
The DEVIL in Me.




I was 18. It was 10 P.M. I was going home after a celebration party with my friends. The bus stop was just across the road. There were no cars on the street. I went ahead. I knew I would be safe. I'll be there after a few steps. Next thing I knew, I saw a blinding flash of light.




Heart beating.


Ears ringing.


Heavy breathing.


Running footsteps.


I was on the ground. I felt nothing but pain. I could feel how my body was getting colder, as if I was freezing in the snow. I can barely see or hear anything. All I knew at the time was how I scared I am. Funny how during those first few seconds, I was only consumed by the fear of dying. How my mind was filled with so many thoughts about my family and my friends. In just a short span of time, I questioned about life itself.


Then, I heard footsteps approaching me. I can feel someone was holding me tightly. I wondered, was it the driver that hit me? I tried to look at the person holding me. Black hair. Brown eyes. A woman. She was staring at me. I can see the guilt on her face. She was trembling so badly. She kept muttering some words. I couldn't hear anything. Maybe...maybe she was sorry. She will help me. I'm sure of it.


But she never did.


She left for me to die alone.


As if she wasn't the one who caused this.


As if she had done nothing wrong.


"You don't deserve to die." Those were my sire's words to me. I was helpless. Hopeless. I was already "dead" before I die. Kim Taeyeon. She turned me. She gave her blood to me. It was excruciatingly painful. I felt like my body was on fire and it turned cold, a crazy freezing point. Then, my life changed. I became an immortal. A vampire.




A man is seen leaning on his motorbike, smoking a cigarette. It was already late at night. Everyone was at home; sleeping. He was stranded and he had no one to call. For some reason, his motorbike hit a rusted screw laying somewhere in the middle of the road and his front tire went flat. He almost swerves onto a pole because of it. "." He cursed. His phone just died. Bad luck, he thought. He has been travelling all day and he was supposed to arrive at the local inn a few hours ago. But he got caught up in that situation instead.


He wanted to knock on one of the houses but felt hesitant. Hence, he remained there for the last two, three hours, wondering how he will get help. It was a small town. He highly doubts that there would be police patrolling the area. He sighed heavily as he had no clue on what to do.




He turns his head around towards the dark woods behind him. His eyes anxiously look around to search for anything scary behind the trees. His heart quickens, thinking it could be a feral animal lurking around. A predator. But there is nothing. He slowly exhales and turns away. "OH !" He screamed in fear. He breathes heavily as he looks at the woman standing in front of him while holding his thumping chest.


"Y-you scared me." He quietly spoke. The woman smiled apologetically.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." She spoke. "What are you doing here?"


He straightens his back and fixed his crumpled leather jacket. "I, umm, I'm a rider. I just arrived here. I was on my way to an inn when...well, until this happened." He showed his flat tire. The woman looks at it and nods. He continues to talk. "My phone died and... I don't know the ways on this town. I... couldn't ask, the locals here for help since it's already late." He stated.


"I see." The woman pressed her lips into a thin line. "Well, I was actually going home from work. I noticed you from the...other side of the road and thought you might be in trouble."


"A-ah, well, I just need to change my flat tire. That's all."



The woman smiles as she nods. "Lucky for you, my dad is a mechanic. He has a shop not far from here. I think he could help you out."


The man sighs in relief. Finally, someone is helping him. "Great, great, if it's not any trouble..."


"Oh no, no, don't worry. My dad loves helping people, especially travellers." She reassured him. "My house is just over there. You should bring your bag."


"Yes, yes, of course." He hurriedly took his belongings and the woman leads him towards her home. They silently walk next to each other down the road until the woman decides to talk. "So, why did you decide to travel here?" She asked. "I mean, this town isn't exactly a... holiday paradise." She added.


He lightly chuckles. "Oh, um...I heard this town has a history." He spoke. His words sparked curiosity on the woman. He explains more. "I saw on how this town used to be the home of...some mythical creatures."




"Yeah, it's kinda dumb. But it was really interesting. I'm a big fan of those things. Um, vampires, werewolves, warlocks." He laughed. "I thought it would be fun, you know? To see this place."


