The Ex

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It appears Chanyeol is in a predicament.

Yerim doesn’t seem to register the rising tension trapping the table as she proceeds to introduce him to everyone, oblivious to the fact there is no need for introductions. He merely sits, visibly uncomfortable, politely nodding. His lips roll onto each other, stretching into a thin line, until you cannot see the pink flesh. His left hand goes up to his earlobe, pulling on it gently. All nervous ticks you remember all too well. Actually, the last time you saw him doing those things was….

No. Now is definitely not the time to be walking down that particular lane of memory. 

Instead, you absorb the present, taking a sick joy in how uncomfortable the six-foot giant is now that he’s weighing his options on how to approach the new situation he finds himself in. He can, one, pretend he has no recollection of the people he spent the most time in college with. Or, two, confess that he is already quite familiar with all of you. Some--yourself--a lot more than others. You have a sinking suspicion he might not want to disclose that particular tidbit of information to his current girlfriend, who just so happens to be his ex fiance's best friend’s little sister. You have to digress there, for he isn’t privy to that information just yet.

“It’s nice to meet you,” he finally lets out in a mumble, avoiding any kind of eye contact.

Sehun barks a dry laugh and you pick up the untouched bottle of wine in front of you, chugging the thing damn near empty. When you put the bottle down, Chanyeol’s watching you with concern coating his face, but averts his gaze the moment your eyes lock.

“So, uh.” Seulgi scrambles to change the atmosphere. “How did you meet?”

“Oh! It was straight from a K-drama!” Yerim gushes. You smile, well, you think you’re smiling, but it may be more of a grimace. You turn to your right to share a Look™ with Sehun, but he’s too preoccupied giving Chanyeol a heavy judging glare to take part. “You know how I work at the cafe? Well, it turns out it’s right next to Loey’s studio! He’d always come in and order an Americano. After some time, we started talking and sparks flew! The wedding got brought up, and we realized we were both going, so we decided to come here together.” She turns her head to give her attention to Chanyeol, who has an arm thrown lazily over the back of her chair. His body is facing her, so he catches the movement, raising his eyebrows attentively. The action nearly makes you chuckle, knowing it means he hasn’t heard a thing she just said. He smiles back at her though, albeit confused. “It was perfect.”

“Too perfect,” you slip. Chanyeol looks at you again, and god damn, it’s like gravity the way his attention calls for yours. There’s a question swimming in his eyes, tilting his head slightly and what does he want? An explanation? Well, he can stay curious. Furthermore its hard to focus on anything when it takes all your focus to stop your brain from bringing up how ing handsome he still is.

Didn’t Seulgi say he got fat?

Well, there isn’t an ounce of it from what you can see through his form-fitting--possibly, most likely tailor-made--navy blue button down that molds deliciously over his firm arms and chest. It takes everything within you not to reach over the table and cop a feel, see if his skin is as smooth as it was years ago.

Yeah, maybe a bit too much wine?

“I told you, it’s like a K-drama!” Yerim continues, not catching your sarcasm in the slightest. She rambles on about the two of them, but you can’t register a word. You’re too busy studying your ex, ignoring all the red alerts your mind has going off in an attempt to get you to stop, adamant on how bad an idea it is.

His hair is a light brown, lighter than it was the last time you saw him, and is falling over his forehead, shiny and fluffy and soft. His face is sharper than you recall, skinnier in a way that leaves you worried, wondering briefly if he has been eating well. You shake the emotion off quickly, not wanting to retreat to old habits, not yet. His skin glows under the golden yellow lights above as he laughs heartily at something Yerim says. You nearly moan when he throws his head back, exposing his thick strong neck to you. God, you love his neck. He replies to her remark, but you’re so lost in the vision of him you can’t hear it, only feel the deep bass of his voice. It’s enough to make you grow misty eyed as nostalgia weighs heavy on your heart.

He is exactly the same, yet utterly different.

You hate it.

“So, Loey,” Baekhyun starts. Yes, Baekhyun, the man sitting at Chanyeol’s other side who just so happens to be his best friend. He puts stress on the name in a mocking manner. Loey is Chanyeol’s producer alias. It is also the name he gives to those who aren’t very close to him. You shake off the past and ground yourself in the unfolding present, taking in the threatening curve lifting Baekhyun’s mouth and have to fight a matching one yourself. Your friends are going to give this man hell, and you are completely here for it.

It’s what he deserves.

“What is it you do for a living?”

Chanyeol slowly pulls away from Yerim, shifting so that he is sitting straight in his chair, able to meet everyone’s gaze. He’s stalling, you’re sure, but is also struggling to not roll his eyes. He knows you all well enough to know damn well what game you are all playing at. “I’m a music producer.”

