The Girlfriend

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“Ah.” The calm that overtakes you as you lay back on the blanket separating you from the powdery sand is welcomed after the morning you’ve had. Just as you predicted, the sun is helping your hangover just as much as the food digesting in your belly.

It would’ve tasted a lot better without the bitter knowledge of Chanyeol’s apology, but the heat kissing your skin is enough of a distraction from that fact. “This is the life.”

“If I could, I would live a life strictly on the shore,” Seulgi agrees. She already sounds drowsy as she sprawls out like a starfish beside you.

Yerim is somewhere splashing along in the water, finally enjoying the crisp waves instead of taking pictures for her Instagram. Poor Seulgi spent the first ten minutes out as her photographer and is now finally having time for herself.

You aren’t sure how much time passes when Yerim joins you both. Cold drops of sea water drip onto your stomach alluding to her presence. You wince, eyes springing open to give the young girl a glare.

“Oops.” She shrugs innocently, her smile dazzling. You huff before rolling onto your stomach, evening out your tan. Yerim checks her phone and her teeth, tossing it angrily aside before plopping onto her stomach across from you, so that your heads now huddle together.

“Still no word from Loey?” Seulgi asks. Her eyes are still closed, and she hasn’t moved an inch. Honestly, you thought she had fallen asleep.

You hate how your ears perk at the mention of your ex.

Yerim’s mouth tightens. “Nothing. We were supposed to get breakfast this morning. He had promised me that while kicking me out, to try to make up for what he was doing. But he hasn’t replied to any of my texts or calls!”

Her words trigger something in the back of your mind. Little fragments from the night before come to you in flashes, images of a pissed Yerim in front of your hotel room.

“He kicked you out?” You ask.

The sisters share a look before turning their attention back to you.

“What?” You snap. “I told you I out.”

Yerim sighs dramatically and falls onto her back, blocking the sun with an arm draped over her eyes. “Yes, well, he did. Suddenly sharing a bed made him uncomfortable.”

“You two haven’t… you haven’t had yet?” You push out, swallowing the bile the question has rising up your throat.

She pauses and then bursts into laughter, saying your name conspiringly. “I had no idea you would be interested in my life.”

Oh, it isn’t hers you’re curious about.

You shrug non-committedly, glancing away.

“No, we haven’t,” she reveals. “This trip was the first time we’ve hung out outside my job, actually. Our first date. It was kind of funny. We both thought of coming here together at the same time. It sounded like the perfect idea then. Now? I’m starting to see how much it wasn’t.” 

Relief floods you, relaxing your tense muscles. You wonder briefly how you would have reacted if they had slept together. Most likely seen red.

You halt those thoughts instantly. This is not your place anymore, not your right. You have zero claim on Chanyeol and whatever you are feeling right now is unwarranted.

Pushing away all that, you focus back on the conversation. “Because he kicked you out?”

She hums as she ponders your question. “That. And he’s in the wedding. He’s a groomsman, and that’s his main focus on the trip, not necessarily me. But also….”

She sighs and shifts around, getting comfortable. “He warned me, but I didn’t think he was being serious. At least, I didn’t think it was actually going to matter.”

“What did he warn you about?” Seulgi asks, voice quiet.

Yerim is silent for a breath before huffing, laughing mirthlessly. “He was engaged once.”

Your heart drops.

“He told me that he was engaged a few years ago, and that he was a bit worried that being in a wedding might… hurt.”

Just like you.

You honestly didn’t know what to think of Chanyeol going through the same thing as you, although this new perspective made your conversation from this morning make a bit more sense, made you understand his actions and words. 

He was putting up a front, just like you. 

“I told him to not worry about it too much,” Yerim continues, unaware of the epiphany you’re having. “Because I am here now. I’ll stay by his side. I’m not going anywhere. He laughed when I said that, and said he thought it was cute. To me, that sounded like that was enough for him. But, something changed after dinner yesterday. He was different, and well, I guess he was right about being worried after all.”