The woman chuckles. "Well, our town is infamous for those things. But... it's just a myth. A story old folks used to tell their kids so they won't be outside during the night." She explained.


He nodded. "But still, it would be cool to see an actual vampire. That's my favorite." By the time their conversation ends, they already arrived at a secluded, small cabin after walking on a dirt path towards the woods. The lights on the porch were on so he didn't feel any suspicion. She goes to the door to unlock it and steps inside.


"Come in. It's cold outside. I'll wake up my dad." She spoke. He gladly receives the invitation without a doubt. As the door closes behind them, he was welcomed by the sight of the dim living room. The woman puts away her keys on the wooden table. She stands there silently. The man looks at her as he puts his bag down onto the floor. When she didn't say or move for a minute, he felt weird.


"Umm, is it...a bad time right now? I thought you're gonna wake up your dad." He faked a chuckled to calm himself.


"You told me vampires...are your favorite." She finally spoke. He remains quiet as he stares at her back figure. He didn't know why she was suddenly asking him that. "You see, vampires are nothing but a myth. It's fictional. But what if I say, it's real."


He nervously gulps. "Um, I don't think…vampires exist in real life." He awkwardly laughed.


"You were right." The woman turns around to face him. "The town has a history. A myth. But, that's the problem for people like you. Why? Because that myth is standing right here." She smirks as her eye colors turn from brown to blue. The man is incredibly terrified and his instinct quickly tells him to run towards the door. But before his legs can even move, the woman grabs him by the shoulder and throws him to the other side with great strength. He flies across the room; landing on his back hard on the floor. He groans in pain. He looks at the woman as she slowly approaches him with a devilish smile.


He scrambles to stand back up but his knees feel weak. He pathetically pushes himself backwards in fear. But he was way too slow. The woman grabs his right leg and pulls him with ease. She pins him down on the floor with only one hand. "No-no! Please! I don't wanna die! Please!" He begged as he cried. But that fear he shows only triggers the happiness in her.


"I love when a big, strong man like you beg for mercy." She chuckles evilly. "I love how... enthusiastic you were about vampires earlier. I would love to hear more about that interest of yours. Too bad. I'm thirsty." She pulls his jacket's collar and sinks her fangs into his neck.


He screams in pain. But no one heard him. No one will.


His body lays weakly on the floor. The bite mark on his neck disappears slowly. The woman stands up on her feet, the remaining blood on her lips. Her bright blue eyes turn brown again. She fixes her hair and looks at the man she just fed on. She turns away without a single guilt. She goes to the door but halts to look back at him.


"Oh, apologies. I never got to introduce myself. The name's Wendy." She walks out with the leather jacket owned by her victim and disappears into the night.




"Hey." A brunette greeted the person standing behind the receptionist desk. "Did the guy arrived yet? The one who booked a room this morning?" She asked. The blonde receptionist shook her head. "He was supposed to check in a few hours ago. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail." She replied.


"Hmm, I wondered if he changed his mind. Well, if he doesn't come until tomorrow, just refund his money, okay?" The owner said in which the receptionist simply responded with a nod. "It's late. You should sleep. I'll take over." The blonde smiles. She closes the check-in book and set it aside before heading towards her bedroom nearby.


"Goodnight, Sunny."


"Goodnight, Irene."


Irene smiles and closes the door once she got inside her room. As she lays down on her single bed, she wonders what happen to the man who was supposed to come and check in tonight.


To be continued.



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Chap 8 is posted!


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Chapter 9: Cant wait for the next chapter🙏🏻
Chapter 9: it's fantastic!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Thank you so much author for the updatee, I'm so excited for the next one aaaa wenrene slowburn? jkk
1703 streak #4
Chapter 9: Wow this is awesome! Guess the one who took them is demon's leader...
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 8: What???? Who took them??? Is it Gandalf??? Dumbledore??? Merlin??? Whoooo????
Chapter 8: Who took them, I want to know more. This getting more interesting
cptncat #8
Chapter 8: i can vividly imagine their fight scene oh god😳 and the cliffhanger? interesting
no_face #9
Chapter 8: The cliffhanger... waaaah im dying to know what happens next
Chapter 8: WHAT 😲 the cliffhanger though arghhh