The whole table ‘ohs’ dramatically. Jongin even throws in a ‘that name sounds familiar, I wonder if I’ve heard any of your stuff’ for good measure and you nearly break. The table’s response actually does draw an eye roll from him.

“You guys haven’t cha--” He chokes on his words and Yerim doesn’t hesitate to give him a cup of water randomly at the table. 

“Haven’t what?” Jongdae asks with an eyebrow raised challengingly.

Chanyeol’s gaze is steady as he comes up with a quick cover. “You haven’t told me how you all know Junmyeon.”

Clever man.

“We all went to college together,” Sehun answers easily. “Isn’t that how you know him? Loey?”

Chanyeol’s jaw ticks, and you watch, completely entranced by the show.

“Indeed,” he reveals through gritted teeth.

Yerim gasps. “You went to the same college as my sister?”

“Your sister?” Chanyeol asks. His eyes wander from Yerim to the similar featured girl beside her. “Seulgi…?”

“Surprise,” she mouths with a wink and pleased grin. Yerim is facing away from her, so she misses the action, but Chanyeol’s eyes widen with realization and you all can’t hold it in any longer. 

Laughter drowns the fancy orchestra. You find yourself once again clutching your tightening stomach, resting your head on Seulgi’s shoulder as tears pour down your face.

Yerim watches, frightened and confused. She frantically takes in everyone, probably wondering the state of your sanity. All the while Chanyeol sits there, arms crossed, looking outright pissed.

Yerim starts to finally piece enough together to gather you are all laughing at her date. She rubs his back reassuringly before glaring. “You all stop giving him a hard time.”

This only leads to the tables’ chortles doubling, but the laughter leaves your system as soon as you zero in on their shared contact.

“No, no. She’s right, guys,” you say, influence strong enough in the group to get them to settle down. “We mustn’t be rude to her guest.”

Your chest is heaving for some reason, and you genuinely feel like you’re going to be sick. There’s a pressure on your leg and you check to see Seulgi’s hand gripping your calf reassuringly, and then Sehun’s hand comes up to pat your shoulder. They know. It steadies you, grounds you knowing you are surrounded by those who know you best, especially during something as rough as this.

Yerim mouths you a ‘thank you’ and it annoys you. You didn’t do it for her. But did that mean you did it for him? That thought makes you even more upset.

Now calm, you all go back to eating, quietly talking to one another, and ignoring the new couple as you all catch up on what you’ve all missed in your lives as of late.

Jongdae got a promotion at the hospital he works at and is now one of the main child delivery doctors. Baekhyun’s third children’s book is in production and is due to come out by the end of the month, he promises to sign any copy you all buy. Jongin is going to be heading to America right after Jeju for New York Fashion Week to walk for Gucci. Sehun updates you on how his restaurant, The Eries, is going. He owns it with another friend of his, Do Kyungsoo, and it’s getting rave reviews, being mentioned in multiple articles. Seulgi tells you all about her current art exhibit and complains how no one other than you, Yerim, and Junmyeon, have visited it. Lastly, you let everyone know how your interior designing company has been thriving.

It gets quiet when the couple are the only ones not sharing their lives. Yerim scratches her head nervously, she isn’t as successful as you all--hell, she’s still a struggling college student working part time at a cafe. What she fails to realize is that the pressure isn’t on her, but in fact, on the man sitting beside her. You all want to hear what he’s been up to. He’s a close friend after all, but now that there have been boundaries set, it feels awkward.

“Chanyeol?” FInally, Baekhyun urges, letting him know that it is okay for him to share.

He lets out a breath of relief, glad none of you are angry with him and begins informing you all on how his beats have been selling well, and how he’s been working closely with a giant kpop entertainment company. You all congratulate him, and you can’t help but be both proud and devastated. That has been a huge dream of his--to share his music--and seeing that, not only is he sharing, but also getting the exposure he always wanted, well, you really couldn’t be happier for him.

You open your mouth to genuinely congratulate him, but as soon as you do, the feedback of a microphone interrupts, gaining everyone’s attention.

Junmyeon stands in front of everyone now behind the table. Nayeon sits beside her fiance, watching him dotingly.

“Hello, everyone,” he begins politely, like the CEO son he is. “I just want to begin by thanking you all once again for joining me and my future wife for our big day.”

Everyone cheers loudly for a moment.

“We are so excited to officiate our love and are even more grateful to have all of our closest friends and family share this milestone in our lives. We hope that you enjoy your stay here at the hotel, and open yourself up even more to love. Thank you all and can’t wait to see you soon!”

You all cheer again, and that seems to be the end of it.

“So….” Jongin drawls, taking in all the attendees leaving the lavish room.

At the same time, Jongin, Baekhyun, Seulgi, Jongdae, and yourself say, “bar?”