“Engaged, huh?” Is all you can say.

Yerim pouts. “It’s not like he was married and got a divorce. It’s only an engagement. Like…get over it?”

Her words sting. It feels like she’s speaking to you directly.

“Yerim….” Seulgi chastises gently, probably aware of how her statement might affect you. You can’t bring yourself to feel hurt, she’s right afterall. Plus, you can hear the hurt in her voice, the disappointment.

Reaching out, you touch her hand reassuringly. “Would you like me to beat him up for you?”

That brings out a bright laugh and you grin at the sound. “Apparently, you gave him a piece of your mind last night.”

You blink. “I did?”

“You weren’t very happy with him once you found out what he did to me, so you went to his room and confronted him.”

Chanyeol’s words from earlier echo in your brain. ‘We already had this conversation last night’.

“How did that go?” You question, hoping they can’t hear the rising panic in your voice.

‘Because you missed me’.

“Not sure,” she answers.

“We heard you banging on his door for a minute,” Seulgi informs.

'You came knocking on my door like the police’.

You gulp.

“It got really quiet afterwards for like ten minutes or so. Then you started banging on our door because, of course, you didn’t have the key. You were pretty incoherent, mumbling something about him being an , I think. Then you stumbled right to bed. Out like a light.”

You take in this newfound information warily. “So, you aren’t sure if I actually talked to him or not?”

“No. It could’ve been Sehun’s door. Hell, it could’ve been a damn wall you were hitting, you were that ed up,” Seulgi says, chuckling at the memory.

So, there is still a chance Chanyeol was lying. Your certainty crumbles even further when a fresh memory from last night unlocks. It isn’t an image, but a feeling. Hands–fingers–ghosting up your stomach, your cheek.

You blink. Will you remember this? A whisper.

“Either way I appreciate it.” Yerim leans her head back to smile at you upside down, pulling you out of your reverie. “I love you, Sis.”

You smile in return, hoping it reaches your eyes as you pat her round cheek. She giggles, the sound should ease your heart. Instead, it brings another wave of guilt over you, making you shiver despite the heat of the sun overhead.

She readjusts, no longer staring up at you, and starts going on about something else, missing the way Seulgi and you lock eyes, worry and apprehension shared between you both.

Oh, how the knot tangles.


You spend a few more hours at the beach. Play in the water, take a nice afternoon nap, and just lounge around until you get a text from Sehun letting you know that the rehearsal is almost over and that they will all be eating lunch in his suite.

With that, you head back to your own room to get ready.

While in the elevator, Yerim’s phone pings. She checks the text and immediately lights up and starts squealing in excitement.

“What is it?” Seulgi asks, reveling in her sister’s delight.

“Loey just texted me!”

“What did he say?” You ask, playing as nonchalant as possible.

“He said that he’s sorry for not getting back to me this morning and missing breakfast. He said he overslept and woke up right before he had to go to rehearsal. He was wondering if he could make it up to me with lunch!”

“That’s… cute.” Seulgi’s smile becomes forced, and she turns to you with widening eyes that say, ‘what the hell’. You purse your lips as an unwelcoming bout of jealousy makes you consider telling the sisters that Chanyeol was indeed awake early enough to get breakfast this morning.

Not your place.

“I’m going to invite him to Sehun’s…. If that’s okay?” Yerim checks for confirmation. You both agree reluctantly.

She bounces on the balls of her feet excitedly as she types away. The doors open and you leap out, feeling trapped in the confines of the small metal box.

“Aw man. He wants it to be just us two. I hope you don’t mind me skipping out on lunch with everyone.”

“It’s no problem,” you reassure her, meaning it completely.

“Yeah, I’m sure you both have a lot to catch up on,” Seulgi adds.

That is that. You all take turns showering and start getting ready for lunch. You’re rushing a bit, wanting to see your friends and ask about the rehearsal, plus you’re starving. Chanyeol hadn’t given you much in his apology plate.

