reply. Are you okay?” Sunny sounded worried. Of course, she does. Irene just went through something yesterday; that has not happened for a long time. It is natural for the eldest to get concerned for her well-being. What Irene cannot tell her is that she did not notices the messages because she is currently out in town.


“Ah, sorry…I was just busy reading this new book. I didn’t look at my phone all day.” She lied.


Are you sure? It…didn’t happen again, right?” Sunny asked. Irene bites her lower lip. “Yeah, I’m fine. Nothing happened.” She nodded. But something else happened to her though. It wasn’t anything she have ever felt before. But that conversation should be spoken when Sunny returns home later.


Okay, I’m glad you’re fine. I’ll be back tomorrow. I’ve left a sleeping potion in the drawer next to my bed. Take it if you need it.” Sunny told her.


“I will. I…have to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Irene said. She wanted to quickly ends the call before she gets caught.


Alright. Stay safe.” Sunny spoke one last time and turns off the call. Irene feels relief. At least she manages to keep things a secret. Although, she does feel bad for lying to the eldest. She will make sure she would make up for it later. She is about to go back inside when her ears start ringing loudly. She shut her eyes while holding her head. It does not hurt but it was really loud. The sound seems to be telling her something.


Irene slowly turns around. For some odd reasons, she feels she needs to follow whatever is ringing inside her head. It was pulling her towards the back of the building. Unconsciously, Irene starts heading towards the sound. She walks through the dim path leading to the backdoor. There is nothing but a medium-sized neon sign lighting up the area. She keeps going until the sound finally stops. When it does, Irene sees two figures behind the darkness in front of her. She squints her eyes as she steps even closer to take a better look.


What Irene sees next is unexpected. It is the front-man of the band earlier. But he is not conscious. He was held against the wall and…a vampire is biting on his neck; feeding his blood. Irene stands there in fear. For whatever reason, she seems to be frightened by the sight of it. Her body froze when the vampire notices her presence. She pulls back with her lips smothered in blood. She drops his body after wiping his memory of the incident.


Irene could not move an inch. The vampire turns at her direction; looking straight at her with her bright blue eyes. It was the one singing on-stage. It was Wendy. They stare at each other. Wendy looks intensely at Irene. Blonde. Snow pale skin. Brown eyes. She keeps staring; as if she has seen Irene before but could not remember well when or where. Then, memories began flooding inside their own heads.


“I’m sorry.” Irene left as Wendy weakly looked at her disappearing from her sight.


The wondering looks in her eyes shifted into a rage one. “You…” Wendy finally knew. She remembered who is the blonde woman standing in front of her. “You…were the one…who killed me.” She vengefully stared at Irene whom remembered her too. All those years, Wendy was seeking the person who left her that night to die alone. She was giving up; thinking that there is no way she will ever find her since she is stuck in this town. But fate brought her back to her; Irene.


“You’re alive?” Irene whispered in both shock and fear.


To be continued.

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Chap 8 is posted!


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Chapter 9: Cant wait for the next chapter🙏🏻
Chapter 9: it's fantastic!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Thank you so much author for the updatee, I'm so excited for the next one aaaa wenrene slowburn? jkk
1703 streak #4
Chapter 9: Wow this is awesome! Guess the one who took them is demon's leader...
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 8: What???? Who took them??? Is it Gandalf??? Dumbledore??? Merlin??? Whoooo????
Chapter 8: Who took them, I want to know more. This getting more interesting
cptncat #8
Chapter 8: i can vividly imagine their fight scene oh god😳 and the cliffhanger? interesting
no_face #9
Chapter 8: The cliffhanger... waaaah im dying to know what happens next
Chapter 8: WHAT 😲 the cliffhanger though arghhh