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Chapter 9: I feel like... I want to cry?
I understand that they both need some times to heal, but why it feels too painful now..
It seems like Mel’s still confused with her own feelings but it is somehow understandable.

Anyway, thank youuuuu so much for updating!
41 streak #2
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Wow... things are getting more crazy, interestingly intense and chaotic.. felt bad for chanyeol... it seemed like they were trying to solve the problem but it was jeopardizing their relationship even more.. he genuinely still love and care for her... why's she afraid of confessing her true feelings, emotions and thoughts.... chanyeol's explanation really made me emotional... oc is still maybe confused about her own feelings... she should have given him at least one chance.. one chance to forget and forgive each other and the past..and start a new fresh relationship... they definitely still love each other but something is stopping them to break the wall...but the ending of the chapter really made me emotional..TT TT ... that ring matter shocked's like they're repeating the same mistakes again and again... it'll only hurt them more... I really hoped while reading this chapter that they'd be back together by solving the past mistakes and making new confession... heartbreaking chapter indeed.. thank you authornim for excited for upcoming chapter...
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Woah.. tbh everything is so overwhelming right now. So many emotions all at once, and I'm only a reader. LOL. I can't imagine how mel's feelings would be like.
So there's that one time Chanyeol left and took the ring.. hmm that definitely hurts.. all this time i thought Mel is the one who hurts chanyeol.. i thought chanyeol deserved better, but yeah they both hurt each other deeply.
I'm not sure i want them to be together now, honestly.. but i don't want them end up with other people also.. LOL.. I'm just going to trust you, dear author.. hehehe
Thanks for the update!! And congrats on your appearance in Beyonce 's movie.. so cool!!
AiiSoo #4
Chapter 9: They both definitely need time to heal. And wow. Chanyeol here has quite a temper. I think it bothered him that Mel was quite close to other guys and not him. With his sudden flare of temper to Sehun and Jongin, plus, he was anxious with Mel’s avoidance of him.
So that was all that was about. I’m glad that Mel had finally come to her senses to actually talk to Chanyeol. Regarding what happened in the past too. She’s right that she can’t get back together with Chanyeol if she still can’t forgive him for what he did last time. Although she might lose Chanyeol for real this time, but, she can’t go back to him with that mindset. If their fate brought them back together again later, I hope they’ll have that with peaceful minds towards each other. But they both really need to work out on their communication. They at it.
Thank you for this update..! And congratulations for making it in Beyonce’s movies. I’m sure that’ll be a memorable experience for you.
Chapter 9: I still don't understand what was the reason for her to breakup with him. Even now I don't get what she wants.
Chapter 8: Omg this chapter is sooo soooo good!!! Thanks so much for updating..
Also happy belated bday for u dear ;)
Chapter 8: I need to remind my self that all of this happened in a span of few days. It must have been so overwhelming for her. Still, i don't think running away from chanyeol, after they had , is a wise nor a nice thing to do. At least she could told chanyeol that she needs time to sort everything out and ask him kindly to wait.
I'm curious why she said that she hated him, though..
Thank you for the update dear!! And congrats on your new job <333
AiiSoo #8
Chapter 8: When are they going to stop being confused. One time, they were sure, next, not so anymore. But I guess I kinda forgot that this happened in a span of a few days. With their feelings keep on going back and forth like this, reading it feels like it happened for at least a few weeks or month. I’m no relationship expert so I don’t know what they should do, but they can’t keep running away every time it becomes confusing.
Thank you for this update..! Chanyeol clearly was still desperate for her. But I’m curious about the reason Mel said she hated Chanyeol.
41 streak #9
Chapter 8: Aww... she's a little bit hesitant and confused after that night and specially after the confession... she just left like that... why she always leaves like these though.. I'm curious why didn't he say it back to her though... when he definitely and indeed in love with her... woah.. glad that she got matured and understanding friends like baekhyun and seulgi who gave her advices without judging... both baekhyun and seulgi were right though... chanyeol and mel still love each other but they need some space now and later need to talk calmly about the situation and the unsolved things in their relationship... there's still mutual feelings and emotions involved for each other... it's just not the left over tension... felt so bad for chanyeollie though.... avoiding the fact isn't the solution for the couple..hope they get to confess their true feelings and love before it's too late again.... thank you authornim for finally updating...congrats on your new job and wish a happy life on your belated birthday... authornim fighting and take care of yourself...have a wonderful day or night... so excited to read next chapter..🫶🥺🤗🙆‍♀️❤️🍒😍
Chapter 8: Woah It's been a while. Glad you updated wohoo. Seulgi is kinda right tho. They need space. Well Mel is confused so needs time to think but poor Chanyeol! Poor guy couldn’t move on an inch from her :((