And, you hate to admit it, but you need a break from Yerim.

When Yerim is in the shower, Seulgi enters your room, sits on the corner of the bed, and watches you put your makeup on.

When your name finally leaves , you know you’re in trouble. It holds an authority you rarely hear her use. Slowly, you put down your mascara and turn in your chair, giving her your undivided attention.

“I love you,” she starts, voice deceivingly calm. “But Yerim is my sister. I can’t keep protecting you and Chanyeol. It’s not fair to her.”

“I know,” you say.

“We have to tell her,” she proceeds.

“I agree.”

Seulgi inhales deeply. “She’s going to be furious, but she has a right to know about you two. Especially since it seems you’re the reason why he kicked her out of their room.”

Her statement shocks you. “What?”

She throws you an incredulous look. “Are you telling me you didn’t see the way he was watching you throughout dinner? Not to mention how he would, like, study you whenever he touched Yerim? Like he was trying to get a reaction? Trying to make you jealous? I don’t know. Neither one of you have ever really told anyone why you broke up. It’s been a mystery for all of us, you know. We’ve been trying to solve it for years. I was hoping that seeing you both together would solve everything. But, to be honest, it’s only making things more confusing because….”

Her hands rub together, as though she’s putting on lotion. Her eyebrows furrow and her eyes are far away as she thinks about what she has seen. When she refocuses on you, you gulp, hating the distrust in her gaze. “I think Chanyeol is still in love with you.”

“Seulgi.” You don’t–no, can’t hear this right now, not when everything has become so much more complicated.

Her eyes pool with sorrow, for who you weren’t sure. “If Yerim is going to get her heart broken during this trip, I would rather it be from Yeol alone. I don’t want to hurt her, and I know you don’t want to either.”

You didn’t. Yerim is like a little sister to you. Damn Chanyeol for putting you in such a predicament.

“So, when do we tell her?” You ask, filled with a new resolve. You wanted to be done with all this unnecessary drama. “Right now? After lunch? Tomorrow before the wedding? When is the right time?”

“I think now is better than later. I can’t keep lying to her face.”

“I don’t want to lie anymore either. This is Chanyeol’s mess. Let’s tell her, and have him deal with explaining everything while they’re out.”

A couple knocks at your door cuts your conversation short. You both share a glance, not expecting guests.

“Maybe it’s Sehun?” You guess before getting to your feet to answer. “Lord knows he’s always so damn impatient.”

You trudge over and tear the door open.

“Dude, I swear we’re on our way….”

The height is expected. Chanyeol’s face? Not so much.

Speak of the devil….

He is wearing a cocky grin on his face, that swiftly falls the moment you grace his presence. 

“Oh,” slips out of your mouth, expressing all the disappointment you feel at seeing him instead of your best friend. Although your heart begins racing, you find it a bit easier to be confronted with him this time around. Actually, the conversation you just had comes back to you, and you realize that you’re annoyed with him. “What are you doing here?” 

He jerks back from your tone, probably shocked by how bored you sound. “I was just, um, I’m here to, uh, pick up–”

“Yerim,” You finish for him, nodding in confirmation. Right. Of course. His girlfriend.

With her name hovering between you, the atmosphere thickens awkwardly. Y

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Chapter 9: I feel like... I want to cry?
I understand that they both need some times to heal, but why it feels too painful now..
It seems like Mel’s still confused with her own feelings but it is somehow understandable.

Anyway, thank youuuuu so much for updating!
41 streak #2
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Wow... things are getting more crazy, interestingly intense and chaotic.. felt bad for chanyeol... it seemed like they were trying to solve the problem but it was jeopardizing their relationship even more.. he genuinely still love and care for her... why's she afraid of confessing her true feelings, emotions and thoughts.... chanyeol's explanation really made me emotional... oc is still maybe confused about her own feelings... she should have given him at least one chance.. one chance to forget and forgive each other and the past..and start a new fresh relationship... they definitely still love each other but something is stopping them to break the wall...but the ending of the chapter really made me emotional..TT TT ... that ring matter shocked's like they're repeating the same mistakes again and again... it'll only hurt them more... I really hoped while reading this chapter that they'd be back together by solving the past mistakes and making new confession... heartbreaking chapter indeed.. thank you authornim for excited for upcoming chapter...
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Woah.. tbh everything is so overwhelming right now. So many emotions all at once, and I'm only a reader. LOL. I can't imagine how mel's feelings would be like.
So there's that one time Chanyeol left and took the ring.. hmm that definitely hurts.. all this time i thought Mel is the one who hurts chanyeol.. i thought chanyeol deserved better, but yeah they both hurt each other deeply.
I'm not sure i want them to be together now, honestly.. but i don't want them end up with other people also.. LOL.. I'm just going to trust you, dear author.. hehehe
Thanks for the update!! And congrats on your appearance in Beyonce 's movie.. so cool!!
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 9: They both definitely need time to heal. And wow. Chanyeol here has quite a temper. I think it bothered him that Mel was quite close to other guys and not him. With his sudden flare of temper to Sehun and Jongin, plus, he was anxious with Mel’s avoidance of him.
So that was all that was about. I’m glad that Mel had finally come to her senses to actually talk to Chanyeol. Regarding what happened in the past too. She’s right that she can’t get back together with Chanyeol if she still can’t forgive him for what he did last time. Although she might lose Chanyeol for real this time, but, she can’t go back to him with that mindset. If their fate brought them back together again later, I hope they’ll have that with peaceful minds towards each other. But they both really need to work out on their communication. They at it.
Thank you for this update..! And congratulations for making it in Beyonce’s movies. I’m sure that’ll be a memorable experience for you.
Chapter 9: I still don't understand what was the reason for her to breakup with him. Even now I don't get what she wants.
Chapter 8: Omg this chapter is sooo soooo good!!! Thanks so much for updating..
Also happy belated bday for u dear ;)
Chapter 8: I need to remind my self that all of this happened in a span of few days. It must have been so overwhelming for her. Still, i don't think running away from chanyeol, after they had , is a wise nor a nice thing to do. At least she could told chanyeol that she needs time to sort everything out and ask him kindly to wait.
I'm curious why she said that she hated him, though..
Thank you for the update dear!! And congrats on your new job <333
AiiSoo #8
Chapter 8: When are they going to stop being confused. One time, they were sure, next, not so anymore. But I guess I kinda forgot that this happened in a span of a few days. With their feelings keep on going back and forth like this, reading it feels like it happened for at least a few weeks or month. I’m no relationship expert so I don’t know what they should do, but they can’t keep running away every time it becomes confusing.
Thank you for this update..! Chanyeol clearly was still desperate for her. But I’m curious about the reason Mel said she hated Chanyeol.
41 streak #9
Chapter 8: Aww... she's a little bit hesitant and confused after that night and specially after the confession... she just left like that... why she always leaves like these though.. I'm curious why didn't he say it back to her though... when he definitely and indeed in love with her... woah.. glad that she got matured and understanding friends like baekhyun and seulgi who gave her advices without judging... both baekhyun and seulgi were right though... chanyeol and mel still love each other but they need some space now and later need to talk calmly about the situation and the unsolved things in their relationship... there's still mutual feelings and emotions involved for each other... it's just not the left over tension... felt so bad for chanyeollie though.... avoiding the fact isn't the solution for the couple..hope they get to confess their true feelings and love before it's too late again.... thank you authornim for finally updating...congrats on your new job and wish a happy life on your belated birthday... authornim fighting and take care of yourself...have a wonderful day or night... so excited to read next chapter..🫶🥺🤗🙆‍♀️❤️🍒😍
Chapter 8: Woah It's been a while. Glad you updated wohoo. Seulgi is kinda right tho. They need space. Well Mel is confused so needs time to think but poor Chanyeol! Poor guy couldn’t move on an inch from her :((